Data Table Table StructureObject Name: SOMMOS_site_list.csv Size: 5964 byte Authentication: fa69527a16855275efb6cbc4ea889561
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Table Column Descriptions site_name_full site_id NEON_site_id state latitude_dec_deg longitude_dec_deg incubation_site probable_soil_order_via_NRCS NEON_Link NPP_05_14.kgCm2yr MAT MAP MAP_Eref RH Column Name: site_name_full site_id NEON_site_id state latitude_dec_deg longitude_dec_deg incubation_site probable_soil_order_via_NRCS NEON_Link NPP_05_14.kgCm2yr MAT MAP MAP_Eref RH Definition: Full NEON site name Four letter SOMMOS site abbreviation Four letter NEON site abbreviation Two letter US site abbreviation Latitude of NEON tower - verified in google earth Longitude of NEON tower - verified in google earth Is site selected for incubation? Probable soil order, based on NRCS field classification of the nearby NEON Megapit link to NEON field site webpage Mean annual NPP at the site level, 2005-2014, from MODIS Mean annual temperature at the site level, as based on GIS lookup from PRISM data, Mean annual precipitation at the site level, as based on GIS lookup from PRISM data, Mean annual precipitation minus reference evaporation at the site level, as based on GIS lookup from PRISM data, Mean relative humidity % Storage Type: string string string string float float string string string float float float float float Measurement Type: nominal nominal nominal nominal ratio ratio nominal nominal nominal ratio nominal nominal nominal nominal Measurement Values Domain: Definition Full NEON site name
Definition Four letter SOMMOS site abbreviation
Definition Four letter NEON site abbreviation
Definition Two letter US site abbreviation
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code Definition Code yes Definition yes Source
Definition Probable soil order, based on NRCS field classification of the nearby NEON Megapit
Definition link to NEON field site webpage
Unit kilogramPerMeterSquared Type real
Definition Mean annual temperature at the site level, as based on GIS lookup from PRISM data,
Definition Mean annual precipitation at the site level, as based on GIS lookup from PRISM data,
Definition Mean annual precipitation minus reference evaporation at the site level, as based on GIS lookup from PRISM data,
Definition Mean relative humidity %
Missing Value Code: Accuracy Report: Accuracy Assessment: Coverage: Methods:
Data Table Table StructureObject Name: SOMMOS_horizon_data.csv Size: 173174 byte Authentication: 364ee689ed9f4800347372b71831f987
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Table Column Descriptions site_id plot core_id horizon sample_id top_depth_cm bottom_dept_cm thickness_cm boundary_distinctness color_munsell color_moist_dry roots pores effervescence_class redoxymorphic_features ped_void_surface_features moisture_content_gg dry_mass_g ws_bulk_density_gcm3 notes Column Name: site_id plot core_id horizon sample_id top_depth_cm bottom_dept_cm thickness_cm boundary_distinctness color_munsell color_moist_dry roots pores effervescence_class redoxymorphic_features ped_void_surface_features moisture_content_gg dry_mass_g ws_bulk_density_gcm3 notes Definition: Four letter SOMMOS site abbreviation NEON Soil Plot number from whence the core was sampled Four letter SOMMOS site abbreviation + 6 number date of NEON coring + 2 number core ID + 2 number section ID Horizon designation as assigned during core processing and description in the lab (NRCS Field Book, Schoeneberger et al. 2012, 2-2) Four letter SOMMOS site abbreviation + 6 number date of NEON coring + 2 number core ID + 2 number section ID + horizon designation depth at the top of the horizon depth at the bottom of the horizon thickness of the horizon distinctness of the boundary between the observed horizon and the horizon beneath it (NRCS Field Book, Schoeneberger et al. 2012, 2-6) Munsell color of the horizon matrix and/or any horizon mixtures (e.g., E/B) or inclusions (e.g., redoximorphic features, concentrations, depletions) moisture status of the horizon when Munsell color was determined (NRCS Field Book, Schoeneberger et al. 2012, 2-8) root quantity and size (NRCS Field Book, Schoeneberger et al. 2012, 2-70) pore quantity and size (NRCS Field Book, Schoeneberger et al. 2012, 2-73) effervescence class upon addition of HCl to the surface of the horizon (NRCS Field Book, Schoeneberger et al. 2012, 2-87) kind, quantity, size, etc. of redoximorphic features within the horizon matrix (NRCS Field Book, Schoeneberger et al. 2012, 2-10) kind, amount, continuity, etc. of ped and void surface features within the horizon (NRCS Field Book, Schoeneberger et al. 2012, 2-32) moisture content of the horizon as received in its core, expressed as grams of water per grams of dry soil - Gravimetric Water Content oven-dry (105C >24hrs) mass, in grams, of the bulk, whole soil horizon sample bulk density of the whole soil, i.e., including coarse fragments, roots Notes made by soil observer during description and processing Storage Type: string float string string string float float float string string string string string string string string float float float string Measurement Type: nominal nominal nominal nominal nominal ratio ratio ratio nominal nominal nominal nominal nominal nominal nominal nominal ratio ratio ratio nominal Measurement Values Domain: Definition Four letter SOMMOS site abbreviation
Definition NEON Soil Plot number from whence the core was sampled
Definition Four letter SOMMOS site abbreviation + 6 number date of NEON coring + 2 number core ID + 2 number section ID
