Data Table Table StructureObject Name: sapflux_seasonal_daily_averages.csv Size: 28520 byte Authentication: 404494854c8868bd91820d4179583ecd
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Table Column Descriptions site year season species sw.grp dbh sapflux.avg_l_day Column Name: site year season species sw.grp dbh sapflux.avg_l_day Definition: site type, based on soil moisture availability year in which sap-flux was measured and averaged, for each tree and season. For winter seasons, which span years (i.e. winter includes December - February), sap-flux averages are associated with the earlier year. season of the year A unique identifying number within each site for each tree instrumented to measure sap-flux. Four-letter identification code for all overstory tree species. functional group category, based on species' sapwood anatomies diameter (cm) of tree at breast height. Breast height is ~ 137 cm above the ground. Average of measured sap-flux (L day^-1) for a given tree for each season and year. Storage Type: string float string float string string float float Measurement Type: nominal ratio nominal ratio nominal nominal ratio ratio Measurement Values Domain: +/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code mesic Definition the label for the mesic site Source
Code Definition Code xeric Definition the label for the xeric site Source
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code fall Definition September - November (91 days) Source
Code Definition Code spring Definition March - May (92 days) Source
Code Definition Code summer Definition June - August (92 days) Source
Code Definition Code winter Definition December - February (90 or 91 days) Source
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code PIPA Definition Pinus palustris Mill. (common name: longleaf pine) Source
Code Definition Code PIEL Definition Pinus elliottii Engelm. (common name: slash pine) Source
Code Definition Code QUIN Definition Quercus incana W. Bartram (common name: bluejack oak) Source
Code Definition Code QUMA Definition Quercus margarettae (Ashe) Small (common name: sand post oak) Source
Code Definition Code QULV Definition Quercus laevis Walter (common name: turkey oak) Source
Code Definition Code QUNI Definition Quercus nigra L. (common name: water oak) Source
Code Definition Code QUVI Definition Quercus virginiana Mill. (common name: live oak) Source
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code pine Definition tracheid sapwood anatomy Source
Code Definition Code ring porous Definition ring porous sapwood anatomy Source
Code Definition Code semi-ring porous Definition semi-ring porous sapwood anatomy Source
Missing Value Code: Accuracy Report: Accuracy Assessment: Coverage: Methods:
Data Table Table StructureObject Name: tree_DBH_and_ET.csv Size: 3768954 byte Authentication: 997b1670b753354e708642245417a985
Calculated By MD5 Text Format:
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Orientation: column
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Field Delimiter: ,
Quote Character: "
Table Column Descriptions site plot trt year in which ET was estimated for each tree and season. For winter seasons, which span years (i.e. winter includes December - February), ET estimates are associated with the earlier year. season tree.num stratum species sw.grp dbh daily.ET seasonal.ET Column Name: site plot trt year season tree.num stratum species sw.grp dbh daily.ET seasonal.ET Definition: site type, based on soil moisture availability unique numerical identifier assigned to distinct 50m x 50m plots treated with differing fire regimes and occurring on different site types. the fire regime treatment applied to the stands where tree DBH was measured and transpiration was estimated. year of seasonal ET estimate season of the year A unique identifying tag number for every tree (or distinct woody stem at breast height) >= 5 cm DBH in each plot. The canopy stratum occupied by the trees for which DBH was measured. Four-letter identification code for all tree species. functional group category, based on species' sapwood anatomies diameter (cm) at breast height. Breast height is ~ 137 cm above the ground. Estimate of total daily evapotranspiration (L day^-1) for a given tree, based on a power function relating tree DBH to daily evapotranspiration. Power functions were developed for each tree functional group, year, and season using measured sap flow data. Individual trees that died during the study are listed in all years but assigned ET rates of 0 after death. Estimate of total seasonal evapotranspiration (L season^-1) for a given tree, calculated by multiplying the daily ET estimate by the number of days in the season. Individual trees that died during the study are listed in all years but assigned ET rates of 0 after death. Storage Type: string float string float string float string string string float float float Measurement Type: nominal ratio nominal ratio nominal ratio nominal nominal nominal ratio ratio ratio Measurement Values Domain: +/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code mesic Definition the label for the mesic site Source
