Data Package Metadata   View Summary

Characterization of photosynthetic epilithic biomass on the river bed of the Upper Clark Fork River (Montana, USA) during the algal growing seasons of 2017 and 2018

General Information
Data Package:
Local Identifier:edi.498.4
Title:Characterization of photosynthetic epilithic biomass on the river bed of the Upper Clark Fork River (Montana, USA) during the algal growing seasons of 2017 and 2018
Alternate Identifier:DOI PLACE HOLDER

These data were collected to support monitoring of the Upper Clark Fork River restoration, and data collection was funded by the US NSF Long Term Research in Environmental Biology (LTREB) program and the US NSF EPSCoR funded Montana Consortium for Research on Environmental Water Systems. The original analytical intent for these data was to assess the response of the river algal community to the floodplain restoration. Data characterize epilithic biomass on the river bed including measurements of benthic standing stocks and abundance of pigments associated with primary producers. Metrics of characterization include areal density of chlorophyll a, areal density of phaeophytin, the ratio of carotenoid to chlorophyll absorbance, percent organic matter, areal density of organic matter, and catageory of biomass composition (filamentous algae vs. other epilithon). Samples were obtained from collecting and scrubbing five rocks at any given site. Biomass estimates were obtained from area corrected Ash Free Dry Mass. Pigment concentrations were obtained through the use of extraction in acetone followed by spectroscopy. Data are from the 2017 and 2018 algal growing seasons. Data were collected on the Upper Clark Fork River (USGS HUC 17010201) at project sites distributed along the river from the vicinity of Anaconda to Missoula, Montana, USA. The LTREB monitoring project consists of monthly or bi-weekly water quality monitoring across a 200-km restoration gradient contaminated by historic mining practices to monitor inorganic phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations, biotic standing stocks, and heavy metal contamination.

Water quality in the Upper Clark Fork River (UCFR) suffers from a century-old mining legacy. Heavy metals and N enrichment associated with human activity influence aquatic communities and processes. A 200 million dollar (USD) ecological remediation and restoration of the UCFR was initiated in 2013 and will continue for 20 years. Large-scale ecological restoration of the UCFR floodplain after removal of mine waste contamination is a component of the largest US EPA "superfund" project since implementation of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) by the US government in 1980. Remediation and restoration of the uppermost 70 km of the UCFR are removing metal-contaminated sediments and lowering the floodplain to promote river-floodplain interaction during high flows. Upgrades to wastewater treatment plants and changing hydrologic conditions will occur even as the State of Montana embarks upon a whole-scale restoration of the UCFR floodplain. Since the 1990s, state agencies and University of Montana (UM) PIs from this project have gathered data on the benthic algae, river water chemistry, and sediment transformation of contaminants in water. UCFR LTREB funds support baseline monitoring of metal contamination, carbon, biomass, nutrients, and metabolic activity. The motivation for extending the long-term dataset is to address changes in the character of subsidies and stressors for river productivity, algal blooms, and ecological integrity in a river being restored from long-term contamination problems.
Publication Date:2021-11-06
For more information:

Time Period

People and Organizations
Contact:Valett, H Maurice (University of Montana) [  email ]
Creator:Valett, H Maurice (University of Montana)
Creator:Utzman, Claire (University of Montana)
Creator:Feijó de Lima, Rafael (University of Montana)
Associate:Bayrd, Venice (Montana State University, Data curation)
Associate:Payn, Robert A (Montana State University, Data curation and project PI at MSU)
Associate:Valett, H Maurice (University of Montana, Lead PI and Project PI at UM)
Associate:DeGrandpre, Michael D (University of Montana, Project co-PI)
Associate:Peipoch, Marc (Stroud Water Research Center, Project co-PI)
Associate:D'Andrilli, Juliana (Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium, Project co-PI)

Data Entities
Data Table Name:
Analysis-ready characterization of epilithic biomass on rock samples taken from the river bed at study sites along the Upper Clark Fork River
Other Name:
Basic visualization of the eplithic biomass data included in this product (postscript data file).
Other Name:
Compressed data pipeline folder containing raw data files and project default metadata. See methods for details.
Other Name:
Compressed data pipeline folder containing R markdown and R scripts for processing data and metadata. See methods for details.
Other Name:
Compressed data pipeline folder containing detailed notes and incremental data associated with generation of the data product. See methods for details.
Detailed Metadata

