We measured turbidity along a transect from channel to marsh interior from
December 2015 to January 2017. We measured turbidity (NTU) with optical back
scatter sensors (YSI EXO) to quantify sediment transport from the channel
across the marsh. The transect consisted of three turbidity sensors in a
shore normal transect, with one in the channel and two on the marsh surface,
located 1m from the edge and 12m from the edge, respectively. The sensors
measured every 15 minutes and were equipped with automatic wipers to reduce
biofouling. Sensors were cleaned and maintained and the data downloaded on
approximately bimonthly site visits.
Suspect data points were removed from the time series record following
Ganju et al., 2005. We used a recursive filter to remove points which were
greater than 10 nephelometric turbidity units (NTU) higher than adjacent
time steps. The record was visually analyzed to ensure points being removed
represented values anomalously higher than surrounding values. These removed
data points represent times when a sensor was obstructed, fouled, or not
Turbidity data was converted to suspended sediment concentration (SSC) via
a combination of in situ field sampling and laboratory calibrations using
sediment collected from the site. In the field, we measured turbidity with
an additional sensor at various locations around the site and at different
tidal stages, and collected a water sample in conjunction with each reading.
In the lab, we created sediment-water slurries with a range of SSC and used
a turbidity sensor to measure the slurries while they were kept in constant
motion to avoid sediment settling. We compared sensor turbidity measurements
to total suspended solid measurements obtained via vacuum filtration of
water samples from the site and lab-created water-sediment slurries. The
y-intercept value was set to zero, resulting in the equation SSC (mg/L)
=1.33*Sensor Turbidity (NTU)