In order to harmonize several disparate datasets, we implemented the workflow
described below. For a more complete description of our workflow and quality control
measures, please see the manuscript Meyer and Labou, et al. (Under Review).
The authors recommend that future users implement similar packages used in this
workflow for manipulating the GLCP. In particular, loading the GLCP into certain
environments, such as R, often require the use of external packages. Most notably, the
fread() function from the data.table package (Dowle and Srinivasan, 2019) can quickly
read the GLCP into the R environment through the command:
glcp = fread(x = "glcp.csv", header = TRUE, integer64 = "character").
Data Sources
Lake locations and boundaries
For the locations of lakes, we used the HydroLAKES database version 1.0
(Messager et al., 2016), which incorporates multiple lake datasets (e.g., SRTM
Water Body Data, Global Lakes and Wetlands Database) and includes 1,427,688 lakes
of at least 10 hectares in surface area. The majority of HydroLAKES lakes are
defined as uncontrolled lakes (99.5%), with the remainder identified as reservoirs (0.47%)
and controlled lakes (0.03%). HydroLAKES, which is available in the form of shapefiles,
includes an extensive number of attributes for lake polygons including: lake surface area
(polygon area),elevation, shoreline development, total volume, average depth, residence time,
latitude and longitude of pour point, lake type, and others. The HydroLAKES v1.0
identifier ("Hylak_id") is retained in the GLCP to facilitate future work making use
of other attributes in the HydroLAKES data, which are not included in the GLCP.
Additionally, the GLCP also contains lake centroids, which were calculated within
ArcGIS version 3.1 (ESRI, 2015).
Hereafter, HydroLAKES lake polygons are referred to as "lakes."
Because lakes are products of the landscapes in which they reside, we calculated
climate and population values relative to each lake's basin. To identify basin
boundaries, we used the HydroBASINS dataset, a basin-level analog to the HydroLAKES
dataset. The HydroBASINS version 1.c format 1 database (Lehner and Grill, 2013) is
derived from the HydroSHEDS database (Lehner et al., 2008), which uses 15 arc-second
resolution data to identify river basins, watersheds, and sub-basins globally. In
HydroBASINS, basins are identified using the Pfafstetter coding system, with Level 1
as the highest level (i.e., continent level) and Level 12 as the smallest available
sub-basin. Table 1 details the number and median size of basins within each Pfafstetter
level for basins used within the GLCP. We retain the original HydroBASINS version 1.c
identifier ("HYBAS_ID") for each basin in the GLCP, for ease of future integration with
existing HydroBASINS attributes, such as distance from basin outlet to next downstream
sink and indicators of endorheic basins.
Hereafter, HydroBASINS polygons are referred to as "basins."
Surface water extent
For changes in lake surface water area over time, we used the Joint Research
Centre (JRC) Global Surface Water Dataset described in Pekel et al. (2016), which used
LANDSAT imagery (30 meter resolution) from March 1984 through October 2015 to identify
changes in surface water area for lakes, rivers, streams, and wetlands. The data are
hosted by the European Commission JRC and are formally referred to as the Global
Surface Water Dataset. Hereafter, we use the abbreviation "JRC" to refer to this
The JRC data subsetted for Yearly Water Classification History v1.0 (1984-2015)
are publicly available through Google Earth Engine as annually aggregated raster
images. Each image contains a "waterClass" band with the following values: 0 = no
observations, 1 = not water, 2 = seasonal water (defined as water that is present for
at least one month but not an entire year), 3 = permanent water (defined as water that
is present for all twelve months). For more detailed information on the complete
LANDSAT processing workflow used to create the JRC, Pekel et al. (2016) provides a
methodology of how waterClasses were assigned based on raw LANDSAT data.
While the JRC dataset is the most extensive global surface water dataset
available to date, it is limited by the LANDSAT data from which it is derived. Even
though LANDSAT coverage began in 1984, portions of northeastern Siberia (Kolyma region
and Central Siberian plateau) as well as central Greenland were not included in
totality until 1999.
Additionally, the JRC is limited by the water identification algorithm used by
Pekel et al. (2016), which divided pixels into water, land, or non-valid observations, where
non-valid observations may include snow and ice. This system therefore does not
classify permanently frozen lakes as water. Seasonally frozen lakes, however, would be
coded as entirely seasonal water.
Population estimates
We used the Gridded Population of the World (GPW) version 3 (CIESIN) for
1995 and GPW version 4 (CIESIN) un-adjusted population count data for 2000,
2005, 2010, and 2015 population estimates. Resolution for the GPW version 3
is 2.5 arc-minutes and is available for download from NASA's Socioeconomic
Data and Applications Center (SEDAC). Resolution for GPW version 4 is 30
arc-seconds and is currently hosted on Google Earth Engine. Detailed
methodology for the development of these datasets is available in
Doxsey-Whitfield et al. (2015)
Climate data
We used the Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications,
Version 2 (MERRA-2) (Gelaro et al., 2017) as the source for climate data. Both
precipitation and temperature datasets (GMAO, 2015) were hourly aggregates with
original spatial resolution of 0.5 x 0.625 decimal degrees. From these broader
datasets, we extracted the variables PRECTOTCORRLAND (total precipitation land;
bias corrected; in kg m-2 s-1, or volumetrically, mm s-1) for precipitation and
T2MMEAN (2-meter air temperature in K) for temperature. These subsets were exported
from NASA Goddard Earth Sciences Data (GES) and Information Services Center (DISC)
in a netCDF format for local analysis.
Data harmonization process
As this project involved harmonizing multiple global datasets at different
resolutions, the workflow used required multiple steps, each of which resulted in a
cleaned data subset. Here we detail the exact steps taken to integrate the HydroLAKES,
HydroBASINS, JRC, climate, and human population datasets described above.
Step #1: Calculate lake surface area
Lake surface area for each lake from 1995 to 2015 was calculated using Google
Earth Engine (Gorelick et al., 2017). Lake polygons were uploaded and imported into
Earth Engine as shapefiles. These lake polygons, which represent typical shape and
area for individual lakes, were buffered by a specified distance to allow water area
calculations to account for increases in lake area beyond the HydroLAKES polygon
borders as specified in HydroLAKES. Buffered lake polygons were then used as boundaries
within which to summarize pixels from annual JRC data for each waterClass category
(i.e., no data, not water, seasonal water, or permanent water). We calculated
"total water" as the sum of seasonal and permanent water pixels. Resulting area values
were exported in .csv format to Google Drive, then downloaded for local analysis using
the R statistical environment (R Core Team, 2018). Commented Google Earth Engine code
for lake area calculations ("jrc_water_class_sum.txt") and the R script for formatting
Google Earth Engine output ("01_import_format_JRC.R") (Dowle and Srinivasan, 2019;
Wickham, et al., 2018; Wickham and Henry, 2018) are available in the
Environmental Data Initiative (EDI) GLCP repository (Labou and Meyer et al.) within
the entity "glcp.tar.gz".
To evaluate how lake waterClass areas fluctuated with various buffer sizes, we
calculated lake waterClass areas for 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, and 2015 with 30 m, 60 m,
90 m, and 120 m buffers. Preliminary tests indicated smaller buffers were insufficient
to capture large area increases, while larger buffers increased risk of overlapping
neighboring lakes (especially in dense lake areas), smaller ponds, or input/output
rivers and erroneously increasing lake area totals. Our analysis of waterClass areas
between buffer sizes and years indicated 90 m as the most appropriate distance.
We identified a minority of lakes that were unable to be included in the final
data product. One lake in North America was identified as having a broken geometry
(Hylak_id = 109424), making it incompatible with Earth Engine-based analyses. Rather
than attempt to repair the lake shapefile boundaries and potentially change the size
and shape, we chose not to include this lake. Additionally, a small number of lakes
were identified to be outside the range of reliable LANDSAT data. The available JRC
data has a maximum extent of 80 decimal degrees north and Pekel et al. (2016) note
that LANDSAT images above 78 decimal degrees north are sparse, partially due to the
short LANDSAT observation season in high northern latitudes. As such, we limited
further processing to lakes whose entire extent is below 78 decimal degrees north,
which excluded 3,220 lakes (0.23% of original 1.4 million lakes).
Given the potential for lakes in this area to have inaccurate area measurements
prior to 1999, we calculated ratios of "no data" pixel areas to "not water", "seasonal
water", "permanent water", and "total water" pixel areas. This ratio will enable
future users to set desired thresholds of "no data" coverage that are specific to
their research questions. Because of the computational demand to produce these ratios
for each lake and year, the ratios are provided within a secondary .csv file
("JRC_all_no_data_proportions_yearly_95thru15.csv") and can be merged efficiently with
the full GLCP using the provided R script
Step #2: Match lakes with basins
Because HydroBASINS is derived from river networks, rather than lake pour points,
the HydroLAKES and HydroBASINS data do not come with a pre-existing 1:1 matching
scheme for lake and basin. To match lakes with their equivalent basins, we performed
spatial joins for the lake shapefiles and basin shapefiles to identify the smallest
basin that enclosed a lake in its entirety. All lakes that fell within a Pfafstetter
Level 12 basin (85% of lakes) were tagged with the Level 12 basin identifier,
because no smaller sub-basins were available. The highest level Pfafstetter basin used
was Level 2 (Level 1 being near continent-level), which was sufficient to capture the
watersheds of very large lakes, such as the Laurentian Great Lakes and the Caspian
Sea. This basin matching procedure was performed within Google Earth Engine
("hylak_hybasin_matching.txt") and outputs were formatted locally using R
("07_lake_basin_matching.R") (Dowle and Srinivasan, 2019;
Wickham, et al., 2018).
Using this lake/basin matching procedure, 1,949 lakes (0.14% of the original 1.4
million HydroLAKES lakes) were unable to be properly associated with a basin. Manual
investigation indicated that these lakes were either located on islands (645 lakes,
0.05% of the original HydroLAKES) or would be associated with only a Level 1 basin
(1,304 lakes, 0.09% of the original HydroLAKES). Lakes located on islands are excluded
from the GLCP because their natural basins are not included in the continental basin
schema that HydroBASINs employs. Similarly, the 1,304 lakes associated with Level 1
basins were consistently located on the boundary between neighboring basins and
therefore never completely enclosed in a single basin. This peculiarity is largely
because HydroBASINS is constructed for river networks, as opposed to lakes. Because it
is unrealistic for these 1,304 lakes (average total area: 2.39 km2) to be influenced
by near continental-scale climate and human population forcings, we excluded these
lakes from further processing.
Step #3: Calculate basin-level precipitation and temperature estimates
Once basins were associated with lakes, basin-level climate values were
calculated. Within the R environment, precipitation values from MERRA-2 were converted
to annually accumulated precipitation by aggregating hourly data for each gridcell for
each year (Reichle et al., 2017a;b). We also derived the average monthly volume of
precipitation for each grid cell for each year (1995-2015) by taking the mean of each
year's total monthly precipitation volumes ("summing_hourly_data_precip_mm.R")
(Pierce, 2019; Hijmans, 2019; Bivand et al., 2019; Revolution Analytics and Weston, 2019).
Temperature values were similarly used to derive an average annual temperature for each year
("summing_hourly_data_temp_K.R") (Pierce, 2019; Hijmans, 2019; Bivand et al., 2019;
Revolution Analytics and Weston, 2019; Tierney et al., 2018). The resulting yearly
data were saved as rasters. Yearly total precipitation, average monthly total precipitation,
and temperature rasters (1995-2015) were then resampled at 1/10th cell size through a
bilinear interpolation resampling. The original rectangular grids were converted to
squares, with spatial resolution of 0.05 x 0.05 decimal degrees. Because MERRA-2 grid
cells were originally sized at 0.5 x 0.625 decimal degree resolution, the initial
conversion from a netCDF to a raster format induced extra space
(e.g., 90.25 decimal degrees north in a raster). As such, resampled rasters were clipped
to 90 decimal degrees north/south and 180 decimal degrees west/east and converted to
geotiff format for upload to Google Earth Engine ("manipulate_climate_rasters.R")
(Pierce, 2019; Hijmans, 2019; Bivand et al., 2019; Revolution Analytics and Weston, 2019).
For each basin associated with a lake, basin-level average and total
precipitation, as well as average temperature, were calculated for each year of
interest in Earth Engine. The process was similar to the one described for lake
polygons and JRC data, whereby the basins were used as boundaries from which to
extract and aggregate pixels. Results were exported as .csv files to Google Drive,
then downloaded for local analysis using R. R scripts for data aggregation of climate
variables ("04_post_gee_processing_temp.R ", "05_post_gee_processing_precip_sum.R",
"06_post_gee_processing_precip_average.R") (Dowle and Srinivasan, 2019;
Wickham, et al., 2018; Wickham, 2019) are available on the EDI GLCP
repository (Labou and Meyer et al.) within the entity "glcp.tar.gz".
This process resulted in 10 matched basins (associated with 19 lakes) with
missing values for climate variables. These basins and lakes were removed from the
dataset. Manual assessment showed that these basins were located at higher northern
latitudes in the United States and the Russian Federation. We note that other
temperature and precipitation datasets are available; subsequent analyses can
incorporate alternative climate data sources to match with these basins through the
scripts and workflow provided in the EDI entity "glcp.tar.gz".
Step #4: Calculate basin-level population estimates
While other data sources in this project are annual, the global population data
we used, which was the current best available at the global scale, was for 5-year
increments (1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015). Rather than interpolate the intervening
years' values, we chose to leave these blank so that future researchers can
personalize statistical methodology to best address these data gaps in context of a
specific question.
For each 5-year increment, human population calculations were performed with a
technique similar to the climate data aggregations. GPWv3 (1995 data) was converted to
a geotiff and imported into Earth Engine. GPWv4 (2000, 2005, 2010, and 2015) rasters
were available through the Earth Engine interface. Basin-level population totals were
calculated from GPWv3 and GPWv4 data, with basin polygons as spatial boundaries.
Results were exported as .csv files to Google Drive, and downloaded for local analysis
within the R environment. R scripts for data aggregation of population counts
("02_load_shp_GPWv3.R", "03_load_shp_GPWv4.R") (Dowle and Srinivasan, 2019;
Wickham, et al., 2018; Wickham, 2019) are available on the EDI GLCP
repository within the entity "glcp.tar.gz" .
Step #5: Merge lake- and basin-level data
Lake- and basin-level output were merged within the R environment. The R script
for GLCP production ("08_cleaning_glcp_production.R") (Dowle and Srinivasan, 2019;
Wickham, et al., 2018; Wickham and Henry, 2018) is available in the EDI
GLCP repository within the entity "glcp.tar.gz".
Synopsis of data harmonization procedures:
Code availability
All Google Earth Engine and R scripts are available from the Environmental Data
Initiative GLCP repository within the entity "glcp.tar.gz". The entity "glcp.tar.gz"
also includes a standardized file structure that can be downloaded and run locally
with little alteration of the original R scripts if users wish to reproduce the GLCP.
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