Data Entities

Data Table

Description:Analysis-ready characterization of epilithic biomass on rock samples taken from the river bed at study sites along the Upper Clark Fork River
Number of Records:170
Number of Columns:9

Table Structure
Object Name:Biomass_2017-18.csv
Size:8835 bytes
Authentication:eb04e8665751e2a274ea3f80dde50837 Calculated By MD5
Text Format:
Number of Header Lines:1
Record Delimiter:\r\n
Simple Delimited:
Field Delimiter:,
Quote Character:"

Table Column Descriptions
Column Name:dateString  
Definition:Date of sample collection using a Gregorian calendar in US Mountain time (America/Denver). Property: Time. Entity: Collection of a river water sample. Method: Field sample management protocol.Identifier for site location. Property: Location. Entity: Upper Clark Fork River geography. Method: Project sampling map.Identifier for replicate samples. Property: Replicate identifier. Entity: Sampling of river water. Method: Field sample management protocol.Areal density of Chlorophyll A in stream bed epilithon. Property: Areal density of chlorophyll a. Entity: Top surface of sampled stone of stream bed substrate. Method: Spectrophotometric measurement of suspension of epilithon sample from a measured surface area of rock.Areal density of Phaeophytin in stream bed epilithon. Property: Areal density of phaeophytin. Entity: Top surface of sampled stone of stream bed substrate. Method: Spectrophotometric measurement of suspension of epilithon sample from a measured surface area of rock.Carotenoid to chlorophyll ratio in stream bed epilithon. Property: Carotenoid to chlorophyll ratio. Entity: Top surface of sampled stone of stream bed substrate. Method: Spectrophotometric measurement of suspension of epilithon sample from a measured surface area of rock.Percent of epilithic sample. Property: Fraction ash-free dry mass. Entity: Top surface of sampled stone of stream bed substrate. Method: Ashing and reweighing of filtration residue from suspension of epilithon sample from a measured surface area of rock.Areal density of organic matter in stream bed epilithon. Property: Areal density of organic matter. Entity: Top surface of sampled stone of stream bed substrate. Method: Ashing and reweighing of filtration residue from suspension of epilithon sample from a measured surface area of rock.High or low filamentous algae category assigned to biomass. Property: Category of abundance of filamentous algae. Entity: Top surface of sampled stone of stream bed substrate. Method: Field sample management protocol.
Storage Type:date  
Measurement Type:dateTimenominalnominalratioratioratioratiorationominal
Measurement Values Domain:
Allowed Values and Definitions
Enumerated Domain 
Code Definition
DefinitionProject site number 003
Code Definition
DefinitionProject site number 006
Code Definition
DefinitionProject site number 008
Code Definition
DefinitionProject site number 011
Allowed Values and Definitions
Enumerated Domain 
Code Definition
DefinitionReplicate sample 1
Code Definition
DefinitionReplicate sample 2
Code Definition
DefinitionReplicate sample 3
Code Definition
DefinitionReplicate sample 4
Code Definition
DefinitionReplicate sample 5
Allowed Values and Definitions
Enumerated Domain 
Code Definition
DefinitionHigh abundance of filamentous algae
Code Definition
DefinitionLow abundance of filamntous algae, biomass dominated by other epilithon
Missing Value Code:
ExplNot Available
ExplNot Available
ExplNot Available
ExplNot Available
ExplNot Available
ExplNot Available
ExplNot Available
ExplNot Available
ExplNot Available
Accuracy Report:                  
Accuracy Assessment:                  

Non-Categorized Data Resource

Entity Type:unknown
Description:Basic visualization of the eplithic biomass data included in this product (postscript data file).
Physical Structure Description:
Object Name:Biomass_2017-18_vis.pdf
Size:44186 bytes
Authentication:905f33b238b811c9e3343dbb8b827b54 Calculated By MD5
Externally Defined Format:
Format Name:application/pdf

