Vertical temperature profiles were collected at multiple buoyed stations from 1991-2022 using conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) profilers; Sea-Bird Electronics (Model SBE19, January 1991–June 2000), Sea-Bird Electronics (Model SBE25, July 2000–December 2007), Idronaut (Model 36 Plus, 2008-2014), and a Sea-Bird Electronics (Model SBE19PlusV2, 2015–2022). All were equipped with accurate (<0.01°C), fast-response (<800ms) temperature sensors. From 1991–June 2000, a float was used to maintain a free-fall descent (~0.25 m s-1) recording at 2Hz. From 2001–2022, the CTD’s were hand-lowered at ~0.25-0.5 m s-1 recording at 4Hz or higher. Pressure readings were converted to depth using the local air pressure and the density of Mono Lake water at the in situ temperature and conductivity based on the following equations derived by Jellison et al. (1999). Temperature at 0.5 m intervals was linearly interpolated from the higher resolution data.
Jellison, R., MacIntyre, S., and Millero, F.J. 1999. Density and conductivity properties of Na-CO3-Cl-SO4 brine from Mono Lake, California. Int. J. Salt Lake Res. 8(1):41-53, Erratum Int. J. Salt Lake Res. 8(4):384.