Code Definition Code xeric Definition the label for the xeric site Source
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code FF Definition Stands treated with frequent prescribed fire (FF) Source
Code Definition Code EX Definition Stands excluded (EX) from fire Source
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code fall Definition September - November (91 days) Source
Code Definition Code spring Definition March - May (92 days) Source
Code Definition Code summer Definition June - August (92 days) Source
Code Definition Code winter Definition December - February (90 or 91 days) Source
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code overstory Definition any live tree with a trunk >= 10 cm diameter at breast height (137 cm) at the start of the study (2016) was classified as overstory Source
Code Definition Code midstory Definition Any live tree with a trunk >= 5 cm and < 10 cm DBH was classified as midstory. Note that data from small trees and shrubs (< 5cm DBH) were measured differently and are included in a separate table. Source
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code CELA Definition Celtis laevigata Willd. (common name: sugarberry) Source
Code Definition Code CRSP Definition Crataegus L. (genus only; common name: hawthorn) Source
Code Definition Code DIVI Definition Diospyros virginiana L. (common name: common persimmon) Source
Code Definition Code LIST Definition Liquidambar styraciflua L. (common name: sweetgum) Source
Code Definition Code PIPA Definition Pinus palustris Mill. (common name: longleaf pine) Source
Code Definition Code PRSE Definition Prunus serotina Ehrh. (common name: black cherry) Source
Code Definition Code QUFA Definition Quercus falcata Michx. (common name: southern red oak) Source
Code Definition Code QUGE Definition Quercus geminata Small (common name: sand live oak) Source
Code Definition Code QUHE Definition Quercus hemisphaerica W. Bartram ex Willd. (common name: Darlington oak) Source
Code Definition Code QUIN Definition Quercus incana W. Bartram (common name: bluejack oak) Source
Code Definition Code QULA Definition Quercus laurifolia Michx. (common name: laurel oak) Source
Code Definition Code QULV Definition Quercus laevis Walter (common name: turkey oak) Source
Code Definition Code QUMA Definition Quercus margarettae (Ashe) Small (common name: sand post oak) Source
Code Definition Code QUNI Definition Quercus nigra L. (common name: water oak) Source
Code Definition Code QUST Definition Quercus stellata Wangenh. (common name: post oak) Source
Code Definition Code QUVI Definition Quercus virginiana Mill. (common name: live oak) Source
Code Definition Code SAAL Definition Sassafras albidum (Nutt.) Nees (common name: sassafras) Source
Code Definition Code SILA Definition Sideroxylon lanuginosum Michx. (common name: gum bully) Source
Code Definition Code VAAR Definition Vaccinium arboreum Marshall (common name: farkleberry) Source
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code diffuse-porous Definition diffuse-porous sapwood anatomy Source
Code Definition Code pine Definition tracheid sapwood anatomy Source
Code Definition Code ring-porous Definition ring-porous sapwood anatomy Source
Code Definition Code semi diffuse-porous Definition semi diffuse-porous sapwood anatomy Source
Unit litersPerSeason Type real
Missing Value Code: Accuracy Report: Accuracy Assessment: Coverage: Methods:
Data Table Table StructureObject Name: smalltree_shrub_DBH_and_ET.csv Size: 890334 byte Authentication: e74fc6153b8e4f9b130eeb340b67c4c8
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Table Column Descriptions site trt plot transect year season fun.grp dbh ba_cm2 seasonal.ET Column Name: site trt plot transect year season fn.grp dbh ba_cm2 seasonal.ET Definition: site type, based on soil moisture availability the fire regime treatment applied to the stands where small trees and shrubs were measured unique numerical identifier assigned to distinct 50m x 50m plots treated with differing fire regimes and occurring on different site types. A unique numerical label for each 2 m x 25 m belt transect within each plot year of seasonal ET estimate season of the year (includes spring, summer, and fall only; transpiration is assumed to be 0 in winter) functional group category, based on dominant species' genera diameter (cm) at breast height. Breast height is ~ 137 cm above the ground. For this dataset, dbh was estimated using allometric equations applied to measures of stem diameter near ground level. basal area of the stem (cm^2), calculated from stem dbh. Estimate of total seasonal evapotranspiration (L season^-1) for a given woody stem. Storage Type: string string float string float string string float float float Measurement Type: nominal nominal ratio nominal ratio nominal nominal ratio ratio ratio Measurement Values Domain: +/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code mesic Definition the label for the mesic site Source