Non-Categorized Data Resource
Entity Type:unknown
Description:Compressed data pipeline folder containing raw data files and project default metadata. See methods for details.
Physical Structure Description:
Size:452998 bytes
Authentication:66147acff167960d7cf6bcc49617f6ce Calculated By MD5
Externally Defined Format:
Format Name:application/zip

Non-Categorized Data Resource
Entity Type:unknown
Description:Compressed data pipeline folder containing R markdown and R scripts for processing data and metadata. See methods for details.
Physical Structure Description:
Size:10424 bytes
Authentication:ecb945d5a6e69c0be26d29a920bb283d Calculated By MD5
Externally Defined Format:
Format Name:application/zip

Non-Categorized Data Resource
Entity Type:unknown
Description:Compressed data pipeline folder containing detailed notes and incremental data associated with generation of the data product. See methods for details.
Physical Structure Description:
Size:610129 bytes
Authentication:fe48e9bced3506e372102e5bc5aefeea Calculated By MD5
Externally Defined Format:
Format Name:application/zip

Data Package Usage Rights

Intellectual rights to the data of this data package are treated separately to the code; please read carefully below. Professional etiquette dictates attribution of the original work if this data package is shared in whole or by individual components. A generic citation is provided for this data package on the website (herein "website") in the summary metadata page. Communication (and collaboration) with the creators of this data package is recommended to prevent duplicate research or publication. This data package (and its components) is made available "as is" and with no warranty of accuracy or fitness for use. The creators of this data package and the website shall not be liable for any damages resulting from misinterpretation or misuse of the data package or its components. Periodic updates of this data package may be available from the website. Thank you. ## CODE LICENSE STATEMENT Copyright 2021 - Robert Payn The code files presented here are available under the MIT License. The full Legal Code text is available below, and also here: Specific files released under this license include: * _02\ * _.Rprofile_; * _01\_processing.Rmd;_ * _01\_processing\_compile.R;_ * _10\_metadata.Rmd;_ * _10\_metadata\_compile.R;_ * _99\_runall.R;_ * _RStudioProject.Rproj_ ### Legal Code Text - MIT License Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ## DATA RIGHTS STATEMENT The data selection and arrangement; documentation; metadata; and all data in this product not explicitly listed in the code license specified above are available under CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. 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By Thesaurus:
(No thesaurus)Upper Clark Fork River restoration, NSF DEB LTREB 1655197, Montana, Northwestern United States, Northwestern Forested Mountains Ecoregion, epilithon
LTER Controlled Vocabularyorganic matter, algae, biomass, benthos

Methods and Protocols

These methods, instrumentation and/or protocols apply to all data in this dataset:

