This data set is a report of 10-minute resolution soil temperature and volumetric water content (VWC) for upland mineral soils at the Marcell Experimental Forest (MEF) in Itasca County, Minnesota.
These data are collected as part of the long-term monitoring program at the S2 catchment, which has 6.5 ha of upland mineral soil that surrounds a central 3.2 ha peatland. Soil temperature and VWC are recorded since 2008 at S2S, a north-facing hillslope that is south of the S2 bog. Soil temperature and VWC recording at S2N, a south-facing hillslope that is north of the S2 bog, began during 2009. Soil temperature is recorded at two depths at each of three different relative stations (downslope, mid-slope, and upslope) on the two hillslopes.
The MEF is operated and maintained by the USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station.
The S2 catchment has a 6.5-ha deciduous upland forest and a natural, undrained 3.2 ha peatland. The peatland includes a 3.0 ha bog and a 0.2 ha lagg that surrounds the bog. A stream forms in the lagg and flow is intermittent throughout the year (Verry et al. 2011). Surface elevation ranges from 420 m a.s.l at the outlet to 430 m a.s.l. in the uplands.
The upland forest is dominated by aspen (Populus tremuloides), white birch (Betula papyrifera), red maple (Acer rubrum), and balsam fir (Abies balsamea), with some red oak (Quercus rubra), basswood (Tilia americana), and jack pine (Pinus banksiana). The upland forest was last harvested during the 1910s.
In the uplands, a Warba sandy clay loam developed in Wisconsin glacial till above a deep (50 m) sandy glacial outwash. The underlying bedrock is a Precambrian Ely greenstone (Giants Range Batholith). The Warba soil series is a fine-loamy, mixed, superactive, frigid Haplic Glossudalfs; Alfisol (Nyberg 1987). An approximately 30 to 50-cm thick sandy loam in E horizons is above 30-cm or thicker Bt horizons (Verry 1969). The O and A horizons have been intermixed by earthworm bioturbation. Earthworms have been present since at least the 1970s. The peatland has a black spruce (Picea mariana)-Sphagnum community with some tamarack (Larix laricinia).
The Bt horizons form an aquitard that causes lateral downslope drainage of hillslope water when saturated above that horizon (Verry et al. 2011). When wettest, the E horizons may be saturated near to the surface over much of the lower and mid hillslopes.
The climate is continental with warm summers and cold winters (Koppen classification Dfb; Peel et al., 2007), and a mean air temperature since 1961 of 3.5 deg C (1961 to 2019, Sebestyen et al. 2021a). Mean precipitation since 1961 is 787 mm. Most precipitation occurs as rainfall during summer and a winter snowpack starts to accumulate around December and fully melts in March or April. Soils freeze during some but not all winters, to depths that may exceed 30 cm (Verry et al. 2011). When snow cover is 30 cm or deeper before air temperatures fall below -18 degrees C, little ground frost forms (Verry et al., 2011). When soils are near saturated preceding cold air temperatures, widespread, continuous frost (concrete frost) may form. Later, when snow melts, concrete frost precludes the vertical infiltration of water to deep soils and results in near-surface flow (i.e., overland flow) until the ice melts enough to allow infiltration of melt and rainfall.
The catchment has been used as a reference basin since 1960 for catchment and paired-catchment studies (Verry et al. 2011; Sebestyen et al. 2011). At the S2 catchment, streamflow, air temperature, precipitation, snow depth, snow water equivalent, ground frost, and water levels have been monitored since the 1960s. The 10,000 yr history of the peatland has been reconstructed from peat cores and a paleoecological study (Verry and Janssens 2011). Some chemistry (mostly unpublished) was measured as early as 1966. Solute chemistry and element budgets have been presented for major elements and some trace metals (Bay 1967; Jeremiason et al. 2018; Kolka et al. 2011a; Urban et al. 1990, 2011). Carbon dioxide and methane emissions have been measured occasionally since the 1980s (Dise et al. 2011; Harris et al. 1985). Peat temperature (0-2 m) has been measured since 1989. Many other studies have occurred in the S2 peatland. It is likely one of the longest-running peatland research programs and is among the most studied peatlands on the planet (Kolka et al. 2011b).
The soil temperature sensors are Campbell Scientific, Inc (Logan, Utah) 107 thermistors. The sensors are 0.76 cm in diameter and 10.4 cm long. The measurement range is -35 to 50 degrees C with a worst-case accuracy of plus or minus 0.4 degree C (
The soil moisture sensors are Campbell Scientific, Inc CS616 water content reflectometers that measure VWC. The rods are 30 cm long, have a diameter of 0.32 cm, and are spaced 3.2 cm apart. The standard calibration is used to calculate VWC. The sensors have not been calibrated for the Warba soil or soil horizons that are present on site. The measurement range is 0% to 50% VWC and the resolution is better than 0.1% VWC according to the sensor manual (
Campbell Scientific CR1000 dataloggers are used to record soil temperature and soil moisture. Dataloggers are powered from a battery with solar charging.
Soil temperature and VWC are recorded at:
1) Two different planar hillslopes in the S2 catchment. The S2S hillslope is north-facing and south of the S2 bog. The S2N hillslope is south-facing and north of the S2 bog.
2) Transects with three different relative stations: downslope (LO), mid-slope (MID), and upslope (UP) on each hillslope. The LO stations are within 10 (S2S) to 12 (S2N) m of the upland to peatland transition. The UP stations are within 13 (S2S) to 30 (S2N) m of an upslope change in slope to <2% and within 40 (S2S) to 66 (S2N) m of the crest of a hillslope. The slope ranges between 9 and 13% among all topographic positions (slope and aspect at each hillslope station is provided in Location_info.csv; slope averages 10% at the S2N hillslope and 11% at the S2S hillslope). The distance between any adjacent pair of three individual stations on a hillslope is 5 to 10 m.
3) A shallow (SH, 3 to 9 cm deep) and a deep (DP, 32 to 50 cm depending on the depth to the Bt horizon) measurement depth at each station on the hillslopes of S2S and S2N. For soil temperature, a deep (DP, 32 to 50 cm depending on the depth to the top of the Bt horizons) sensor is located at the S2S UP station and each station of the hillslope at S2N. Soil VWC is measured at both depths at all stations on both hillslopes.
The station naming convention consists of three elements, in this order: hillslope name (S2N or S2S), slope position (LO, MID, or UP), and depth (SH or DP). For example, S2N LO SH for the shallow depth soil temperature or moisture sensor in the lowest hillslope position of the S2N hillslope.
Absolute depths of soil temperature and VWC sensors are detailed in Temp_sensor_depths.csv. Depths of deep soil temperature and VWC sensors may not be equal within a station due to the natural variations in depths to the tops of the Bt horizons among the specific places where DP sensors were placed.
The long axis of each sensor is parallel to the slope of the soil horizon. Shallow sensors are beneath the mixed O and A horizon. Deep sensors are at the interface of an E horizon (sandy loam) and Bt horizon (loamy clay).
At each hillslope, the sensor cables run from an enclosure with a datalogger near the mid-slope station through conduit to a soil pit (LO, MID, or UP) where the cables plunge belowground. Sensors are placed in undisturbed soil on an upslope face or sidewall of a soil pit. Soils were separated during excavation and repacked by horizon into pits. The pits were about 1 m wide on the sides perpendicular to a hillslope, about 30 cm wide on the sides parallel to a hillslope and up to about 70 cm deep.
Shallow sensors may have been placed within 10 cm of another sensor or a lysimeter pan at the same depth. Shallow soil temperature and VWC sensors are co-located with zero-tension soil lysimeters for event-based soil water sampling. The lysimeter pans are 25-cm long and were made by cutting 25 cm long 10-cm diameter PVC pipe in half lengthwise. Deeper sensors, which did not have an associated deeper lysimeter pan, were spaced 20 or more cm apart.
At S2S, soil pits were excavated between 11 and 20 August 2008. Sensors and zero-tension lysimeters were installed on the same day or within a week of pit excavation and the pits were then backfilled by 20 August 2008.
Although soil pits at S2N were dug on 24 October 2009, a wet period and saturated soils prevented completion of sensor and zero-tension installation until 3 or 4 November 2009, when pits were backfilled.
When sites are visited, they are approached from downslope and a trail that does not cross the sensors or zero-tension lysimeters. The area with sensors and soil monitoring equipment is not trampled during visits.
Other associated measurements and data sets include surface and subsurface runoff within 10 m at each hillslope (Sebestyen and Kyllander 2018) and an under-canopy forest automatic meteorological station (30-minute data resolution) near the S2S hillslope (Sebestyen et al. 2021b).
Soil temperature and VWC are recorded every 10 minutes beginning at S2S on 5 November 2008 and at S2N on 12 November 2009. Temperature values are reported to 1 decimal place and VWC values are reported to 2 decimal places.
Campbell Scientific CR1000 dataloggers record soil temperature at 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, or 50 minutes after the hour and timestamps are recorded in Central Standard Time.
Periods of missing record due to low battery voltage, sensor malfunction, station maintenance, or other issues are not gap filled and values are reported as -9999.
Some years have no missing periods, while others have several weeks of missing values.
Periods with values during daylit hours intermixed with no data after nightfall reflect solar power during the daytime, but batteries that failed to charge and maintain logging overnight.
Temperature sensor failures leading to missing values: At the S2S hillslope, the LO SH sensor failed on 23 December 2013, the MI SH sensor failed on 31 December 2017, and the UP DP sensor failed on 29 October 2019. The sensors have not been replaced. The cable on the S2S MI SH sensor was severed sometime on or before 1 February 2014 and not reconnected until 1 May 2014.