Code Definition Code xeric Definition the label for the xeric site Source
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code FF Definition Stands treated with frequent prescribed fire (FF) Source
Code Definition Code EX Definition Stands excluded (EX) from fire Source
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code 1 Definition transect 1 Source
Code Definition Code 2 Definition transect 2 Source
Code Definition Code 3 Definition transect 3 Source
Code Definition Code 4 Definition transect 4 Source
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code spring Definition days 60 - 152 Source
Code Definition Code summer Definition days 152-244 Source
Code Definition Code fall Definition days 245 - 334 Source
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code PINE Definition pine (Pinus) stems Source
Code Definition Code OAK Definition woody oak (Quercus) stems. Source
Code Definition Code OTHER Definition woody stems not included in either the oak or pine genera (frequently encountered species in this group depended upon site, but included Sassafras albidum, Prunus serotina, Diospyros virginiana, and Vaccinium arboreum) Source
Unit centimeterSquared Type real
Unit litersPerSeason Type real
Missing Value Code: Accuracy Report: Accuracy Assessment: Coverage: Methods:
Data Table Data: Name: canopy_interception Description: Continuously-collected estimates of canopy interception (mm) for stands of longleaf pines, averaged by site type and burn regime treatment for every unique throughfall collection event between October 2015 and September 2020. Throughfall and bulk precipitation measurements (rainfall), from which interception was calculated, are also included. Interception, throughfall, and bulk precipitation are also presented as running cumulative totals for the duration of the study. Number of Records: 1281 Number of Columns: 13
Table StructureObject Name: canopy_interception.csv Size: 209052 byte Authentication: c192f477bf7eeffefe795fc9e8167775
Calculated By MD5 Text Format:
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Orientation: column
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Table Column Descriptions evnt.start evnt.end site trt trt.bkt.n tfall.trt.avg trt.std.err ppt.avg int cum.ppt cum.tfall Column Name: smpl.evnt.start smpl.evnt.end site trt trt.bkt.n tfall.trt.avg trt.std.err ppt.avg int cum.ppt cum.tfall Definition: unique categorical identifier. A number is assigned to every unique throughfall sampling event. The date a throughfall sampling event began. All times are in eastern standard time. For dates prior to 2016-03-30, time was not recorded. 00:00 was assigned as the default collection time unless a rain event occurred on the day of sample collection, in which case collection time was further specified. The date a throughfall sampling event ended. All times are in eastern standard time. For dates prior to 2016-03-30, time was not recorded. 00:00 was assigned as the default collection time unless a rain event occurred on the day of sample collection, in which case collection time was further specified. site type, based on soil moisture availability the fire regime treatment applied to the stands where throughfall was measured. Or, in the case of "BP", a signifier of a reference measure of bulk precipitation. number of samplers included in the average of measured throughfall or rainfall The average amount of throughfall (mm) for a given treatment and site, or average total rainfall for bulk precipitation (BP) "treatments" The standard error (mm) of the average throughfall or rainfall estimate for a given treatment and site Average total rainfall, or bulk precipitation, at a given site. This is the same value as the measurement recorded for the "BP" (bulk precipitation) treatment at each site. Interception (mm) calculated by subtracting throughfall (tfall.trt.avg) from total rainfall (ppt.avg) Cumulative measure of rainfall (mm) calculated for the entire study period, for each site and treatment Cumulative measure of throughfall (mm) calculated for the entire study period, for each site and treatment Cumulative measure of interception (mm) calculated for the entire study period, for each site and treatment Storage Type: float dateTime dateTime string string float float float float float float float float Measurement Type: ratio dateTime dateTime nominal nominal ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio Measurement Values Domain: Format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ Precision
Format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ Precision
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code mesic Definition the label for the mesic site Source
