Definition: | Row number | Date and time of observation | Hourly precipitation sum | Hourly median soil temperature | Hourly median dissolved oxygen | Hourly median conductivity | Antecedent precipitation - rolling average 12 hours prior to observation | Antecedent precipitation - rolling average 24 hours prior to observation | Antecedent precipitation - rolling average 48 hours prior to observation | Antecedent precipitation - rolling average 1 week prior to observation | Antecedent precipitation - rolling average 2 weeks prior to observation | Antecedent volumetric water content - rolling average 3 hours prior to observation | Antecedent volumetric water content - rolling average 6 hours prior to observation | Antecedent volumetric water content - rolling average 12 hours prior to observation | Antecedent atmospheric temperature - rolling average 12 hours before observation | Antecedent atmospheric temperature - rolling average 24 hours before observation | Antecedent atmospheric temperature - rolling average 48 hours before observation | Antecedent atmospheric temperature - rolling average 1 week before observation | Antecedent atmospheric temperature - rolling average 2 weeks prior to observation | Antecedent soil temperature - rolling average 12 hours prior to observation | Antecedent soil temperature - rolling average 24 hours prior to observation | Antecedent soil temperature - rolling average 48 hours prior to observation | Antecedent soil temperature - rolling average 1 week prior to observation | Antecedent atmospheric temperature - rolling average 2 weeks before observation | Oxidation Reduction Potential - missing values were imputed using overall mean | Carbon dioxide - missing values were imputed using overall mean | Atmospheric temperature - missing values were imputed using overall mean | Volumetric water content - missing values were imputed using overall mean | Barometric pressure - missing values were imputed using overall mean | Wind speed - missing values were imputed using the overall mean | Wind gust speed - missing values imputed using overall mean | Wind direction - missing values imputed using overall mean | Relative humidity - missing values imputed using overall mean | Dew point - missing values imputed using the overall mean | Julian date of observation |
Measurement Values Domain: | | Format | MM/D/YY HH:MM | Precision | |
| | | | Unit | microsiemensPerCentimeter | Type | real |
| | | | | | Unit | meterCubedPerMeterCubed | Type | real |
| Unit | meterCubedPerMeterCubed | Type | real |
| Unit | meterCubedPerMeterCubed | Type | real |
| | | | | | | | | | | | Unit | partPerMillion | Type | real |
| | Unit | meterCubedPerMeterCubed | Type | real |
| | Unit | meterPerSecond | Type | real |
| Unit | meterPerSecond | Type | real |
| | | | |