| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Column Name: | Lake
| Latitude_Direction
| Latitude_Degrees
| Latitude_Minutes
| Latitude_Seconds
| Longitude_Direction
| Longitude_Degrees
| Longitude_Minutes
| Longitude_Seconds
| Sampling_Month
| Sampling_Year
| Depth
| Oxygen
| Chlorophyll_a
| Dissolved_Iron
| Dissolved_Manganese
| Sulfate
| Nitrate
| Dissolved_Methane
| 13_Carbon_Isotope_Dissolved_Methane
| 13_Carbon_Isotope_DIC
| Euryarchaeota_Relative_Abundance
| Bathyarchaeota_Relative_Abundance
| Gammaproteobacteria_Relative_Abundance
| Alphaproteobacteria_Relative_Abundance
| Methylacidiphilaceae_Relative_Abundance
Definition: | This column describes which lake the data in the row represents | Latitude direction of the lake | Latitude partial coordinates | Latitude partial coordinates | Latitude partial coordinates | Longitude direction of the lake | Longitude partial coordinates | Longitude partial coordinates | Longitude partial coordinates | Month during which sampling took place | Year during which sampling took place | Depth (from the surface) at which samples were collected | Dissolved oxygen | Concentration of chlorophyll a at depth | Concentration of dissolved iron at depth | Concentration of dissolved manganese at depth | Concentration of sulfate at depth | Concentration of nitrate at depth | Concentration of dissolved methane at depth | 13C isotope signature of methane in the water column at depth | Concentration of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon at depth | 13C isotope signature of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in the water column at depth | Relative abundance of the phylum Euryarchaeota at depth | Relative abundance of the phylum Bathyarchaeota at depth | Relative abundance of the class Gammaproteobacteria at depth | Relative abundance of the class Alphaproteobacteria at depth | Relative abundance of the family Methylacidiphilaceae at depth |
Storage Type: | string
| string
| float
| float
| float
| string
| float
| float
| float
| string
| date
| float
| float
| float
| float
| float
| float
| float
| float
| float
| float
| float
| float
| float
| float
| float
| float
Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio | nominal | dateTime | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio |
Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | This column describes which lake the data in the row represents |
| Definition | Latitude direction of the lake |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | natural | Min | 44 | Max | 46 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | natural | Min | 49 | Max | 58 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 4.48 | Max | 58.07 |
| Definition | Longitude direction of the lake |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | natural | Min | 87 | Max | 93 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | natural | Min | 19 | Max | 55 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 14.86 | Max | 26.67 |
| Definition | Month during which sampling took place |
| | Unit | meter | Type | real | Min | 1 | Max | 21.5 |
| Unit | microMolar | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 338.77 |
| Unit | microgramsPerLiter | Type | real | Min | 1.09 | Max | 73.98 |
| Unit | microMolar | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 1689.06 |
| Unit | microMolar | Type | real | Min | 0.06 | Max | 142.44 |
| Unit | microMolar | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 86.5 |
| Unit | microMolar | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 8.1 |
| Unit | microMolar | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 1982.5 |
| Unit | perMill | Type | real | Min | -73.5 | Max | 0 |
| Unit | microMolar | Type | real | Min | 0.2 | Max | 14.1 |
| Unit | perMill | Type | real | Min | -20.81 | Max | 1.64 |
| Unit | percent | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 12.72 |
| Unit | percent | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 1.45 |
| Unit | percent | Type | real | Min | 0.12 | Max | 10.47 |
| Unit | percent | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 1.14 |
| Unit | percent | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 0.48 |
Missing Value Code: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |