Data Package Metadata   View Summary

International Soil Carbon Network version 3.2 Database (ISCN3.2)

General Information
Data Package:
Local Identifier:edi.360.4
Title:International Soil Carbon Network version 3.2 Database (ISCN3.2)
Alternate Identifier:DOI PLACE HOLDER

The ISCN is an international scientific community devoted to the advancement of soil carbon research. The ISCN manages an open-access, community-driven soil carbon database. This is version 3.2 of the ISCN Database, released in December 2015 [updated for EDI release July 2021]. It gathers 38 separate data set contributions, totaling 67,112 sites with data from 71,198 soil profiles and 431,324 soil layers. For more information about the ISCN, its scientific community and resources, data policies and partner networks visit: For information about processes used to construct the DB: [superceded by files and metadata associated with this package].

Publication Date:2021-09-09

Time Period

People and Organizations
Contact:Todd-Brown, Katherine (International Soil Carbon Network) [  email ]
Contact:Nave, Luke (International Soil Carbon Network) [  email ]
Creator:Nave, Luke (University of Michigan)
Creator:Johnson, Kris (USDA-Forest Service)
Creator:van Ingen, Catharine (Microsoft Research)
Creator:Agarwal, Deborah (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Creator:Humphrey, Marty (University of Virigina)
Creator:Beekwilder, Norman (University of Virigina)
Associate:Orehek, Ashley (University of Tennessee, metadataProvider)
Associate:Dodson, Kaley (University of California, Santa Barbara, metadataProvider)
Associate:Todd-Brown, Katherine (International Soil Carbon Network, University of Florida, metadataProvider)
Associate:Malhotra, Avni (International Soil Carbon Network, Coordinator)
Associate:Slessarev, Eric (International Soil Carbon Network, Coordinator)

Data Entities
Data Table Name:
Layer Data
This file contains layer-level variables for only those layers that possess computed SOC contents (~228,000). Layer_names in this database report are relational to profile_names in the profile-level reports above.
Data Table Name:
Profile Data
This file contains site- and profile-level variables for all >71,000 profiles in the database, regardless of whether these profiles have computed SOC stocks.
Data Table Name:
Citation Information
This file contains citation and acknowledgement requests for contributing data
Data Table Name:
Data Contribution Information
This file contains contact information for contributors, and descriptions for and statistics about contributing datasets.
Other Name:
Transcribed Template Controlled Vocabularies
This file contains the transcribed version of controlled vocabularies used by International Soil Carbon Network Templates.
Other Name:
ISCN Data Submission Template (2016)
This file contains the ISCN data submission template.
Other Name:
Template Controlled Vocabularies
This file contains the controlled vocabularies used by International Soil Carbon Network Templates.
Other Name:
Information on ISCN Templates
This file contains detailed information and examples for the variables contained in the data submission template.
Other Name:
Data Use Notes
This file contains data use notes for the 3rd generation ISCN database (12/2015 version).
Other Name:
ISCN Data Staging
This file contains information on the ISCN ArchiveSoilCarbon archive database and the staging processing that occurs in the ISCNStage database.
Other Name:
Database Calculations and Quality Assessment
This file contains information to help users understand how the NSCN Database performs SOC content (pool size) calculations, and is designed to assist users in their assessments of data quality.
Detailed Metadata

Data Entities

Data Table

Name:Layer Data
Description:This file contains layer-level variables for only those layers that possess computed SOC contents (~228,000). Layer_names in this database report are relational to profile_names in the profile-level reports above.
Number of Records:445829
Number of Columns:95

Table Structure
Object Name:ISCN3_layer.csv
Size:222271058 bytes
Authentication:7b353acd26317d7f5dd2aee886b84836 Calculated By MD5
Text Format:
Number of Header Lines:1
Record Delimiter:\n
Simple Delimited:
Field Delimiter:;
Quote Character:"

Table Column Descriptions
Column Name:ISCN 1-1 (2015-12-10)  
lat (dec. deg)  
long (dec. deg)  
datum (datum)  
state (state_province)  
country (country)  
observation_date (YYYY-MM-DD)  
layer_top (cm)  
layer_bot (cm)  
bd_samp (g cm-3)  
bd_tot (g cm-3)  
bd_whole (g cm-3)  
bd_other (g cm-3)  
c_tot (percent)  
oc (percent)  
loi (percent)  
n_tot (percent)  
c_to_n (mass ratio)  
soc (g cm-2)  
caco3 (percent)  
sand_tot_psa (percent)  
silt_tot_psa (percent)  
clay_tot_psa (percent)  
wpg2 (percent)  
cat_exch (cmol H+ kg-1)  
al_dith (specified by al_fe_units)  
al_ox (specified by al_fe_units)  
al_other (specified by al_fe_units)  
fe_dith (specified by al_fe_units)  
fe_ox (specified by al_fe_units)  
fe_other (specified by al_fe_units)  
mn_dith (specified by al_fe_units)  
mn_ox (specified by al_fe_units)  
mn_other (specified by al_fe_units)  
al_fe_units (extract_units)  
ca_al (specified by bc_units)  
ca_ext (specified by bc_units)  
k_ext (specified by bc_units)  
mg_ext (specified by bc_units)  
na_ext (specified by bc_units)  
bc_units (extract_units)  
base_sum (specified by cec_h_units)  
cec_sum (specified by cec_h_units)  
ecec (specified by cec_h_units)  
cec_h_units (extract_units)  
bs (percent)  
bs_sum (percent)  
h_ext (specified by metal_ext_units)  
zn_ext (specified by metal_ext_units)  
metal_ext_units (extract_units)  
p_bray (specified by p_units)  
p_ox (specified by p_units)  
p_meh (specified by p_units)  
p_other (specified by p_units)  
p_units (extract_units)  
root_weight (g)  
15n (‰)  
13c (‰)  
14c (‰)  
14c_sigma (‰)  
14c_age (BP)  
14c_age_sigma (BP)  
Definition:Identifier for the data productIdentifier for the submitted data setIdentifier for data set providing the SOCThe latitudinal coordinate, in decimal degrees, to the appropriate level of spatial accuracy (up to five decimal degrees; WGS84 Latitude/Longitude datum preferred). Examples include: “64.67083”The longitudinal coordinate, in decimal degrees, to the appropriate level of spatial accuracy (up to five decimal degrees; WGS84 Latitude/Longitude datum preferred). Examples include: “-148.32683”Latitude/Longitude datum against which Latitude and Longitude are reported. If left blank, WGS84 will be assumed. Controlled vocabulary: datumA politically defined sub-region of a country, described as either a state or province. Controlled vocabulary: state_provinceNation of origin of the data. Controlled vocabulary: countryA unique name for a site that corresponds to a georeferenced point. Examples include: “101”,“DFTC”, “Site 1”, “99AK180003”The date at which the profile was taken at the site. Examples include: “2001-08-20”A unique name for a single profile. This can be the same as the site name if there is only one profile at the site. For NRCS data it is the same as “Pedon ID”. Examples include: “BZBS4”, “99P0544”, “Profile 1”A unique name for a single sampled layer. This can be a name that denotes depth, sequence, etc. Examples include: “0-10”, “10-20”, “40A04456”, “BZBS 4.1”The top (upper) depth of the layer. The surface of the non-green (i.e. non-living) surface layer is “0”. The top of the O-horizon should be 0.The bottom (lower) depth of the layer. If it is uncertain that the bottom of the designated horizon was reached, enter the depth to the bottom of the sampled layer. Note that this is the same as hzn_bot in the NRCS database.Horizon designation following a convention other than NRCS. Please document the convention in the associated Horizon Designation Other Note. Examples include: “L”, “F”, “M”, “H”, “OF”, “OM”, “OH”Soil horizon descriptionFollow conventions of the USDA-NRCS-NSSC Field Book for Describing and Sampling Soils (Staff 2002; pp. 2-2 through 2-4). Note that datasets originally using another convention will be modified for this column. If a different convention was used it can be entered in Horizon Designation Other. Examples include: “Oi”, “A”, “AE”, “A/E”, “Bwf”, “Bhs”A description of the sampled layer. For example, a full NRCS horizon description. Examples include: “2-5 cm; brown (10YR 4/3) silt loam; moderate very fine platy structure; very friable; many roots; many fine vesicular pores; brown (10YR 5/3) on plate faces; many very thin bands of finer material similar to B't (below) throughout the horizon; abrupt wavy boundary”, “Denser, darker fabrics with white fungus and larger roots”Color of moist soil based on the Munsell soil color chart. Examples include: “10YR 3/3”The type of vegetation at the site, described according to the classification scheme commonly used at the site. Indicate the scheme in the Local Vegetation Classification Type. Leave blank if unknown or no local classification applies. Examples include: For Alaska, level IV or V is preferred, but when this is not possible, use Level II or III. Examples include “1.C.2”, “3.A.1”, “4.C.1”.The taxonomic classification of the soil profile following NRCS convention ( Examples include: “Coarse-silty, mixed, active, subgelic Typic Dystrocryepts”, “Sandy, mixed, frigid Entic Haplorthods”The NRCS soil series of the profile ( Examples include: Cowboy, Rubicon, TawasPlease reference or describe the methods used to determine bulk density. Examples include: “Determined BD_sample from core volume and dry weight of <2mm fraction”, “Strahm et al. 2005 Soil Solution…”Grams of oven-dried soil per cubic centimeter, with soil particles greater than 2 mm and roots greater that 1 cm diameter removed.Grams of oven-dried soil per cubic centimeter, with soil particles greater than 2 mm and roots greater that 1 cm diameter included.Grams of oven-dried soil per cubic centimeter, with the content of soil particles >2mm and roots >1cm diameter estimated and subtracted.Grams of oven-dried soil per cubic centimeter. Please document the method used in the associated Bulk Density Method including the soil particle fraction used.NRCS bulk density method codeNRCS soil carbon method codeProvide reference or describe the sample preparation and analysis methods used to determine carbon concentrations, whether Total Carbon, organic C, or Loss on Ignition. Examples include: “Determined total %C from CHN analysis of air dried <2mm fraction”Percent by weight of carbon in the dried, milled soil sample. This measurement will typically correspond to analytical results from an elemental analyzer.Percent by weight of carbon in a dried soil sample after acidification with HCl, OR organic carbon as estimated by Walkley-Black Modified Acid-Dichromate (e.g. ‘Organic Carbon’ in the NRCS database). Please document the method in the associated Carbon Analysis Methods.Percent by weight of the organic content of the <2mm fraction is the organic material lost after ignition. It is reported on a <2 mm base. Please document the method in the associated Carbon Analysis Method.Percent by weight of nitrogen (organic and inorganic) in an oven-dried sample (the laboratory analytical concentration).Mass ratio of total carbon to total nitrogen, as calculated from the total carbon and total nitrogen concentrations of the bulk layer, fraction, or other sample type.The data contributor's calculated soil organic carbon stock value for the site, cluster, profile or layer.SOC method calculation by ISCN. If absent, SOC values provided by data submission.A description of the methods used to calculate (including any gap-filling) site, cluster, profile or layer soil organic carbon stocks.Provide reference or describe the sample preparation and analysis methods used for