Definition Horizon designation as assigned during core processing and description in the lab (NRCS Field Book, Schoeneberger et al. 2012, 2-2)
Definition Four letter SOMMOS site abbreviation + 6 number date of NEON coring + 2 number core ID + 2 number section ID + horizon designation
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code nan Definition no data Source
Code Definition Code A Definition Abrupt (0.5 to < 2 cm) Source
Code Definition Code C Definition Clear (2 to < 5 cm) Source
Code Definition Code D Definition Diffuse (≥ 15 cm) Source
Code Definition Code G Definition Gradual (5 to < 15 cm) Source
Code Definition Code none Definition none Source
Code Definition Code S Definition Smooth (Planar with few or no irregularities) Source
Definition Munsell color of the horizon matrix and/or any horizon mixtures (e.g., E/B) or inclusions (e.g., redoximorphic features, concentrations, depletions)
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code nan Definition no data Source
Code Definition Code air dry Definition air dry Source
Code Definition Code dry Definition dry Source
Code Definition Code moist Definition moist Source
Code Definition Code moist/dry Definition moist/dry Source
Definition root quantity and size (NRCS Field Book, Schoeneberger et al. 2012, 2-70)
Definition pore quantity and size (NRCS Field Book, Schoeneberger et al. 2012, 2-73)
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code nan Definition no data Source
Code Definition Code NE Definition Noneffervescent - No bubbles form Source
Code Definition Code SL Definition Slightly Effervescent - Numerous bubbles form Source
Code Definition Code ST Definition Strongly Effervescent - Bubbles form a low foam Source
Code Definition Code VE Definition Violently Effervescent - Bubbles rapidly form a thick foam Source
Code Definition Code VS Definition Very Slightly Effervescent - Few bubbles form Source
Definition kind, quantity, size, etc. of redoximorphic features within the horizon matrix (NRCS Field Book, Schoeneberger et al. 2012, 2-10)
Definition kind, amount, continuity, etc. of ped and void surface features within the horizon (NRCS Field Book, Schoeneberger et al. 2012, 2-32)
Unit gramPerCentimeterCubed Type real
Definition Notes made by soil observer during description and processing
Missing Value Code: Accuracy Report: Accuracy Assessment: Coverage: Methods:
Data Table Table StructureObject Name: SOMMOS_sample_composite_data.csv Size: 77866 byte Authentication: 48c3ad564406b80d9b23ec41a8420d9b
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Table Column Descriptions site_id horizon site_horizon_incubation_fraction contributing_horizons cores_contributing_to_horizon_composite incubation_site SOMMOS_horizon horizon_type OSU_g VT_g USFS_g UCB_g ws_mass_airdry_g fine_mass_g coarse_mass_g roots_fine_g mass_remaining_lost_g horizon_order total_thickness_cm proportional_thickness_cm proportional_top_depth_cm proportional_bottom_depth_cm proportional_midpoint_depth_cm ws_bulk_density_gcm3 proportion_fine_mass_gg mass_fine_Mgha mass_coarse_Mgha notes Column Name: site_id horizon site_horizon_incubation_fraction contributing_horizons cores_contributing_to_horizon_composite incubation_site SOMMOS_horizon horizon_type OSU_g VT_g USFS_g UCB_g ws_mass_airdry_g fine_mass_g coarse_mass_g roots_fine_g mass_remaining_lost_g horizon_order total_thickness_cm proportional_thickness_cm proportional_top_depth_cm proportional_bottom_depth_cm proportional_midpoint_depth_cm ws_bulk_density_gcm3 proportion_fine_mass_gg mass_fine_Mgha mass_coarse_Mgha notes Definition: Four letter SOMMOS site abbreviation horizon designation of composite sample ID of the composite sample, as the concatenation of site ID, horizon, incubation status (pre vs. post), and soil fraction (all bulk soils aka whole soils aka WS) list of core#: followed by horizon names that make up composite number of cores contributing to composite Is site selected for incubation? Is horizon a SOMMOS horizon, i.e., one of up to three per site that was selected for detailed laboratory characterization and potential incubation? IF a SOMMOS horizon THEN A-Horizon OR Upper B-Horizon OR Lower B-Horizon; ELSE none mass fine (<2mm) remaining at OSU (Hatten, Gallo, Matosziuk) mass fine (<2mm) shipped to VT (Strahm, Weiglein, Possinger) mass fine (<2mm) shipped to USFS (Heckman, Klapperich, Zermeno) mass fine (<2mm) shipped to UCB (SanClements, Bowman) Total whole soil mass of air dry soil Total fine (<2mm) soil mass of air dry soil Total coarse (>2mm)soil mass of air dry soil Total root mass of air dry soil Mass remaining or lost during processing of sample Order of horizon in profile Total thickness unadjusted for number of cores contributing Total thickness adjusted by the number of cores contributing, see Nave et al. 2021, p.4 depth at the top of the composite horizon, see Nave et al. 2021, p.4 depth at the bottom of the composite horizon, see Nave et al. 2021, p.4 depth at the mid-point of the composite horizon, see Nave et al. 2021, p.4 bulk density of the whole soil proportion of fine (<2mm) in WS mass of fine (<2mm) per hectare mass of coarse (>2mm) per hectare notes Storage Type: string string string string float string string string string string string string float float float float float float float float float float float float float float float string Measurement Type: nominal nominal nominal nominal nominal nominal nominal nominal ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio nominal ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio nominal Measurement Values Domain: Definition Four letter SOMMOS site abbreviation
