Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | WinterGrab_alkalinity.csv | Size: | 11313 byte | Authentication: | 0f8e96f40ef39cd1e7a0fbaed892e295
Calculated By MD5 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: |
Field Delimiter: | , |
Quote Character: | " |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | PI_name | Station | Depth_m | Analysis | Rep | Sample_name | Value | Unit | Notes |
Column Name: | pi_name
| station
| depth_m
| analysis
| rep
| sample_name
| value
| unit
| notes
| Definition: | Last name(s) of lead investigators | Unique alphanumeric identifier for a sampling location | Depth where sample was taken in meters | Type of analysis performed on the sample | Replicate number | Unique identifier for each data record with a combination of PI_name, Station, Depth_m, Analysis, and Rep columns | Alkalinity concentration in micromole per kilogram. ‘NA’s denote missing data. | Unit of Alkalinity concentration | Any notes related to the analysis of each sample or the results | Storage Type: | string
| string
| float
| string
| string
| string
| float
| string
| string
| Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | nominal | nominal | Measurement Values Domain: | | | | | | | Unit | micromole per kilogram | Type | real |
| | | Missing Value Code: | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Data: | | Name: | WinterGrab_bacterialproduction_rate | Description: | This file contains bacterial production rate data for water surface samples at 20 of our 49 sites. Bacterial production was determined using tritium-labeled methyl-thymidine and leucine incorporation and results are given for both, as either nmol thymidine (or leucine)/L/day or in units of ng Carbon/L/d. | Number of Records: | 80 | Number of Columns: | 9 |
| Table Structure |
Object Name: | WinterGrab_bacterialproduction_rate.csv | Size: | 10225 byte | Authentication: | 6b8908c8bdd52523904fbe9a7fef4000
Calculated By MD5 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: |
Field Delimiter: | , |
Quote Character: | " |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | PI_name | Station | Depth_m | Analysis | Rep | Sample_Name | Value | Unit | Notes |
Column Name: | pi_name
| station
| depth_m
| analysis
| rep
| sample_name
| value
| unit
| notes
| Definition: | Last name(s) of lead investigators | Unique alphanumeric identifier for a sampling location | Depth where sample was taken in meters | Type of analysis performed on the sample: either bacterial production via leucine incorporation, expressed as either leucine incorporation rate (BP_Leucine_Incorporation) or as carbon production equivalents (BP_C_production_Leucine) or bacterial production via thymidine incorporation, expressed as either thymidine incorporation rate (BP_Thymidine_Incorporation) or as carbon production equivalents (BP_C_production_Thymidine). | Replicate number | Unique identifier for each data record with a combination of PI_name, Station, Depth_m, Analysis, and Rep above | Bacterial production rate expressed as nmol of thymidine or leucine incorporated per liter per day or as ng bacterial carbon produced per liter per day | Unit of bacterial production rate in nmol of thymidine or leucine incorporated per liter per day or as ng bacterial carbon produced per liter per day | Any notes related to the analysis of each sample or the results | Storage Type: | string
| string
| float
| string
| string
| string
| float
| string
| string
| Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | nominal | nominal | Measurement Values Domain: | | | | | | | Unit | nmol of thymidine or leucine incorporated per liter per day or as ng bacterial carbon produced per liter per day | Type | real |
| | | Missing Value Code: | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | WinterGrab_chlA_concentration.csv | Size: | 11700 byte | Authentication: | 4100cc2f9b0d89a8ed7a774d68d5d766
Calculated By MD5 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: |
Field Delimiter: | , |
Quote Character: | " |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | PI_name | Station | Depth_m | Analysis | Rep | Sample_name | Value | Unit | MDL_ug.L | Notes |
Column Name: | pi_name
| station
| depth_m
| analysis
| rep
| sample_name
| value
| unit
| mdl_ug.l
| notes
| Definition: | Last name(s) of lead investigators | Unique alphanumeric identifier for a sampling location | Depth where sample was taken in meters | Type of analysis performed on the sample | Replicate number | Unique identifier for each data record with a combination of PI_name, Station, Depth_m, Analysis, and Rep columns | Chl a concentration in micrograms per liter | Unit of Chl a concentration | Minimum detection limit of Chl a concentration in micrograms per liter for the method used | Any notes related to the analysis of each sample or the results | Storage Type: | string
| string
| float
| string
| string
| string
| float
| string
| string
| string
| Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | Measurement Values Domain: | | | | | | | Unit | microgramPerLiter | Type | real |
| | | | Missing Value Code: | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | WinterGrab_chloride_concentration.csv | Size: | 8939 byte | Authentication: | ae933e3a56fef85e3fd8745d69ccb195
Calculated By MD5 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: |
Field Delimiter: | , |
Quote Character: | " |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | PI_name | Station | Depth_m | Analysis | Rep | Sample_name | Value | Unit | Notes |
Column Name: | pi_name
| station
| depth_m
| analysis
| rep
| sample_name
| value
| unit
| notes
| Definition: | Last name(s) of lead investigators | Unique alphanumeric identifier for a sampling location | Depth where sample was taken in meters | Type of analysis performed on the sample | Replicate number | Unique identifier for each data record with a combination of PI_name, Station, Depth_m, Analysis, and Rep above | Chloride concentration in micrograms per liter | Unit of Chloride concentration | Any notes related to the analysis of each sample or the results | Storage Type: | string