determinations of pH if not 1:1 soil and distilled water paste or in CaCl2.1:2 soil-CaCl2 is the pH of a sample measured in 0.01M CaCl2 at a 1:2 soil:solution ratio.1:1 distilled water and soil paste. If pH was done by a different method, then enter it into one of the other soil pH fields.pH measurements other than 1:1 soil and distilled water paste or in CaCl2. Please document the method in the associated pH Method.Inorganic carbon concentration as measured or estimated by the contributor. Please document the method in the associated Processed Site Organic Carbon Content Method.Percent by weight of soil particles greater than 0.05 mm in the sample remaining after removal of particles greater than 2 mm and roots greater than 1 cm diameter. See Gee, G.W. & Bauder, J.W. 1986.Percent by weight of soil particles in the size range from 0.002 to 0.050 mm in the sample remaining after removal of particles greater than 2 mm and roots greater than 1 cm diameter. See Gee, G.W. & Bauder, J.W. 1986.Percent by weight of soil particles less than 0.002 mm in the sample remaining after removal of particles greater than 2 mm and roots greater than 1 cm diameter. See Gee, G.W. & Bauder, J.W. 1986.Provide a reference for or describe the methods used to determine coarse fragment content.The weight fraction of particles with >2 mm diameter is reported as a gravimetric percent on a whole soil base. Please include metadata in the Coarse Fragments Method column (e.g. estimate or quantitative).Document the extractant solution in the metadata worksheet, Lab Analysis Method.Dithionate extractable [Al]Oxalate extractable [Al]Other extractable [Al]Dithionate extractable [Fe]Oxalate extractable [Fe]Other extractable [Fe]Dithionate extractable [Mn]Oxalate extractable [Mn]Other extractable [Mn]Controlled vocabulary: extract_unitsAl, Fe, Mn extraction methodsCa:Al (molar)Extractable [Ca]Extractable [K]Extractable [Mg]Extractable [Na]Controlled vocabulary: extract_unitsBase cation extraction methodsCEC, sum of basesCEC, sum of cationsEffective CECControlled vocabulary: extract_unitsBase saturationBase saturation, sum of cationsExtractable acidityExtractable [Zn]Controlled vocabulary: extract_unitsExtractable metal methodsExtractable [P] (Bray)Extractable [P] (Oxalate)Extractable [P] (NZ)Extractable [P] (Other)Controlled vocabulary: extract_unitsExtractable P methodsUse USDA NRCS conventions from the USDA-NRCS-NSSC Field Book for Describing and Sampling Soils (Staff 2002; p.2-56): Record the average quantity from 3 to 5 representative unit areas. Size classes of roots being considered: very fine, < 1mm; fine, 1 – 2mm diameter. Examples include: few very fine, Common very fine, fineDry weight of roots ≤2 mm in diameter in the sample.Per mille signature of δ15N relative to air (international standard).Per mille signature of δ13C relative to Pee Dee Belemnite.Per mille signature of Δ14C relative to NBS Oxalic Acid standard.Error estimate for the fraction (eg. standard deviation of analytical reps).Uncalibrated radiocarbon age of bulk soil in layer, as calculated from corrected fraction modern, using the Libby half-life value of 5568 years.Error estimate for the fraction (eg. standard deviation of analytical reps).Deviation of the bulk sample or fraction from modern. Modern is defined as 95% of the radiocarbon concentration (in AD 1950) of NBS Oxalic Acid standard, 13C-corrected.Error estimate for an individual layer (eg. standard deviation of analytical reps).Soil texture classification. If no information is provided, this will be automatically generated from %sand, %silt, %clay data (coarse = ≥50% sand; fine = <50% sand).Contributor data set identifier
Storage Type:string  
Measurement Type:nominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominal
Measurement Values Domain:
DefinitionIdentifier for the data product
DefinitionIdentifier for the submitted data set
DefinitionIdentifier for data set providing the SOC
DefinitionThe latitudinal coordinate, in decimal degrees, to the appropriate level of spatial accuracy (up to five decimal degrees; WGS84 Latitude/Longitude datum preferred). Examples include: “64.67083”
DefinitionThe longitudinal coordinate, in decimal degrees, to the appropriate level of spatial accuracy (up to five decimal degrees; WGS84 Latitude/Longitude datum preferred). Examples include: “-148.32683”
DefinitionLatitude/Longitude datum against which Latitude and Longitude are reported. If left blank, WGS84 will be assumed. Controlled vocabulary: datum
DefinitionA politically defined sub-region of a country, described as either a state or province. Controlled vocabulary: state_province
DefinitionNation of origin of the data. Controlled vocabulary: country
DefinitionA unique name for a site that corresponds to a georeferenced point. Examples include: “101”,“DFTC”, “Site 1”, “99AK180003”
DefinitionThe date at which the profile was taken at the site. Examples include: “2001-08-20”
DefinitionA unique name for a single profile. This can be the same as the site name if there is only one profile at the site. For NRCS data it is the same as “Pedon ID”. Examples include: “BZBS4”, “99P0544”, “Profile 1”
DefinitionA unique name for a single sampled layer. This can be a name that denotes depth, sequence, etc. Examples include: “0-10”, “10-20”, “40A04456”, “BZBS 4.1”
DefinitionThe top (upper) depth of the layer. The surface of the non-green (i.e. non-living) surface layer is “0”. The top of the O-horizon should be 0.
DefinitionThe bottom (lower) depth of the layer. If it is uncertain that the bottom of the designated horizon was reached, enter the depth to the bottom of the sampled layer. Note that this is the same as hzn_bot in the NRCS database.
DefinitionHorizon designation following a convention other than NRCS. Please document the convention in the associated Horizon Designation Other Note. Examples include: “L”, “F”, “M”, “H”, “OF”, “OM”, “OH”
DefinitionSoil horizon description
DefinitionFollow conventions of the USDA-NRCS-NSSC Field Book for Describing and Sampling Soils (Staff 2002; pp. 2-2 through 2-4). Note that datasets originally using another convention will be modified for this column. If a different convention was used it can be entered in Horizon Designation Other. Examples include: “Oi”, “A”, “AE”, “A/E”, “Bwf”, “Bhs”
DefinitionA description of the sampled layer. For example, a full NRCS horizon description. Examples include: “2-5 cm; brown (10YR 4/3) silt loam; moderate very fine platy structure; very friable; many roots; many fine vesicular pores; brown (10YR 5/3) on plate faces; many very thin bands of finer material similar to B't (below) throughout the horizon; abrupt wavy boundary”, “Denser, darker fabrics with white fungus and larger roots”
DefinitionColor of moist soil based on the Munsell soil color chart. Examples include: “10YR 3/3”
DefinitionThe type of vegetation at the site, described according to the classification scheme commonly used at the site. Indicate the scheme in the Local Vegetation Classification Type. Leave blank if unknown or no local classification applies. Examples include: For Alaska, level IV or V is preferred, but when this is not possible, use Level II or III. Examples include “1.C.2”, “3.A.1”, “4.C.1”.
DefinitionThe taxonomic classification of the soil profile following NRCS convention ( Examples include: “Coarse-silty, mixed, active, subgelic Typic Dystrocryepts”, “Sandy, mixed, frigid Entic Haplorthods”
DefinitionThe NRCS soil series of the profile ( Examples include: Cowboy, Rubicon, Tawas
