The following methods are from our paper entitled, “Geochemical
Characterization of Two Ferruginous Meromictic Lakes in the Upper
Midwest, USA” (Lambrecht, N., Wittkop, C., Katsev, S., Fakhraee, M.,
& Swanner, E. D. (2018). Geochemical Characterization of Two
Ferruginous Meromictic Lakes in the Upper Midwest, USA. Journal of
Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 123(10), 3403-3422.):
Brownie Lake (N44°5804.483′′, W93°19026.677′′) is located in
Minneapolis, MN, and is the northernmost lake in the Minneapolis
Chain of Lakes (Brownie, Cedar, Isles, Calhoun, and Harriet). The
catchment area is mostly residential, with recreational paths
surrounding the lake. It has an approximate surface area of 5 ha and
a maximum depth of 14 m (Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board,
2013; Myrbo et al., 2011). Canyon Lake (N46°49058.069′′,
W87°55014.858′′) lies in private lands belonging to the Huron
Mountain Club (HMC) in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. It is
enclosed by deep canyon walls, which are surrounded by the pristine
forests of the Huron Mountains. It has an approximate surface area
of 1 ha and a maximum depth of 23 m (Anderson-Carpenter et al.,
Sampling was performed from moored boats at the deepest locations in
both lakes. Water was collected from a maximum depth of 13 m at
Brownie Lake and 21 m at Canyon Lake (Figure 1). Each lake was
sampled multi- ple times throughout 2015–2018 to assess seasonal
change and confirm stable stratification. Sensors were lowered on
depth-calibrated cables. All samples for nutrients, cations and
anions, major and minor elements, redox species, and DIC were
collected with a Proactive Mini Monsoon pump with low-flow
controller attached to vinyl tubing and a cable marked with meter
and half-meter depth increments. Water was filtered by attaching a
syringe filter directly to the tubing, and where necessary to a
needle via luer lock connections.
A Hydrolab Series 5 multiprobe (Hach) was deployed to collect
conductivity/temperature/depth data, in addi- tion to dissolved
oxygen (detection limit: 3 μM), pH, oxidation-reduction potential,
and turbidity. Calibrations were performed after rinsing the sensors
twice with deionized water. Conductivity and salinity were cali-
brated with a two-point calibration utilizing buffers obtained from
the manufacturer. The membrane-based dissolved oxygen probe was
calibrated using a single point calibration with 100% air-saturated
water. The pH sensor was calibrated by using commercially prepared
buffers (pH 4, 7, 10). Light profiles were measured using a LI-COR
192SA (sensitivity of 4 μA per 1,000 μM·s1·m2) underwater quantum
sensor on a lowering frame. From June until September of 2017, a
vertical chain of Hobo temperature recorders (accuracy 0.2 °C,
precision 0.02 °C) was deployed in Canyon Lake to characterize
seasonal variations in stratification. Eight recorders were
positioned in the water column at depths between 18.5 and 1 m; the
recorders were pro- grammed to take temperature measurements every 5
Dissolved sulfide was filtered using a 0.22-μm polyethersulfone
(PES) filter. Nitrate and dissolved phosphate (also known as soluble
reactive phosphorus) samples were filtered using a 0.45-μm PES
filter. Samples for ammonium and total phosphorus quantification
were preserved by acidifying unfiltered water with 5 N H2SO4 to pH
< 2 on land after sample collection. All samples were stored on
ice or at 4 °C until analysis, usually within 72 hr. Ammonium
(detection limit: 5 μM; Weatherburn, 1967), nitrate (detection
limit: 1 μM; Hood-Nowotny et al., 2010), total and dissolved
phosphorus (detection limit: 0.1 μM; Wetzel & Likens, 2000), and
dissolved sulfide (detection limit: 1 μM; Cline, 1969; Reese et al.,
2011) were measured spectrophotometrically on an Epoch 2 Microplate
Reader (Biotek).
Samples for cations and anions, which were collected simultaneously
for each sampling trip, were filtered using 0.45 μm PES filters.
Anions (Cl, Br, and SO42) were preserved on ice during transport and
stored at 4 °C until analysis. Cation samples (Al, B, Ca, Cr, Cu,
Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Si, Na, and Zn) were preserved with HNO3 (final acid
concentration of 1%) and then transported on ice and stored at 4 °C
until analysis. Cations were analyzed by ICP-OES (iCap 7600 Duo) at
the University of Minnesota Department of Earth Sciences (2015
samples), the Minnesota Department of Health (2016 samples), or the
U of MN Research Analytical Laboratory (2017 samples). Anions were
analyzed at the same facilities using a Dionex 120 Ion Chromatograph
following the Environmental Protection Agency method 300.0 (Pfaff,
1993). Ion detection limits can be found in supporting information
Table S1. The significant digits reflect the quantification limit.
