The Lake Sunapee LSPA instrumented buoy was deployed on 27 August 2007
and anchored at ~15 m depth near Loon Island at 43.39° N, 72.06° W for
the study period (August 2007 – December 2008). The buoy is equipped
with a LI-COR LI-190SB photosynthetically active radiation (PAR)
sensor (2007-present) and a wind speed and wind direction anemometer
(WMT50 Vaisala). The wind speed and direction anemometer is located
approximately 1.7 meters above the water surface. In addition, the
buoy is equipped with a thermistor chain of TempLine thermistors
(Apprise Technology). A Zebra-Tech D-Opto optical dissolved oxygen
(DO) and water temperature sensor was deployed at 1 meter for the
study period and remained below the ice during the winter period. Data
were recorded from all sensors every 10 minutes. These data have been
QAQC’d to remove obviously errant readings, highly suspicious
readings, and artifacts of buoy maintenance. Data were collated and
cleaned using R (v3.5.3). Artifacts of buoy maintenance and errant
readings were recoded to ‘NA’ from the raw data.
Dissolved oxygen (DO) sensor readings drifted from the installation
date. We corrected the DO data for drift as follows: We assumed the
first 60 days from installation were calibrated correctly (as per most
manufacturer’s suggestions). Following those 60 days, we assumed
linear drift for the sensor. From down sampled DO data, we fit a time
series model to the daily time series of DO saturation (%) using the
auto.arima function from the R forecast package (Hyndman and Khandakar
2008) with a linear regression term to account for daily drift
starting on the 61st day and a constant offset. A first-order
autoregressive model was selected with four moving average terms
(ARIMA, [1, 0, 4]) and normally distributed residuals (N [0, σ2 =
2.34]). The DO saturation was corrected for drift using the modeled
drift rate of 0.034% d-1, lowered by the modeled offset of 17%, and
converted back to DO concentration. The corrected DO concentration was
used for all subsequent metabolism modeling.
The method we used to calculate lake metabolism estimates is similar
to the maximum likelihood estimation method in LakeMetabolizer, which
is also used in Solomon et al. (2013) and Hanson et al. (2008). We
used the drift-corrected dissolved oxygen concentration data, water
temperature profiles to calculate the mixed layer depth, above-water
photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) to calculate irradiance, and
wind speed data to calculate the gas flux coefficient from the gas
exchange piston velocity (k) according to the empirical model from
Cole and Caraco (1998) and similar to the k.cole.base function in
LakeMetabolizer. We used an inverse modeling technique to fit daily
GPP and R parameters with a maximum likelihood method and the
Nelder-Mead negative log-likelihood optimization algorithm.
We modified the typical open-water techniques to estimate metabolism
used in Solomon et al. (2013) because the diel changes in DO
concentrations can be very small in oligotrophic lakes, following the
methods described in Richardson et al. (2016). The first modification
was that the initial modeled DO concentration was calculated from a
mean of the first hour of data one hour before sunrise each day
instead of using a single-point estimate. This modification was made
to reduce the effect of a potentially erroneous single-point DO
measurement due to non-metabolism related processes that create noise
in the time-series. Second, in order to include dawn periods prior to
sunrise in the daily GPP and R estimates, we calculated a solar day
that included one hour before sunrise and one hour after sunset for a
total of a 26-hour period. The third modification was similar to
Richardson et al. (2016), in which we noticed that there was high
variability in DO concentration after sunrise for 1-5 hours throughout
a majority of the dataset. We are not sure what caused this signal but
after comparing a removal of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 hours after sunrise,
we chose to remove a 5-hr period for all days because that best fit
the observed diel curve (following Richardson et al. 2016). Metabolic
rates were calculated with the remaining 21 hours of data. We followed
Richardson et al. (2016) to model metabolism on days with open water,
but we assumed no atmospheric exchange on ice-covered days (6 Dec
2007–25 April 2008).
Following the modifications to the metabolism model, good model fits
were determined by examining the observed and modeled DO data for each
day in our time series. We found that removing the first 5 hours of
data beginning at 1 hour before sunrise resulted in more biologically
meaningful estimates of GPP and R with values >0.001 mg O2 L-1
day-1. However, we did still have some days with daily estimates
<0.001 mg O2 L-1 day-1, which were removed. We then followed a
similar protocol to Richardson et al. (2016) to conservatively exclude
days with unrealistic model estimates for GPP and R. We used plots of
observed and modeled diel DO curves, DO residuals, wind speed, and PAR
data to visually assess the model fit for each day as acceptable or
unacceptable. Three of the authors (JAB, DCR, NKW) independently
examined each model fit and the fit statistics (AICc, R2, and residual
sum of squares). We compiled the assessments, and if two or more
authors determined the model fit was unacceptable, the metabolism
estimates from that day were excluded from all subsequent analyses. We
used this visual assessment technique because the fit statistics were
not a reliable indicator of days with adequate model fits, likely due
to the large number of data points (given that the DO sensor collected
data every 10 minutes) generating each fit. This method resulted in
conservative estimates of GPP and R for this dataset because days with
poor model fits would have likely been included if numeric criteria
alone were used.
We converted epilimnetic volumetric based rates of GPP and R to areal
rates by multiplying by the seasonal thermocline depth when the lake
was stratified or the maximum lake depth at the buoy site when the
lake was not stratified. The seasonal thermocline depth was calculated
using methods similar to Read et al. (2011) using a minimum density
threshold of 0.1 kg m3 to find the depth with the maximum density
difference and determined using R code available upon request. The
maximum lake depth was 15 m for all time periods when the lake was not
stratified, except during the winter when the ice depth was 1 m, so
the maximum lake depth was 14 m. Daily NEP was calculated as GPP-R for
each day with reasonable estimates and adequate model fits as
described above.
For the environmental correlates analysis, we used daily sums of
precipitation and snow depth data collected at the Newport, NH, USA
(Lat: 43.3772° N, Long: 72.1812° W) NOAA NCDC weather station (Station
#: GHCND:USC00275868, URL:
From the sensors on the Lake Sunapee buoy, we down sampled the
10-minute data to calculate the solar day mean and coefficient of
variation (CV) of water temperature collected at the DO sensor, solar
day sum of above lake PAR, and the solar day maximum and CV of wind
speed (DOI for Sunapee meteorological data:
10.6073/pasta/175cfde22aaeee7349285d2c9fd298d9). From the
high-frequency water temperature profile data, solar day max and CV
summaries of 10-minute Schmidt stability estimates were derived using
the rLakeAnalyzer function (Winslow et al. 2018) following methods in
Read et al. (2011).