DefinitionPlease reference or describe the methods used to determine bulk density. Examples include: “Determined BD_sample from core volume and dry weight of <2mm fraction”, “Strahm et al. 2005 Soil Solution…”
DefinitionGrams of oven-dried soil per cubic centimeter, with soil particles greater than 2 mm and roots greater that 1 cm diameter removed.
DefinitionGrams of oven-dried soil per cubic centimeter, with soil particles greater than 2 mm and roots greater that 1 cm diameter included.
DefinitionGrams of oven-dried soil per cubic centimeter, with the content of soil particles >2mm and roots >1cm diameter estimated and subtracted.
DefinitionGrams of oven-dried soil per cubic centimeter. Please document the method used in the associated Bulk Density Method including the soil particle fraction used.
DefinitionNRCS bulk density method code
DefinitionNRCS soil carbon method code
DefinitionProvide reference or describe the sample preparation and analysis methods used to determine carbon concentrations, whether Total Carbon, organic C, or Loss on Ignition. Examples include: “Determined total %C from CHN analysis of air dried <2mm fraction”
DefinitionPercent by weight of carbon in the dried, milled soil sample. This measurement will typically correspond to analytical results from an elemental analyzer.
DefinitionPercent by weight of carbon in a dried soil sample after acidification with HCl, OR organic carbon as estimated by Walkley-Black Modified Acid-Dichromate (e.g. ‘Organic Carbon’ in the NRCS database). Please document the method in the associated Carbon Analysis Methods.
DefinitionPercent by weight of the organic content of the <2mm fraction is the organic material lost after ignition. It is reported on a <2 mm base. Please document the method in the associated Carbon Analysis Method.
DefinitionPercent by weight of nitrogen (organic and inorganic) in an oven-dried sample (the laboratory analytical concentration).
DefinitionMass ratio of total carbon to total nitrogen, as calculated from the total carbon and total nitrogen concentrations of the bulk layer, fraction, or other sample type.
DefinitionThe data contributor's calculated soil organic carbon stock value for the site, cluster, profile or layer.
DefinitionSOC method calculation by ISCN. If absent, SOC values provided by data submission.
DefinitionA description of the methods used to calculate (including any gap-filling) site, cluster, profile or layer soil organic carbon stocks.
DefinitionProvide reference or describe the sample preparation and analysis methods used for determinations of pH if not 1:1 soil and distilled water paste or in CaCl2.
Definition1:2 soil-CaCl2 is the pH of a sample measured in 0.01M CaCl2 at a 1:2 soil:solution ratio.
Definition1:1 distilled water and soil paste. If pH was done by a different method, then enter it into one of the other soil pH fields.
DefinitionpH measurements other than 1:1 soil and distilled water paste or in CaCl2. Please document the method in the associated pH Method.
DefinitionInorganic carbon concentration as measured or estimated by the contributor. Please document the method in the associated Processed Site Organic Carbon Content Method.
DefinitionPercent by weight of soil particles greater than 0.05 mm in the sample remaining after removal of particles greater than 2 mm and roots greater than 1 cm diameter. See Gee, G.W. & Bauder, J.W. 1986.
DefinitionPercent by weight of soil particles in the size range from 0.002 to 0.050 mm in the sample remaining after removal of particles greater than 2 mm and roots greater than 1 cm diameter. See Gee, G.W. & Bauder, J.W. 1986.
DefinitionPercent by weight of soil particles less than 0.002 mm in the sample remaining after removal of particles greater than 2 mm and roots greater than 1 cm diameter. See Gee, G.W. & Bauder, J.W. 1986.
DefinitionProvide a reference for or describe the methods used to determine coarse fragment content.
DefinitionThe weight fraction of particles with >2 mm diameter is reported as a gravimetric percent on a whole soil base. Please include metadata in the Coarse Fragments Method column (e.g. estimate or quantitative).
DefinitionDocument the extractant solution in the metadata worksheet, Lab Analysis Method.
DefinitionDithionate extractable [Al]
DefinitionOxalate extractable [Al]
DefinitionOther extractable [Al]
DefinitionDithionate extractable [Fe]
DefinitionOxalate extractable [Fe]
DefinitionOther extractable [Fe]
DefinitionDithionate extractable [Mn]
DefinitionOxalate extractable [Mn]
DefinitionOther extractable [Mn]
DefinitionControlled vocabulary: extract_units
DefinitionAl, Fe, Mn extraction methods
DefinitionCa:Al (molar)
DefinitionExtractable [Ca]
DefinitionExtractable [K]
DefinitionExtractable [Mg]
DefinitionExtractable [Na]
DefinitionControlled vocabulary: extract_units
DefinitionBase cation extraction methods
DefinitionCEC, sum of bases
DefinitionCEC, sum of cations
DefinitionEffective CEC
DefinitionControlled vocabulary: extract_units
DefinitionBase saturation
DefinitionBase saturation, sum of cations
DefinitionExtractable acidity
DefinitionExtractable [Zn]
DefinitionControlled vocabulary: extract_units
DefinitionExtractable metal methods
DefinitionExtractable [P] (Bray)
DefinitionExtractable [P] (Oxalate)
DefinitionExtractable [P] (NZ)
DefinitionExtractable [P] (Other)
DefinitionControlled vocabulary: extract_units
DefinitionExtractable P methods
DefinitionUse USDA NRCS conventions from the USDA-NRCS-NSSC Field Book for Describing and Sampling Soils (Staff 2002; p.2-56): Record the average quantity from 3 to 5 representative unit areas. Size classes of roots being considered: very fine, < 1mm; fine, 1 – 2mm diameter. Examples include: few very fine, Common very fine, fine
DefinitionDry weight of roots ≤2 mm in diameter in the sample.
DefinitionPer mille signature of δ15N relative to air (international standard).
DefinitionPer mille signature of δ13C relative to Pee Dee Belemnite.
DefinitionPer mille signature of Δ14C relative to NBS Oxalic Acid standard.
DefinitionError estimate for the fraction (eg. standard deviation of analytical reps).
DefinitionUncalibrated radiocarbon age of bulk soil in layer, as calculated from corrected fraction modern, using the Libby half-life value of 5568 years.
DefinitionError estimate for the fraction (eg. standard deviation of analytical reps).
DefinitionDeviation of the bulk sample or fraction from modern. Modern is defined as 95% of the radiocarbon concentration (in AD 1950) of NBS Oxalic Acid standard, 13C-corrected.
DefinitionError estimate for an individual layer (eg. standard deviation of analytical reps).
DefinitionSoil texture classification. If no information is provided, this will be automatically generated from %sand, %silt, %clay data (coarse = ≥50% sand; fine = <50% sand).
DefinitionContributor data set identifier
Missing Value Code:                                                                                                                                                                                              
Accuracy Report:                                                                                                                                                                                              
Accuracy Assessment:                                                                                                                                                                                              

Data Table

Name:Profile Data
Description:This file contains site- and profile-level variables for all >71,000 profiles in the database, regardless of whether these profiles have computed SOC stocks.
Number of Records:96722
Number of Columns:44

Table Structure
Object Name:ISCN3_profile.csv
Size:32712655 bytes
Authentication:a0f88768ee352293043027a354f34af5 Calculated By MD5
Text Format:
Number of Header Lines:1
Record Delimiter:\n
Simple Delimited:
Field Delimiter:;
Quote Character:"

Table Column Descriptions
Column Name:ISCN 1-1 (2015-12-10)  
lat (dec. deg)  
long (dec. deg)  
datum (datum)  
state (state_province)  
country (country)  
observation_date (YYYY-MM-DD)  
profile_zero_ref (profile_zero_ref)  
layer_top (cm)  
layer_bot (cm)  
soc_depth (cm)  
soc (g cm-2)  
elevation (m)  
landuse (landsat)  
landscape (landscape)  
landform (landform)  
2d_position (2d_position)  
aspect_deg (degree)  
slope (percent)  
drainagecl (drainage)  
map (mm)  
mat (°C)  
runoff (runoff)  
site_perm (site_perm)  
thaw_depth_profile (cm)  
Definition:Identifier for the data productIdentifier for the submitted data setIdentifier for data set providing the SOCThe latitudinal coordinate, in decimal degrees, to the appropriate level of spatial accuracy (up to five decimal degrees; WGS84 Latitude/Longitude datum preferred). Examples include: “64.67083”The longitudinal coordinate, in decimal degrees, to the appropriate level of spatial accuracy (up to five decimal degrees; WGS84 Latitude/Longitude datum preferred). Examples include: “-148.32683”Latitude/Longitude datum against which Latitude and Longitude are reported. If left blank, WGS84 will be assumed. Controlled vocabulary: datumLatitude/Longitude datum against which Latitude and Longitude are reported. If left blank, WGS84 will be assumed. Controlled vocabulary: datumA politically defined sub-region of a country, described as either a state or province. Controlled vocabulary: state_provinceNation of origin of the data. Controlled vocabulary: countryThe date at which the profile was taken at the site. Examples include: “2001-08-20”A unique name for a site that corresponds to a georeferenced point. Examples include: “101”,“DFTC”, “Site 1”, “99AK180003”A unique name for a single profile. This can be the same as the site name if there is only one profile at the site. For NRCS data it is the same as “Pedon ID”. Examples include: “BZBS4”, “99P0544”, “Profile 1”Where is zero in the soil profile (top, bottom, or mineral-organic interface generally)The top (upper) depth of the layer. The surface of the non-green (i.e. non-living) surface layer is “0”. The top of the O-horizon should be 0.The bottom (lower) depth of the layer. If it is uncertain that the bottom of the designated horizon was reached, enter the depth to the bottom of the sampled layer. Note that this is the same as hzn_bot in the NRCS database.Total Layer CountTotal layer count for the SOC calculationThe number of layer soil organic carbon stock values summed to produce the profile total soil organic carbon stock.The depth to which profiles were sampled to quantify the mean site, cluster, or profile calculated soil organic carbon stocks.Calculated Soil Organic Carbon Stock Standard DeviationA description of the methods used to calculate (including any gap-filling) site, cluster, profile or layer soil organic carbon stocks.No definition providedSOC method calculation by ISCN. If absent, SOC values provided by data submission.The taxonomic classification of the soil profile following NRCS convention ( Examples include: “Coarse-silty, mixed, active, subgelic Typic Dystrocryepts”, “Sandy, mixed, frigid Entic Haplorthods”The NRCS soil series of the profile ( Examples include: Cowboy, Rubicon, TawasThe elevation at the site as determined by topo map, GPS, altimeter, etc. Contributed value is assumed accurate within several meters regardless of method used.Special information about the site that makes it anomalous from the USDA Omernik ecoregion in which it is located.Land use classificationThe type of vegetation at the site, described according to the classification scheme commonly used at the site. Indicate the scheme in the Local Vegetation Classification Type. Leave blank if unknown or no local classification applies. Examples include: For Alaska, level IV or V is preferred, but when this is not possible, use Level II or III. Examples include “1.C.2”, “3.A.1”, “4.C.1”.Describe the dominant vegetation at the exact location of the profile. Examples include: “Forest with canopy dominanted by Pinus spp., Quercus dominant in understory, and ground layer of Pteridium aquilinum and Vaccinium spp.”, “Andropogon-Sorghastrum prairie with invading Juniperus virginiana”The type of Landscape on which the site occurs, according to USDA-NRCS-NSSC Field Book for Describing and Sampling Soils (Staff 2002; p. 3-11) This information can be arranged in hierarchy above Landform and 2D Position to describe the geographic setting of the site. Examples include: “alluvial plain”, “river valley”, “mountain range”, “shore complex” Controlled vocabulary: landscapeThe type of Landform on which the site is located. See USDA-NRCS-NSSC Field Book for Describing and Sampling Soils (Staff 2002; pp. 3-12 through 3-16). This information can be nested between Landscape and 2D Position to describe the setting of the site. Examples include: “alluvial fan”, “beach”, “escarpment”, “flood plain”, “hill”, “mountain”, “plain”, “sea cliff”, “terrace”, “tidal flat” Controlled vocabulary: landform2-dimensional position of the site on the Landform on which it is located. See USDA-NRCS-NSSC Field Book for Describing and Sampling Soils (Staff 2002; pp. 3-38 through 3-41). This information supplements Landscape and Landform to describe the geographic setting of the site. Examples include: “summit”, “shoulder”, “backslope”, “toeslope”, “base slope”, “riser”, “mountainflank”, “dip” Controlled vocabulary: 2d_positionAdditional notes about the Landform (e.g. microtopography) in this site.The numerical observation of aspect at the site. The compass bearing (corrected for declination) that a slope faces, looking downslope. If the site has no slope leave blank. Examples include: A numerical value between 0 and 360, or no slopeThe angle of the ground surface through the site and in the direction that overland water would flow. Make observations facing downslope to avoid errors associated with some brands of clinometers. If the site has no slope leave blank.The drainage class of the soil sampled at the site according to the specific terminology employed in the USDA-NRCS-NSSC Field Book for Describing and Sampling Soils (Staff 2002; p. 1-10). Controlled vocabulary: drainageThe arithmetic average of the total annual (liquid) precipitation , preferably taken over the standard normal period, 1961-1990.The arithmetic average of the daily maximum and minimum temperatures for a calendar year, preferably taken over the standard normal period, 1961.Runoff potential class for the soil, assigned based on local/state/MLRA criteria. Controlled vocabulary: runoffA class rating of the overall ability of air and water to move through the soil profile. The class limits are as defined in the National Soil Survey Handbook. Controlled vocabulary: site_permVarious notes on and descriptions of the site other than C flux, climate, photo or vegetation. May include local names for physiographic features, which may or may not appear on USGS Topographic Quadrangles. Examples include: Biliau Hill, Warner Valley, MudsockThe depth to the frozen surface of the profile. For Alaska sites, this applies only if sampled after August 15 and should be left blank if sampled before.Contributor data set identifierContributor data set identifier
Storage Type:string  
Measurement Type:nominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominal
Measurement Values Domain:
DefinitionIdentifier for the data product
DefinitionIdentifier for the submitted data set
DefinitionIdentifier for data set providing the SOC
DefinitionThe latitudinal coordinate, in decimal degrees, to the appropriate level of spatial accuracy (up to five decimal degrees; WGS84 Latitude/Longitude datum preferred). Examples include: “64.67083”
DefinitionThe longitudinal coordinate, in decimal degrees, to the appropriate level of spatial accuracy (up to five decimal degrees; WGS84 Latitude/Longitude datum preferred). Examples include: “-148.32683”
DefinitionLatitude/Longitude datum against which Latitude and Longitude are reported. If left blank, WGS84 will be assumed. Controlled vocabulary: datumLatitude/Longitude datum against which Latitude and Longitude are reported. If left blank, WGS84 will be assumed. Controlled vocabulary: datum
DefinitionA politically defined sub-region of a country, described as either a state or province. Controlled vocabulary: state_province
DefinitionNation of origin of the data. Controlled vocabulary: country
DefinitionThe date at which the profile was taken at the site. Examples include: “2001-08-20”
DefinitionA unique name for a site that corresponds to a georeferenced point. Examples include: “101”,“DFTC”, “Site 1”, “99AK180003”
DefinitionA unique name for a single profile. This can be the same as the site name if there is only one profile at the site. For NRCS data it is the same as “Pedon ID”. Examples include: “BZBS4”, “99P0544”, “Profile 1”
DefinitionWhere is zero in the soil profile (top, bottom, or mineral-organic interface generally)
DefinitionThe top (upper) depth of the layer. The surface of the non-green (i.e. non-living) surface layer is “0”. The top of the O-horizon should be 0.
DefinitionThe bottom (lower) depth of the layer. If it is uncertain that the bottom of the designated horizon was reached, enter the depth to the bottom of the sampled layer. Note that this is the same as hzn_bot in the NRCS database.
DefinitionTotal Layer Count
DefinitionTotal layer count for the SOC calculation
DefinitionThe number of layer soil organic carbon stock values summed to produce the profile total soil organic carbon stock.
DefinitionThe depth to which profiles were sampled to quantify the mean site, cluster, or profile calculated soil organic carbon stocks.
DefinitionCalculated Soil Organic Carbon Stock Standard Deviation
DefinitionA description of the methods used to calculate (including any gap-filling) site, cluster, profile or layer soil organic carbon stocks.
DefinitionNo definition provided
DefinitionSOC method calculation by ISCN. If absent, SOC values provided by data submission.
DefinitionThe taxonomic classification of the soil profile following NRCS convention ( Examples include: “Coarse-silty, mixed, active, subgelic Typic Dystrocryepts”, “Sandy, mixed, frigid Entic Haplorthods”
DefinitionThe NRCS soil series of the profile ( Examples include: Cowboy, Rubicon, Tawas
DefinitionThe elevation at the site as determined by topo map, GPS, altimeter, etc. Contributed value is assumed accurate within several meters regardless of method used.
DefinitionSpecial information about the site that makes it anomalous from the USDA Omernik ecoregion in which it is located.
DefinitionLand use classification
DefinitionThe type of vegetation at the site, described according to the classification scheme commonly used at the site. Indicate the scheme in the Local Vegetation Classification Type. Leave blank if unknown or no local classification applies. Examples include: For Alaska, level IV or V is preferred, but when this is not possible, use Level II or III. Examples include “1.C.2”, “3.A.1”, “4.C.1”.
DefinitionDescribe the dominant vegetation at the exact location of the profile. Examples include: “Forest with canopy dominanted by Pinus spp., Quercus dominant in understory, and ground layer of Pteridium aquilinum and Vaccinium spp.”, “Andropogon-Sorghastrum prairie with invading Juniperus virginiana”
DefinitionThe type of Landscape on which the site occurs, according to USDA-NRCS-NSSC Field Book for Describing and Sampling Soils (Staff 2002; p. 3-11) This information can be arranged in hierarchy above Landform and 2D Position to describe the geographic setting of the site. Examples include: “alluvial plain”, “river valley”, “mountain range”, “shore complex” Controlled vocabulary: landscape
DefinitionThe type of Landform on which the site is located. See USDA-NRCS-NSSC Field Book for Describing and Sampling Soils (Staff 2002; pp. 3-12 through 3-16). This information can be nested between Landscape and 2D Position to describe the setting of the site. Examples include: “alluvial fan”, “beach”, “escarpment”, “flood plain”, “hill”, “mountain”, “plain”, “sea cliff”, “terrace”, “tidal flat” Controlled vocabulary: landform
Definition2-dimensional position of the site on the Landform on which it is located. See USDA-NRCS-NSSC Field Book for Describing and Sampling Soils (Staff 2002; pp. 3-38 through 3-41). This information supplements Landscape and Landform to describe the geographic setting of the site. Examples include: “summit”, “shoulder”, “backslope”, “toeslope”, “base slope”, “riser”, “mountainflank”, “dip” Controlled vocabulary: 2d_position
DefinitionAdditional notes about the Landform (e.g. microtopography) in this site.
DefinitionThe numerical observation of aspect at the site. The compass bearing (corrected for declination) that a slope faces, looking downslope. If the site has no slope leave blank. Examples include: A numerical value between 0 and 360, or no slope
DefinitionThe angle of the ground surface through the site and in the direction that overland water would flow. Make observations facing downslope to avoid errors associated with some brands of clinometers. If the site has no slope leave blank.
DefinitionThe drainage class of the soil sampled at the site according to the specific terminology employed in the USDA-NRCS-NSSC Field Book for Describing and Sampling Soils (Staff 2002; p. 1-10). Controlled vocabulary: drainage
DefinitionThe arithmetic average of the total annual (liquid) precipitation , preferably taken over the standard normal period, 1961-1990.
DefinitionThe arithmetic average of the daily maximum and minimum temperatures for a calendar year, preferably taken over the standard normal period, 1961.
DefinitionRunoff potential class for the soil, assigned based on local/state/MLRA criteria. Controlled vocabulary: runoff
DefinitionA class rating of the overall ability of air and water to move through the soil profile. The class limits are as defined in the National Soil Survey Handbook. Controlled vocabulary: site_perm
DefinitionVarious notes on and descriptions of the site other than C flux, climate, photo or vegetation. May include local names for physiographic features, which may or may not appear on USGS Topographic Quadrangles. Examples include: Biliau Hill, Warner Valley, Mudsock
DefinitionThe depth to the frozen surface of the profile. For Alaska sites, this applies only if sampled after August 15 and should be left blank if sampled before.
DefinitionContributor data set identifier
DefinitionContributor data set identifier
Missing Value Code:                                                                                        
Accuracy Report:                                                                                        
Accuracy Assessment:                                                                                        

Data Table

Name:Citation Information
Description:This file contains citation and acknowledgement requests for contributing data
Number of Records:67
Number of Columns:12

Table Structure
Object Name:ISCN3_citation.csv
Size:28448 bytes
Authentication:04cf2950bd13da1fd61d48b09362540d Calculated By MD5
Text Format:
Number of Header Lines:1
Record Delimiter:\n
Simple Delimited:
Field Delimiter:;
Quote Character:"

Table Column Descriptions
Column Name:ISCN 1-1 (2015-12-10)  
dataset_type (dataset_type)  
modification_date (YYYY-MM-DD)  
Definition:No definition providedDataset NameNo definition providedCurator NameCurator OrganizationCurator EmailReferenceCitation textCitation usageAcknowlegement textAcknowlegement usageTemplate Modification Date
Storage Type:string  
Measurement Type:nominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominal
Measurement Values Domain:
DefinitionNo definition provided
DefinitionDataset Name
DefinitionNo definition provided
DefinitionCurator Name
DefinitionCurator Organization
DefinitionCurator Email
DefinitionCitation text
DefinitionCitation usage
DefinitionAcknowlegement text
DefinitionAcknowlegement usage
DefinitionTemplate Modification Date
Missing Value Code:                        
Accuracy Report:                        
Accuracy Assessment:                        

Data Table

Name:Data Contribution Information
Description:This file contains contact information for contributors, and descriptions for and statistics about contributing datasets.
Number of Records:45
Number of Columns:19

Table Structure
Object Name:ISCN3_dataset.csv
Size:12170 bytes
Authentication:d19ede9d1b400f77324019a26a9b40a4 Calculated By MD5
Text Format:
Number of Header Lines:1
Record Delimiter:\n
Simple Delimited:
Field Delimiter:;
Quote Character:"

Table Column Descriptions
Column Name:ISCN 1-1 (2015-12-10)  
dataset_type (dataset_type)  
modification_date (YYYY-MM-DD)  
Definition:No definition providedDataset NameNo definition providedCurator NameCurator OrganizationCurator EmailAdditional Contact NameAdditional Contact EmailDataset DescriptionNo definition providedNo definition providedNo definition providedNo definition providedCalculated Soil Organic Carbon Stock Profile CountProfile Calculated Soil Organic Carbon Stock Layer CountNo definition providedNo definition providedNo definition providedTemplate Modification Date
Storage Type:string  
Measurement Type:nominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominal
Measurement Values Domain:
DefinitionNo definition provided
DefinitionDataset Name
DefinitionNo definition provided
DefinitionCurator Name
DefinitionCurator Organization
DefinitionCurator Email
DefinitionAdditional Contact Name
DefinitionAdditional Contact Email
DefinitionDataset Description
DefinitionNo definition provided
DefinitionNo definition provided
DefinitionNo definition provided
DefinitionNo definition provided
DefinitionCalculated Soil Organic Carbon Stock Profile Count
DefinitionProfile Calculated Soil Organic Carbon Stock Layer Count
DefinitionNo definition provided
DefinitionNo definition provided
DefinitionNo definition provided
DefinitionTemplate Modification Date
Missing Value Code:                                      
Accuracy Report:                                      
Accuracy Assessment:                                      

Non-Categorized Data Resource

Name:Transcribed Template Controlled Vocabularies
Entity Type:unknown
Description:This file contains the transcribed version of controlled vocabularies used by International Soil Carbon Network Templates.
Physical Structure Description:
Object Name:ISCNTranscribed_TemplateCVs.csv
Size:23251 bytes
Authentication:289f7f6c42eeeaf462af02729d522b6d Calculated By MD5
Externally Defined Format:
Format Name:text/csv

Non-Categorized Data Resource

Name:ISCN Data Submission Template (2016)
Entity Type:unknown
Description:This file contains the ISCN data submission template.
Physical Structure Description:
Object Name:ISCNtemplate_2016.csv
Size:21299 bytes
Authentication:152292f385600d954a4010393fd0821e Calculated By MD5
Externally Defined Format:
Format Name:text/csv

Non-Categorized Data Resource

Name:Template Controlled Vocabularies
Entity Type:unknown
Description:This file contains the controlled vocabularies used by International Soil Carbon Network Templates.
Physical Structure Description:
Object Name:TemplateCVs.pdf
Size:257473 bytes
Authentication:53202867adf4de17958dba6e2b8f690b Calculated By MD5
Externally Defined Format:
Format Name:application/pdf

Non-Categorized Data Resource

Name:Information on ISCN Templates
Entity Type:unknown
Description:This file contains detailed information and examples for the variables contained in the data submission template.
Physical Structure Description:
Object Name:TemplateSubmit.pdf
Size:208565 bytes
Authentication:2382dbdff04956fc1095c9b7c1c37380 Calculated By MD5
Externally Defined Format:
Format Name:application/pdf

Non-Categorized Data Resource

Name:Data Use Notes
Entity Type:unknown
Description:This file contains data use notes for the 3rd generation ISCN database (12/2015 version).
Physical Structure Description:
Object Name:Gen3-DB-documentation_REV.pdf
Size:137014 bytes
Authentication:bb0a8050e2a09480ba09c0eea06706a0 Calculated By MD5
Externally Defined Format:
Format Name:application/pdf

Non-Categorized Data Resource

Name:ISCN Data Staging
Entity Type:unknown
Description:This file contains information on the ISCN ArchiveSoilCarbon archive database and the staging processing that occurs in the ISCNStage database.
Physical Structure Description:
Object Name:ISCN-Database.pdf
Size:578554 bytes
Authentication:f3ef8e4a6d06f5811c5bd90d5af4b53b Calculated By MD5
Externally Defined Format:
Format Name:application/pdf

Non-Categorized Data Resource

Name:Database Calculations and Quality Assessment
Entity Type:unknown
Description:This file contains information to help users understand how the NSCN Database performs SOC content (pool size) calculations, and is designed to assist users in their assessments of data quality.
Physical Structure Description:
Object Name:C&QA.Rmd
Size:23703 bytes
Authentication:02e6df55b6e71c36f6f57d1dd1007eae Calculated By MD5
Externally Defined Format:
Format Name:text/x-markdown

Data Package Usage Rights

Data use: Use of data assumes that the user has joined the ISCN and will act according to the mission and guidelines stated in the Charter. When using Phase III [ISCN 3.2] data, users are encouraged to contact original data contributors for questions or clarifications; users agree to cite and/or acknowledge the data contributors and the ISCN in presentations and publications [as specified in citations.csv]. References of all accepted papers developed from ISCN data products must be sent to the ISCN Coordinator. Although these policies are intended to encourage communication between data contributors and data users, the interpretation of data and adherence to fair use guidelines are ultimately the responsibility of the user of ISCN products.


By Thesaurus:
(No thesaurus)geolocated soil observations, profiles, soil characterization, carbon stocks
LTER Controlled Vocabularyorganic matter, soil, soil bulk density, soil carbon, soil chemistry, soil horizons, soil nitrogen, soil nutrients, soil organic matter, soil ph, soil phosphorus, soil properties, soil samples, soil texture

Methods and Protocols

These methods, instrumentation and/or protocols apply to all data in this dataset:

Methods and protocols used in the collection of this data package

Data contributions generally progress through three phases: Phase I, data entry. The preparation of data for ingestion into the database, using standardized templates. If the data pass basic quality checks performed by the ISCN Coordinator and the database curator, they are ingested into an access-restricted portion of the database. Essential criteria for ingestion are summarized below: 1) Dataset Quality- In order to be ingested, a dataset must not duplicate data already in the database and must clearly attribute its provenance, including contributor/curator, methodology, citation and acknowledgment information. 2) Measurement Quality- A dataset must have observations with unique names, relevant measurements with reasonable values, units, and coordinates of the sampled locations. Phase II, validation. Upon ingestion into the database, data enter Phase II. This stage allows the ISCN database team, the data contributor and her/his authorized collaborators to validate and explore that contributor’s data, and alert database managers to quality concerns. General database users are unable to see Phase II data. Phase II is intended to allow data contributors sufficient time to analyze their data and submit results for independent publication, but Phase II data should transition in a reasonable timeframe into Phase III. A maximum timeframe for Phase II is yet to be established by the ISCN Scientific Steering Group. Conversely, contributors may wish to submit their data, validate it, and transition it to Phase III as soon as possible, without any additional holding time for publication. In all cases, no Phase II data will be transitioned to Phase III before the ISCN Coordinator has communicated with the data contributor about such a transition. Phase III, data release. Phase III data will be used to populate a database accessible to ISCN members via a link from the ISCN website ( Summary information about the Phase III data (e.g., number of contributors, geographic distribution of data) may be released to public-accessible portions of the ISCN website in order to encourage the recruitment and participation of new members. Data contributors are encouraged to remain accessible to correspondence from the database team and database users to answer questions and provide data updates or revisions, or to nominate a curator who can share this long-term responsibility. Responsibilities pertaining to data contribution and management: • It is the responsibility of the data contributor to ensure that her/his dataset is reasonably accurate at the time of submission • It is the responsibility of the data contributor to identify sites that are location sensitive. • It is the responsibility of database managers to earmark such sites, generalize their coordinates to 0.1 degree, and identify the data contributor in possession of the detailed coordinates. • It is the responsibility of data contributors to identify the data phase at the time of submission, and in the event of any data status changes (e.g., after the contributor has analyzed her/his data and the results have been accepted for publication) • It is the responsibility of database managers to release data according to data phase assignments. [ISCN 3.2 was exported to .csv and appropriate metadata generated to ensure FAIR data practices.] [No quality checks were run for this first data export, and text should match exactly with original Excel files.]

People and Organizations

Organization:Environmental Data Initiative
Email Address:
Web Address:
Individual: Luke Nave
Organization:University of Michigan
Email Address:
Individual: Kris Johnson
Organization:USDA-Forest Service
Email Address:
Individual: Catharine van Ingen
Organization:Microsoft Research
Email Address:
Individual: Deborah Agarwal
Organization:Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Email Address:
Individual: Marty Humphrey
Organization:University of Virigina
Email Address:
Individual: Norman Beekwilder
Organization:University of Virigina
Email Address:
Individual: Katherine Todd-Brown
Organization:International Soil Carbon Network
Email Address:
Individual: Luke Nave
Organization:International Soil Carbon Network
Email Address:
Associated Parties:
Individual: Ashley Orehek
Organization:University of Tennessee
Individual: Kaley Dodson
Organization:University of California, Santa Barbara
Individual: Katherine Todd-Brown
Organization:International Soil Carbon Network, University of Florida
Email Address:
Individual: Avni Malhotra
Organization:International Soil Carbon Network
Email Address:
Individual: Eric Slessarev
Organization:International Soil Carbon Network
Email Address:

Temporal, Geographic and Taxonomic Coverage

Temporal, Geographic and/or Taxonomic information that applies to all data in this dataset:

Time Period
Geographic Region:
Description:ISCN3_profile from ISCN 3.2 DB contains globally distributed, global terrestrial data, but coverage is strongest in the U.S.
Bounding Coordinates:
Northern:  88.60056Southern:  -78.5115
Western:  -179.0Eastern:  166.7662
Geographic Region:
Description:ISCN3_layer from ISCN 3.2 DB contains globally distributed, global terrestrial data, but coverage is strongest in the U.S.
Bounding Coordinates:
Northern:  88.60056Southern:  -78.5115
Western:  -179.0Eastern:  166.7662



Description:This is provided as a historic ‘as is’ snapshot. While there are future versions of ISCN database planned we will re-release the data under CC-BY and not all data released under ISCN3 may be included.

Additional Info

Additional Information:

Funding and Acknowledgements: The ISCN 3.1 data product was developed with financial support from the following grants: 1. Carbon cycle research, coordination, and outreach through the National Soil Carbon Network. PIs C. Swanston, M. Kramer, M. Waldrop, J. Lehmann, R. Kolka. USDA-NIFA AFRI MICR-2009-02612. 2. Purchase and installation of the Network Attached Storage Server for ISCN. PIs C. Swanston, D. Agarwal. USDA-FS 14-IA-11242306-136. 3. International Soil Carbon Network. PIs C. Swanston, L. Nave. USDA-FS 16-CR11242306-071. The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, National Cooperative Soil Survey and the U.S. Geological Survey also made extensive data contributions to the International Soil Carbon Network.

For the publication of ISCN 3.2, the Environmental Data Initiative Summer Fellowship Program and University of Tennessee Informatics Practicum provided additional annotation support.

Other Metadata

EDI is a collaboration between the University of New Mexico and the University of Wisconsin – Madison, Center for Limnology:

UNM logo UW-M logo