| string
| float
| string
| string
| string
| float
| string
| string
| Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | nominal | nominal | Measurement Values Domain: | | | | | | | Unit | microgramPerLiter | Type | real |
| | | Missing Value Code: | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | WinterGrab_CTD_profiles.csv | Size: | 229297 byte | Authentication: | 8072bf9f2d04765d9c751e0ab41bf734
Calculated By MD5 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: |
Field Delimiter: | , |
Quote Character: | " |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | PI_name | Station | Depth_m | Analysis | Sample_name | Instrument | Temp_C | ODO_Perc_Sat | ODO_mg_L | Cond_µS_cm | TDS_mg_L | Chl_µg_L | Notes |
Column Name: | pi_name
| station
| depth_m
| analysis
| sample_name
| instrument
| temp_c
| odo_perc_sat
| odo_mg_l
| cond_µs_cm
| tds_mg_l
| chl_µg_l
| notes
| Definition: | Last name(s) of lead investigators | Unique alphanumeric identifier for a sampling location | Depth where sample was taken in meters | Type of analysis performed on the sample | Unique identifier for each data record with a combination of PI_name, Station, Depth_m, and Analysis columns | Name of instrument used to measure various CTD parameters | Water temperature measured in Celcius | Dissolved oxygen concentration as percent saturation | Dissolved oxygen concentration in milligrams per liter | Conductivity measured in microsiemens per centimeter | Total dissolved solids measured in miligram per liter | Chl a concentration in micrograms per liter | Any notes related to the analysis of each sample or the results | Storage Type: | string
| string
| float
| string
| string
| string
| float
| float
| float
| float
| float
| float
| string
| Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | Measurement Values Domain: | | | | | | | | Unit | percent saturation | Type | real |
| Unit | milligramPerLiter | Type | real |
| Unit | microsiemens per centimeter | Type | real |
| Unit | milligramPerLiter | Type | real |
| Unit | microgramPerLiter | Type | real |
| | Missing Value Code: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | WinterGrab_DOC_DOM_concentration.csv | Size: | 94806 byte | Authentication: | 670c4b302fb019fd5c754f666dc08c97
Calculated By MD5 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: |
Field Delimiter: | , |
Quote Character: | " |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | PI_name | Station | Depth_m | Analysis | Rep | Sample_name | Value | Unit | Notes |
Column Name: | pi_name
| station
| depth_m
| analysis
| rep
| sample_name
| value
| unit
| notes
| Definition: | Last name(s) of lead investigators | Unique alphanumeric identifier for a sampling location | Depth where sample was taken in meters | Type of analysis performed on the sample. DOC: Dissolved organic carbon. Measure of the amount of organic matter that can pass through a 0.22 um filter (mg/L). SUVA254: Specific UV absorbance (254 mn). Higher values reflect greater carbon aromaticity or the number of aromatic rings per unit carbon (L/mg cm). SR: Spectral slope ratio. Higher values reflect lower molecular weight carbon and increased photobleaching (unitless). BA: Beta-alpha ratio. Higher values reflect a greater proportion of recently derived carbon (β) to highly decomposed carbon (α) (unitless). FI: Fluorescence index. Higher values (~1.9) reflect more microbial derived carbon and lower values (~1.4) reflect more terrestrial derived carbon (unitless). HIX: Humification index. Higher values indicate more humic carbon (unitless). C1: Parallel factors analysis component 1 (Williams et al., 2016; Williams and Xenopoulos 2023). Higher values (Fmax, raman units) or proportions (%) indicate more ubiquitous humic-like dissolved organic matter. C2: Parallel factors analysis component 2 (Williams et al., 2016; Williams and Xenopoulos 2023). Higher values (Fmax, raman units) or proportions (%) indicate more terrestrial humic like dissolved organic matter. C3: Parallel factors analysis component 3 (Williams et al., 2016; Williams and Xenopoulos 2023). Higher values (Fmax, raman units) or proportions (%) indicate more terrestrial humic like dissolved organic matter. C4: Parallel factors analysis component 4 (Williams et al., 2016;Williams and Xenopoulos 2023). Higher values (Fmax, raman units) or proportions (%) indicate more terrestrial soil fulvic-like dissolved organic matter. C5: Parallel factors analysis component 5 (Williams et al., 2016; Williams and Xenopoulos 2023). Higher values (Fmax, raman units) or proportions (%) indicate more microbial humic-like dissolved organic matter. C6: Parallel factors analysis component 6 (Williams et al., 2016; Williams and Xenopoulos 2023). Higher values (Fmax, raman units) or proportions (%) indicate more microbial humic-like dissolved organic matter. C7: Parallel factors analysis component 7 (Williams et al., 2016; Williams and Xenopoulos 2023). Higher values (Fmax, raman units) or proportions (%) indicate more microbial protein-like dissolved organic matter. | Replicate number | Unique identifier for each data record with a combination of PI_name, Station, Depth_m, Analysis, and Rep columns | Concentrations of Dissolved Organic Carbon and value of Dissolved Organic Matter indices | Units of corresponding analysis, see analysis column definition for details. Four units were used in total: Fmax; mg.L;; %. | Any notes related to the analysis of each sample or the results | Storage Type: | string
| string
| float
| string
| string
| string
| float
| string
| string
| Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | nominal | nominal | Measurement Values Domain: | | | | | | | Unit | Fmax; mg.L;; % | Type | real |
| | | Missing Value Code: | | | Code | Ice | Expl | Sample is from melted ice |
| | | | | | | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | WinterGrab_microbial_loop_abundance.csv | Size: | 3466 byte | Authentication: | 3481a2f3f84700530ec08f267bdd026c
Calculated By MD5 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: |
Field Delimiter: | , |
Quote Character: | " |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | PI_name | Station | Depth_m | Rep | Analysis | Sample_name | Bacteria_cells_mL-1 | Autotrophic_PicoPlankton_cells_mL-1 | Heterotrophic_NanoFlagellates_cells_mL-1 | Bacteria_mg_m-3 | Autotrophic_PicoPlankton_mg_m-3 | Heterotrophic_NanoFlagellates_mg_m-3 | total_mg_m-3 | Notes |
Column Name: | pi_name
| station
| depth_m
| rep
| analysis
| sample_name
| bacteria_cells_ml-1
| autotrophic_picoplankton_cells_ml-1
| heterotrophic_nanoflagellates_cells_ml-1
| bacteria_mg_m-3
| autotrophic_picoplankton_mg_m-3
| heterotrophic_nanoflagellates_mg_m-3
| total_mg_m-3
| notes
| Definition: | Last name(s) of lead investigators | Unique alphanumeric identifier for a sampling location | Depth where sample was taken in meters | Replicate number | Type of analysis performed on the sample | Unique identifier for each data record with a combination of PI_name, Station, Depth_m, Analysis, and Rep columns | Abundance of bacteria cell per milliliter | Abundance of Autotrophic PicoPlankton cells per milliliter | Abundance of Heterotrophic NanoFlagellates cells per milliliter | Abundance of bacteria cells as milligram per cubic meter | Abundance of Autotrophic PicoPlankton cells as milligram per cubic meter | Abundance of Heterotrophic NanoFlagellates cells as milligram per cubic meter | Abundance of microbial loop orgnisms as milligram per cubic meter | Any notes related to the analysis of each sample or the results | Storage Type: | string
| string
| float
| string
| string
| string
| float
| float
| float
| float
| float
| float
| float
| string
| Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | Measurement Values Domain: | | | | | | | Unit | cell per milliliter | Type | real |
| Unit | cells per milliliter | Type | real |
| Unit | cells per milliliter | Type | real |
| Unit | milligram per cubic meter | Type | real |
| Unit | milligram per cubic meter | Type | real |
| Unit | milligram per cubic meter | Type | real |
| Unit | milligram per cubic meter | Type | real |
| | Missing Value Code: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | WinterGrab_microcystin_concentration.csv | Size: | 3418 byte | Authentication: | 4d94ec3b53c5e91bfd3276428d99266a
Calculated By MD5 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: |
Field Delimiter: | , |
Quote Character: | " |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | PI_name | Station | Depth_m | Analysis | Rep | Sample_name | Value | Unit | MDL_ug.L | Notes |
Column Name: | pi_name
| station
| depth_m
| analysis
| rep
| sample_name
| value
| unit
| mdl_ug.l
| notes
| Definition: | Last name(s) of lead investigators | Unique alphanumeric identifier for a sampling location | Depth where sample was taken in meters | Type of analysis performed on the sample | Replicate number | Unique identifier for each data record with a combination of PI_name, Station, Depth_m, Analysis, and Rep columns | microcystin concentration in whole water in micrograms per liter | Unit of microcystin concentration | Minimum detection limit of NH4 concentration in micrograms per liter | Any notes related to the analysis of each sample or the results | Storage Type: | string
| string
| float
| string
| string
| string
| float
| string
| float
| string
| Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | nominal | ratio | nominal | Measurement Values Domain: | | | | | | | Unit | microgramPerLiter | Type | real |
| | Unit | microgramPerLiter | Type | real |
| | Missing Value Code: | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | WinterGrab_NH4_concentration.csv | Size: | 10141 byte | Authentication: | f54a8deb0fd2083d54406f615614733b
Calculated By MD5 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: |
Field Delimiter: | , |
Quote Character: | " |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | PI_name | Station | Depth_m | Analysis | Rep | Sample_name | Value | Unit | MDL_mg.L | Notes |
Column Name: | pi_name
| station
| depth_m
| analysis
| rep
| sample_name
| value
| unit
| mdl_mg.l
| notes
| Definition: | Last name(s) of lead investigators | Unique alphanumeric identifier for a sampling location | Depth where sample was taken in meters | Type of analysis performed on the sample | Replicate number | Unique identifier for each data record with a combination of PI_name, Station, Depth_m, Analysis, and Rep columns | NH4 concentration in milligrams per liter | Unit of NH4 concentration | Minimum detection limit of NH4 concentration in milligrams per liter | Any notes related to the analysis of each sample or the results | Storage Type: | string
| string
| float
| string
| string
| string
| float
| string
| float
| string
| Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | nominal | ratio | nominal | Measurement Values Domain: | | | | | | | Unit | milligramPerLiter | Type | real |
| | Unit | milligramPerLiter | Type | real |
| | Missing Value Code: | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | WinterGrab_NO2_concentration.csv | Size: | 10323 byte | Authentication: | ce2a669997b70ad7292ce4009f885cd3
Calculated By MD5 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: |
Field Delimiter: | , |
Quote Character: | " |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | PI_name | Station | Depth_m | Analysis | Rep | Sample_name | Value | Unit | MDL_mg.L | Notes |
Column Name: | pi_name
| station
| depth_m
| analysis
| rep
| sample_name
| value
| unit
| mdl_mg.l
| notes
| Definition: | Last name(s) of lead investigators | Unique alphanumeric identifier for a sampling location | Depth where sample was taken in meters | Type of analysis performed on the sample | Replicate number | Unique identifier for each data record with a combination of PI_name, Station, Depth_m, Analysis, and Rep columns | NO2 concentration in milligrams per liter | Unit of NO2 concentration | Minimum detection limit of NO2 concentration in milligrams per liter | Any notes related to the analysis of each sample or the results | Storage Type: | string
| string
| float
| string
| string
| string
| float
| string
| float
| string
| Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | nominal | ratio | nominal | Measurement Values Domain: | | | | | | | Unit | milligramPerLiter | Type | real |
| | Unit | milligramPerLiter | Type | real |
| | Missing Value Code: | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | WinterGrab_NO3_concentration.csv | Size: | 10216 byte | Authentication: | 79c59da6c925206e362ce0bd869f7e0c
Calculated By MD5 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: |
Field Delimiter: | , |
Quote Character: | " |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | PI_name | Station | Depth_m | Analysis | Rep | Sample_name | Value | Unit | MDL_mg.L | Notes |
Column Name: | pi_name
| station
| depth_m
| analysis
| rep
| sample_name
| value
| unit
| mdl_mg.l
| notes
| Definition: | Last name(s) of lead investigators | Unique alphanumeric identifier for a sampling location | Depth where sample was taken in meters | Type of analysis performed on the sample | Replicate number | Unique identifier for each data record with a combination of PI_name, Station, Depth_m, Analysis, and Rep columns | NO3 concentration in milligrams per liter | Unit of NO3 concentration | Minimum detection limit of NO3 concentration in milligrams per liter | Any notes related to the analysis of each sample or the results | Storage Type: | string
| string
| float
| string
| string
| string
| float
| string
| float
| string
| Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | nominal | ratio | nominal | Measurement Values Domain: | | | | | | | Unit | milligramPerLiter | Type | real |
| | Unit | milligramPerLiter | Type | real |
| | Missing Value Code: | | | | | | | | Code | wasnít enough sample | Expl | no data |
| | | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | WinterGrab_PCPE_concentration.csv | Size: | 5696 byte | Authentication: | 3fdaae22cc13c42844900dffd3b2e928
Calculated By MD5 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Record Delimiter: | \n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: |
Field Delimiter: | , |
Quote Character: | " |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | PI_name | Station | Depth_m | Analysis | Rep | Sample_name | Value | Unit | Notes |
Column Name: | pi_name
| station
| depth_m
| analysis
| rep
| sample_name
| value
| unit
| notes
| Definition: | Last name(s) of lead investigators | Unique alphanumeric identifier for a sampling location | Depth where sample was taken in meters | Type of analysis performed on the sample | Replicate number | Unique identifier for each data record with a combination of PI_name, Station, Depth_m, Analysis, and Rep columns | Phycocyanin (PC) or phycoerythrin (PE) concentration in micrograms per liter | Unit of PC and PE concentration | Any notes related to the analysis of each sample or the results | Storage Type: | string
| string
| float
| string
| string
| string
| float
| string
| string
| Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | nominal | nominal | Measurement Values Domain: | | | | | | | Unit | microgramPerLiter | Type | real |
| | | Missing Value Code: | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | WinterGrab_snow_ice_properties-2.csv | Size: | 4853 byte | Authentication: | ae82a99bce075c0517c66e7eb8e70a02
Calculated By MD5 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: |
Field Delimiter: | , |
Quote Character: | " |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | PI_name | Station | Analysis | Sample_name | Ice_thick_m | Snow_thick_m | Notes |
Column Name: | pi_name
| station
| analysis
| sample_name
| ice_thick_m
| snow_thick_m
| notes
| Definition: | Last name(s) of lead investigators | Unique alphanumeric identifier for a sampling location | Type of analysis performed on the sample | Unique identifier for each data record with a combination of PI_name, Station, and Analysis columns | Thickness of ice measured in meter | Thickness of snow measured in meter | Any notes related to the analysis of each sample or the results | Storage Type: | string
| string
| string
| string
| float
| float
| string
| Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | nominal | Measurement Values Domain: | | | | | | | | Missing Value Code: | | | | | | | | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | WinterGrab_TDP_concentration.csv | Size: | 14726 byte | Authentication: | 641d4cbc72b3e7fe4874eb24ff100a7f
Calculated By MD5 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Record Delimiter: | \n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: |
Field Delimiter: | , |
Quote Character: | " |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | PI_name | Station | Depth_m | Analysis | Rep | Sample_name | Value | Unit | MDL_ug.L | Notes |
Column Name: | pi_name
| station
| depth_m
| analysis
| rep
| sample_name
| value
| unit
| mdl_ug.l
| notes
| Definition: | Last name(s) of lead investigators | Unique alphanumeric identifier for a sampling location | Depth where sample was taken in meters | Type of analysis performed on the sample | Replicate number | Unique identifier for each data record with a combination of PI_name, Station, Depth_m, Analysis, and Rep columns | Total Dissolved Phosphorus concentration in micrograms per liter | Unit of Total Dissolved Phosphorus concentration | Minimum detection limit of Total Dissolved Phosphorus concentration in micrograms per liter | Any notes related to the analysis of each sample or the results | Storage Type: | string
| string
| float
| string
| string
| string
| float
| string
| float
| string
| Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | nominal | ratio | nominal | Measurement Values Domain: | | | | | | | Unit | microgramPerLiter | Type | real |
| | Unit | microgramPerLiter | Type | real |
| | Missing Value Code: | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | WinterGrab_TN_concentration.csv | Size: | 4653 byte | Authentication: | 09469dbf6efd351118875260b7acb367
Calculated By MD5 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Record Delimiter: | \n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: |
Field Delimiter: | , |
Quote Character: | " |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | PI_name | Station | Depth_m | Analysis | Rep | Sample_name | Value | Unit | Notes |
Column Name: | pi_name
| station
| depth_m
| analysis
| rep
| sample_name
| value
| unit
| notes
| Definition: | Last name(s) of lead investigators | Unique alphanumeric identifier for a sampling location | Depth where sample was taken in meters | Type of analysis performed on the sample | Replicate number | Unique identifier for each data record with a combination of PI_name, Station, Depth_m, Analysis, and Rep columns | Total Dissolved Phosphorus concentration in milligrams per liter | Unit of Total Dissolved Nitrogen concentration | Any notes related to the analysis of each sample or the results | Storage Type: | string
| string
| float
| string
| string
| string
| float
| string
| string
| Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | nominal | nominal | Measurement Values Domain: | | | | | | | Unit | milliliterPerLiter | Type | real |
| | | Missing Value Code: | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Data: | | Name: | WinterGrab_TP_concentration | Description: | This file contains total phosphorus (TP) concentration data for 48 of our 49 sampling sites, determined by semi-automated colorimetry and expressed in micrograms/L. Note: issues with calibration during analysis make these data unsuitable for comparison with TP data from other studies (see methods section for additional information). | Number of Records: | 64 | Number of Columns: | 10 |
| Table Structure |
Object Name: | WinterGrab_TP_concentration.csv | Size: | 8318 byte | Authentication: | 1c1c528f300bbd7b4700d7236e57cc2b
Calculated By MD5 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Record Delimiter: | \n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: |
Field Delimiter: | , |
Quote Character: | " |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | PI_name | Station | Depth_m | Analysis | Rep | Sample_name | Value | Unit | MDL_ug.L | Notes |
Column Name: | pi_name
| station
| depth_m
| analysis
| rep
| sample_name
| value
| unit
| mdl_ug.l
| notes
| Definition: | Last name(s) of lead investigators | Unique alphanumeric identifier for a sampling location | Depth where sample was taken in meters | Type of analysis performed on the sample | Replicate number | Unique identifier for each data record with a combination of PI_name, Station, Depth_m, Analysis, and Rep columns | Total Phosphorus concentration in micrograms per liter | Unit of Total Phosphorus concentration | Minimum detection limit of Total Phosphorus concentration in micrograms per liter | Any notes related to the analysis of each sample or the results | Storage Type: | string
| string
| float
| string
| string
| string
| float
| string
| float
| string
| Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | nominal | ratio | nominal | Measurement Values Domain: | | | | | | | Unit | microgramPerLiter | Type | real |
| | Unit | microgramPerLiter | Type | real |
| | Missing Value Code: | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | WinterGrab_microbial_flowcytometry_abundance.csv | Size: | 15849 byte | Authentication: | 40a7e14ca2fcbce2c353597a2d61fd5a
Calculated By MD5 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Record Delimiter: | \n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: |
Field Delimiter: | , |
Quote Character: | " |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | PI_name | Station | Depth_m | Analysis | Rep | Sample_name | Value | Unit | Notes |
Column Name: | pi_name
| station
| depth_m
| analysis
| rep
| sample_name
| value
| unit
| notes
| Definition: | Last name(s) of lead investigators | Unique alphanumeric identifier for a sampling location | Depth where sample was taken in meters | Type of analysis performed on the sample | Replicate number | Unique identifier for each data record with a combination of PI_name, Station, Depth_m, Analysis, and Rep above | Bacterial cells per milliliter | Unit of bacterial cells | Any notes related to the analysis of each sample or the results | Storage Type: | string
| string
| float
| string
| string
| string
| float
| string
| string
| Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | nominal | nominal | Measurement Values Domain: | | | | | | | Unit | cells per milliliter | Type | real |
| | | Missing Value Code: | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | WinterGrab_light_transmission.csv | Size: | 4422 byte | Authentication: | 071f555df2448ac16c3d6907d9c44100
Calculated By MD5 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: |
Field Delimiter: | , |
Quote Character: | " |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | PI_name | Station | Sample_name | PAR_sensor | Ice_thick_m | Snow_thick_profile_m | percent_trans_ice_snow | percent_trans_ice | Kd_water | Ice_narrative | Snow_narrative | Notes |
Column Name: | pi_name
| station
| sample_name
| par_sensor
| ice_thick_m
| snow_thick_profile_m
| percent_trans_ice_snow
| percent_trans_ice
| kd_water
| ice_narrative
| snow_narrative
| notes
