Dr. Michael Kielb and collaborators conducted repeated surveys in June and July of 1997, 1998, and 1999, of breeding-bird communities along seven permanent transects in diverse habitats (old-growth forests, secondary forests, wetlands, riverine systems, etc.) within the boundaries of the Huron Mt. Club. Permanent 'listening-points' were established along each transect at intervals of ca. 200 m (7-20 points per transect), and numbers of singing birds tallied at each point. Data reported here are totals, by species, per transect. Detailed information on transect and point locations may be found in attached documents (reports to the Huron Mountain Wildlife Foundation) in .pdf format. Documents also include additional ad hoc observations. This study was repeated in 2020-2021, using the same transects and sampling points, by Ryan Buron and Harrison Jones, then graduate students at University of Florida; data from this follow-up study will be archived at EDI as a separate data-package.