People and Organizations |
Contact: | Sitters, Judith (Wageningen University and Research) [
email ]
Contact: | Price, Jodi (Charles Sturt University) [
email ]
Creator: | Price, Jodi (Charles Sturt University) |
Creator: | Sitters, Judith (Wageningen University and Research) |
Creator: | Ohlert, Timothy (University of New Mexico) |
Creator: | Tognetti, Pedro (Universidad de Buenos Aires) |
Creator: | Brown, Cynthia (Colorado State University) |
Creator: | Seabloom, Eric (University of Minnesota) |
Creator: | Borer, Elizabeth (University of Minnesota) |
Creator: | Prober, Suzanne (CSIRO Land and Water) |
Creator: | Bakker, Elisabeth (Netherlands Institute of Ecology) |
Creator: | MacDougall, Andrew (University of Guelph) |
Creator: | Yahdjian, Laura (Universidad de Buenos Aires) |
Creator: | Gruner, Daniel (University of Maryland) |
Creator: | Olde Venterink, Harry (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) |
Creator: | Barrio, Isabel (Agricultural University of Iceland) |
Creator: | Graff, Pamela (Universidad de Buenos Aires) |
Creator: | Bagchi, Sumanta (Indian Institute of Science) |
Creator: | Alberto Arnillas, Carlos (University of Toronto-Scarborough) |
Creator: | Bakker, Jonathan (University of Washington) |
Creator: | Blumenthal, Dana (USDA Agricultural Research Service) |
Creator: | Boughton, Elizabeth (Archbold Biological Station) |
Creator: | Brudvig, Lars (Michigan State University) |
Creator: | Bugalho, Miguel (University of Lisbon) |
Creator: | Cadotte, Marc (University of Toronto-Scarborough) |
Creator: | Caldeira, Maria (University of Lisbon) |
Creator: | Dickman, Chris (University of Sydney) |
Creator: | Donohue, Ian (Trinity College Dublin) |
Creator: | Grégory, Sonnier (Archbold Biological Station) |
Creator: | Hautier, Yann (Utrecht University) |
Creator: | Jónsdóttir, Ingibjörg (University of Iceland) |
Creator: | Lannes, Luciola (São Paulo State University) |
Creator: | McCulley, Rebecca (University of Kentucky) |
Creator: | Moore, Joslin (Monash University) |
Creator: | Power, Sally (Western Sydney University) |
Creator: | Risch, Anita (Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL) |
Creator: | Schütz, Martin (Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL) |
Creator: | Standish, Rachel (Murdoch University) |
Creator: | Stevens, Carly (Lancaster University) |
Creator: | Veen, Ciska (Netherlands Institute of Ecology) |
Creator: | Virtanen, Risto (University of Oulu) |
Creator: | Wardle, Glenda (University of Sydney) |
Data Entities |
Data Table Name:
| Price_NutNet_grazing history
| The dataset contains data from 57 NutNet sites, including the code of the site, its latitude and longitude and evolutionary history of grazing ('evo.score'; S = short-history, L = long-history). Every site has 1-3 blocks that include a fertilized and non-fertilized pair of plots. Environmental variables include Mean Annual Temperature (MAT), Mean Annual Precipitation (MAP) and Aridity Index (AI). For every plot the impact of herbivore exclusion is calculated as Log Response Ratios (LRR) for Inverse Simpson's diversity, plant richness (total, exotic and native), Simpson's evenness and also for light availability. Every site also has a proxy for grazing intensity, plant biomass in the fenced plots, and ambient soil nitrogen. |
Data Table Name:
| Price_NutNet_grazing history_4trt
| The dataset contains data from 57 NutNet sites including code of the site. Every site consists of 1-3 blocks and in each block 4 treatments (trt) were applied: (1) Control, (2) Fence, (3) NPK, (4) Fence + NPK. Each plot has data on Inverse Simpson's diversity, plant richness and Simpson's evenness. |
Other Name:
| Price_all analysis_Rscript
| R-script that includes all analyses performed with the data. |