Definition: | Plot name | Date plot sampled | Easting coordinate (NAD 83 / UTM Zone 18N; EPSG:26918) | Northing coordinate (NAD 83 / UTM Zone 18N; EPSG:26918) | Plot aspect | Cosine-transformed aspect | Plot slope | Plot elevation | Distance to nearest seed source | Slope to nearest seed source | Direction to nearest seed source | Cosine-transformed direction to nearest seed source | Clay content in top 30cm of soil | Silt content of top 30cm of soil | Sand content in top 30cm of soil | Initials of plot investigators | Total cover by herbaceous plant species | cover of Achillea millefolium | cover of Agoseris glauca | cover of Antennaria microphylla | cover of Arica cordifolia | cover of Eurybia merita | cover of Collomia linearis | cover of Chamerion angustifolium | cover of Epilobium ciliatum | cover of Fragaria virginiana | cover of Gayophytum diffusum | cover of Hieracium albiflorum | cover of Lactuca serriola | cover of Lupinus argenteus | cover of Taraxacum officinale | cover of Agrostis scabra | cover of Carex geyeri | cover of Carex rossii | cover of Calamagrostis rubescens | cover of Trisetum spicatum | cover of Spiraea betulifolia | cover of Vaccinium scoparium | cover of bare soil | cover of uncharred litter | cover of charred litter | cover of bare rock | cover of wood | cover of moss | cover of lichens and crusts | cover of Agoseris aurantiaca | cover of Anaphalis margaritacea | cover of Arenaria congesta | cover of Astragalus spp. | cover of Campanula rotundifolia | cover of Cirsium arvense | cover of Collinsia parviflora | cover of Erigeron speciosus | cover of Hieracium cynoglossoides | cover of Rumex acetosella | cover of Solidago spp. | cover of Calamagrostis canadensis | cover of Carex spp. | cover of Elymus glauca | cover of Poa spp. | cover of unidentifiable graminoids | cover of Lonicera utahensis | cover of Mahonia repens | cover of Vaccinium cespitosum | cover of Vaccinium membranaceum | cover of Calyptridium umbellatum | cover of Hieracium spp. | cover of Hieracium triste | cover of Potentilla arguta | cover of Antennaria rosea | cover of Agoseris spp. | cover of Claytonia lanceolata | cover of Antennaria spp. | cover of Rumex spp. | cover of Sibbaldia procumbens | cover of Eriogonum umbellatum | cover of Senecio serra | cover of Poa alpina | cover of Achnatherum spp. | cover of Arnica chamissonis | cover of Koeleria macrantha | cover of Solidago multiradiata | cover of Potentilla gracilis | cover of Tragopogon dubius | Cover of Arnica spp. | Cover of Bromus inermis ssp. pumpellianus | cover of Cerastium arvense | cover of Phleum alpinum | cover of Senecio spp. | cover of Lithospermum ruderale | cover of Hydrophyllum capitatum | cover of Rubus idaeus | cover of Arabis glabra | cover of Trifolium repens | cover of Geranium viscosissimum | cover of Galium boreale | cover of Descurainia sophia (?) | cover of Silene spp. | cover of Juncus spp. | cover of Phlox spp. | cover of Potentilla spp. | cover of Arnica parryi | cover of Geranium spp. | cover of Calochortus eurycarpus | cover of Senecio canus | cover of Elymus elymoides | cover of Eurybia integrifolius | cover of Antennaria racemosa | cover of Penstemon spp. | cover of Arabis holboellii | cover of Bromus spp. | cover of Geum macrophyllum | cover of Achnatherum occidentale | cover of Artemisia ludoviciana | cover of Symphyotrichum spp. | cover of unknown gentian spp. | cover of Equisetum spp. | cover of Ranunculus spp. | cover of Thalictrum occidentale | cover of Erigeron perigrinus | cover of Ligusticum filicinum | cover of Ribes lacustre | cover of Castilleja miniata | cover of Aconitum columbianum | cover Aquilegia spp. | cover of Heuchera spp. | cover of Solidago canadensis | cover of Ribes viscosissimum | cover of Lonicera involucrata | cover by annual species | cover of graminoids | cover of shrubs | cover of non-native species | cover of species in habitat class 1 | cover of species in habitat class 2 | cover of species in habitat class 3 | cover of species in habitat class 4 | cover of species in habitat class 5 | total cover by species in one of five habitat classes | community-weighted habitat class | Recovery trajectory identified using classification trees and tree age frequency distributions | number of Pinus contorta trees in transects | number of Pinus contorta trees scaled to ha | Number of Abies lasiocarpa trees in transects | Number of Abies lasiocarpa trees scaled to ha | Number of Pinus albicaulis trees in transects | Number of Pinus albicaulis trees scaled to ha | Number of Picea engelmannii trees in transects | Number of Picea engelmannii trees scaled to ha | Number of Populus tremuloides trees in transects | Number of Populus tremuloides trees scaled to ha | Number of Pseudotsuga menziesii trees in transects | Number of Pseudotsuga menziesii trees scaled to ha | Total number of trees in transects | Total number of trees scaled to ha | Number of Pinus contorta saplings and seedlings in transects | Number of Pinus contorta saplings and seedlings scaled to ha | Number of Abies lasiocarpa saplings and seedlings in transects | Number of Abies lasiocarpa saplings and seedlings scaled to ha | Number of Pinus albicaulis saplings and seedlings in transects | Number of Pinus albicaulis saplings and seedlings scaled to ha | Number of Picea engelmannii saplings and seedlings in transects | Number of Picea engelmannii saplings and seedlings scaled to ha | Number of Populus tremuloides saplings and seedlings in transects | Number of Populus tremuloides saplings and seedlings scaled to ha | Number of Pseudotsuga menziesii saplings and seedlings in transects | Number of Pseudotsuga menziesii saplings and seedlings scaled to ha | Total number of saplings and seedlings in transects | Total number of saplings and seedlings scaled to ha | Total number of trees, saplings, and seedlings scaled to ha | Total number of trees with cones in transects | Proportion of trees in plot with cones |