| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Column Name: | YEAR
| Andromeda_polifolia_new_segment_mass
| Andromeda_polifolia_new_segment_density
| Andromeda_polifolia_net_primary_production
| Andromeda_polifolia_N_assimilation
| Chamaedaphne_calyculata_new_segment_mass
| Chamaedaphne_calyculata_new_segment_density
| Chamaedaphne_calyculata_net_primary_production
| Chamaedaphne_calyculata_N_assimilation
| Rhododendron_groenlandicum_new_segment_mass
| Rhododendron_groenlandicum_new_segment_density
| Rhododendron_groenlandicum_net_primary_production
| Rhododendron_groenlandicum_N_assimilation
| A_polifolia_and_C_calyculata_R_groenlandicum_new_segment_mass
| A_polifolia_and_C_calyculata_and_R_groenlandicum_new_segment_density
| A_polifolia_and_C_calyculata_and_R_groenlandicum_net_primary_production
| A_polifolia_and_C_calyculata_and_R_groenlandicum_N_assimilation
Definition: | Year of growth: 2011-2015 | Field experimental N treatments were made with 8 applications per plot per year between mid May and mid August of each year | Experimental plots were located along 3 arms; each arm had one replicate each of 8 N treatments | Dried mass of new growth segments of Andromeda polifolia | Number of new growth segments of A. polifolia counted in each plot per meter squared | Plot level net primary production calculated as the product of the mean mass per growth segment and average number of segments per area | Nitrogen assimilated into plant tissue on a per area, per year basis | Dried mass of new growth segments of C. Calyculata | All new growth segments of C. Calyculata counted in plot and reported as per meter | Plot level net primary production calculated as the product of the mean mass per growth segment and average number of segments per area production calculated as the product of the mean mass per growth segment and average number of segments per area | Nitrogen assimilated into plant tissue on a per area, per year basis | Dried mass of new growth segments of R. groenlandicum | All new growth segments of R. groenlandicum counted in plot and reported as per meter | Plot level net primary production of R. groenlandicum calculated as the product of the mean mass per growth segment and average number of segments per area | Nitrogen assimilated into plant tissue of R. groenlandicum on a per area, per year basis | Dried mass of new growth segments of A. polifolia, C. calyculata, and R. groenlandicum | All new growth segments of A. polifolia, C. calyculata, and R. groenlandicum counted in plot and reported as per meter | Plot level net primary production of A. polifolia, C. calyculata, and R. groenlandicum calculated as the product of the mean mass per growth segment and average number of segments per area | Sum of Nitrogen assimilated into plant tissue of A. polifolia, C. calyculata, and R. groenlandicum on a per area, per year basis |
Storage Type: | date
| string
| string
| float
| float
| float
| float
| float
| float
| float
| float
| float
| float
| float
| float
| float
| float
| float
| float
Measurement Type: | dateTime | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio |
Measurement Values Domain: | | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | C | Definition | Control, no water, no N added | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | 0 kg N/ha/yr added as NH4NO3 | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 10 | Definition | 10 kg N/ha/yr added as NH4NO3 | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 15 | Definition | 15 kg N/ha/yr added as NH4NO3 | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 20 | Definition | 20 kg N/ha/yr added as NH4NO3 | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 25 | Definition | 25 kg N/ha/yr added as NH4NO3 | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 5 | Definition | 5 kg N/ha/yr added as NH4NO3 | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | Arm 1 | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 2 | Definition | Arm 2 | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 3 | Definition | Arm 3 | Source | |
| Unit | gram | Type | real | Min | 0.06 | Max | 0.2 |
| Unit | numberPerMeterSquared | Type | real | Min | 14.9 | Max | 134.7 |
| Unit | gramsPerMeterSquaredPerYear | Type | real | Min | 1.09 | Max | 20.2 |
| Unit | gramsPerMeterSquaredPerYear | Type | real | Min | 0.18 | Max | 3.01 |
| Unit | gram | Type | real | Min | 0.08 | Max | 0.24 |
| Unit | numberPerMeterSquared | Type | real | Min | 9 | Max | 172.1 |
| Unit | gramsPerMeterSquaredPerYear | Type | real | Min | 1.56 | Max | 19.16 |
| Unit | gramsPerMeterSquaredPerYear | Type | real | Min | 0.29 | Max | 3.56 |
| Unit | gram | Type | real | Min | 0.06 | Max | 0.19 |
| Unit | numberPerMeterSquared | Type | real | Min | 11.3 | Max | 162.8 |
| Unit | gramsPerMeterSquaredPerYear | Type | real | Min | 1.49 | Max | 24.83 |
| Unit | gramsPerMeterSquaredPerYear | Type | real | Min | 0.21 | Max | 4.13 |
| Unit | gram | Type | real | Min | 0.23 | Max | 0.51 |
| Unit | numberPerMeterSquared | Type | real | Min | 118.2 | Max | 333.5 |
| Unit | gramsPerMeterSquaredPerYear | Type | real | Min | 11.14 | Max | 50.48 |
| Unit | gramsPerMeterSquaredPerYear | Type | real | Min | 1.64 | Max | 8.74 |
Missing Value Code: | Code | -99999 | Expl | Missing value |
| Code | -99999 | Expl | Missing value |
| Code | -99999 | Expl | Missing value |
| Code | -99999 | Expl | Missing value |
| Code | -99999 | Expl | Missing value |
| Code | -99999 | Expl | Missing value |
| Code | -99999 | Expl | Missing value |
| Code | -99999 | Expl | Missing value |
| Code | -99999 | Expl | Missing value |
| Code | -99999 | Expl | Missing value |
| Code | -99999 | Expl | Missing value |
| Code | -99999 | Expl | Missing value |
| Code | -99999 | Expl | Missing value |
| Code | -99999 | Expl | Missing value |
| Code | -99999 | Expl | Missing value |
| Code | -99999 | Expl | Missing value |
| Code | -99999 | Expl | Missing value |
| Code | -99999 | Expl | Missing value |
| Code | -99999 | Expl | Missing value |
Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |