Definition: | Which cup this sample was kept in (for our bookkeeping) | Which sediment core the sample came from | Which pond the sample came from | Age of the respective pond (years) | Area of the pond | Coordinates (North, West) | The slice number of the sample in the core and its respective depth range | Mean depth of depth range | Mass of sediment in section | Mass of sediment collected from that pond | Total mass of sediment in the pond (gramsPerPond) | Mass of subsample after ashing | Loss on ignition (proportion) | Mass of subsample before ashing | Mass of inorganic carbon in subsample | Proportion of inorganic carbon in subsample | Percent of inorganic carbon in subsample | Average percent of inorganic carbon in the pond | Mass of inorganic carbon in pond | Inorganic carbon burial rate (gramsPerPondPerYear) | Inorganic carbon burial rate | Mass of carbon in sample | Mass of entire sample | Mass of carbon divided by total mass of sample | Percent carbon in sample | Average percent carbon in the pond | Mass of carbon in the pond | Carbon burial rate (gramsPerPondPerYear) | Carbon burial rate | Proportion of organic carbon to total carbon in the sample | Percent of organic carbon in the sample | Average loss on ignition of the pond | Average percent organic carbon divided by average LOI for the pond | Average percent organic carbon for the pond | Mass of organic carbon in the pond | Organic carbon burial rate (gramsPerPondPerYear) | Organic carbon burial rate | Mass of nitrogen In the sample | Total mass of sample | Mass of nitrogen divided by total mass of sample | Percent nitrogen in sample | Average percent of nitrogen in the pond | Mass of Nitrogen in whole pond | Nitrogen burial rate (gramsPerPondPerYear) | Nitrogen burial rate | Mass of phosphorus per volume of soln | Mass of phosphorus in solution | Mass of phosphorus divided by the mass of the sample | Percent of phosphorus in sample | Mass of the sample | Average percent phosphorus for the pond | Mass of phosphorus in the pond | Phosphorus burial rate (gramsPerPondPerYear) | Phosphorus burial rate |
Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | Which cup this sample was kept in (for our bookkeeping) |
| Definition | Which sediment core the sample came from |
| Definition | Which pond the sample came from |
| Unit | number | Type | natural | Min | 19 | Max | 24 |
| Unit | meterSquared | Type | natural | Min | 9324 | Max | 36811 |
| Definition | Coordinates (North, West) |
| Definition | The slice number of the sample in the core and its respective depth range |
| Unit | centimeter | Type | real | Min | 0.5 | Max | 35 |
| Unit | gram | Type | real | Min | 4.7 | Max | 86.96 |
| Unit | gram | Type | real | Min | 1593.14 | Max | 3017.81 |
| Unit | gram | Type | real | Min | 1320330350 | Max | 11228881891 |
| Unit | milligram | Type | real | Min | 28.996 | Max | 32.777 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0.057545272 | Max | 0.111513688 |
| Unit | milligram | Type | real | Min | 31.14212812 | Max | 35.70827642 |
| Unit | milligram | Type | real | Min | 0.089404099 | Max | 0.689943075 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 0.019674303 |
| Unit | percent | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 1.967430267 |
| Unit | percent | Type | real | Min | 0.718422451 | Max | 1.162463155 |
| Unit | gram | Type | real | Min | 12120466.42 | Max | 80670808.5 |
| Unit | gramPerYear | Type | real | Min | 577165.0678 | Max | 3361283.688 |
| Unit | gramPerYearPerMeterSquared | Type | real | Min | 61.90101542 | Max | 91.31193631 |
| Unit | milligram | Type | real | Min | 0.098 | Max | 0.9098 |
| Unit | milligram | Type | real | Min | 10.066 | Max | 33.036 |
| Definition | Mass of carbon divided by total mass of sample |
| Unit | percent | Type | real | Min | 0.943941437 | Max | 6.305840392 |
| Unit | percent | Type | real | Min | 2.563316729 | Max | 4.198083086 |
| Unit | gram | Type | real | Min | 52422302.97 | Max | 287831808 |
| Unit | gramPerYear | Type | real | Min | 2496300.141 | Max | 11992992 |
| Unit | gramPerYearPerMeterSquared | Type | real | Min | 267.7284579 | Max | 325.7991361 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 0.008881438 | Max | 0.042228303 |
| Unit | percent | Type | real | Min | 0.888143829 | Max | 4.222830336 |
| Definition | Average loss on ignition of the pond |
| Unit | percent | Type | real | Min | 0.273571789 | Max | 0.382363045 |
| Unit | percent | Type | real | Min | 1.879376956 | Max | 3.014128333 |
| Unit | gram | Type | real | Min | 37544641.79 | Max | 211033018.7 |
| Unit | gramPerYear | Type | real | Min | 1787840.085 | Max | 8793042.446 |
| Unit | gramPerYearPerMeterSquared | Type | real | Min | 191.7460409 | Max | 238.8699695 |
| Unit | milligram | Type | real | Min | 0.0177 | Max | 0.0824 |
| Unit | milligram | Type | real | Min | 10.066 | Max | 15.032 |
| Definition | Mass of nitrogen divided by total mass of sample |
| Unit | percent | Type | real | Min | 0.132 | Max | 0.747 |
| Unit | percent | Type | real | Min | 0.321 | Max | 0.379 |
| Unit | gram | Type | real | Min | 4426384.387 | Max | 35988749.86 |
| Unit | gramPerYear | Type | real | Min | 232967.5993 | Max | 1713749.993 |
| Unit | gramPerYearPerMeterSquared | Type | real | Min | 9.618016651 | Max | 183.7998706 |
| Definition | Mass of phosphorus per volume of soln |
| Definition | Mass of phosphorus in solution |
| Definition | Mass of phosphorus divided by the mass of the sample |
| Unit | percent | Type | real | Min | 0.038476091 | Max | 0.1914634 |
| Definition | Mass of the sample |
| Unit | percent | Type | real | Min | 0.086867749 | Max | 0.10510073 |
| Unit | gram | Type | real | Min | 1146941.25 | Max | 11801636.85 |
| Unit | gramPerYear | Type | real | Min | 54616.25 | Max | 491734.8688 |
| Unit | gramPerYearPerMeterSquared | Type | real | Min | 5.857598671 | Max | 13.35836757 |