Definition: | Year of record | Date of record | Time of record (data collected at 15 minute intervals) | Average battery voltage for the measurement period | Average air temperature for the measurement period | Measurement of relative humidity | Average photosynthetic photon flux density for the measurement period | Total measured photosynthetically active radiation for the measurement period | Average barometric pressure for the measurement period | Measurement of average solar radiation flux density | Measurement of total solar radiation flux density for the measurement period | Average wind speed for the measurement period | Maximum wind speed for the measurement period | Minimum wind speed for the measurement period | Wind direction |
Measurement Values Domain: | | Format | MM-DD-YYYY | Precision | |
| | | | | Unit | micromoles per second per meters squared | Type | real |
| Unit | millimoles per meter squared | Type | real |
| | Unit | wattPerMeterSquared | Type | real |
| Unit | Kilojoule per meters squared | Type | real |
| Unit | meterPerSecond | Type | real |
| Unit | meterPerSecond | Type | real |
| Unit | meterPerSecond | Type | real |
| |