Title: | West Falmouth Harbor LTREB Research Site by the Howarth-Marino Lab Group | Personnel: | Individual: | Robert Howarth | Address: | E309 Corson Hall, | Cornell University, | Ithaca, NY 14853 USA |
| Email Address: | | Role: | Lead Principal Investigator |
| Individual: | Melanie Hayn | Address: | E309 Corson Hall, | Cornell University, | Ithaca, NY 14853 USA |
| Email Address: | | Role: | Data Manager |
| Individual: | Roxanne Marino | Address: | E309 Corson Hall, | Cornell University, | Ithaca, NY 14853 USA |
| Email Address: | | Role: | Principal Investigator |
| Abstract: |
The West Falmouth Harbor LTREB site is an integrated research, education, and outreach program led by the Howarth-Marino
Research Lab at Cornell University. Since 2005, the goal of this program has been to understand the response of a shallow
coastal ecosystem to high nitrogen inputs from an aquifer contaminated with sewage effluent, and examine recovery as this
high N input decreases. This rare whole-ecosystem “experiment” allows us to look at the impact of a single nutrient, nitrogen,
with no change in P inputs, and to assess the effects of nitrogen fertilization on whole ecosystem biogeochemical cycling,
carbon sequestration, ecosystem metabolism, and seagrass habitat health.
These data are based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants EAR-0420575 and 1654845, and
grants from Woods Hole Sea Grant, the Cornell Program in Biogeochemistry and Environmental Biocomplexity, and the David R.
Atkinson fund associated with one of the Principal Investigators. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations
expressed in the material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation
or other funding sources.
| Study Area: | |
Study Area Coverage:
| Geographic Region: |
Description: | The West Falmouth Harbor LTREB site is located on Cape Cod in eastern Massachusetts. It is a shallow,
tidally dominated estuary that exchanges water with the adjacent coastal waters of Buzzards Bay. Freshwater input to the
harbor is almost entirely from groundwater flow and precipitation. The groundwater aquifer is impacted by a wastewater
treatment facility approximately 1.5 km upgradient that was upgraded with nitrogen removal technology in 2005.
| | Bounding Coordinates: | Northern: | 41.62 | Southern: | 41.59 | Western: | -70.66 | Eastern: | -70.58 |