This dataset documents benthic macroinvertebrates and physicochemical parameters in the The Cofán Bermejo Ecological Reserve (CBER) in the Northen Ecuadorian Amazon (NEA). The CBER is located in the west side of the Andes Mountain system and the Colombian southern border. The Bermejo River basin is the major waterway of the reserve, and it drains one of the Andean watersheds. Macroinvertebrate and parameter measurements were conducted between February and April in 2022, during the wet season in the region. The sampling was conduced along the Bermejo River, which included a distance of 24.5 km where the river drains to the Colombian San Miguel River (MAATE 2007).
Macroinvertebrates were sampled using standard procedures and equipment previously reported (Sinche et al. 2023a, b). Briefly, 20 sampling sites were established along the river basin. A standardized Surber sampler frame (0.15 m X 0.15 m) with a 500-µm mesh net was used for macroinvertebrate sampling. Macroinvertebrates were sampled for 10 min over an area of 5 m2 around each site to cover a variety of aquatic habitats present. All sample replicates of the same location were combined into a single population group to have representative taxa for each site. Macroinvertebrates were then preserved in 70% ethanol prior identification in the laboratory. Taxonomic identifications were made at the family level according to taxonomic references (Roldáá Pérez 2003; Dominguez et al. 2009).
The macroinvertebrate data was then used to calculate biotic indices including richness (S), Pielou evenness (J’), Shannon’s diversity (H’), Simpson (D), Simpson’s diversity (1-D), and Simpson’s dominance (1/D) following equations reported in the literature (Jost 2010, Morris et al. 2014). The macroinvertebrate data was also used to determine the ecological water quality of the sampled sites using ecological water quality indices including Biological Monitoring Working Party-Colombia (BMWP-Col), Average Score Per Taxon (ASPT) and Family Biotic Index (FBI) following equations reported in the literature (Hilsenhoff 1988, Roldáá Pééez 2003, Roche et al. 2010). Finally, macroinvertebrates were classified into five functional feeding groups (FFGs), including predators, collectors, shredders, scrapers and parasites, using ecological and physiological traits reported in the literature (Wallace and Webster 1996, Nessimian et al. 1998, Escobar 2003, Ramírez and Gutiéérez-Fonseca 2014).
The physicochemical parameters including water temperature (WT), dissolved oxygen (DO), ammonia-nitrogen (NH3-N), pH, nitrite (NO2), nitrate (NO3), total iron (Fe), and total copper (Cu) were used for water quality determination of the sampled sites in the Bermejo River. DO and WT were measured using a multiparameter probe (RCYAGO, Inc.). The pH was measured using a second multiparameter probe (OAKTON, Inc.). NH3-N, Fe, Cu, NO2, and NO3 were measured using Hatch-Lange® DR 3990 spectrophotometer kits. All parameters were sampled by triplicate. Finally results from the water quality parameters were then compared to the reported references levels from the Ecuadorian Ministry of the Environment and the USEPA (USEPA 1986, MAATE 2022b,a) to determine whether the measured parameter concentrations fell within the recommended levels.
References cited
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