Definition: | AutoNumb used for ArcMAP | Site ID, often concatenated field using Project Code and Plot ID | Short SiteID for site specific maps | Original field ID | Concatenated field using Project Code and Plot ID | Project short name | Date of field work | Time, 2Long Integerhr | Year of project | Observer for environmental information | Vegetation species and structure observer initials | Environmental Variable observer initials | Initials of observer taking soil and surface water samples | Initials of observer taking microclimate datalogger measurements | Initials of other observers | Ecoregion based on Nowacki et al. 200Yes/No Checkbox | Geographic landmark description | Two to Four letter study area identification code | usually WGS84, units decimal degrees, but may be different if specified in ElevMethod | usually WGS84, units decimal degrees, but may be different if specified in ElevMethod | Elevation (m), Ellipsoid Ht NAD83, typical of raw gps data | Latitude, NAD83, units decimal degrees, used for special map positioning | Longitude, NAD83, units decimal degrees, used for special map positioning | Elevation (m), Orthometric Ht NAVD88, typically derived from DPGS data and leveling | Method for determining elevation: RecrGPS, DGPS, Level | Plot type: MI=Monitoring Intensive, MS+Monitoring Single Parameter, SI-Survey Soil-Veg, SR=rapid/recon soil-veg, V=Verification map, A=Air survey) | Plot size, radius or Length X Width in meters | Plot photos taken, y,n, or number of photos | SiteId for Veg plot | SiteID for soil sampling | Station ID for water level measurement | Station ID for datalogger | Experimental treatment or grouping factor | Aggregated treatments for analysis | Physiography, see reference codes | Slope (degrees), 999 for no data | Aspect (degrees), if slope = 0, aspect also = 0 (not north), 999 for no data | Field, original from source material, for geomorphic unit | Final Revised Codes | Alternative geomorph class, when they are cutpoint problems | Subsurface geomorphic unit, Field Codes | Subsurface geomorphic unit, Final Revised Codes | Dominant geomorphic unit in multi-layered system that best represents site characteristics, see final revised codes | Geomorphic unit aggregated to generalize classes, similar to generalized geology | Macrotopography, see reference codes | Microtopography, see reference codes | measurement of typical height range of microtopographic features in cm, 999 for no data | Thermokarst type, see reference table | Thermokarst or degradation stage, see reference table | % cover of surface frags, 999 for no data | % cover of active partially vegetated frost boils, 999 for no data | Water depth above or below the soil surface, cm, 999 if no data | Water depth above or below the soil surface (A/B/U), used to check WaterDep value | soil saturated in upper Integer0 cm. yes/no/unknown | codes for National Wetlands inventory hydrology, see REF_NWIWaterRegimeCodes | pH measured in ground water, where present, 999 if no data | EC (uS/cm) measured in ground water, where present; 999 if no data | pH measure in saturated soil slurry, usually when ground water not present, 999 if no data | soil pH measured from 10cm below soil surface, 999 if no data | Soil pH at 40 cm, 999 if no data | EC (uS/cm) measure in saturated soil slurry at 10 cm depth, usually when ground water not present, 999 if no data | Water pH or soil slurry pH, water used preferentially when available, 999 if no data | Water EC (uS/cm) or soil slurry EC, water used preferentially when available, uS/cm, 999 if no data | A=Alkaline; B=Basic; N=Circuneutral; S=Saline; E=brackish (see Ref_SiteChemistry for definitions) | Depth (cm) to top of first layer with mottles, enter 999 for no data | FDepth (cm) to top of first layer with full gleying, enter 999 for no data | Final Revised drainage codes | Final revised Soil Moisture codes | Is it a hydric soil (yes/no/unknown) using NRCS hydric soil criteria | Thickness (cm) of surface organic layer, use 999 when no data | Cumulative thickness (cm) of surface and buried organic layer within top 40 cm, use 999 when no data | Thickness (cm) of new peat formed after thermokarst, 999 if no data | Dominant mineral texture in top 40 cm, see Soil Text Dom codes | Dominant overall texture in top 40 cm, see Soil Text Dom codes | Depth (cm) of surface wind blown silt, use 999 for no data | Depth (cm) to rocks, when rocks are >Yes/No Checkbox5% volume, use 999 for no data | Thaw depth (cm), use 999 for no data | Depth (cm) to bottom of seasonal or permafrost | Cryoturbation observed in soil profile: P-present or A-absent, U=Unknown | Permafrost present (either proven or highly likely): P-present or A-absent, U=Unknown | Depth (cm) to top of wedge ice, 999 if no data | Depth (cm) to maximum soil observation (cm), includes frost probe depth, 9999 if no data | whether the soils were described: y/n | whether soil samples were collected: y/n | method by which soil/environmental variables assessed, e.g. l = soil plug, m = tile probe, see REF_SampleMeth for complete list | Soil taxonomy code used in the field or time of survey, NRCS class | NRCS Soil taxonomy final | Soil taxonomy Edition used for final | Soil landscape combined physiography and dominant texture | Quality or completeness of species listing: P=partial (often Short Text-20); D=dominants (often Integer-Date/Time), C=complete (or nearly so), N=None | Viereck Veg class level 4 Field call, see reference table REF_Site_VegCodeLong Integer, ND=not determined | Viereck Veg class level 4 Final call, see reference table REF_Site_VegCodeLong Integer, ND=not determined | Viereck Veg class level 4 field alternative call, REF_Site_VegCodeLong Integer | Code for Ecotype Vegetation Structure, see Site_Ecpotypes reference table | Listing of species codes for dominant plants, with hypen between codes | Floristic Class from analysis | Dried plant mass | Method used to estimate plant cover: V=visual estimate, P=point sampling, D=dominance list | Disturbance class, natural or human induced, see REF_Site_DisturbClass | Year of Disturbance or onset of change, 9999 if no data | Years of recovery, or interval, after disturbance between disturbance date and sampling date | Ecotype code assigned in field, concatonate Physiog, TextDom, SoilMoist, SiteChem, VegStruct | Aggregated ecotypes (post data- analysis) | Field Notes | Office Notes | Mean Annual Air Temperature (deg. C_, from field data or PRISM | Mean annual precipitation (mm) | Method for determining MAAT | Environmental (non-geomorphology) data completeness review completed: Y or N | Soil data completeness review performed: Y or N | Origin of the data: organization, company, institute or individual | Vegetation and ecotype data completeness review performed: Y or N | Outlier based on evaluate of central tendencies of Environmental Variables | Outlier based on evaluate of central tendencies of Veg composition | Reports and publications using data | Total water storage, depth equivalent (), usually 0-2 m depth increment | Total carbon stock (kg/m2), usually for 0-2 m depth increment | Depth increments (m) used for summing carbon and water stocks | PLACEHOLDER | Mass of new peat formed post thermokarst | Distance to edge of disturbance or thermokarst edge | Bulk density of surface organic mat |
Measurement Values Domain: | Unit | number | Type | whole | Min | 0 | Max | 0 |
| Definition | Site ID, often concatenated field using Project Code and Plot ID |
| Definition | Short SiteID for site specific maps |
| Definition | Original field ID |
| Definition | Concatenated field using Project Code and Plot ID |
| Definition | Project short name |
| Format | MM/DD/YYYY | Precision | |
| Definition | Time, 2Long Integerhr |
| Unit | nominalYear | Type | natural | Min | 1990 | Max | 2013 |
| Definition | Observer for environmental information |
| Definition | Vegetation species and structure observer initials |
| Definition | Environmental Variable observer initials |
| Definition | Initials of observer taking soil and surface water samples |
| Definition | Initials of observer taking microclimate datalogger measurements |
| Definition | Initials of other observers |
| Definition | Ecoregion based on Nowacki et al. 200Yes/No Checkbox |
| Definition | Geographic landmark description |
| Definition | Two to Four letter study area identification code |
| Unit | degree | Type | real | Min | 64.38 | Max | 64.73 |
| Unit | degree | Type | real | Min | -148.3 | Max | 148 |
| Unit | meter | Type | real | Min | 126 | Max | 224 |
| Unit | degree | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 64.72049702 |
| Unit | degree | Type | real | Min | -147.9609409 | Max | 0 |
| Unit | meter | Type | real | Min | 126.978 | Max | 162.58 |
| Definition | Method for determining elevation: RecrGPS, DGPS, Level |
| Definition | Plot type: MI=Monitoring Intensive, MS+Monitoring Single Parameter, SI-Survey Soil-Veg, SR=rapid/recon soil-veg, V=Verification map, A=Air survey) |
| Definition | Plot size, radius or Length X Width in meters |
| Definition | Plot photos taken, y,n, or number of photos |
| Definition | SiteId for Veg plot |
| Definition | SiteID for soil sampling |
| Definition | Station ID for water level measurement |
| Definition | Station ID for datalogger |
| Definition | Experimental treatment or grouping factor |
| Definition | Aggregated treatments for analysis |
| Definition | Physiography, see reference codes |
| Unit | degree | Type | whole | Min | 0 | Max | 0 |
| Unit | degree | Type | whole | Min | 0 | Max | 0 |
| Definition | Field, original from source material, for geomorphic unit |
| Definition | Final Revised Codes |
| Definition | Alternative geomorph class, when they are cutpoint problems |
| Definition | Subsurface geomorphic unit, Field Codes |
| Definition | Subsurface geomorphic unit, Final Revised Codes |
| Definition | Dominant geomorphic unit in multi-layered system that best represents site characteristics, see final revised codes |
| Definition | Geomorphic unit aggregated to generalize classes, similar to generalized geology |
| Definition | Macrotopography, see reference codes |
| Definition | Microtopography, see reference codes |
| Unit | centimeter | Type | whole | Min | 0 | Max | 36 |
| Definition | Thermokarst type, see reference table |
| Definition | Thermokarst or degradation stage, see reference table |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | whole | Min | 0 | Max | 0 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | whole | Min | 0 | Max | 0 |
| Unit | centimeter | Type | integer | Min | -81 | Max | 200 |
| Definition | Water depth above or below the soil surface (A/B/U), used to check WaterDep value |
| Definition | soil saturated in upper Integer0 cm. yes/no/unknown |
| Definition | codes for National Wetlands inventory hydrology, see REF_NWIWaterRegimeCodes |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 2.9 | Max | 7.4 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | natural | Min | 60 | Max | 390 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 2.8 | Max | 7 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 3.8 | Max | 7.7 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | natural | Min | 46 | Max | 46 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | natural | Min | 46 | Max | 780 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 2.8 | Max | 7.4 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | natural | Min | 46 | Max | 780 |
| Definition | A=Alkaline; B=Basic; N=Circuneutral; S=Saline; E=brackish (see Ref_SiteChemistry for definitions) |
| Definition | Depth (cm) to top of first layer with mottles, enter 999 for no data |
| Definition | FDepth (cm) to top of first layer with full gleying, enter 999 for no data |
| Definition | Final Revised drainage codes |
| Definition | Final revised Soil Moisture codes |
| Definition | Is it a hydric soil (yes/no/unknown) using NRCS hydric soil criteria |
| Unit | centimeter | Type | whole | Min | 0 | Max | 260 |
| Unit | centimeter | Type | whole | Min | 0 | Max | 145 |
| Unit | centimeter | Type | whole | Min | 0 | Max | 130 |
| Definition | Dominant mineral texture in top 40 cm, see Soil Text Dom codes |
| Definition | Dominant overall texture in top 40 cm, see Soil Text Dom codes |
| Unit | centimeter | Type | whole | Min | 0 | Max | 300 |
| Unit | centimeter | Type | natural | Min | 300 | Max | 362 |
| Unit | centimeter | Type | natural | Min | 39 | Max | 173 |
| Unit | centimeter | Type | whole | Min | 0 | Max | 187 |
| Definition | Cryoturbation observed in soil profile: P-present or A-absent, U=Unknown |
| Definition | Permafrost present (either proven or highly likely): P-present or A-absent, U=Unknown |
| Unit | centimeter | Type | natural |
| Unit | centimeter | Type | natural | Min | 25 | Max | 9999 |
| Definition | whether the soils were described: y/n |
| Definition | whether soil samples were collected: y/n |
| Definition | method by which soil/environmental variables assessed, e.g. l = soil plug, m = tile probe, see REF_SampleMeth for complete list |
| Definition | Soil taxonomy code used in the field or time of survey, NRCS class |
| Definition | NRCS Soil taxonomy final |
| Definition | Soil taxonomy Edition used for final |
| Definition | Soil landscape combined physiography and dominant texture |
| Definition | Quality or completeness of species listing: P=partial (often Short Text-20); D=dominants (often Integer-Date/Time), C=complete (or nearly so), N=None |
| Definition | Viereck Veg class level 4 Field call, see reference table REF_Site_VegCodeLong Integer, ND=not determined |
| Definition | Viereck Veg class level 4 Final call, see reference table REF_Site_VegCodeLong Integer, ND=not determined |
| Definition | Viereck Veg class level 4 field alternative call, REF_Site_VegCodeLong Integer |
| Definition | Code for Ecotype Vegetation Structure, see Site_Ecpotypes reference table |
| Definition | Listing of species codes for dominant plants, with hypen between codes |
| Definition | Floristic Class from analysis |
| Unit | gramPercentimeterSquared | Type | real | Min | 174 | Max | 820.2 |
| Definition | Method used to estimate plant cover: V=visual estimate, P=point sampling, D=dominance list |
| Definition | Disturbance class, natural or human induced, see REF_Site_DisturbClass |
| Unit | nominalYear | Type | whole | Min | 0 | Max | 9999 |
| Unit | nominalYear | Type | whole | Min | 0 | Max | 920 |
| Definition | Ecotype code assigned in field, concatonate Physiog, TextDom, SoilMoist, SiteChem, VegStruct |
| Definition | Aggregated ecotypes (post data- analysis) |
| | | Unit | celsius | Type | whole | Min | 0 | Max | 0 |
| Unit | millimeter | Type | whole | Min | 0 | Max | 0 |
| Definition | Method for determining MAAT |
| Definition | Environmental (non-geomorphology) data completeness review completed: Y or N |
| Definition | Soil data completeness review performed: Y or N |
| Definition | Origin of the data: organization, company, institute or individual |
| Definition | Vegetation and ecotype data completeness review performed: Y or N |
| Definition | Outlier based on evaluate of central tendencies of Environmental Variables |
| Definition | Outlier based on evaluate of central tendencies of Veg composition |
| Definition | Reports and publications using data |
| | Unit | dimensionless | Type | natural |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | natural |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0.5 | Max | 61.2 |
| Unit | kilogramsPerSquareMeter | Type | real | Min | 4.32296 | Max | 442.9 |
| Unit | meter | Type | real | Min | 0.04 | Max | 228.3 |
| Unit | gramsPerCubicCentimeter | Type | real | Min | 0.01 | Max | 0.4 |