| Definition: | Last name(s) of lead investigators | Unique alphanumeric identifier for a sampling location | Unique identifier for each data record with a combination of PI_name and Station columns | Name (manufacturer and model) of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) sensor used for each site | Thickness of ice measured in meter | Snow thickness at light profile location | Percent of PAR transmitted through ice and snow cover at the site. ‘NA’ values are for location with no snow cover | Percent of PAR transmitted through ice cover at the site after clearing away the snow (if present) | The light attenuation coefficient for the water column at each site (in m-1) | Description of ice conditions at the site | Description of snow conditions at the site | Any notes related to the analysis of each sample or the results | Storage Type: | string
| string
| string
| string
| float
| float
| float
| float
| float
| string
| string
| string
| Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | Measurement Values Domain: | | | | | | | | | Unit | light attenuation coefficient for the water column at each site (in m-1) | Type | real |
| | | | Missing Value Code: | | | | | | | Code | NA | Expl | Missing Data or Not Avalible |
| | Code | NA | Expl | Missing Data or Not Available |
| | | | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | WinterGrab_PPR.csv | Size: | 3567 byte | Authentication: | 64ead73524224973c393871213ac6fef
Calculated By MD5 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Record Delimiter: | \n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: |
Field Delimiter: | , |
Quote Character: | " |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | PI_name | Station | Depth_m | Analysis | Rep | Sample_name | Value | Unit | Notes |
Column Name: | pi_name
| station
| depth_m
| analysis
| rep
| sample_name
| value
| unit
| notes
| Definition: | Last name(s) of lead investigators | Unique alphanumeric identifier for a sampling location | Depth where sample was taken in meters | Name of parameter determined in the measurements. Pmax is the maximum photosynthetic rate achieved under optimal light conditions; it is expressed as g C/g Chl a/hr. Alpha is the initial slope of the photosynthesis-irradiance curve; it is expressed as g C/g Chl a/hr/µmol quanta/m2. Beta is the photoinhibition parameter; it is expressed as g C/g Chl a/hr/µmol quanta/m2. | Replicate number | Unique identifier for each data record with a combination of PI_name, Station, Depth_m, Analysis, and Rep columns | Lab-Based Phytoplankton Primary Production Rate in Pmax (g C/g Chl a/hr) or Alpha and Beta ([g C/g Chl a/hr]/[µmol quanta/m2/s]) | Unit of lab-based phytoplankton primary production rate. Units include: "g C/g Chl a/hr" and "[g C/g Chl a/hr]/[µmol quanta/m2/s]". See "value" column descriptions for more detailed unit explainations. | Any notes related to the analysis of each sample or the results | Storage Type: | string
| string
| float
| string
| string
| string
| float
| string
| string
| Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | nominal | nominal | Measurement Values Domain: | | | | | | | Unit | Pmax (g C/g Chl a/hr); Alpha and Beta ([g C/g Chl a/hr]/[µmol quanta/m2/s]) | Type | real |
| | | Missing Value Code: | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | WinterGrab_ciliated_protist_abundance.csv | Size: | 59923 byte | Authentication: | 3de3e5087aafa7117436b4c1e59bdedf
Calculated By MD5 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: |
Field Delimiter: | , |
Quote Character: | " |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | PI_name | Station | Depth_m | Analysis | Sample_name | taxon | Count_cell_mL-1 | Notes |
Column Name: | pi_name
| station
| depth_m
| analysis
| sample_name
| taxon
| count_cell_ml-1
| notes
| Definition: | Last name(s) of lead investigators | Unique alphanumeric identifier for a sampling location | Depth where sample was taken in meters | Type of analysis performed on the sample | Unique identifier for each data record with a combination of PI_name, Station, Depth_m, and Analysis columns | Name of taxon | Abundance of organism in cells/mL | Any notes related to the analysis of each sample or the results | Storage Type: | string
| string
| float
| string
| string
| string
| float
| string
| Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | nominal | Measurement Values Domain: | | | | | | | Unit | Count_cell_mL-1 | Type | real |
| | Missing Value Code: | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Data: | | Name: | WinterGrab_particulate_cyanotoxins_concentration | Description: | This file contains data on particulate concentrations of 25 cyanotoxin metabolites for 19 of our 49 study sites. Concentrations were determined using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS-MS) for material retained on filters, representing particulate metabolite concentrations, expressed in parts per billion. These data are in ‘long’ format. | Number of Records: | 775 | Number of Columns: | 8 |
| Table Structure |
Object Name: | WinterGrab_particulate_cyanotoxins_concentration.csv | Size: | 102510 byte | Authentication: | 333982908d71f5ff473d28ccefb108bc
Calculated By MD5 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Record Delimiter: | \n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: |
Field Delimiter: | , |
Quote Character: | " |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | PI_name | Station | Depth_m | Analysis | Sample_name | Metabolite | concentration_ppb | Notes |
Column Name: | pi_name
| station
| depth_m
| analysis
| sample_name
| metabolite
| concentration_ppb
| notes
| Definition: | Last name(s) of lead investigators | Unique alphanumeric identifier for a sampling location | Depth where sample was taken in meters | Type of analysis performed on the sample | Unique identifier for each data record with a combination of PI_name, Station, Depth_m, and Analysis columns | Name of metabolite | Concentration of metabolite in ppb. ‘ND’ means ‘not detected’ | Any notes related to the analysis of each sample or the results | Storage Type: | string
| string
| float
| string
| string
| string
| float
| string
| Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | nominal | Measurement Values Domain: | | | | | | | | | Missing Value Code: | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Data: | | Name: | WinterGrab_wholewater_cyanotoxins_concentration | Description: | This file contains data on whole water concentrations of 25 cyanotoxin metabolites for 19 of our 49 study sites. Concentrations were determined using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS-MS) for whole water samples, expressed in parts per billion. These data are in ‘long’ format. | Number of Records: | 800 | Number of Columns: | 8 |
| Table Structure |
Object Name: | WinterGrab_wholewater_cyanotoxins_concentration.csv | Size: | 104536 byte | Authentication: | 3bea1477befd506c1a0776ff77a3da47
Calculated By MD5 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Record Delimiter: | \n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: |
Field Delimiter: | , |
Quote Character: | " |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | PI_name | Station | Depth_m | Analysis | Sample_name | Metabolite | concentration_ppb | Notes |
Column Name: | pi_name
| station
| depth_m
| analysis
| sample_name
| metabolite
| concentration_ppb
| notes
| Definition: | Last name(s) of lead investigators | Unique alphanumeric identifier for a sampling location | Depth where sample was taken in meters | Type of analysis performed on the sample. DOC: Dissolved organic carbon. Measure of the amount of organic matter that can pass through a 0.22 um filter (mg/L). SUVA254: Specific UV absorbance (254 mn). Higher values reflect greater carbon aromaticity or the number of aromatic rings per unit carbon (L/mg cm). SR: Spectral slope ratio. Higher values reflect lower molecular weight carbon and increased photobleaching (unitless). BA: Beta-alpha ratio. Higher values reflect a greater proportion of recently derived carbon (β) to highly decomposed carbon (α) (unitless). FI: Fluorescence index. Higher values (~1.9) reflect more microbial derived carbon and lower values (~1.4) reflect more terrestrial derived carbon (unitless). HIX: Humification index. Higher values indicate more humic carbon (unitless). C1: Parallel factors analysis component 1 (Williams et al., 2016; Williams and Xenopoulos 2023). Higher values (Fmax, raman units) or proportions (%) indicate more ubiquitous humic-like dissolved organic matter. C2: Parallel factors analysis component 2 (Williams et al., 2016; Williams and Xenopoulos 2023). Higher values (Fmax, raman units) or proportions (%) indicate more terrestrial humic like dissolved organic matter. C3: Parallel factors analysis component 3 (Williams et al., 2016; Williams and Xenopoulos 2023). Higher values (Fmax, raman units) or proportions (%) indicate more terrestrial humic like dissolved organic matter. C4: Parallel factors analysis component 4 (Williams et al., 2016;Williams and Xenopoulos 2023). Higher values (Fmax, raman units) or proportions (%) indicate more terrestrial soil fulvic-like dissolved organic matter. C5: Parallel factors analysis component 5 (Williams et al., 2016; Williams and Xenopoulos 2023). Higher values (Fmax, raman units) or proportions (%) indicate more microbial humic-like dissolved organic matter. C6: Parallel factors analysis component 6 (Williams et al., 2016; Williams and Xenopoulos 2023). Higher values (Fmax, raman units) or proportions (%) indicate more microbial humic-like dissolved organic matter. C7: Parallel factors analysis component 7 (Williams et al., 2016; Williams and Xenopoulos 2023). Higher values (Fmax, raman units) or proportions (%) indicate more microbial protein-like dissolved organic matter. | Unique identifier for each data record with a combination of PI_name, Station, Depth_m, and Analysis columns | Name of metabolite | Concentration of metabolite in ppb. ‘ND’ means ‘not detected’ | Any notes related to the analysis of each sample or the results | Storage Type: | string
| string
| float
| string
| string
| string
| float
| string
| Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | nominal | Measurement Values Domain: | | | | | | | | | Missing Value Code: | | | Code | ice | Expl | Sample is from melted ice |
| | | | | | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | WinterGrab_phytoplankton_abundance_McKay.csv | Size: | 191046 byte | Authentication: | e6804901c56c122c4bae06831ba1610b
Calculated By MD5 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Record Delimiter: | \n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: |
Field Delimiter: | , |
Quote Character: | " |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | PI_name | Station | Depth_m | Analysis | Sample_name | taxon | Count_cell_mL-1 | Notes |
Column Name: | pi_name
| station
| depth_m
| analysis
| sample_name
| taxon
| count_cell_ml-1
| notes
| Definition: | Last name(s) of lead investigators | Unique alphanumeric identifier for a sampling location | Depth where sample was taken in meters | Type of analysis performed on the sample | Unique identifier for each data record with a combination of PI_name, Station, Depth_m, and Analysis columns | Name of taxon | Abundance of taxon as cells per milliliter | Any notes related to the analysis of each sample or the results | Storage Type: | string
| string
| float
| string
| string
| string
| float
| string
| Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | nominal | Measurement Values Domain: | | | | | | | Unit | Count_cell_mL-1 | Type | real |
| | Missing Value Code: | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | WinterGrab_phytoplankton_abundance_Munawar.csv | Size: | 207386 byte | Authentication: | 4844db910d9a8dc67996eadb35ee4084
Calculated By MD5 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Record Delimiter: | \n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: |
Field Delimiter: | , |
Quote Character: | " |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | PI_name | Station | Depth_m | Analysis | Sample_name | taxon | Count_cell_L-1 | Notes |