Code Definition Code xeric Definition the label for the xeric site Source
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code BP Definition Bulk precipitation. This was a measure of total rainfall in an open field at each site. Source
Code Definition Code FF Definition Stands treated with frequent prescribed fire (FF) Source
Code Definition Code EX Definition Stands excluded (EX) from fire Source
Missing Value Code: Accuracy Report: Accuracy Assessment: Coverage: Methods:
Data Table Table StructureObject Name: overstory_stemflow.csv Size: 264175 byte Authentication: 442fc5386dc7ed1f454e3fded2391c38
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Table Column Descriptions site trt stratum sample_date canopy.area_m2 rainfall_mm stemflow.volume_ml stemflow.depth_mm stemflow_pct Column Name: site trt stratum sample_date canopy.area_m2 rainfall_mm stemflow.volume_ml stemflow.depth_mm stemflow_pct Definition: site type, based on soil moisture availability the fire regime treatment applied to the stands where stemflow was measured. The canopy stratum occupied by the trees for which stemflow was measured. Date and time of stemflow sample measurement at the end of a sample period. Sample periods generally reflect the span of time between consecutive sample dates,. A unique identifying number for every tree for which stemflow was measured, within each site and treatment. Estimated projected area of a tree's canopy, in m^2 total amount of rainfall (mm) that fell during the sample period. total volume of stemflow (ml) collected during the sample period stemflow as depth (mm), calculated based on total volume of stemflow distributed across the projected canopy area. Tree stemflow expressed as a percentage of total rainfall Storage Type: string string string dateTime float float float float float float Measurement Type: nominal nominal nominal dateTime ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio Measurement Values Domain: +/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code mesic Definition the label for the mesic site Source
Code Definition Code xeric Definition the label for the xeric site Source
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code FF Definition Stands treated with frequent prescribed fire (FF) Source
Code Definition Code EX Definition Stands excluded (EX) from fire Source
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code overstory Definition Overstory trees had crowns which were generally in the highest stratum of tree crowns, and trunk diameter at breast high was typically > 10 cm. Source
Format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ Precision
Missing Value Code: Code NA Expl measurement not available
Code NA Expl measurement not available
Code NA Expl measurement not available
Accuracy Report: Accuracy Assessment: Coverage: Methods:
Data Table Data: Name: midstory_stemflow Description: Measurements of stemflow and associated rainfall for midstory trees (mm; 2020 - 2021). Midstory stemflow was only measured in fire-excluded stands; midstory tree abundance was too low to measure stemflow in frequently-burned stands, and fire regime should have negligible impact on canopy area to stemflow volume relationships. Number of Records: 933 Number of Columns: 10
Table StructureObject Name: midstory_stemflow.csv Size: 96639 byte Authentication: b75fa1b71d1eaeb81d0ffc6a7a982718
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Table Column Descriptions site trt stratum sample_date canopy.area_m2 rainfall_mm stemflow.volume_ml stemflow.depth_mm stemflow_pct Column Name: site trt stratum sample_date canopy.area_m2 rainfall_mm stemflow.volume_ml stemflow.depth_mm stemflow_pct Definition: site type, based on soil moisture availability the fire regime treatment applied to the stands where stemflow was measured. The canopy stratum occupied by the trees for which stemflow was measured. Date and time of stemflow sample measurement at the end of a sample period. Sample periods generally reflect the span of time between consecutive sample dates. A unique identifying number for every tree for which stemflow was measured, within each site. Estimated projected area of a tree's canopy, in m^2 total amount of rainfall (mm) that fell during the sample period. total volume of stemflow (ml) collected during the sample period stemflow as depth (mm), calculated based on total volume of stemflow distributed across the projected canopy area. Tree stemflow expressed as a percentage of total rainfall Storage Type: string string string dateTime float float float float float float Measurement Type: nominal nominal nominal dateTime ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio Measurement Values Domain: +/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code mesic Definition the label for the mesic site Source
Code Definition Code xeric Definition the label for the xeric site Source
