Definition: | These data are all for the "BerryGlade" site, named for the Berry and Glade fires. | Plots numbered as defined in plot data. | Number of vascular plant species in 2021 for each 50-m x 50-m plot | Total percent cover of live non-tree vegetation | Total percent cover of live forbs | Total percent cover of live graminoids | Total percent cover of live shrubs | Percent cover of Achillea millefolium | Percent cover of Agoseris glauca | Percent cover of Antennaria microphylla | Percent cover of Arnica cordifolia | Percent cover of Aster meritus | Percent cover of Collomia linearis | Percent cover of Epilobium angustifolium (now Chamerion angustifolium) | Percent cover of Epilobium ciliatum | Percent cover of Fragaria virginiana | Percent cover of Gayophytum diffusum | Percent cover of Hieracium albiflorum | Percent cover of Lactuca serriola | Percent cover of Lupinus argenteus | Percent cover of Taraxacum officinale | Percent cover of Agrostis scabra | Percent cover of Carex geyeri | Percent cover of Carex rossii | Percent cover of Calamagrostis rubescens | Percent cover of Trisetum spicatum | Percent cover of Ceonothus velutinus | Percent cover of Spiraea betulifolia | Percent cover of Vaccinium scoparium | Percent cover of bare mineral soil | Percent cover of uncharred litter (e.g., pine needles, senesced leaves) | Percent cover of charred litter | Percent cover of rock | Percent cover of woody material | Percent cover of mosses (any species) | Percent cover of any lichen crust | Percent cover of Agoseris aurantiaca | Percent cover of Anaphalis margaritacea | Percent cover of Arabis spp. | Percent cover of Arenaria congesta | Percent cover of Arnica latifolia | Percent cover of Aster spp. | Percent cover of Astrafa;is spp. | Percent cover of Campanula rotundifolia | Percent cover of Cirsium arvense | Percent cover of Collinsia parviflora | Percent cover of Erigeron speciosus | Percent cover of Gentianella amarella | Percent cover of Hieracium cynoglossoides | Percent cover of Polygonum douglassii | Percent cover of Rumex acetosella | Percent cover of Solidago spp. | Percent cover of Stipa spp. | Percent cover of Viola spp. | Percent cover of other unknown forb | Percent cover of Agropyron canium | Percent cover of Bromus tectorum | Percent cover of Calamagrostis canadensis | Percent cover of Carex spp. | Percent cover of Elymus glaucu | Percent cover of Poa spp. | Percent cover of other unknown graminoid | Percent cover of Lonicera utahensis | Percent cover of Mahonia repens | Percent cover of Vaccinium cespitosum | Percent cover of Vaccinium membranaceum | Percent cover of other unknown shrub | Percent cover of Aster integrifolius | Percent cover of Solidago missouriensis | Percent cover of Elymus spp. | Percent cover of Arnica parryi | Percent cover of Fragaria virginiana | Percent cover of Gnaphalium palustre | Percent cover of Salix lemmonii | Percent cover of Gnaphalium viscosum | Percent cover of Hieracium triste | Percent cover of Shepherdia canadensis | Percent cover of Salix scouleriana | Percent cover of Carex ovalis group | Percent cover of Tragopogon dubius | Percent cover of Poa nervosa | Percent cover of Achnatherum occidentale | Percent cover of Elymus elymoides | Percent cover of Arabis glabra | Percent cover of Geranium viscosissimum | Percent cover of Siliene spp. | Percent cover of Solidago multiradiata | Percent cover of a clasping Aster | Percent cover of Potentilla arguta | Percent cover of Galium boreale | Percent cover of Solidago canadensis | Percent cover of Hordeum jubatum | Percent cover of Agoseris spp. | Percent cover of Antennaria spp. | Percent cover of Poa (another species) | Percent cover of Phleum alpinum | Percent cover of Antennaria rosea | Percent cover of Logfia arvensis | Percent cover of Perideridia gairdneri | Percent cover of Astragulus miser | Percent cover of wiry unknown | Percent cover of Festuca spp. | Percent cover of Erigeron spp. | Percent cover of Geranium spp. | Percent cover of Apocynum androsaemifolium | Percent cover of Arcostaphylos uva-ursi | Percent cover of Cryptantherum fendlerii | Percent cover of Spergularia rubra | Percent cover of Lepieium spp. | Percent cover of Dracocephalum parviflora | Percent cover of Artemisia tridentata | Percent cover of Arabis holbellii | Percent cover of Geranium richardsonii | Percent cover of Amalanchier alnifolium | Percent cover of Ribes viscosissimum |