Methods and protocols used in the collection of this data package
## Measurement methods Where more details are available, each description below is cross-referenced with the brief methods caption provided in the descriptions of the table columns. ### _Field sample management protocol_ At each sampling site, 5 rocks (with repID numbered 1-5) were selected haphazardly in an attempt to approximate a random sample (true random sampling was impractical). Each rock was subjectively designated with either "high" filamentous biomass and processed by sampling filamentous algae from a measured surface area of the rock or "low" filamentous biomass and processed with conventional scrubbing and rinsing of epilithon from a measured surface area of the rock (Hauer and Lamberti 2017). Epilithon was sampled by scrubbing the rock with an iron brush where detached material was washed into a collection tray using river water. Resulting samples were bagged in the field and kept in a dark cooler for transport to the lab, where they were stored at 4 degrees Celsius until analysis. ### _Spectrophotometric measurement of suspension of epilithon sample from a measured surface area of rock_ Pigment standing stocks were obtained from the residue of filtering a known volume of sample onto a 0.7-micon GFF filter or from a 1-2 gram subsample of a bulk sample of filamentous algal biomass collected from a measured surface area of the rock. Pigments were extracted from samples for 24h in a 90% buffered acetone solution. Absorbance of light at specific wavelengths was measured pre- and post- acidification of extracts for turbidity-corrected chlorophyll and phaeophytin quantification (664, 665, and 750nm, Hauer and Lamberti 2017) and carotenoids estimation (430nm). ### _Ashing and reweighing of filtration residue from suspension of epilithon sample from a measured surface area of rock_ Organic matter standing stocks were obtained through a gravimetric approach based on residue from filtering a known volume of sample through a 0.7-micron GFF filter or a 1-2 gram subsample of a bulk sample of filamentous algal biomass collected from a measured surface area of the rock. The residue or subsample were dried until reaching a constant mass, combusted in a muffle furnace, and then reweighed to determine the mass of remaining ash. Ash-free dry mass was determined by subtracting the mass of inorganic ash from the dry weight that includes combustible organic matter (Hauer and Lamberti 2017). ## Data processing methods This data product is designed to provide the provenance of final tables in a pipeline format, to the degree that provenance is available. Where available, raw data files from instruments and manufacturer software are available in the 01\ file. The coding used to process the data is available in the 02\ file. In this case, final processing was carried out with R scripts and R markdown files. Incremental files created for the purpose of data processing are available in the 03\ file. Ready-to-use analytical data are available at the data package's root level (on the dataset landing page under the "Resources" section) and are described in the full metadata. ### Contents of 01\ * _2017/_ - Directory with algal growing season 2017 data and metadata * _chl afdm (sampling date).xlsx_ - Spectrophotometric data processing for a given sampling date * _(sampling date) Field-Lab Notebook biweekly.xlsx_ - Field measurements and AFDM calculations for a given sampling date * _2018/_ - Directory with algal growing season 2018 data and metadata * _chl afdm (sampling date).xlsx_ - Spectrophotometric data processing for a given sampling date * _(sampling date) Field-Lab Notebook biweekly.xlsx_ - Field measurements and AFDM calculations for a given sampling date * _meta/_ - Directory with project templates for metadata * _2021 Site Table.xlsx_ - Microsoft Excel file with authoritative project site list at the time of publication of these data. * _attributes.xlsx_ - Excel file with commonly used table column attributes in the project * _people.xlsx_ - Excel file with tabular data on people associated with the project used for metadata generation. ### Contents of 02\ * _.RProfile_ - An R profile file with R code that establishes the appropriate working directory for the R project used to generate this data product. * _01\_processing.Rmd_ - R markdown creating the data tables and associated metadata. * _01\_processing\_compile.R_ - R script that compiles the processing R markdown to an HTML document (03\ - processing\_notes.html) * _10\_metadata.Rmd_ - R markdown defining the generation of the metadata file and the EML file based on EDI EML assembly line. * _10\_metadata\_compile.R_ - R script that compiles the metadata R markdown to an HTML document (metadata.html) and an EML file (eml.xml). * _99\_runall.R_ - Convenience R script for fully regenerating the data product. * _RStudioProject.Rproj_ - An RStudio project file provided for convenience in working with the code generating this data product with the appropriate working directory. R code in the protocol depends on R packages: tidyr, readtext, knitr, EMLassemblyline, and xml2. Code also makes system calls to the zip command using arguments compatible with Info-Zip implementation 3.0, which appear to be mostly consistent with linux zip arguments. ### Contents of 03\ * _LTREB\_BIOMASS\_PIGMENTS\_2017\_ISF.csv_ - Original internal data file for 2017 * _LTREB\_BIOMASS\_PIGMENTS\_2018\_ISF.csv_ - Original internal data file for 2018 * _metadata\_summary.html_ - Summary of metadata and the process of archiving the workflow pipeline and compiling the associated metadata into EML. * _processing\_notes.html_ - Metadata regarding the processing of the raw data files to the product's data tables and basic visualizations. * _meta/_ - Directory with narrative metadata elements incorporated into metadata summary and EML * _abstract.md_ - A markdown text file sourcing the data abstract. * _intellectual\_rights.md_ - A text file sourcing the license for data use. * _LTREB\_BIOMASS\_PIGMENTS\_2017\_DICTIONARY.xlsx_ - Original metadata for 2017 data (for reference only, not all entries verified) * _LTREB\_BIOMASS\_PIGMENTS\_2017\_EDI\_METADATA.docx_ - Original metadata for 2017 data (for reference only, not all entries verified) * _LTREB\_BIOMASS\_PIGMENTS\_2018\_DICTIONARY.xlsx_ - Original metadata for 2018 data (for reference only, not all entries verified) * _LTREB\_BIOMASS\_PIGMENTS\_2018\_EDI\_METADATA.docx - Original metadata for 2018 data (for reference only, not all entries verified) * _methods.md_ - A markdown text file sourcing the description of methods. * _purpose.txt_ - An unformatted text file sourcing the description of purpose. R code included in this product will generate temporary files in the ./03\_incremental/Temp folder. These temporary files contain no unique data or metadata and thus are not archived in the corresponding zip file. ## References Hauer, F.R. and Lamberti, G. eds. 2017. Methods in stream ecology: Volume 1: Ecosystem structure. Academic Press. ## Data product development history * 2021 November 6: A few more minor edits. Updating staging for final approvals * 2021 October 29: Addressing feedback and completing unfinished tasks * Methods from Rafa and feedback from Venice * Removing who from abstract and purpose * Adding metadata about 01_input directory * 2021 October 2: Original draft

People and Organizations

Organization:Environmental Data Initiative
Email Address:
Web Address:
Individual: H Maurice Valett
Organization:University of Montana
Email Address:
Individual: Claire Utzman
Organization:University of Montana
Email Address:
Individual: Rafael Feijó de Lima
Organization:University of Montana
Email Address:
Individual: H Maurice Valett
Organization:University of Montana
Email Address:
Associated Parties:
Individual: Venice Bayrd
Organization:Montana State University
Email Address:
Role:Data curation
Individual: Robert A Payn
Organization:Montana State University
Email Address:
Role:Data curation and project PI at MSU
Individual: H Maurice Valett
Organization:University of Montana
Email Address:
Role:Lead PI and Project PI at UM
Individual: Michael D DeGrandpre
Organization:University of Montana
Email Address:
Role:Project co-PI
Individual: Marc Peipoch
Organization:Stroud Water Research Center
Email Address:
Role:Project co-PI
Individual: Juliana D'Andrilli
Organization:Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium
Email Address:
Role:Project co-PI

Temporal, Geographic and Taxonomic Coverage

Temporal, Geographic and/or Taxonomic information that applies to all data in this dataset:

Time Period
Sampling Site: 
Description:Site ID 003, restoration project reach A: bridge on Galen Road (site name: Galen)
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): -112.753194444444Latitude (degree): 46.2373
Sampling Site: 
Description:Site ID 006, restoration project reach A: DL park on frontage Rd north of bridge, samples taken via (site name: Deer Lodge)
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): -112.738411111111Latitude (degree): 46.3829861111111
Sampling Site: 
Description:Site ID 008, restoration project reach A: Above LBF River- river access from the fishing access road off the Beck Hill exit before the fishing loop from the road (site name: Garrison)
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): -112.739544444444Latitude (degree): 46.4985388888889
Sampling Site: 
Description:Site ID 011, restoration project reach B: bridge on McFarland Rd - Bonita (site name: Bonita)
Site Coordinates:
Longitude (degree): -113.589177777778Latitude (degree): 46.7177666666667


Parent Project Information:

Title:LTREB: Collaborative research - River ecosystem responses to floodplain restoration
Individual: H Maurice Valett
Organization:University of Montana
Email Address:
Role:Principal Investigator
Funding: US National Science Foundation 1655197
Related Project:
Title:LTREB: Collaborative research - River ecosystem responses to floodplain restoration
Individual: Robert A Payn
Organization:Montana State University
Email Address:
Role:Principal Investigator
Funding: US National Science Foundation 1655198
Related Project:
Title:RII Track-1 Consortium for Research on Environmental Water Systems
Individual: Ragan M Callaway
Organization:University of Montana
Email Address:
Role:Principal Investigator
Funding: US National Science Foundation OIA-1757351


Description:Completed: Updates to these data are not expected
Other Metadata

EDI is a collaboration between the University of New Mexico and the University of Wisconsin – Madison, Center for Limnology:

UNM logo UW-M logo