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code EX Definition Stands excluded (EX) from fire Source
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code midstory Definition Midstory trees had crowns which were generally in a stratum below overstory tree crowns, and trunk diameter at breast high was typically < 10 cm. Source
Format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ Precision
Missing Value Code: Code NA Expl measurement not available
Code NA Expl measurement not available
Code NA Expl measurement not available
Accuracy Report: Accuracy Assessment: Coverage: Methods:
Data Table Table StructureObject Name: groundcover_lai_and_ET.csv Size: 59734 byte Authentication: 6268b084b551ee412cff3e486cdf0533
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Table Column Descriptions site year trt month fun_grp et_per.m2.leaf.area lai monthly.et_mm Column Name: site year trt month fun_grp et_per.m2.leaf.area lai monthly.et_mm Definition: site type, based on soil moisture availability year of monthly ET estimate. the fire regime treatment applied to stands where LAI and ET were estimated number representing the month of the year, where 1 = January, 2 = February, etc. The specific groundcover functional group for which LAI and ET were estimated. Estimate of evapotranspiration of a specific vegetative groundcover functional group, expressed as H2O (mm) per unit of leaf area (m^2). Leaf area index (LAI). For a given site and treatment, the estimate of total leaf area of a vegetative groundcover functional group relative to ground area. Total estimated evapotranspiration of vegetative groundcover functional groups, taking into account changes in estimated functional group LAI across months and sites. Expressed as millimeters of H2O. Storage Type: string float string float string float float float Measurement Type: nominal ratio nominal ratio nominal ratio ratio ratio Measurement Values Domain: +/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code mesic Definition the label for the mesic site Source
Code Definition Code xeric Definition the label for the xeric site Source
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code EX Definition Stands excluded (EX) from fire Source
Code Definition Code FF Definition Stands treated with frequent prescribed fire (FF) Source
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code forb Definition All herbaceous vegetation excluding graminoids. Source
Code Definition Code grass Definition All graminoid vegetation. Source
Code Definition Code woody Definition All woody vegetation < 1m tall Source
Unit millimeterPerMeterSquared Type real
Unit meterSquaredPerMeterSquared Type real
Missing Value Code: Accuracy Report: Accuracy Assessment: Coverage: Methods:
Data Table Table StructureObject Name: groundcover_interception.csv Size: 119806 byte Authentication: 0368b222dbc4ad35f1127bf5ac9dd52c
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Orientation: column
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Quote Character: "
Table Column Descriptions sample_event deploy_date_time smpl_date_time site trt bkt_mm cup_mm gc.interception_mm gc.interception_pct Column Name: sample_event deploy_date_time smpl_date_time site trt bkt_mm cup_mm gc.interception_mm gc.interception_pct Definition: unique categorical identifier. A number is assigned to every unique groundcover throughfall sampling event. The date a groundcover throughfall sampling event began. All times are in eastern standard time. The date a throughfall sampling event ended and throughfall samples were collected and measured. All times are in eastern standard time. site type, based on soil moisture availability the fire regime treatment applied to the stands where canopy and groundcover throughfall were measured. A unique numerical identifier for each canopy throughfall sampler (bucket), within each site and treatment A unique numerical identifier for each groundcover throughfall (t-fall) sampler (i.e. cup), within each site and treatment, and adjacent canopy t-fall sampler group. ID numbers correspond to the orientation and placement (in compass degrees) of each groundcover t-fall sampler relative to its adjacent canopy t-fall sampler. The amount of canopy throughfall measured for a given canopy throughfall sampler and sample event. Presented as a depth (mm), derived from the volume of throughfall measured and the surface area of the sampler opening. The amount of groundcover throughfall measured for a given groundcover throughfall sampler and sample event. Presented as a depth (mm), derived from the volume of throughfall measured and the surface area of the sampler opening. Groundcover interception calculated for a given groundcover throughfall sampler and sample event. Calculated by subtracting groundcover throughfall (cup_mm) from canopy throughfall (bkt_mm). Percent of canopy throughfall intercepted by the groundcover, calculated for a given groundcover throughfall sampler and sampling event. Storage Type: float dateTime dateTime string string float float float float float float Measurement Type: ratio dateTime dateTime nominal nominal ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio Measurement Values Domain: Format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ Precision
