Data Package Metadata   View Summary

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Ambient Lake Monitoring Program, 2005-2009

General Information
Data Package:
Local Identifier:edi.36.7
Title:New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Ambient Lake Monitoring Program, 2005-2009
Alternate Identifier:DOI PLACE HOLDER

This project was developed as a monitoring program that would address both the deficiencies cited in the 1999 USEPA's Office of Inspector General's Audit Report and the needs of the watershed management and water quality assessment (305(b)/303(d)) programs. This approach comports with the guidance provided in USEPA's publication, "Elements of a State Water Monitoring and Assessment Program," March 2003, which requires that states develop and implement long-term strategies that include monitoring of all state water body types including lakes. Data is collected to evaluate trophic status of selected lakes and assess the ecological health of the State's lentic water resources. This data is not expected to be compared with any existing data and is not expected to be used for any permitting, enforcement or TMDL development activities. Target population for monitoring was all lakes, man-made or natural, excepting water supply reservoirs, wholly or partially within the State of NJ political boundaries. A lake is defined as a permanent body of water of at least two hectares in surface, and a minimum depth of one meter. Lakes were selected randomly, using the USEPA - Generalized Random Tessellation Stratified (GRTS) survey design, but in a manner that equalizes selections over all Omernik level III ecoregions (6 within state). The New Jersey GIS coverage containing approximately 870 named lakes, meeting the design criteria, was used for the selection process. A total of 200 lakes were sampled, each sampled once every five years, with 40 lakes sampled per year.

Publication Date:2020-09-04

Time Period

People and Organizations
Contact:Poretti, Vic (New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Ambient Lake Monitoring Program, Researcher) [  email ]
Creator:Poretti, Vic (New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Ambient Lake Monitoring Program, Researcher)

Data Entities
Data Table Name:
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Ambient Lake Monitoring Program, 2005-2009
Other Name:
Booboo is a friend of Yogi Bear in Jellystone Park
Imports data for the LAke multi-scaled GeOSpatial database (LAGOS)
Other Name:
Imports data for the LAke multi-scaled GeOSpatial database (LAGOS)
Detailed Metadata

Data Entities

Data Table

Data are Offline:
Medium:Hard drive
Request data:
Description:New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Ambient Lake Monitoring Program, 2005-2009
Number of Columns:22

Table Structure
Object Name:NJ_DEP_CHEM.csv
Size:80209 bytes
Authentication:f680be4c131b4dbc5625f350fee69811 Calculated By md5
Text Format:
Number of Header Lines:1
Record Delimiter:\r\n
Simple Delimited:
Field Delimiter:,
Quote Character:"

Table Column Descriptions
Column Name:Site_ID  
Definition:New Jersey unique water body identifierwater body common namespecific sampling point within the lake corresponding to included data and lat/long datalattitudelongitudeyear of lake samplingsummer or fallDate sampledlake maximum depthdepth at which reported sample/data were collectedSecchi disk depth, unknown if viewscope used (meter)Temperaturedissolved oxygenpHconductivityPhosphorus, total TP measurements taken from 2006-2009 are mg/L. Detection limits: 0.0099ppm (QA Plan) (milligramsPerLiter)Nitrogen, total kjeldahlNitrogen, nitrite (NO2) + nitrate (NO3) (milligramsPerLiter)Nitrogen, NH4 (milligramsPerLiter)Chlorophyll aAlkalinity, total (ppm)Turbidity (NTU)
Storage Type:string  
Measurement Type:nominalnominalratioratioratiodateTimenominaldateTimeratiorationominalratioratioratiorationominalrationominalnominalrationominalratio
Measurement Values Domain:
DefinitionNew Jersey unique water body identifier
Definitionwater body common name
Allowed Values and Definitions
Enumerated Domain 
Code Definition
Code Definition
Code Definition
DefinitionSecchi disk depth, unknown if viewscope used (meter)
DefinitionPhosphorus, total TP measurements taken from 2006-2009 are mg/L. Detection limits: 0.0099ppm (QA Plan) (milligramsPerLiter)
DefinitionNitrogen, nitrite (NO2) + nitrate (NO3) (milligramsPerLiter)
DefinitionNitrogen, NH4 (milligramsPerLiter)
DefinitionAlkalinity, total (ppm)
Missing Value Code:                                            
Accuracy Report:                                            
Accuracy Assessment:                                            