Samples for DIC analysis were filtered (0.45 μm) and stored in
sealed headspace vials (2015 and 2016 sam- ples) or injected into
evacuated, He-flushed exetainers containing 1 mL of concentrated
phosphoric acid (2017 samples) and analyzed at the U of MN Stable
Isotope Laboratory (2015 samples), and the UC-Davis Stable Isotope
Facility (2016–2017 samples). Samples for methane were filtered
(0.45 μm) and filled into evacuated exetainers with no headspace
except for gas evolved from sample water. Methane samples were kept
at 4 °C until analysis or preserved with HCl to pH < 2. We did
not observe significant differences in CH4 concentrations between
samples that were acidified or not acidified. Methane was analyzed
at the UC-Davis Stable Isotope Facility by forcing dissolved gasses
into headspace generated by injecting a known volume of He gas to
the exetainer. The headspace gas was purified with a CO2 and H2O
scrubber (Mg(ClO4)2) and a liquid nitrogen cold trap. Methane was
separated using a GS-CarbonPLOT column and concentration was
determined using a ThermoScientific Precon unit. Samples for water
isotopes (δ2H and δ18O) were filtered (0.45 μm) and kept at 4 °C
with no headspace until analyses. Water isotopes were analyzed by a
Picarro L1102-i Isotopic Liquid Water Analyzer in the SIPERG
Laboratory at Iowa State University.
Mineral saturation indices were calculated in Geochemist’s Workbench
12 (Bethke, 2007) using major dis- solved ion data, sonde
measurements of O2 (O2 measurements were entered as zero values
below the detec- tion limit), pH, and DIC concentrations. The
saturation index (SI) for any mineral is defined as the log (Q/Ksp),
where Q is the ion activity product, calculated using the measured
data from species involved in mineral for- mation, and Ksp is the
solubility product of the mineral. All calculations were made at
ambient temperatures recorded by sonde readings. Where log (Q/Ksp)
is positive, the mineral is thermodynamically favored to form, and
where log (Q/Ksp) is negative, the mineral is undersaturated.
The following methods are from a paper that is in press in
Geobiology, “Biogeochemical and physical controls on methane fluxes
from two ferruginous meromictic lakes” (citation to follow):
Brownie Lake is located on the Chain of Lakes in Minneapolis,
Minnesota (Myrbo et al., 2011). It is an anthropogenically impacted,
eutrophic lake with a surface area of 5 ha and a maximum depth of 14
m, with a relative depth of 5.6%. Brownie Lake became meromictic in
the early 1900s due to lake-level lowering, which reduced its
surface area and increased its relative depth to favor
stratification, and further sheltered it from wind-mixing (Myrbo et
al., 2011). The watershed area of Brownie Lake is approximately 150
ha, and the residence time for water within the lake is 2 years
(Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, 2013). Water sources likely
include groundwater (Goudrealt, 1985) and storm sewer runoff (City
of Minneapolis GIS Water Quality Model; Barr Engineering, 2019).
Road salt, which has been in use since the mid-1900s (Swain, 1984),
currently imparts additional stability against mixing (Lambrecht et
al., 2018). Furthermore, the thermocline and chemocline are at the
same relative location in the water column (~ 5 m). These profiles,
along with water sampling methods, were previously described
(Lambrecht et al., 2018). Water samples were collected from the
deepest part of Brownie Lake (Fig. 1). Sampling campaigns were
carried out in May 2017, July 2017, September 2017, and June 2018.
Canyon Lake is a pristine lake nestled in the Huron Mountains in the
Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The maximum depth is 23 m and the
approximate surface area is 1 ha (Anderson-Carpenter et al., 2011).
Previous seasonal monitoring of Canyon Lake revealed a thermocline
near the surface between 3 – 4 m and a persistent chemocline
existing at ~ 17 m (Lambrecht et al., 2018). It is likely naturally
meromictic and ferruginous, due to its great depth relative to its
small surface area, along with wind protection from the surrounding
20 m high canyon walls (Smith, 1940; Lambrecht et al., 2018). Water
sources to the lake are dominated by precipitation, with nearby
seeps and springs supplying some water (Lambrecht et al., 2018).
Canyon Lake was sampled in June 2017, September 2017, and May 2018.
