datetime DO_1 DO_15 DOSat_1 DOSat_15 Temp_15 Temp_1 pH Sp.Cond Chlorophyll Phycocyanin DO_15flag DOSat_15flag Phycocyaninflag Chlorophyllflag Column Name: datetime DO_1 DO_15 DOSat_1 DOSat_15 Temp_15 Temp_1 pH Sp.Cond Chlorophyll Phycocyanin DO_15flag DOSat_15flag Phycocyaninflag Chlorophyllflag Definition: Datetime, Eastern Standard Time, daylight savings time not observed YSIEXO2: Dissolved oxygen at 1 meter INSITU: Dissolved oxygen at 15 meters YSIEXO2: %Saturation of Dissolved oxygen at 1 meter InSitu: %Saturation of Dissolved Oxygen at 15 meters INSITU: Water temperature at 15 meters YSIEXO2: Water temperature 1 meter YSIEXO2: pH YSIEXO2: Specific conductivity YSIEXO2: chlorophyll florescence YSIEXO2: Phycocyanin florescence Flag for measurements of Dissolved Oxygen at 15 meters Flag for measurements of Dissolved Oxygen saturation at 15 meters Flag for measurements of Phycocyanin florescence Flag for measurements of Chlorophyll florescence Storage Type: Measurement Type: dateTime ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio nominal nominal nominal nominal Measurement Values Domain: Format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss Precision
Unit milligramPerLiter Type real
Unit milligramPerLiter Type real
Unit dimensionless Type real
Unit microsiemensPerCentimeter Type real
Unit relativeFlorescenceUnit Type real
Unit relativeFlorescenceUnit Type real
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code 0 Definition value greater than 0 Source
Code Definition Code 1 Definition negative value for dissolved oxygen replace with zero for analysis Source
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code 0 Definition value greater than 0 Source
Code Definition Code 1 Definition negative value for dissolved oxygen replace with zero for analysis Source
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code 0 Definition value greater than 0 Source
Code Definition Code 1 Definition negative value for dissolved oxygen replace with zero for analysis Source
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code 0 Definition value greater than 0 Source
Code Definition Code 1 Definition negative value for dissolved oxygen replace with zero for analysis Source
Missing Value Code: Code NA Expl Sensor was not in water or sensor failure
Code NA Expl Sensor was not in water or sensor failure
Code NA Expl Sensor was not in water or sensor failure
Code NA Expl Sensor was not in water or sensor failure
Code NA Expl Sensor was not in water or sensor failure
Code NA Expl Sensor was not in water or sensor failure
Code NA Expl Sensor was not in water or sensor failure
Code NA Expl Sensor was not in water or sensor failure
Code NA Expl Sensor was not in water or sensor failure
Code NA Expl Sensor was not in water or sensor failure
Code NA Expl Dissolved oxygen at 15 meters was not measured
Code NA Expl Saturation of dissolved oxygen at 15 meters was not meausred
Code NA Expl Phycocyanin was not measured
Code NA Expl Phycocyanin was not measured
Accuracy Report: Accuracy Assessment: Coverage: Methods: