<emphasis role="strong">Gravimetric moisture</emphasis>
Gravimetric moisture was determined by drying subsamples at 65/105 °C
for 24 hours and calculating the amount of water lost.
gravimetric moisture, % = [(FM – OD)/OD] * 100
where FM = field moist weight, OD = oven-dry weight
<emphasis role="strong">Soil inorganic N</emphasis>
Soil inorganic N (ammonium,
+-N and nitrate,
--N) was
extracted using 2M KCl (soil:extractant ratio 1:10), shaken for 30
minutes, and filtered through Whatman® 42 filter paper. Inorganic N
concentration was determined colorimetrically on an Alpkem A/E Ion
Analyzer (OI Analytics) at the Maine Agricultural and Forest
Experiment Station (MAFES) Analytical Laboratory.
<emphasis role="strong">Water extractable organic C (WEOC)</emphasis>
Organic C was extracted using deionized water (soil:extractant ratio
1:10), and hand-shaken for one minute before centrifuging and
filtration through Nuclepore™ 0.4 µm polycarbonate membranes
(procedure modified from (Hunt and Ohno, 2007). WEOC concentration was
measured on a Shimadzu TOC-L total organic carbon analyzer. WEOC
absorbance was measured on a Shimadzu UV-1800 spectrophotometer, and
specific ultraviolet absorbance (SUVA) was calculated from absorbance
at 254 nm (Weishaar et al., 2003).
<emphasis role="strong">Total C and total N</emphasis>
Air-dried soils were ground to 2 mm using a Wiley Mill, and TC and TN
were determined as percentage values by dry combustion (Sollins et
al., 1999) on a LECO TruMac CN analyzer (MAFES Analytical Laboratory).
<emphasis role="strong">Soil respiration</emphasis>
Carbon dioxide (CO2) flux was determined by the
static chamber method of (Collier et al., 2014). The Mason jars were
closed with lids fitted with rubber septa, and 15 mL gas samples were
collected from the headspace every 20 minutes for one hour. The gas
samples were stored in evacuated sealed vials (Exetainer®; Labco
Limited, UK), and refrigerated until analysis (maximum storage time of
48 hours). The gas samples were analyzed for
CO2 concentrations on a LI-COR LI-7000 gas
analyzer, and converted from volumetric to mass using the Ideal Gas
PV = nRT
where P = pressure (1 atm), V = headspace volume, n = number of moles,
R = Ideal Gas Constant (0.0821 atm L mol-1
K-1), T = temperature (278 K).
We evaluated concentration-vs-time data for linearity, and used the
slope to calculate flux, normalized to soil weight:
F = SV/W
where F = flux (mol g-1
hr-1), V = headspace volume, and W =
air-dry equivalent soil weight.