Additional details regarding sample collection can be found in
Lambrecht et al. (2018).
Dissolved O2 (LDO model 1 luminescent sensor;
detection limit of 3 µM) and chlorophyll a were measured by lowering
a Hydrolab Series 5 multiprobe (Hach) through the water column of
each lake. Sensors were rinsed with deionized water prior to
calibration. The dissolved O2 probe was
calibrated using 100% air-saturated water. The chlorophyll a sensor
has a resolution of ± 0.01 μg L-1.
Samples for dissolved anions
- and
2-; detection
limits of 0.1 mg L-1) and cations
(dissolved Fe and Mn; detection limits of 20 nmol) were filtered
using 0.45 µm polyethersulfone (PES) filters (Sartorius). Dissolved
cation samples were preserved with HNO3 at a
final concentration of 1%. All samples were kept on ice or at 4 °C
until analysis. Anions were analyzed using an ion chromatograph (IC)
and cations were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma-optical
emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) at the University of Minnesota
Research Analytical Laboratory.
Samples for dissolved CH4 concentrations and
isotopes were filtered using 0.45 µm PES filters and directly filled
from the sampling line into evacuated Exetainers (Labco, U.K.) with
no headspace using a needle attached to the syringe filter. Samples
collected in 2018 were additionally preserved with 0.5 mL 6M HCl,
with reported concentrations corrected for acid addition. No
significant difference in dissolved CH4
concentration was observed between 2017-2018 samples. The field
observation of exsolution in waters retrieved from depth was
consistent with gas concentrations within the range of
CH4 saturation (e.g. Molofsky et al., 2016)
as displayed in our reported values, and also consistent with
previous reports of a negligible impact of filtering on dissolved
CH4 concentrations (e.g. Alberto et al.,
2000). Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) concentrations and isotopes
were filtered (0.45 µm PES) and injected into exetainers that were
He-flushed and contained 1 mL of concentrated phosphoric acid.
Methane and DIC concentrations and isotopes were analyzed at the
UC-Davis Stable Isotope Facility compared against the Vienna Pee-Dee
Belemnite international reference standard, with standard deviations
of 0.2 and 0.1 ‰ respectively.
Methane gas fluxes from the lake surface to the atmosphere were
measured with static flux chambers using a foam base for flotation.
Chamber lids (acrylonitrile) and collars (polyvinyl chloride) had a
diameter of 26 cm and a height of 22 cm. Chambers were vented using
the design of Xu et al. (2006) to minimize pressure gradients
between the chamber and the atmosphere and any wind-induced pressure
perturbations due to the Venturi effect. Each flux measurement was
calculated using a time series of five gas samples collected every
five minutes following closure of the chamber over the collar.
Samples were collected by extracting 20 ml of gas through a septum
with a needle and gas-tight syringe, which was then injected into an
evacuated 12 ml Exetainer vial. Five independent flux measurements
per sampling campaign (five total) were made for the open water zone
directly above the anoxic sediments. Methane concentrations were
measured by gas chromatography at Iowa State University using a
flame ionization detector, with a typical coefficient of variation
< 2% for repeated analyses of standard gases with
CH4 mole fractions between 2 and 10 ppm.
Fluxes and standard deviation were calculated from time series of
gas concentrations by selecting the optimum model (either a
nonlinear diffusion model founded on Fick’s law or a linear trend)
based on the estimated value of the concentrated least squares
criterion fit using the HMR package in R (Pedersen, 2017). Using
this approach, individual chamber flux measurements that exhibited
CH4 spikes consistent with ebullition
(Supporting Information Fig. 1) were automatically fit to a linear
model for parsimony.
Vertical fluxes of CH4 through the water
column by local (diffusional) processes were obtained from a
geochemical reaction-transport model using data from May 2017 at
Brownie Lake. Transport rates by turbulent eddy diffusion were
determined by the balance between the rates of turbulent energy
dissipation, which reflects wind forcing, and the strength of the
density gradient, characterized by the Brunt-Vaisala stability
frequency N (Osborn, 1980). In turbulent epilimnion, the vertical
eddy diffusion coefficient (KZ,
m2 s-1) often
may be phenomenologically approximated (e.g. Katsev et al., 2010) as
N-2. In the calm, stratified interior the
less vigorous energy dissipation is expected to result in lower
values of KZ, with turbulence being slightly
higher in the bottom boundary layer (McGinnis and Wuest, 2005). In
the absence of physical turbulence measurements, we calculated
KZ in the epilimnion from the
measurements-based N and approximated KZ
below the thermocline by fitting the measured chemical profiles,
using multiple species to better constrain the model (Supporting
Information Fig. 2). As this approach necessarily relies on the
chemical profiles being approximately steady, seasonal variations
and mixing by storms can introduce uncertainty. We therefore
restrict the analysis to Brownie Lake, where the range of the
oxycline motion is more limited than in Canyon Lake. A
one-dimensional reaction-transport model set up in MATLAB simulated
vertical profiles of chemical species as steady-state solutions of a
boundary-value problem. Decomposition of organic matter was
considered throughout the water column at a fixed volume-specific
rate RC (with a fitted value of 0.425 mmol
m-3 hr-1) and
in sediments with the average area-specific flux of
Fsed (0.416 mmol
m-2 hr-1). The
sediment contribution was apportioned to the corresponding water
column depths in accordance with the lake bathymetry. These rates
and fluxes were used to calculate the corresponding rates for the
consumption of O2 and the generation of DIC
and NH4
+ (with the
C:N ratio of 17). Boundary conditions were prescribed-flux for DIC
and NH4
+ at the
lake bottom, and fixed-concentration for O2
at the lake surface. The KZ(z) was adjusted
as a function of depth to fit all the profiles simultaneously
(Supporting Information Fig. 2). The turbulent diffusive fluxes of
CH4 through the water column were then
calculated from the CH4 concentration
gradient as
Microbial community composition was assessed using high throughput
16S rRNA gene sequencing. A total of 17 depths (13 whole meter and 4
half meter depths) were sampled from Brownie Lake in 2017.
Sequencing samples was not collected at every depth in May (2.5, 9,
and 13 m excluded) and September (2.5 and 3.5 m excluded). At Canyon
Lake, 26 depths (21 whole meter and 5 half meter depths) were
sampled in 2017. Samples for sequencing were not collected at 9.5
and 21 m in June and 13.5 and 15.5 m in September.
Water samples were collected from discrete depths using a 5 L Van
Dorn bottle. Individual water samples were subsampled (volumes of
ca. 250 mL) and transported in sterilized (10% bleach) high-density
polyethylene plastic collection bottles. Samples were stored on ice
in a dark cooler (max. two hours) to minimize microbial activity
until on-shore filtration. A Masterflex portable peristaltic sampler
(Cole-Parmer) was used to concentrate cellular biomass of
particle-associated microbes, and planktonic microbes (3 and 0.22 µm
PES filters; Millipore), respectively. Filters were submerged in a
house-made RNA preservation solution (De Wit et al., 2012) in
cryovials and stored on dry ice during transport and then a -80℃
freezer until DNA extraction.
Extraction of DNA from preserved filters was performed using
modified steps from Lever et al. (2015). Filters were thawed and
aseptically cut in half. Cellular lysis was performed using a lysis
solution (30 mM tris hydrochloride, 30 mM EDTA, 800 mM guanidine
hydrochloride, 0.5% Triton X-100) at pH 10, followed by a round of
freeze-thawing. Nucleic acid extracts were purified using one volume
of chloroform-isoamylalcohol (24:1). After purification, DNA was
precipitated with one volume of PEG 6000 (30% v/v) and a 0.5 volume
of 1.6 M NaCl. Two subsequent washes of the DNA pellet with 70%
ethanol were used to remove the PEG-NaCl. DNA pellets were dissolved
in PCR grade water.
The V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene was amplified and sequenced with
the primer pair 515F (5’-GTGCCAGCMGCCGCGGTAA-3’) and 805R
(5’-GACTACVSGGGTATCTAAT-3’) using a dual index approach (Kozich et
al., 2013; Gohl et al., 2016). Illumina sequencing was performed on
the amplicons at the University of Minnesota Genomics Center
(Minneapolis, MN) using the MiSeq platform and 2x300 bp chemistry.
Amplicon reads were processed using Mothur (v1.39) following the
standard operating protocol (Schloss et al., 2009). Amplicon pairs
were checked for quality, assembled, and aligned to the SILVA v132
database (Pruesse et al., 2012). Chimeras were checked with Uchime2
(Edgar, 2016), and operational taxonomic units (OTUs) clustered at
97% similarity using the opticlust method (Westscott and Schloss,
2017). Representative OTU sequences were taxonomically classified
with the SILVA v132 database using the Naive Bayesian classifier
(Wang et al., 2007). Graphs were built using the ggplot2 package in
R (Wickham, 2016). All amplicon sequences were deposited to the
National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Sequence Read
Archive under Project Number PRJNA560450 and Accession numbers