Non-Categorized Data Resource

Name:Booboo is a friend of Yogi Bear in Jellystone Park
Entity Type:R code
Description:Imports data for the LAke multi-scaled GeOSpatial database (LAGOS)
Physical Structure Description:
Object Name:DataImport_NJ_DEP_CHEM.R
Size:24769 bytes
Authentication:0bf38a2736072e9f955cc2293ec92569 Calculated By md5
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Record Delimiter:\r\n
Simple Delimited:
Field Delimiter:
Quote Character:"
Data are Offline:
Medium:Protected Website
Notes:This data is considered sensitive and resides only the location specified:
Request data:

Non-Categorized Data Resource

Entity Type:Microsoft Office Word Document
Description:Imports data for the LAke multi-scaled GeOSpatial database (LAGOS)
Physical Structure Description:
Object Name:DataImport_NJ_DEP_CHEM.docx
Size:15652 bytes
Authentication:b7f2e8752513695d9afa4db0434b40da Calculated By md5
Text Format:
Number of Header Lines:0
Record Delimiter:NA
Simple Delimited:
Field Delimiter:NA
Quote Character:NA
Data are Offline:
Medium:Hard drive
Request data:

Data Package Usage Rights

This information is released to the public under the Creative Commons license CC0 1.0 Universal ( and may be used for academic, educational, or commercial purposes subject to the following restrictions: The Data User must realize that these data sets are being actively used by others for ongoing research and that coordination may be necessary to prevent duplicate publication. The Data User is urged to contact the data creators or contacts. Where appropriate, the Data User may be encouraged to consider collaboration and/or co-authorship with original investigators. The Data User must realize that the data may be misinterpreted if taken out of context. The Data User must acknowledge use of the data by an appropriate citation (suggested format includes the DOI). While substantial efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of data and documentation, complete accuracy of data sets cannot be guaranteed. All data are made available "as is". The creators shall not be liable for damages resulting from any use or misinterpretation of data sets. Data users should be aware that we periodically update data sets. By using these data, the Data User agrees to abide by the terms of this agreement. Thank you for your cooperation.


By Thesaurus:
(No thesaurus)New Jersey, Lake monitoring, Water chemistry
LTER Controlled Vocabularyaquatic ecosystems, lakes, limnology, fresh water, dissolved nutrients, water quality, water properties

Methods and Protocols

These methods, instrumentation and/or protocols apply to all data in this dataset:

Methods and protocols used in the collection of this data package

Water Sampling

Sampling was performed on a given lake when there had not been any rainfall within 24 hours prior to sampling. This is to ensure that the sample is representative of the overall condition of the lake and not the condition of the lake only after a rain event. Sample volumes and container types are as described in the respective analytical laboratory’s “Quality Manual” and/ or SOP, which have been approved by the Office of Quality Assurance (OQA) and are on file with that Office as part of the laboratory’s certification application.

A combination field blank and equipment blank of PICO® water was collected on-site from the submerged horizontal sampler prior to the first sample for each lake (PICO® water, an ultra clean water, is supplied from the BFBM lab system, which is analyzed twice per year at a NJ certified laboratory for applicable parameters).

Sampling Area and Study Extent
Sampling Description:

Target population for monitoring was all lakes, man-made or natural, excepting water supply reservoirs, wholly or partially within the State of NJ political boundaries. A lake is defined as a permanent body of water of at least two hectares in surface, and a minimum depth of one meter. Lakes were selected randomly, using the USEPA - Generalized Random Tessellation Stratified (GRTS) survey design, but in a manner that equalizes selections over all Omernik level III ecoregions (6 within state). The New Jersey GIS coverage containing approximately 870 named lakes, meeting the design criteria, was used for the selection process. A total of 200 lakes were sampled, each sampled once every five years, with 40 lakes sampled per year. Sampling occurred 1X during summer and 1X during fall of the designated sampling year (lake sets in a given year are referred to as “Panels” in NJDEP Ambient Lake Monitoring reports)

Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:A. Clemente Inc. Pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.69921962Latitude (degree): -75.454455
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Albert Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.59077856Latitude (degree): -74.86413148
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Algonquian Waters Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.05906963Latitude (degree): -74.36777901
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Allamuchy Pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.91079105Latitude (degree): -74.81707466
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Allentown Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.17459097Latitude (degree): -74.58370383
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Alphano Pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.90218878Latitude (degree): -74.85264737
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Ames Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.95226219Latitude (degree): -74.50110904
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Amphibious Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.99431534Latitude (degree): -74.59794219
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Amwell Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.4002365Latitude (degree): -74.84182846
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Anchor Lake One
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.68779682Latitude (degree): -74.84381775
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Atco Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.75886062Latitude (degree): -74.88378188
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Atsion Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.74135383Latitude (degree): -74.73285201
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Bargaintown Pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.36347352Latitude (degree): -74.5773719
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Basgalore Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.733857Latitude (degree): -75.283707
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Bass Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.02473695Latitude (degree): -74.95241837
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Bear Swamp Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.09542433Latitude (degree): -74.21775847
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Bearfort Waters
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.14634118Latitude (degree): -74.40543235
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Bee Meadow Pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.833631Latitude (degree): -74.410145
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Bells Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.75340472Latitude (degree): -75.06023772
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Bennetts Pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.12734656Latitude (degree): -74.27894314
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Birchwood Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.866768Latitude (degree): -74.818706
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Bloodgood's Pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.62921679Latitude (degree): -74.29822748
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Bowlby Pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.89595931Latitude (degree): -74.55927745
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Braddocks Millpond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.82226687Latitude (degree): -74.85006084
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Brainerd Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.31040731Latitude (degree): -74.51334309
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Burnt Mill Pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.53256996Latitude (degree): -75.04251731
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Butler Pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.76164413Latitude (degree): -74.32583135
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Cains Mill Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.6036928Latitude (degree): -74.88760055
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Campbells Pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.73752686Latitude (degree): -74.30448839
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Carasaljo Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.08870788Latitude (degree): -74.21827879
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Cedar Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.33600086Latitude (degree): -75.20041954
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Cedarville Block Sand & Gravel Company Pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.34566658Latitude (degree): -75.23109908
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Chesler Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.87028231Latitude (degree): -74.62810984
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Clarks Pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.824457Latitude (degree): -74.180706
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Clint Millpond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.15514314Latitude (degree): -74.81618611
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Clinton WMA Pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.65318907Latitude (degree): -74.95909441
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Cold Spring Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.01418622Latitude (degree): -74.35122165
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Colonial Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.25600329Latitude (degree): -74.72348162
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Cooper River Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.925823Latitude (degree): -75.08178452
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Crystal Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.033286Latitude (degree): -74.241684
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Crystal Spring Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.7089483Latitude (degree): -75.00460551
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Culvers Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.17270563Latitude (degree): -74.7713275
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Cumberland Pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.37416762Latitude (degree): -74.9449244
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Davis Mill pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.4242605Latitude (degree): -75.36498131
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Deer Head Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.85162422Latitude (degree): -74.21137386
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Deer Park Pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.90620045Latitude (degree): -74.79477697
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Delaware Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.91903607Latitude (degree): -75.06601271
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Dennisville Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.19552333Latitude (degree): -74.82538489
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Dixons Pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.935319Latitude (degree): -74.445679
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:DoD Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.749887Latitude (degree): -75.4569
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Duck Pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.89583768Latitude (degree): -74.62488649
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:East Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.97585Latitude (degree): -74.355693
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Eastern Gate Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.60683134Latitude (degree): -75.07673923
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Echo Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.06214627Latitude (degree): -74.40996185
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Eden Mill Pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.820614Latitude (degree): -74.43312
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Erskine Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.093417Latitude (degree): -74.254364
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Fairview Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.0765311Latitude (degree): -74.91351419
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Farrington Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.44269923Latitude (degree): -74.45740121
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Fawn Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.74557025Latitude (degree): -74.30455356
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Flamingo Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.80383771Latitude (degree): -74.89978955
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Forest Hill Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.02814339Latitude (degree): -74.39716422
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Foxs Pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.02814339Latitude (degree): -74.39716422
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Gardners Pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.00414339Latitude (degree): -74.7389769
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Garrison Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.62923897Latitude (degree): -75.12731561
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:George Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.79970914Latitude (degree): -74.78495064
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Gilman Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.68534094Latitude (degree): -75.18393168
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Girl Scout Pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.96648658Latitude (degree): -74.49564761
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Glenwood Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.22917605Latitude (degree): -74.51702709
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Glovers Pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.94761271Latitude (degree): -74.88973633
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Great Gorge
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.16120232Latitude (degree): -74.52344368
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Green Pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.00531564Latitude (degree): -74.4943859
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Greenwood Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.17863381Latitude (degree): -74.32905471
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Greenwood Pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.055982Latitude (degree): -74.482301
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Hainsville Pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.26947841Latitude (degree): -74.78613219
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Hankins Pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.39597109Latitude (degree): -75.01913963
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Hanover Pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.9766797Latitude (degree): -74.46788778
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Harrisonville Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.68205642Latitude (degree): -75.26510199
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Harrisville Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.66500607Latitude (degree): -74.5237125
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Heaters Pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.07181826Latitude (degree): -74.58541384
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Heritage Lakes
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.14289976Latitude (degree): -74.56362131
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Highland Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.17691033Latitude (degree): -74.47536484
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Hubers Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.02959495Latitude (degree): -74.21792385
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Hudson Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.677835Latitude (degree): -75.447922
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Iliff Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.030669Latitude (degree): -74.717322
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Indian Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.88937819Latitude (degree): -74.48622485
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Irisado Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.04812408Latitude (degree): -74.14693635
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Japanese Garden A
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.55576414Latitude (degree): -74.63133177
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Jeddy's Pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.4332152Latitude (degree): -75.23953082
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Keswick Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.94841126Latitude (degree): -74.33975249
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Kings Grant Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.85922675Latitude (degree): -74.87602026
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.835255Latitude (degree): -74.996561
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Kittatinny Camp Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.24131291Latitude (degree): -74.83317499
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Koehler Pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.810166Latitude (degree): -74.79594
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Kohout Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.192473Latitude (degree): -74.393306
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Lake 31A
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.55252472Latitude (degree): -74.63361945
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Lake Ashroe
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.18541751Latitude (degree): -74.81147818
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Lake at the Woods
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.99124229Latitude (degree): -74.57489399
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Lake Fred
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.49591338Latitude (degree): -74.52958735
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Lake Ioscoe
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.02926524Latitude (degree): -74.32167582
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Lake Manetta
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.08493119Latitude (degree): -74.21651881
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Lake Mishe-Mokwa
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.85798312Latitude (degree): -74.8095836
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Lake Mohawk
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.0242255Latitude (degree): -74.65040199
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Lake Stockholm
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.06957729Latitude (degree): -74.52913251
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Lake Stockwell
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.85182669Latitude (degree): -74.78966126
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Lake Takanassee
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.27696357Latitude (degree): -73.98876019
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Lake Tranquility
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.95049729Latitude (degree): -74.78349602
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Laurel Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.81820518Latitude (degree): -75.01369683
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Lebanon Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.904333Latitude (degree): -74.56407
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Ledells Pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.76728966Latitude (degree): -74.55490679
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Lefferts Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.41336378Latitude (degree): -74.23645004
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Liberty Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.88277142Latitude (degree): -74.95462684
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Little Pine Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.99051187Latitude (degree): -74.56983337
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Long Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.95256402Latitude (degree): -74.54633254
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Longwood Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.979612Latitude (degree): -74.544962
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Lower Aetna Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.861547Latitude (degree): -74.802761
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Lower Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.83886532Latitude (degree): -74.19837392
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Lower Sylvan Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.05543859Latitude (degree): -74.85839681
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Lower Twin Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.011796Latitude (degree): -74.296799
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Lummis Mill Pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.34608645Latitude (degree): -75.18164021
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Magnolia Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.1741461Latitude (degree): -74.73793897
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Makepeace Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.54136633Latitude (degree): -74.74549632
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Marcia Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.31739241Latitude (degree): -74.66701069
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Matthews Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.05035551Latitude (degree): -74.3612543
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Mecca Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.14400357Latitude (degree): -74.84104856
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Memorial Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.64390185Latitude (degree): -75.32893634
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Millhurst Pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.2480859Latitude (degree): -74.34246329
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Monongahela Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.788721Latitude (degree): -75.138121
