Definition: | Year of sampling | Vernal Pool ID | N=North, S=South | 1=Close t o runway, 2=intermediate distance, 3=far from runway (runway is a retired airforce runway that runs through the center of the site) | s=small (5 m x5 m), m=medium (5 m x 10m) , l=large (5 m x 20 m) | seed treatment applied in December 1999 | seed treatment applied in December 2000 | Density of DEDA | Density of ERVA | Density of LACO | Density of LACH | Density of PLST | Achyrachaena mollis frequency | Aira caryophyllea frequency | Alopecurus carolinianus frequency | Anagallis arvensis frequency | Astragalus sp. frequency | Avena fatua frequency | Bromus diandrus frequency | Brodiaea elegans frequency | Bromus hordeaceus frequency | Briza minor frequency | Brassica rapa frequency | Castilleja attenuata frequency | Calandrinia ciliata frequency | Callitriche sp. frequency | Cerastium glomeratum frequency | Centunculus minimus frequency | Centaurea solstitialis frequency | Cicendia quadrangularis frequency | Cirsium vulgare frequency | Convolvulus arvensis frequency | Cotula coronopifolia frequency | Crassula aquatica frequency | Deschampsia danthonioides frequency | Distichlis spicata frequency | Downingia concolor frequency | Downingia cuspidata frequency | Downingia insignis frequency | Epilobium pygmaeum frequency | Erodium botrys frequency | Eremocarpus setigerus frequency | Eryngium vaseyi frequency | Euphorbia sp. frequency | Geranium dissectum frequency | Hemizonia congesta frequency | Hemizonia pungens frequency | Hordeum brachyantherum frequency | Hordeum marinum frequency | Hypochaeris glabra frequency | Juncus bufonius frequency | Layia chrysanthemoides frequency | Lasthenia conjugens frequency | Lasthenia glaberrima frequency | Lepidium nitidum frequency | Leontodon taraxacoides frequency | Lileaea scilloides frequency | Lolium multiflorium frequency | Lotus corniculatus frequency | Lupinus bicolor frequency | Lythrum hyssopifolia frequency | Malva parviflora frequency | Melilotus indica frequency | Medicago polymorpha frequency | Mimulus tricolor frequency | Myosurus minimus frequency | Phalaris minor frequency | Picris echioides frequency | Pillularia sp. frequency | Pleuropogon californicus frequency | Plantago elongata frequency | Plagiobothrys greenei frequency | Plagiobothrys stipitatus var. micranthus frequency | Polypogon maritimus frequency | Psilocarphus oregonus frequency | Psilocarphus tenellus frequency | Rumex crispus frequency | Silene gallica frequency | Sonchus asper frequency | Spergula arvensis frequency | Stebbinsoseris heterocarpa frequency | Taraxacum officianale frequency | Taeniatherium caput-medusae frequency | Trifolium depauperatum frequency | Trifolium dubium frequency | Triphysaria eriantha frequency | Trifolium fucatum frequency | Triteleia hyacinthina frequency | Trifolium microdon frequency | Trifolium variegatum frequency | Veronica peregrina frequency | Vicia sativa frequency | Vicia villosa frequency | Vulpia bromoides frequency |
Measurement Values Domain: | Unit | nominalYear | Type | natural | Min | 2000 | Max | 2017 |
| | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | N | Definition | North of the retired runway running through the center of the site | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | S | Definition | South of the retired runway running through the center of the site | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 0 | Definition | not available | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | 1 | Definition | Close t o runway | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 2 | Definition | intermediate distance from runway | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | 3 | Definition | far from runway | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | m | Definition | medium (5 m x 10 m) | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | s | Definition | small (5 m x 5 m) | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | l | Definition | large (5 m x 20 m) | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | Control | Definition | NO seeds planted in plot | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | Group A | Definition | 100 seeds each of DEDA, ERVA, and LACO introduced to seed plot | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | Group B | Definition | 100 seeds each of LACH, PLST, and LACO introduced to seed plot | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | Lasthenia | Definition | 100 seeds of LACO introduced to seed plot | Source | |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | Control | Definition | NO seeds planted in plot | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | Group A | Definition | 100 seeds each of DEDA, ERVA, and LACO introduced to seed plot | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | Group B | Definition | 100 seeds each of LACH, PLST, and LACO introduced to seed plot | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | Lasthenia | Definition | 100 seeds of LACO introduced to seed plot (these plots also received a third seeding of 100 LACO seeds in December 2001) | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | NO Lasthenia | Definition | NO seeds planted in plot | Source | |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 3500 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 400 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 4000 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 450 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 3000 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 95 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 100 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 25 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 72 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 1 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 100 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 100 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 6 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 100 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 60 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 90 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 15 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 100 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 40 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 35 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 1 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 100 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 100 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 45 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 80 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 97 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 100 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 100 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 100 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 100 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 15 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 12 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 43 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 100 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 30 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 100 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 24 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 66 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 100 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 100 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 100 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 100 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 100 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 92 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 97 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 100 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 100 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 3 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 100 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 98 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 100 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 70 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 100 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 100 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 16 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 10 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 100 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 11 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 10 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 7 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 80 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 86 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 100 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 11 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 81 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 100 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 90 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 94 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 100 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 95 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 2 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 80 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 5 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 65 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 3 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 100 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 23 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 90 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 65 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 10 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 2 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 17 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 53 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 100 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 100 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 100 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 100 |