Format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ Precision
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code mesic Definition the label for the mesic site Source
Code Definition Code xeric Definition the label for the xeric site Source
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code FF Definition Stands treated with frequent prescribed fire (FF) Source
Code Definition Code EX Definition Stands excluded (EX) from fire Source
Missing Value Code: Accuracy Report: Accuracy Assessment: Coverage: Methods:
Data Table Data: Name: litter_biomass_and_moisture_content Description: A table of litter biomass (Mg ha^-1) and litter moisture content (%) for frequently burned and unburned stands of longleaf pine at two different sites, mesic and xeric (2015 - 2017). Litter samples collected for this study include both the Oi and Oe horizons. Values represent plot-level averages; standard error is also provided. Number of Records: 78 Number of Columns: 8
Table StructureObject Name: litter_biomass_and_moisture_content.csv Size: 7611 byte Authentication: 79b0b070f05be57bab016eea93c21758
Calculated By MD5 Text Format:
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Table Column Descriptions smpl.bout smpl_date site trt avg_bm_Mgha se_bm_Mgha avg_pct_h2o se_pct_h2o Column Name: smpl.bout smpl_date site trt avg_bm_Mgha se_bm_Mgha avg_pct_h2o se_pct_h2o Definition: unique numerical identifier assigned to every distinct litter collection sampling bout. Where litter collection for a sample bout was interrupted by a rain event, the bouts were excluded from this dataset, as this made moisture content between sites incomparable. The date on which the litter samples were collected for a given sample bout and a given site. site type, based on soil moisture availability the fire regime treatment applied to the stands where litter was collected. Mean of the sample of dry litter biomass (Mg ha^-1) measurements Standard error of the sample of dry litter biomass (Mg ha^-1) measurements Average of the sample measurements of moisture content of litter relative to dry biomass (%) Standard error of the sample measurements of moisture content of litter relative to dry biomass (%) Storage Type: float dateTime string string float float float float Measurement Type: ratio dateTime nominal nominal ratio ratio ratio ratio Measurement Values Domain: Format YYYY-MM-DD Precision
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code mesic Definition the label for the mesic site Source
Code Definition Code xeric Definition the label for the xeric site Source
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code FF Definition Stands treated with frequent prescribed fire (FF) Source
Code Definition Code EX Definition Stands excluded (EX) from fire Source
Unit megagramPerHectare Type real
Unit megagramPerHectare Type real
Missing Value Code: Accuracy Report: Accuracy Assessment: Coverage: Methods:
Data Table Data: Name: litter_drying Description: This table contains litter water content (%) data for litter samples collected in longleaf pine stands during dry periods, following a saturating rain event. The litter water content data are paired with the number of hours since most recent rain event when the sample was collected, in order to calculate a statistical model of litter drying rates. The litter was collected in both burned and fire excluded stands of longleaf, and data are divided by those treatments. Number of Records: 174 Number of Columns: 7
Table StructureObject Name: litter_drying.csv Size: 6956 byte Authentication: fed07cea4588dd71309ef2a401444647
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Orientation: column
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Field Delimiter: ,
Quote Character: "
Table Column Descriptions site trt trnsct smpl.bout DRY_HOURS pct_h2o Column Name: site trt trnsct smpl.bout DRY_HOURS pct_h2o Definition: site type, based on soil moisture availability. These data were only collected at one site to create drying curves generally applicable across sites. Nevertheless we supply the site here for consistency among tables in this data package. the fire regime treatment applied to the stands where litter was collected. The label identifying the transect along which litter samples were collected. These effectively function as subplots within a larger plot, or stand. Since litter sampling is destructive, we sampled along transects to avoid resampling the same location. Smpl_bout 99 included two additional transects (F & G). unique numerical identifier assigned to every distinct litter