Definition horizon designation of composite sample
Definition ID of the composite sample, as the concatenation of site ID, horizon, incubation status (pre vs. post), and soil fraction (all bulk soils aka whole soils aka WS)
Definition list of core#: followed by horizon names that make up composite
Definition number of cores contributing to composite
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code Definition
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code Definition
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code A-Horizon Definition A-Horizon Source
Code Definition Code Lower B-Horizon Definition Lower B-Horizon Source
Code Definition Code none Definition no horizon type Source
Code Definition Code Upper B-Horizon Definition Upper B-Horizon Source
Definition Order of horizon in profile
Unit gramPerCentimeterCubed Type real
Missing Value Code: Code - Expl not enough sample to split
Code - Expl not enough sample to split
Code - Expl not enough sample to split
Code - Expl not enough sample to split
Accuracy Report: Accuracy Assessment: Coverage: Methods:
Data Table Table StructureObject Name: SOMMOS_soil_texture_chemistry_data.csv Size: 32065 byte Authentication: d614ce3c58d078290b908e9fe5fe6b08
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Quote Character: "
Table Column Descriptions site_id horizon incubation fraction site_id_horizon_incubation_fraction horizon_type pH LOI_g100g bpca_total_bpca_gkgsoil Al_NH4Act_ugg Ca_NH4Act_ugg K_NH4Act_ugg Mg_NH4Act_ugg Na_NH4Act_ugg Al_KCl_ugg Fe_KCl_ugg proportion_sand proportion_silt proportion_clay total_ssa_m2g notes Column Name: site_id horizon incubation fraction site_id_horizon_incubation_fraction horizon_type pH LOI_g100g bpca_total_bpca_gkgsoil Al_NH4Act_ugg Ca_NH4Act_ugg K_NH4Act_ugg Mg_NH4Act_ugg Na_NH4Act_ugg Al_KCl_ugg Fe_KCl_ugg proportion_sand proportion_silt proportion_clay total_ssa_m2g notes Definition: Four letter SOMMOS site abbreviation horizon designation of composite sample Phase of incubation (see naming sheet) fraction of soil (see naming sheet) ID of the composite sample, as the concatenation of site ID, horizon, incubation status (pre vs. post), and soil fraction (all bulk soils aka whole soils aka WS) A-Horizon, Upper B-Horizon, Lower B-Horizon pH of sample 1:2 in water % loss on ignition of the sample, as mass lost after 3 hours at 550 C total grams of BPCA (B3, B4, B5, B6) per kg soil. BPCA-Benzene PolyCarboxylic Acid mass of Al extracted using ammonium acetate (pH 7.1) from air dried soil. Values corrected for air dry to oven dry soil mass. NA implies no sample run, and 0 implies no detectable quantity mass of Ca extracted using ammonium acetate (pH 7.1) from air dried soil. Values corrected for air dry to oven dry soil mass. NA implies no sample run, and 0 implies no detectable quantity mass of K extracted using ammonium acetate (pH 7.1) from air dried soil. Values corrected for air dry to oven dry soil mass. NA implies no sample run, and 0 implies no detectable quantity mass of Mg extracted using ammonium acetate (pH 7.1) from air dried soil. Values corrected for air dry to oven dry soil mass. NA implies no sample run, and 0 implies no detectable quantity mass of Na extracted using ammonium acetate (pH 7.1) from air dried soil. Values corrected for air dry to oven dry soil mass. NA implies no sample run, and 0 implies no detectable quantity mass of Al extracted using KCl from air dry soil. Values corrected for air dry to oven dry soil mass. mass of Fe extracted using KCl from dry soil. Values corrected for air dry to oven dry soil mass. mass of sand per gram of dry soil as determined by laser PS analyer mass of silt per gram of dry soil as determined by laser PS analyer mass of clay per gram of dry soil as determined by laser PS analyer particle specific surface area as determiend by summing the surface area of each particl size class notes about sample Storage Type: string string string string string string float float float float float float float float float float float float float float string Measurement Type: nominal nominal nominal nominal nominal nominal ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio nominal Measurement Values Domain: Definition Four letter SOMMOS site abbreviation
Definition horizon designation of composite sample
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code PRE Definition Pre-incubation sample Source
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code BULK Definition bulk soil sample or "Whole Soil" Source
Definition ID of the composite sample, as the concatenation of site ID, horizon, incubation status (pre vs. post), and soil fraction (all bulk soils aka whole soils aka WS)
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code nan Definition no data Source
Code Definition Code A-Horizon Definition A-Horizon Source
Code Definition Code Lower B-Horizon Definition Lower B-Horizon Source
Code Definition Code Upper B-Horizon Definition Upper B-Horizon Source
Unit gramPerGram *100 Type real
Unit gramPerKilogram Type real
Definition notes about sample
Missing Value Code: Accuracy Report: Accuracy Assessment: Coverage: Methods:
Data Table Table StructureObject Name: SOMMOS_CN_isotope_data.csv Size: 76224 byte Authentication: 0ab397334309e02bb1b0d83ddfb6c166
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Table Column Descriptions site_id site_horizon_incubation_fraction TC_EA_pct N_EA_pct TC_IRMS_lower_pct TC_IRMS_upper_pct OC_IRMS_lower_pct OC_IRMS_upper_pct N_IRMS_lower_pct N_IRMS_upper_pct CN_ratio_IRMS d13C_permille d15N_permille Column Name: site_id site_horizon_incubation_fraction TC_EA_pct N_EA_pct TC_IRMS_lower_pct TC_IRMS_upper_pct OC_IRMS_lower_pct OC_IRMS_upper_pct N_IRMS_lower_pct N_IRMS_upper_pct CN_ratio_IRMS d13C_permille d15N_permille Definition: Four letter SOMMOS site abbreviation ID of the composite sample, as the concatenation of site ID, horizon, incubation status (pre vs. post), and soil fraction (all bulk soils aka whole soils aka WS) Total C (corrected w/ air-dry mass:oven-dry mass ratio) from vario MAX elemental analyzer; NOTES: (1) BULK samples only b/c of large sample mass requirement, (2) samples NOT acidified b/c of methodology issues Total N (corrected w/ air-dry mass:oven-dry mass ratio) from vario MAX elemental analyzer; NOTES: (1) BULK samples only b/c of large sample mass requirement, (2) samples NOT acidified b/c of methodology issues Total C (lower bound) (corrected w/ air-dry mass:oven-dry mass ratio) from IsoPrime EA-IRMS; NOTES: (1) Bounded b/c of some samples being below MQL (minimum quantitation limit) and/or MDL (minimum detection limit) [if lower bound = 0, 0 < value < MDL; if lower bound > 0 and lower bound ≠ upper bound, MDL < value < MQL; if lower bound = upper bound, value > MQL], (2) since this is total C, samples NOT acidified, (3) HF samples from calcareous horizons (horizons with "k" suffix) do not have total C values b/c they were acidified prior to analysis Total C (upper bound) (corrected w/ air-dry mass:oven-dry mass ratio) from IsoPrime EA-IRMS; NOTES: (1) Bounded b/c of some samples being below MQL (minimum quantitation limit) and/or MDL (minimum detection limit) [if lower bound = 0, 0 < value < MDL; if lower bound > 0 and lower bound ≠ upper bound, MDL < value < MQL; if lower bound = upper bound, value > MQL], (2) since this is total C, samples NOT acidified, (3) HF samples from calcareous horizons (horizons with "k" suffix) do not have total C values b/c they were acidified prior to analysis Organic C (lower bound) (corrected w/ air-dry mass:oven-dry mass ratio) from IsoPrime EA-IRMS; NOTES: (1) Bounded b/c of some samples being below MQL (minimum quantitation limit) and/or MDL (minimum detection limit) [if lower bound = 0, 0 < value < MDL; if lower bound > 0 and lower bound ≠ upper bound, MDL < value < MQL; if lower bound = upper bound, value > MQL], (2) if "k" not in horizon suffix, assumed OC = TC, (3) if "k" in horizon suffix, acidified sample via fumigation (Harris et al., 2001) prior to analysis Organic C (upper bound) (corrected w/ air-dry mass:oven-dry mass ratio) from IsoPrime EA-IRMS; NOTES: (1) Bounded b/c of some samples being below MQL (minimum quantitation limit) and/or MDL (minimum detection limit) [if lower bound = 0, 0 < value < MDL; if lower bound > 0 and lower bound ≠ upper bound, MDL < value < MQL; if lower bound = upper bound, value > MQL], (2) if "k" not in horizon suffix, assumed OC = TC, (3) if "k" in horizon suffix, acidified sample via fumigation (Harris et al., 2001) prior to analysis Total N (lower bound) (corrected w/ air-dry mass:oven-dry mass ratio) from IsoPrime EA-IRMS; NOTES: (1) Bounded b/c of some samples being below MQL (minimum quantitation limit) and/or MDL (minimum detection limit) [if lower bound = 0, 0 < value < MDL; if lower bound > 0 and lower bound ≠ upper bound, MDL < value < MQL; if lower bound = upper bound, value > MQL], (2) samples NOT acidified Total N (upper bound) (corrected w/ air-dry mass:oven-dry mass ratio) from IsoPrime EA-IRMS; NOTES: (1) Bounded b/c of some samples being below MQL (minimum quantitation limit) and/or MDL (minimum detection limit) [if lower bound = 0, 0 < value < MDL; if lower bound > 0 and lower bound ≠ upper bound, MDL < value < MQL; if lower bound = upper bound, value > MQL], (2) samples NOT acidified C:N molar ratio (based on averages of bounds) from IsoPrime EA-IRMS; NOTES: (1) Organic C used in calculation of ratio Carbon-13 value (relative to VPDB) from IsoPrime EA-IRMS; NOTES: (1) If "k" in horizon suffix, acidified sample via fumigation (Harris et al., 2001) prior to analysis (see IRMS_note column for exceptions) Nitrogen-15 value (relative to AIR) from IsoPrime EA-IRMS; NOTES: (1) If "k" in horizon suffix, acidified sample via fumigation (Harris et al., 2001) prior to analysis (see IRMS_note column for exceptions) Storage Type: string string float float float float float float float float float float float Measurement Type: nominal nominal ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio Measurement Values Domain: Definition Four letter SOMMOS site abbreviation
Definition ID of the composite sample, as the concatenation of site ID, horizon, incubation status (pre vs. post), and soil fraction (all bulk soils aka whole soils aka WS)
Missing Value Code: Accuracy Report: Accuracy Assessment: Coverage: Methods:
Data Table Table StructureObject Name: SOMMOS_SDA_data.csv Size: 60384 byte Authentication: a321e9025341f61e1b2d800497886a8f
Calculated By MD5 Text Format:
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Orientation: column
Simple Delimited:
Field Delimiter: ,
Quote Character: "
