Definition: | Datetime stamp of recorded observation, eastern standard time, no daylight savings observed | photosynthetically active radiation measured at buoy | air temperature measured at buoy | instantaneous wind direction (once per 10 minutes) | instantaneous wind speed (once per 10 minutes) | water temperature at the dissolved oxygen probe at 1m depth | Drift-corrected dissolved oxygen concentration at 1m depth | water temperature at water surface (approximate) | water temperature at 0.5m depth (approximate) | water temperature at 1m depth (approximate) | water temperature at 1.5m depth (approximate) | water temperature at 2m depth (approximate) | water temperature at 2.5m depth (approximate) | water temperature at 3m depth (approximate) | water temperature at 3.5m depth (approximate) | water temperature at 4m depth (approximate) | water temperature at 5m depth (approximate) | water temperature at 6m depth (approximate) | water temperature at 7m depth (approximate) | water temperature at 8m depth (approximate) | water temperature at 9m depth (approximate) | water temperature at 10m depth (approximate) | water temperature at 11m depth (approximate) | water temperature at 12m depth (approximate) | water temperature at 13m depth (approximate) | water temperature at 14m depth (approximate) |
Measurement Values Domain: | Format | YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm | Precision | |
| Unit | microMolsPerMeterSquaredPerSecond | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 2.48 |
| Unit | celsius | Type | real | Min | -33.32 | Max | 33.24 |
| Unit | degree | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 360 |
| Unit | milesPerHour | Type | real | Min | -1.65 | Max | 37.6 |
| Unit | celsius | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 27.23 |
| Unit | milligramsPerLiter | Type | real | Min | 7.41 | Max | 12.54 |
| Unit | celsius | Type | real | Min | -0.35 | Max | 25.99 |
| Unit | celsius | Type | real | Min | -0.12 | Max | 27.9 |
| Unit | celsius | Type | real | Min | -0.26 | Max | 27.06 |
| Unit | celsius | Type | real | Min | -0.15 | Max | 25.93 |
| Unit | celsius | Type | real | Min | -0.5 | Max | 26.84 |
| Unit | celsius | Type | real | Min | -0.26 | Max | 25.89 |
| Unit | celsius | Type | real | Min | 0.07 | Max | 26.59 |
| Unit | celsius | Type | real | Min | 0.67 | Max | 18.7 |
| Unit | celsius | Type | real | Min | 0.01 | Max | 26.42 |
| Unit | celsius | Type | real | Min | -0.05 | Max | 26.07 |
| Unit | celsius | Type | real | Min | 0.07 | Max | 25.26 |
| Unit | celsius | Type | real | Min | 0.07 | Max | 24.4 |
| Unit | celsius | Type | real | Min | -0.04 | Max | 24.26 |
| Unit | celsius | Type | real | Min | 0.03 | Max | 23.77 |
| Unit | celsius | Type | real | Min | 0.28 | Max | 23.63 |
| Unit | celsius | Type | real | Min | -0.02 | Max | 22.36 |
| Unit | celsius | Type | real | Min | 0.2 | Max | 19.42 |
| Unit | celsius | Type | real | Min | 0.34 | Max | 18.48 |
| Unit | celsius | Type | real | Min | 0.26 | Max | 19.5 |