collection sampling bout. A number identifying each unique drying event. For this data set, a drying event was defined as any discrete period of time without rainfall which was preceded by a saturating rain event of >=30 mm. Drying events could last many days, and often included multiple sample bouts of litter collection to capture dry-down rates. At the time of litter sample collection, the number of hours litter samples were allowed to dry in situ following the most recent saturating recent rain event. Moisture content of each sample of litter relative to its dry biomass (%) Storage Type: string string string float float float float Measurement Type: nominal nominal nominal ratio ratio ratio ratio Measurement Values Domain: +/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code mesic Definition the label for the mesic site Source
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code FF Definition Stands treated with frequent prescribed fire (FF) Source
Code Definition Code EX Definition Stands excluded (EX) from fire Source
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code A Definition Transect A Source
Code Definition Code B Definition Transect B Source
Code Definition Code C Definition Transect C Source
Code Definition Code D Definition Transect D Source
Code Definition Code E Definition Transect E Source
Code Definition Code F Definition Transect F Source
Code Definition Code G Definition Transect G Source
Missing Value Code: Code NA Expl not applicable. In this data set, this applies only to sample bout 99, the lab-simulated measure of maximum litter saturation.
Accuracy Report: Accuracy Assessment: Coverage: Methods:
Data Table Data: Name: litter_wetting Description: This data table contains data used to generate litter wetting curves for litter in burned and unburned longleaf pine stands. Each record consists of a measure of percent water content of a litter sample, paired with a measure of the size of the most recent rain event prior to litter collection. Generally, all litter samples were collected within 48 hours of a rain event, and rain events were preceded by >= 8 days without rain to ensure a dry litter bed prior to the rain event. Number of Records: 97 Number of Columns: 6
Table StructureObject Name: litter_wetting.csv Size: 4341 byte Authentication: ac732f38ed9a4d4742499c9a387bcb30
Calculated By MD5 Text Format:
Number of Header Lines: 1
Record Delimiter: \n
Orientation: column
Simple Delimited:
Field Delimiter: ,
Quote Character: "
Table Column Descriptions site trt trnsct smpl.bout rainfall_mm pct_h2o Column Name: site trt trnsct smpl.bout rainfall_mm pct_h2o Definition: site type, based on soil moisture availability. These data were only collected at one site to create litter wetting curves generally applicable across sites. Nevertheless we supply the site here for consistency among tables in this data package. the fire regime treatment applied to the stands where litter was collected. The label identifying the transect along which litter samples were collected. These effectively function as subplots within a larger plot, or stand. Since litter sampling is destructive, we sampled along transects to avoid resampling the same location. Smpl_bout 99 included two additional transects (F & G). unique numerical identifier assigned to every distinct litter collection sampling bout. The amount of rainfall (mm) recorded for the most recent rain event at the site prior to litter sample collection. For litter samples collected to serve as the minimum and maximum saturation points of the curve, these values were manually set. Sample bout 99 was saturated in the lab; the rainfall total for that bout reflects the average amount of water, in mm poured on each litter sample. Litter samples collected after long drying events had no recent rainfall; these were artificially set to 0.001 mm rainfall to represent the dry start of the wetting curve. Moisture content, by weight, of each sample of litter relative to its dry biomass (%) Storage Type: string string string float float float Measurement Type: nominal nominal nominal ratio ratio ratio Measurement Values Domain: +/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code mesic Definition the label for the mesic site Source
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code FF Definition Stands treated with frequent prescribed fire (FF) Source
Code Definition Code EX Definition Stands excluded (EX) from fire Source
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code A Definition Transect A Source
Code Definition Code B Definition Transect B Source
Code Definition Code C Definition Transect C Source
Code Definition Code D Definition Transect D Source
Code Definition Code E Definition Transect E Source
Code Definition Code F Definition Transect F Source
Code Definition Code G Definition Transect G Source
Missing Value Code: Accuracy Report: Accuracy Assessment: Coverage: Methods: