This water quality data is associated with sensor, profile parameters published in Jones et al. (2024).
Data quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC): A field duplicate and one field blank were taken every week during the summer sampling season. The QA Officer monitored the results from the field duplicate sampling and field blanks. If duplicates exhibited a difference of >5% for any parameter or if field blanks indicated measurable amounts of any parameters, the QA Officer determined potential causes and if the data were usable or rejected.
All laboratory equipment was maintained according to manufacturer recommendations by the QA Officer. A running record of absorbance/second derivative/fluorescence for specific standard concentrations and blanks is maintained for spectrophotometers and fluorometers, with Laboratory Technicians recording pertinent information at the beginning of each analytical run. The spectrophotometer initiates a self-test upon startup. Standards for chlorophyll, phosphorus, nitrogen, NH4, NO3, and dissolved organic carbon were made from stock solutions purchased from Fisher Scientific.
If individual parameter’s raw data was outside of acceptable CV values and ranges (documented in the MU Limnology Standard Operating Procedures [SOPs] published here:, additional samples were analyzed to replace questionable samples. Values <0 were removed and raw concentrations are reported. In the metadata, we report method detection limits (MDLs) for each parameter; we leave it to the user to apply these limits to the data. We have QAQCed the data and removed any data for which dissolved nutrients have a higher concentration than their affiliated total nutrient concentration (e.g., TDN is always less than TN).
Proficiency testing with an accredited lab occurs every year for TN/TDN, TP, NH4, NO3 and cyanotoxins (microcystin, cylindrospermopsin, anatoxin, saxitoxin). All samples were stored frozen.
Documentation and Records: Field Technicians completed a field log sheet for each reservoir on each sampling occasion. The field log contains information on the water body being sampled, date and time of visit, field data, and sample bottle information. As samples were processed, Field Technicians completed a filtration log that contained sample information (e.g., date, reservoir ID number, sample type, sample bottle number) as well as information concerning the samples’ processing (e.g., bottle identification numbers, filter identification numbers and volumes). The Field Technicians that collected the samples were also responsible for processing the samples. Laboratory Technicians completed a data sheet with each analytical run. The sheet contains sample site information, results of the analysis and results from QA/QC measures. Laboratory Technicians noted and dated analytical data sheets with each step in the analytical process (set-up, digestion, and analysis).
The spatial delineation of individual reservoirs has been developed by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) and is disseminated by the Missouri Spatial Data Information Service (2020 WQS Lake Classification and Use). Reservoir characteristics, documented in the metadata, were determined as follows. The watershed of each reservoir was derived with the Python package PySheds (Bartos 2020) using USGS 60 m digital elevation data. For each reservoir and its associated watershed, we computed the following geomorphometric parameters: elevation, area, and maximum length. The maximum length was calculated by deriving the distance between all coordinate pairs along the perimeter of a reservoir/watershed.
Jones, J.R., A. Argerich, D.V. Obrecht, A.P. Thorpe, and R.L. North. 2024. Missouri Lakes and Reservoirs Long-term Limnological Dataset, 1976-2018. ver 2. Environmental Data Initiative. (Accessed 2024-06-14).
Jones, J.R., R.L. North, A. Argerich, A.P. Thorpe, D.V. Obrecht, A. Price, K. Santamaria, and D.C. Richardson. 2024. Missouri reservoir profile data including temperature, depth, and oxygen profiles (1989-2022) ver 2. Environmental Data Initiative. (Accessed 2024-11-01).
North, R.L., D.C. Richardson, and A. Price. 2024. Missouri reservoir profile data including depth, temperature, oxygen, photopigments, conductivity, pH, turbidity, and oxidative-reductive potential starting in 2023 ver 1. Environmental Data Initiative. (Accessed 2024-11-01).