Table Column Descriptions site_id horizon incubation fraction site_id_horizon_incubation_fraction horizon_type DC_Al_lower_pct DC_Al_upper_pct DC_Fe_lower_pct DC_Fe_upper_pct DC_Mn_lower_pct DC_Mn_upper_pct DC_Si_lower_pct DC_Si_upper_pct SP_Al_lower_pct SP_Al_upper_pct SP_Fe_lower_pct SP_Fe_upper_pct SP_Mn_lower_pct SP_Mn_upper_pct SP_Si_lower_pct SP_Si_upper_pct AO_Al_lower_pct AO_Al_upper_pct AO_Fe_lower_pct AO_Fe_upper_pct AO_Mn_lower_mg_per_kg AO_Mn_upper_mg_per_kg AO_Si_lower_pct AO_Si_upper_pct Column Name: site_id horizon incubation fraction site_id_horizon_incubation_fraction horizon_type DC_Al_lower_pct DC_Al_upper_pct DC_Fe_lower_pct DC_Fe_upper_pct DC_Mn_lower_pct DC_Mn_upper_pct DC_Si_lower_pct DC_Si_upper_pct SP_Al_lower_pct SP_Al_upper_pct SP_Fe_lower_pct SP_Fe_upper_pct SP_Mn_lower_pct SP_Mn_upper_pct SP_Si_lower_pct SP_Si_upper_pct AO_Al_lower_pct AO_Al_upper_pct AO_Fe_lower_pct AO_Fe_upper_pct AO_Mn_lower_mg_per_kg AO_Mn_upper_mg_per_kg AO_Si_lower_pct AO_Si_upper_pct Definition: Four letter SOMMOS site abbreviation Horizon designation as assigned during core processing and description in the lab (NRCS Field Book, Schoeneberger et al. 2012, 2-2) incubation status fraction of sample analyzed unique sample id type of horizon sampled Dithionite-citrate extractable Al (lower bound); NOTES: (1) Bounded b/c of some samples being below MDL (minimum detection limit) [if lower bound = 0, 0 < value < MDL]; (2) SDA data included for organic horizons, but it is not advised to interpret this data in the same way as for mineral horizons Dithionite-citrate extractable Al (upper bound); NOTES: (1) Bounded b/c of some samples being below MDL (minimum detection limit) [if lower bound = 0, 0 < value < MDL]; (2) SDA data included for organic horizons, but it is not advised to interpret this data in the same way as for mineral horizons Dithionite-citrate extractable Fe (lower bound); NOTES: (1) Bounded b/c of some samples being below MDL (minimum detection limit) [if lower bound = 0, 0 < value < MDL]; (2) SDA data included for organic horizons, but it is not advised to interpret this data in the same way as for mineral horizons Dithionite-citrate extractable Fe (upper bound); NOTES: (1) Bounded b/c of some samples being below MDL (minimum detection limit) [if lower bound = 0, 0 < value < MDL]; (2) SDA data included for organic horizons, but it is not advised to interpret this data in the same way as for mineral horizons Dithionite-citrate extractable Mn (lower bound); NOTES: (1) Bounded b/c of some samples being below MDL (minimum detection limit) [if lower bound = 0, 0 < value < MDL]; (2) SDA data included for organic horizons, but it is not advised to interpret this data in the same way as for mineral horizons Dithionite-citrate extractable Mn (upper bound); NOTES: (1) Bounded b/c of some samples being below MDL (minimum detection limit) [if lower bound = 0, 0 < value < MDL]; (2) SDA data included for organic horizons, but it is not advised to interpret this data in the same way as for mineral horizons Dithionite-citrate extractable Si (lower bound); NOTES: (1) Bounded b/c of some samples being below MDL (minimum detection limit) [if lower bound = 0, 0 < value < MDL]; (2) SDA data included for organic horizons, but it is not advised to interpret this data in the same way as for mineral horizons Dithionite-citrate extractable Si (upper bound); NOTES: (1) Bounded b/c of some samples being below MDL (minimum detection limit) [if lower bound = 0, 0 < value < MDL]; (2) SDA data included for organic horizons, but it is not advised to interpret this data in the same way as for mineral horizons Sodium pyrophosphate extractable Al (lower bound); NOTES: (1) Bounded b/c of some samples being below MDL (minimum detection limit) [if lower bound = 0, 0 < value < MDL]; (2) SDA data included for organic horizons, but it is not advised to interpret this data in the same way as for mineral horizons Sodium pyrophosphate extractable Al (upper bound); NOTES: (1) Bounded b/c of some samples being below MDL (minimum detection limit) [if lower bound = 0, 0 < value < MDL]; (2) SDA data included for organic horizons, but it is not advised to interpret this data in the same way as for mineral horizons Sodium pyrophosphate extractable Fe (lower bound); NOTES: (1) Bounded b/c of some samples being below MDL (minimum detection limit) [if lower bound = 0, 0 < value < MDL]; (2) SDA data included for organic horizons, but it is not advised to interpret this data in the same way as for mineral horizons Sodium pyrophosphate extractable Fe (upper bound); NOTES: (1) Bounded b/c of some samples being below MDL (minimum detection limit) [if lower bound = 0, 0 < value < MDL]; (2) SDA data included for organic horizons, but it is not advised to interpret this data in the same way as for mineral horizons Sodium pyrophosphate extractable Mn (lower bound); NOTES: (1) Bounded b/c of some samples being below MDL (minimum detection limit) [if lower bound = 0, 0 < value < MDL]; (2) SDA data included for organic horizons, but it is not advised to interpret this data in the same way as for mineral horizons Sodium pyrophosphate extractable Mn (upper bound); NOTES: (1) Bounded b/c of some samples being below MDL (minimum detection limit) [if lower bound = 0, 0 < value < MDL]; (2) SDA data included for organic horizons, but it is not advised to interpret this data in the same way as for mineral horizons Sodium pyrophosphate extractable Si (lower bound); NOTES: (1) Bounded b/c of some samples being below MDL (minimum detection limit) [if lower bound = 0, 0 < value < MDL]; (2) SDA data included for organic horizons, but it is not advised to interpret this data in the same way as for mineral horizons Sodium pyrophosphate extractable Si (upper bound); NOTES: (1) Bounded b/c of some samples being below MDL (minimum detection limit) [if lower bound = 0, 0 < value < MDL]; (2) SDA data included for organic horizons, but it is not advised to interpret this data in the same way as for mineral horizons Ammonium oxalate extractable Al (lower bound); NOTES: (1) Bounded b/c of some samples being below MDL (minimum detection limit) [if lower bound = 0, 0 < value < MDL]; (2) SDA data included for organic horizons, but it is not advised to interpret this data in the same way as for mineral horizons Ammonium oxalate extractable Al (upper bound); NOTES: (1) Bounded b/c of some samples being below MDL (minimum detection limit) [if lower bound = 0, 0 < value < MDL]; (2) SDA data included for organic horizons, but it is not advised to interpret this data in the same way as for mineral horizons Ammonium oxalate extractable Fe (lower bound); NOTES: (1) Bounded b/c of some samples being below MDL (minimum detection limit) [if lower bound = 0, 0 < value < MDL]; (2) SDA data included for organic horizons, but it is not advised to interpret this data in the same way as for mineral horizons Ammonium oxalate extractable Fe (upper bound); NOTES: (1) Bounded b/c of some samples being below MDL (minimum detection limit) [if lower bound = 0, 0 < value < MDL]; (2) SDA data included for organic horizons, but it is not advised to interpret this data in the same way as for mineral horizons Ammonium oxalate extractable Mn (lower bound); NOTES: (1) Bounded b/c of some samples being below MDL (minimum detection limit) [if lower bound = 0, 0 < value < MDL]; (2) SDA data included for organic horizons, but it is not advised to interpret this data in the same way as for mineral horizons Ammonium oxalate extractable Mn (upper bound); NOTES: (1) Bounded b/c of some samples being below MDL (minimum detection limit) [if lower bound = 0, 0 < value < MDL]; (2) SDA data included for organic horizons, but it is not advised to interpret this data in the same way as for mineral horizons Ammonium oxalate extractable Si (lower bound); NOTES: (1) Bounded b/c of some samples being below MDL (minimum detection limit) [if lower bound = 0, 0 < value < MDL]; (2) SDA data included for organic horizons, but it is not advised to interpret this data in the same way as for mineral horizons Ammonium oxalate extractable Si (upper bound); NOTES: (1) Bounded b/c of some samples being below MDL (minimum detection limit) [if lower bound = 0, 0 < value < MDL]; (2) SDA data included for organic horizons, but it is not advised to interpret this data in the same way as for mineral horizons Storage Type: string string string string string string float float float float float float float float float float float float float float float float float float float float float float float float Measurement Type: nominal nominal nominal nominal nominal nominal ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio Measurement Values Domain: Definition Four letter SOMMOS site abbreviation
Definition Horizon designation as assigned during core processing and description in the lab (NRCS Field Book, Schoeneberger et al. 2012, 2-2)
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code PRE Definition Pre-incubation sample Source
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code BULK Definition bulk soil sample or "Whole Soil" Source
Definition unique sample id
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code Definition Code Lower B Definition Lower B Source
Code Definition Code Upper B Definition Upper B Source
Unit milligramPerKilogram Type real
Unit milligramPerKilogram Type real
Missing Value Code: Accuracy Report: Accuracy Assessment: Coverage: Methods:
Data Table Table StructureObject Name: SOMMOS_TOC_data.csv Size: 14927 byte Authentication: 4644c7f5794389f37c963de4981df530
Calculated By MD5 Text Format:
Number of Header Lines: 1
Record Delimiter: \n
Orientation: column
Simple Delimited:
Field Delimiter: ,
Quote Character: "
Table Column Descriptions site_id horizon extract incubation fraction C_conc_mg_g C_error_mg_g Column Name: site_id horizon extract incubation fraction C_conc_mg_g C_error_mg_g Definition: Four letter SOMMOS site abbreviation horizon designation of composite sample extraction method Pre-incubation sample fraction of soil Extractable carbon concentration Error extractable carbon concentration Storage Type: string string string string string float float Measurement Type: nominal nominal nominal nominal nominal ratio nominal Measurement Values Domain: Definition Four letter SOMMOS site abbreviation
Definition horizon designation of composite sample
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code CWE Definition cold water extraction Source
Code Definition Code HWE Definition hot water extraction Source
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code PRE Definition Pre-incubation sample Source
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code BULK Definition bulk soil sample or "Whole Soil" Source
Unit microgramPerGram Type real
Definition Error extractable carbon concentration
Missing Value Code: Accuracy Report: Accuracy Assessment: Coverage: Methods:
Data Table Table StructureObject Name: SOMMOS_Fluorescence_data.csv Size: 32398 byte Authentication: 592f1ed77839eb52b7485ad05b37f324
Calculated By MD5 Text Format:
Number of Header Lines: 1
Record Delimiter: \n
Orientation: column
Simple Delimited:
Field Delimiter: ,
Quote Character: "