Column Name: | pi_name
| station
| depth_m
| analysis
| sample_name
| taxon
| count_cell_l-1
| notes
| Definition: | Last name(s) of lead investigators | Unique alphanumeric identifier for a sampling location | Depth where sample was taken in meters | Type of analysis performed on the sample | Unique identifier for each data record with a combination of PI_name, Station, Depth_m, and Analysis columns | Name of taxon | Abundance of taxon as cells per liter | Any notes related to the analysis of each sample or the results | Storage Type: | string
| string
| float
| string
| string
| string
| float
| string
| Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | nominal | Measurement Values Domain: | | | | | | | Unit | Count_cell_L-1 | Type | real |
| | Missing Value Code: | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | WinterGrab_phytoplankton_biomass_Munawar.csv | Size: | 191762 byte | Authentication: | 2c88a32fd604d7d640882bff9ca50b5e
Calculated By MD5 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Record Delimiter: | \n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: |
Field Delimiter: | , |
Quote Character: | " |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | PI_name | Station | Depth_m | Analysis | Sample_name | taxon | Biomass_mg_m-3 | Notes |
Column Name: | pi_name
| station
| depth_m
| analysis
| sample_name
| taxon
| biomass_mg_m-3
| notes
| Definition: | Last name(s) of lead investigators | Unique alphanumeric identifier for a sampling location | Depth where sample was taken in meters | Type of analysis performed on the sample | Unique identifier for each data record with a combination of PI_name, Station, Depth_m, and Analysis columns | Name of taxon | Biomass of taxon as milligrams wet weight per cubic meter | Any notes related to the analysis of each sample or the results | Storage Type: | string
| string
| float
| string
| string
| string
| float
| string
| Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | nominal | Measurement Values Domain: | | | | | | | Unit | Biomass_mg_m-3 | Type | real |
| | Missing Value Code: | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | WinterGrab_crustacean_zooplankton_abundance.csv | Size: | 58384 byte | Authentication: | 94d1b7b33c23d44e21efc49a831b6c01
Calculated By MD5 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Record Delimiter: | \n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: |
Field Delimiter: | , |
Quote Character: | " |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | PI_name | Station | Tow_depth_m | Net_diameter_m | Mesh_size_um | Analysis | Sample_name | taxon | count_L-1 | Notes |
Column Name: | pi_name
| station
| tow_depth_m
| net_diameter_m
| mesh_size_um
| analysis
| sample_name
| taxon
| count_l-1
| notes
| Definition: | Last name(s) of lead investigators | Unique alphanumeric identifier for a sampling location | Depth interval of the zooplankton tow, from surface (0) to max depth in meters. | Diameter of the opening of zooplankton net used, in meters | Mesh size of the zooplankton net used, in μm | Type of analysis performed on the sample | Unique identifier for each data record with a combination of PI_name, Station, Tow_depth_m, Analysis columns | Name of taxon | Abundance of taxon as individuals per liter | Any notes related to the analysis of each sample or the results | Storage Type: | string
| string
| string
| float
| float
| string
| string
| string
| float
| string
| Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | nominal | Measurement Values Domain: | | | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 0-1 | Definition | 0 to 1 meter depth | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 0-17 | Definition | 0 to 17 meter depth | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 0-2.5 | Definition | 0 to 2.5 meter depth | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 0-30 | Definition | 0 to 30 meter depth | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 0-5 | Definition | 0 to 5 meter depth | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 0-7 | Definition | 0 to 7 meter depth | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 0-7.4 | Definition | 0 to 7.4 meter depth | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 0-8.5 | Definition | 0 to 8.5 meter depth | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 0-9 | Definition | 0 to 9 meter depth | Source | |
| | | | | | | | Missing Value Code: | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | | |
Data Table | Table Structure |
Object Name: | WinterGrab_sites.csv | Size: | 4395 byte | Authentication: | a1776527f0d84f5b0e71a6c0175fd8ae
Calculated By MD5 | Text Format: |
Number of Header Lines: | 1 |
Record Delimiter: | \r\n |
Orientation: | column |
Simple Delimited: |
Field Delimiter: | , |
Quote Character: | " |
Table Column Descriptions |
| | | pi_name | station | longitude | latitude | sampling_dates | sampling_organization | water_depth | ice_thickness | snow_thickness |
Column Name: | pi_name
| station
| longitude
| latitude
| sampling_dates
| sampling_organization
| water_depth
| ice_thickness
| snow_thickness
| Definition: | Last name(s) of lead investigators | Unique alphanumeric identifier for a sampling location | Longitude of a sampling location in degrees | Longitude of a sampling location in degrees | Sampling date for a sampling location | Sampling orgnization for a sampling location | Depth of water observed at a sampling location in meters | Ice thickness observed at a sampling location in meters | Snow thickness observed at a sampling location in meters | Storage Type: | string
| string
| float
| float
| string
| string
| string
| float
| float
| Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | Measurement Values Domain: | | | | | | | | | | Missing Value Code: | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | Methods: | | | | | | | | | |