Definition: | Index for sorting | The type of sensor used for dissolved oxygen measurements (EXO = YSI Exo2) | Site number | Latitude of site | Longitude of site | Name or raw data file | Date | Month | Season | Estimated mean rate of gross primary production (mg O2 L-1 day-1) | Standard deviation of estimated GPP (mg O2 L-1 day-1) | Median of GPP posterior distribution (mg O2 L-1 day-1) | Estimated mean rate of ecosystem respiration (() | Standard deviation of estimated ER (mg O2 L-1 day-1) | Median of ER posterior distribution (mg O2 L-1 day-1) | Estimated mean rate of net ecosystem production (mg O2 L-1 day-1) | Standard deviation of estimated NEP (mg O2 L-1 day-1) | Median of NEP posterior distribution (mg O2 L-1 day-1) | Estimated mean P:R ratio (unitless) | Standard deviation of estimated P:R | Median of P:R posterior distribution | Estimated mean reaeration (K) rate (day-1) | Standard deviation of estimated reaeration (K) rate (day-1) | Median of reaeration (K) rate posterior distribution(day-1) | Mean value of θ (equals 1.07177 if theta.est=FALSE) | SD of θ (equals 0 if theta.est=FALSE) | Median of theta posterior distribution | Mean estimated A, the primary production per quantum of light | Standard deviation of estimated A | Median of estimated A posterior distribution | Mean value of exponent p (equals 1 if p.est=FALSE) | SD of exponent p (equals 0 if p.est=FALSE) | Median of p posterior distribution | Coefficient of determination between observed and modelled DO. Can be inflated due to the temporally autocorrelated nature of the timeseries. | Posterior predictive p-value. Compares lack of fit of the model to the actual using data simulated from the parameterized model (Gelman et al. 1996). A value close to 0.5 indicates a very plausible model, while values <0.1 or >0.9 indicate the model is an implausible explanation of the observed data. | Residual mean square error. The rmse is specific to the magnitude of the dataset and should be assessed against models from days at the same site. | rmse expressed relative to the point-to-point variation in the dataset | Maximum run length fraction. The proportion of timesteps occupied by the longest high maximum run length proportion may indicate consistent over- or under-estimation of DO, which may nonetheless produce a high R2. | Correlation between sampled values of ER and K. | Logical check for whether all ˆRvalues are < 1.1 | Gelman-Rubin statistic (ˆR ) for A. Assesses convergence of chains. Values close to 1 indicate good convergence, while values >1.1 indicate poor mixing of the chains. | Gelman-Rubin statistic (ˆR ) for K | Gelman-Rubin statistic (ˆR ) for _x0012_ | Gelman-Rubin statistic (ˆR ) for p | Gelman-Rubin statistic (ˆR ) for R | Gelman-Rubin statistic (ˆR ) for GPP | Deviance Information Criterion. Assessment of how well the model will predict a replicate dataset taking into account model complexity. Can be used to select whether a 3- 4- or 5-parameter model is the most parsimonious. Lower DIC is desirable, with a difference of ~ 5 between models generally indicating that the model with lower DIC best predicts the data. May be negative. | Effective number of parameters. Should be positive. Negative pD may indicate the posterior mean is not a good measure of the posterior distribution, and there is likely an issue with the model. | Sum of PAR | Mean water temperature | Specified measurement interval (seconds) | Specified degree of smoothing for DO (numeric) | Specified smoothing of PAR (logical) | Specified number of iterations. | Specified burnin of burnin iterations. |
Measurement Values Domain: | Unit | dimensionless | Type | integer |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | EXO | Definition | Dissolved oxygen measured using YSI Exo2 sonde | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | MiniDOT | Definition | Dissolved oxygen measured using PME minidot logger | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | Site1 | Definition | Field site 1 on East Fork Creek | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | Site2 | Definition | Field site 2 on East Fork Creek | Source | |
| | | | Format | YYYY-MM-DD | Precision | |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | integer |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | Fall | Definition | September through November | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | Spring | Definition | March through May | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | Summer | Definition | June through August | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | Winter | Definition | December through February | Source | |
| Unit | mg O2 L-1 day-1 | Type | real |
| Unit | mg O2 L-1 day-1 | Type | real |
| Unit | mg O2 L-1 day-1 | Type | real |
| Unit | mg O2 L-1 day-1 | Type | real |
| Unit | mg O2 L-1 day-1 | Type | real |
| Unit | mg O2 L-1 day-1 | Type | real |
| Unit | mg O2 L-1 day-1 | Type | real |
| Unit | mg O2 L-1 day-1 | Type | real |
| Unit | mg O2 L-1 day-1 | Type | real |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real |
| | | | Unit | dimensionless | Type | real |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | Fine | Definition | Model converged | Source | |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real |
| Unit | micromolePerMeterSquaredPerSecond | Type | real |
| | Unit | dimensionless | Type | real |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | FALSE | Definition | PAR values not smoothed | Source | |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | integer |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | integer |