Table Column Descriptions sample_name site_id horizon extract rep diluted FI max_em_370 abs_254 HIX freshness_index notes Column Name: sample_name site_id horizon extract rep diluted FI max_em_370 abs_254 HIX freshness_index notes Definition: unique sample name derived from combining site_id, horizon, extract, rep, and dilution variables Four letter SOMMOS site abbreviation Horizon designation as assigned during core processing and description in the lab (NRCS Field Book, Schoeneberger et al. 2012, 2-2) extraction method (hot water or cold water extraction) repicate number indicates sample was diluted Fluorescence index maximum emission at 370 absorbance at 254 Humification index freshness_index notes Storage Type: string string string string string string float float float float float string Measurement Type: nominal nominal nominal nominal nominal nominal nominal nominal ratio ratio ratio nominal Measurement Values Domain: Definition unique sample name derived from combining site_id, horizon, extract, rep, and dilution variables
Definition Four letter SOMMOS site abbreviation
Definition Horizon designation as assigned during core processing and description in the lab (NRCS Field Book, Schoeneberger et al. 2012, 2-2)
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code CWE Definition cold water extraction Source
Code Definition Code HWE Definition hot water extraction Source
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code 1 Definition rep number 1 Source
Code Definition Code 2 Definition rep number 2 Source
Code Definition Code 3 Definition rep number 3 Source
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code dil Definition diluted Source
Definition Fluorescence index
Definition maximum emission at 370
Unit index Type real Min 0.0 Max
Missing Value Code: Accuracy Report: Accuracy Assessment: Coverage: Methods:
Data Table Table StructureObject Name: SOMMOS_incubation_respiration_data.csv Size: 48816 byte Authentication: ad17587c990b806ae71371809d7163de
Calculated By MD5 Text Format:
Number of Header Lines: 1
Record Delimiter: \n
Orientation: column
Simple Delimited:
Field Delimiter: ,
Quote Character: "
Table Column Descriptions site_id horizon incubation_treatment temp_treatment_degC_above_MST moisture_treatment_kPa MST_degC incubation_temp_degC fraction horizon_type sample_name oven_dry_mass_g t13_cumul_resp_ugC_per_gsoil t13_cumul_spec_resp_ugC_per_gC t26_cumul_resp_ugC_per_gsoil t26_cumul_spec_resp_ugC_per_gC t52_cumul_resp_ugC_per_gsoil t52_cumul_spec_resp_ugC_per_gC notes Column Name: site_id horizon incubation_treatment temp_treatment_degC_above_MST moisture_treatment_kPa MST_degC incubation_temp_degC fraction horizon_type sample_name oven_dry_mass_g t13_cumul_resp_ugC_per_gsoil t13_cumul_spec_resp_ugC_per_gC t26_cumul_resp_ugC_per_gsoil t26_cumul_spec_resp_ugC_per_gC t52_cumul_resp_ugC_per_gsoil t52_cumul_spec_resp_ugC_per_gC notes Definition: Four letter SOMMOS site abbreviation Horizon designation as assigned during core processing and description in the lab (NRCS Field Book, Schoeneberger et al. 2012, 2-2) Incubation temperature treatment (codes: 0MST or 5MST) and moisture treatment (codes: 33, 150, 400) Change in incubation temperature relative to ambient incubation temperature (approx. MST) Incubation moisture (kPa) Site-level mean summer temperature (used to determine incubation temperature bin). Derived from PRISM. Settings used: PRISM 30-year normals, 1981-2010; Resolution: 800 m; Units: SI (metric); Interpolate grid cell values: Yes; Climate variable: Mean temp. Incubation temperature (ambient temperature treatment, approx. MST) Fraction of soil (see naming sheet); all BULK A-Horizon OR Upper B-Horizon Four letter SOMMOS site abbreviation + horizon + incubation treatment + temperture treatment + moisture treatment + site mean temp + incubation temperture + fraction + horizon type Mass of dry soil used in incubation (rounded to 0.01 g) Cumulative respiration (normalized by oven-dry sample mass) at t = 13 weeks; NOTES: (1) For samples from horizons with "k" horizon suffix, 13CO2 and solid phase 13C data used to partition CO2 between organic and inorganic C sources, which means all reported respiration data are assumed to correspond solely with the decomposition of organic matter (rounded to 1 ug CO2-C/(g soil)) Cumulative specific respiration (normalized by sample C mass) at t = 13 weeks; NOTES: (1) For samples from horizons with "k" horizon suffix, 13CO2 and solid phase 13C data used to partition CO2 between organic and inorganic C sources, which means all reported respiration data are assumed to correspond solely with the decomposition of organic matter (rounded to 1 ug CO2-C/(g C)) Cumulative respiration (normalized by oven-dry sample mass) at t = 26 weeks; NOTES: (1) For samples from horizons with "k" horizon suffix, 13CO2 and solid phase 13C data used to partition CO2 between organic and inorganic C sources, which means all reported respiration data are assumed to correspond solely with the decomposition of organic matter (rounded to 1 ug CO2-C/(g soil)) Cumulative specific respiration (normalized by sample C mass) at t = 26 weeks; NOTES: (1) For samples from horizons with "k" horizon suffix, 13CO2 and solid phase 13C data used to partition CO2 between organic and inorganic C sources, which means all reported respiration data are assumed to correspond solely with the decomposition of organic matter (rounded to 1 ug CO2-C/(g C)) Cumulative respiration (normalized by oven-dry sample mass) at t = 52 weeks; NOTES: (1) For samples from horizons with "k" horizon suffix, 13CO2 and solid phase 13C data used to partition CO2 between organic and inorganic C sources, which means all reported respiration data are assumed to correspond solely with the decomposition of organic matter (rounded to 1 ug CO2-C/(g soil)) Cumulative specific respiration (normalized by sample C mass) at t = 52 weeks; NOTES: (1) For samples from horizons with "k" horizon suffix, 13CO2 and solid phase 13C data used to partition CO2 between organic and inorganic C sources, which means all reported respiration data are assumed to correspond solely with the decomposition of organic matter (rounded to 1 ug CO2-C/(g C)) notes about sample Storage Type: string string string string string float float string string string float float float float float float float string Measurement Type: nominal nominal nominal nominal nominal ratio ratio nominal nominal nominal ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio nominal Measurement Values Domain: Definition Four letter SOMMOS site abbreviation
Definition Horizon designation as assigned during core processing and description in the lab (NRCS Field Book, Schoeneberger et al. 2012, 2-2)
Definition Incubation temperature treatment (codes: 0MST or 5MST) and moisture treatment (codes: 33, 150, 400)
Definition Change in incubation temperature relative to ambient incubation temperature (approx. MST)
Definition Incubation moisture (kPa)
Definition Fraction of soil (see naming sheet); all BULK
Definition A-Horizon OR Upper B-Horizon
Definition Four letter SOMMOS site abbreviation + horizon + incubation treatment + temperture treatment + moisture treatment + site mean temp + incubation temperture + fraction + horizon type
Unit microgramPerGram Type real
Unit microgramPerGram Type real
Unit microgramPerGram Type real
Unit microgramPerGram Type real
Unit microgramPerGram Type real
Unit microgramPerGram Type real
Definition notes about sample
Missing Value Code: Accuracy Report: Accuracy Assessment: Coverage: Methods:
Data Table Table StructureObject Name: SOMMOS_14C_data.csv Size: 12791 byte Authentication: 1763824efc02bcdb81b584ab91d0d5d2
Calculated By MD5 Text Format:
Number of Header Lines: 1
Record Delimiter: \n
Orientation: column
Simple Delimited:
Field Delimiter: ,
Quote Character: "
Table Column Descriptions site_id horizon incubation fraction site_id_horizon_incubation_fraction AMS_lab AMS_lab_id fraction_modern fraction_modern_error Delta14C Delta14C_error age_14C age_14C_error d13C date_measured Column Name: site_id horizon incubation fraction site_id_horizon_incubation_fraction AMS_lab AMS_lab_id fraction_modern fraction_modern_error Delta14C Delta14C_error age_14C age_14C_error d13C date_measured Definition: Four letter SOMMOS site abbreviation horizon designation of composite sample fraction of soil (see naming sheet) fraction of soil (see naming sheet) ID of the composite sample, as the concatenation of site ID, horizon, incubation status (pre vs. post), and soil fraction (all bulk soils aka whole soils aka WS) lab location Unique sample identifier assigned by the AMS lab to each radiocarbon date fraction modern of sample error of fm Delta14C of sample error of Delta14C 14C age of sample error of 14C age The d13C value used for correction of 14C measurement. Estimated values were used for measurements done at CAMS as their AMS is not capable of measuring the 12C/13C ratio. "Inline" indicates that d13C values used for correction were measured on the AMS at UCI. Date of radiocarbon measurement Storage Type: string string string string string string float string float float float string float string dateTime Measurement Type: nominal nominal nominal nominal nominal nominal nominal nominal nominal nominal nominal nominal nominal nominal dateTime Measurement Values Domain: Definition Four letter SOMMOS site abbreviation
Definition horizon designation of composite sample
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code PRE Definition PRE = Pre-incubation sample, 0 = site-specific mean summer temperature (MST), 5 = MST + 5 ºC, and the numbers 400, 150, 33 correspond to the tension values (in kPa) corresponding to limited microbial growth, limited microbial movement, and optimal microbial growth and movement (field capacity), respectively (Harris, 1981 – see Macrosystems proposal for full reference) Source
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code BULK Definition bulk soil sample or "Whole Soil" Source
Definition ID of the composite sample, as the concatenation of site ID, horizon, incubation status (pre vs. post), and soil fraction (all bulk soils aka whole soils aka WS)
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code nan Definition no lab designated Source
Code Definition Code CAMS Definition Center for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, Lawrence Livermore National Lab Source
Code Definition Code UCI Definition W.M. Keck Carbon Cycle Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Lab, University of California Source
Definition Unique sample identifier assigned by the AMS lab to each radiocarbon date
Definition fraction modern of sample
Definition Delta14C of sample
Definition error of Delta14C
Definition 14C age of sample
Definition error of 14C age
Definition The d13C value used for correction of 14C measurement. Estimated values were used for measurements done at CAMS as their AMS is not capable of measuring the 12C/13C ratio. "Inline" indicates that d13C values used for correction were measured on the AMS at UCI.
Format DD-MM-YYYY Precision
Missing Value Code: Accuracy Report: Accuracy Assessment: Coverage: Methods:
Non-Categorized Data Resource Non-Categorized Data Resource