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Moss Mill Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.50184234Latitude (degree): -74.51064399
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Mount Hope Pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.92978347Latitude (degree): -74.54846343
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Mountain Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.860113Latitude (degree): -74.983508
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Mt. Misery Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.92489275Latitude (degree): -74.52448885
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Muckshaw Ponds
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.03012678Latitude (degree): -74.77552033
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Nomahegan Park Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.66788167Latitude (degree): -74.31703683
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:North Hudson Park Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.80260631Latitude (degree): -73.99926141
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Oakford Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.0657335Latitude (degree): -74.5321149
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Old Forge Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.889699Latitude (degree): -74.707101
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Openaka Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.85606033Latitude (degree): -74.52785185
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Osborn Pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.721464Latitude (degree): -74.532
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Osborne Pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.15369021Latitude (degree): -74.06160354
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Outdoor World Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.19968468Latitude (degree): -74.74096608
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Overpeck Creek
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.83923925Latitude (degree): -74.01286613
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Pancoast Mill Pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.52111Latitude (degree): -74.873559
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Panorama Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.24649202Latitude (degree): -74.52230892
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Panther Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.96556789Latitude (degree): -74.73583833
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Paulina Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.977382Latitude (degree): -74.941369
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Peddie Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.26455996Latitude (degree): -74.51977487
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Pickerel Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.02006179Latitude (degree): -74.39644506
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Pilgrim Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.62699354Latitude (degree): -74.44439056
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Pleasant Valley Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.1826731Latitude (degree): -74.54695728
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Plymouth Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.11168018Latitude (degree): -74.87598311
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Pumping Station Pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.02740875Latitude (degree): -74.89424308
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Rahway River Park Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.61931349Latitude (degree): -74.28367748
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Rainbow Lakes
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.88166742Latitude (degree): -74.46313861
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Ravine Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.711591Latitude (degree): -74.634447
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Rhodo Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.49341772Latitude (degree): -75.34038578
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Saginaw Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.02252314Latitude (degree): -74.62416191
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Scarlet Oak Pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.0811223Latitude (degree): -74.19097429
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Shadow Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.80718357Latitude (degree): -74.77134955
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Shepherd Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.13717601Latitude (degree): -74.22781754
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Sheppards Mill Pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.412924Latitude (degree): -75.319171
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Silver Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.80647564Latitude (degree): -74.98055197
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Skyline Lakes
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.076223Latitude (degree): -74.270118
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Sparta Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.04581Latitude (degree): -74.562431
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Spooky Brook Pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.50911232Latitude (degree): -74.56336239
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Spring Valley Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.004681Latitude (degree): -74.940638
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Stafford Forge Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.67193141Latitude (degree): -74.3239546
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Stag Pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.99261912Latitude (degree): -74.69682654
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Stephen Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.394153Latitude (degree): -74.749592
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Stone Tavern
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.198789Latitude (degree): -74.484714
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Stony Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.19961157Latitude (degree): -74.77443252
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Success Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.0583024Latitude (degree): -74.3947412
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Sun Air Campground
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.01954804Latitude (degree): -74.50472434
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Sunfish Pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.002705Latitude (degree): -75.07172
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Sunset Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.64100052Latitude (degree): -74.62719081
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Sycamore Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.557648Latitude (degree): -75.337069
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Tamarack Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.09503844Latitude (degree): -74.53784051
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Taunton Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.85133125Latitude (degree): -74.85356462
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Turtle Pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.980766Latitude (degree): -74.769061
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Upper Greenwood Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.18447504Latitude (degree): -74.37330504
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Upper Mount Glenn Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.07295757Latitude (degree): -74.36786614
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Upper Mount Hope Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.93414387Latitude (degree): -74.52898305
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Valhalla Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.934232Latitude (degree): -74.373872
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Vincentown Millpond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.93404708Latitude (degree): -74.75141224
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Wampum Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.30568636Latitude (degree): -74.06240912
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Wapalanne Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.22607602Latitude (degree): -74.7509567
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Washington Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.02987474Latitude (degree): -74.30035564
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Watchu Pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.9280534Latitude (degree): -74.7704343
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Watchung Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.63532373Latitude (degree): -74.45557906
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Wawayanda Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.17614559Latitude (degree): -74.43759681
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Weston Mill Pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.478389Latitude (degree): -74.414441
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:White Rock Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.03460301Latitude (degree): -74.51642138
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Wilderness Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 39.837398Latitude (degree): -74.842946
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Willow Pond
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 40.01259194Latitude (degree): -74.60999014
Sampling Extent:
Sampling Site: 
Description:Wonder Lake
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): 41.03337428Latitude (degree): -74.39066622

People and Organizations

Organization:Environmental Data Initiative
Email Address:
Web Address:
Individual: Vic Poretti
Organization:New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Ambient Lake Monitoring Program
P.O. Box 402,
Trenton, NJ 08625-0402 USA
609-292-0427 (voice)
Email Address:
Web Address:
Individual: Vic Poretti
Organization:New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Ambient Lake Monitoring Program
P.O. Box 402,
Trenton, NJ 08625-0402 USA
609-292-0427 (voice)
Email Address:
Web Address:

Temporal, Geographic and Taxonomic Coverage

Temporal, Geographic and/or Taxonomic information that applies to all data in this dataset:

Time Period
Geographic Region:
Description:Inland lakes in New Jersey, USA
Bounding Coordinates:
Northern:  41.21Southern:  38.53
Western:  -75.34Eastern:  -73.56


Other Metadata

Additional Metadata

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        |___element 'metadata'
        |     |___text '\n      '
        |     |___element 'unitList' in ns '' ('stmml:unitList')
        |     |     |___text '\n        '
        |     |     |___element 'unit'
        |     |     |     |  \___attribute 'id' = 'millisiemensPerCentimeter'
        |     |     |     |  \___attribute 'multiplierToSI' = '0.1'
        |     |     |     |  \___attribute 'name' = 'millisiemensPerCentimeter'
        |     |     |     |  \___attribute 'parentSI' = 'siemensPerMeter'
        |     |     |     |  \___attribute 'unitType' = 'conductance'
        |     |     |     |___text '\n          '
        |     |     |     |___element 'description'
        |     |     |     |     |___text 'milli siemens Per Square Centimeter'
        |     |     |     |___text '\n        '
        |     |     |___text '\n      '
        |     |___text '\n    '
        |___text '\n  '

EDI is a collaboration between the University of New Mexico and the University of Wisconsin – Madison, Center for Limnology:

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