It is important to note that the standard calibration is used to calculate VWC and that VWC was not calibrated for the Warba soil or particular contrasts in soil texture where the sensors were placed. It is particularly important to consider that the sensors were placed at interfaces, and that soil properties such as organic matter content and clay content affect VWC values. For example, the SH water content reflectometers were inserted into soils at the interface of mixed O/A and A2 horizons and at a depth where roots were abundant. Roots were an obstacle that precluded sensor placement along the pit walls and unseen roots may have deflected shallow probe tines during installation. If the two probes are not parallel after installation, VWC values would be affected. Additionally, the DP water content reflectometers were inserted at the interface of an E and Bt horizon, where there is a contrast of soil clay content between the horizons and occasional small rocks in the soil. For cumulative reasons (the use of the standard calibration, high relative organic content where in contact with organic matter and higher clay content, and possible nonparallel separation of tines due to obstacles), we acknowledge that the absolute VWC values may have greater error than that described in the sensor manual. Regardless, the resolution would be the same, and the relative pattern of VWC within a station at a particular depth provides information on the wetting, drying, and movement of wetting fronts past the sensors despite the possibility that the absolute VWC values are incorrect. Users of these data should consider all these factors when assessing the VWC values and the relative ranges of values between depths, among stations, and between hillslopes.
The soil lysimeters for sampling soil water are co-located in the soil pits where sensors were installed. The lysimeters have reservoirs to collect the water that drains from 4 individual collection cups that are located in the upslope soil face of the pit that was dug for lysimeter and sensor installation. The reservoirs are 15.4 cm (6 inch) internal-diameter PVC pipe that are about 90 cm long, with about 60 cm belowground. The reservoirs were inserted vertically into a soil pit before backfilling. Sometime during 2015 at the S2S MI location, the inlet tubes to the reservoir were severed, likely by frost heaving of the reservoir. Due to buoyancy when the soils were subsequently saturated and the water table rose above the clay soil layer, the reservoir was forced upwards. Eventually, the reservoir was removed leaving an open hole downslope of the sensors at the S2S MI station. If soil water drainage was influenced by the presence of this hole, which has infilled slightly but largely persisted over time, the environmental change in the vicinity of the soil temperature and VWC sensors may have affected sensor values at this station.
MARCELL EXPERIMENTAL FOREST sites and data collection are described in further detail in:
Sebestyen, S.D., C. Dorrance, D.M. Olson, E.S. Verry, R.K. Kolka, A.E. Elling, and R. Kyllander (2011). Chapter 2: Long-Term Monitoring Sites and Trends at the Marcell Experimental Forest. In R.K. Kolka, S.D. Sebestyen, E.S. Verry, and K.N. Brooks (Ed.). Peatland Biogeochemistry and Watershed Hydrology at the Marcell Experimental Forest (pp 15-71). CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Bay, R. R. (1967). Ground water and vegetation in two peat bogs in northern Minnesota. Ecology, 48(2), 308-310.
Dise, N., Shurpali, N. J., Weishampel, P., Verma, S. B., Verry, E. S., Gorham, E., . . . Wieder, R. K. (2011). Carbon emissions from peatlands. In Kolka, R. K., Sebestyen, S. D., Verry, E. S., and Brooks, K. N. (Eds.), Peatland biogeochemistry and watershed hydrology at the Marcell Experimental Forest (pp. 297-347). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Harriss, R. C., Gorham, E., Sebacher, D. I., Bartlett, K. B., and Flebbe, P. A. (1985). Methane flux from northern peatlands. Nature, 315(6021), 652-654.
Hill, B. H., Jicha, T. M., Lehto, L. L. P., Elonen, C. M., Sebestyen, S. D., and Kolka, R. K. (2016), Comparisons of soil nitrogen mass balances for an ombrotrophic bog and a minerotrophic fen in northern Minnesota, Sc. Total Environ., 550, 880-892.
Nyberg, P. R. (1987). Soil survey of Itasca County, Minnesota. USDA Soil Conservation Service, St. Paul, MN.
Peel, M. C., Finlayson, B. L., and McMahon, T. A. (2007), Updated world map of the Koppen-Geiger climate classification, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 11(5), 1633-1644.
Perala, D. A., and Verry, E. S. (2011), Forest management practices and silviculture, in Peatland biogeochemistry and watershed hydrology at the Marcell Experimental Forest, edited by Kolka, R. K., et al., pp. 371-400, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Richardson, M. C., Mitchell, C. P. J., Branfireun, B. A., and Kolka, R. K. (2010), Analysis of airborne LiDAR surveys to quantify the characteristic morphologies of northern forested wetlands, Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 115(G3), G03005.
Sebestyen, S.D., C. Dorrance, D.M. Olson, E.S. Verry, R.K. Kolka, A.E. Elling, and R. Kyllander (2011). Chapter 2: Long-Term Monitoring Sites and Trends at the Marcell Experimental Forest. In R.K. Kolka, S.D. Sebestyen, E.S. Verry, and K.N. Brooks (Ed.). Peatland Biogeochemistry and Watershed Hydrology at the Marcell Experimental Forest (pp 15-71). CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Sebestyen, S. D., and Kyllander, R. (2018), Event runoff volume data and daily runoff data for the S2 and S6 catchments at the Marcell Experimental Forest, 1 ed., Forest Service Research Data Archive, Fort Collins, CO.
Sebestyen, S. D., Lany, N. K., Roman, D. T., Burdick, J. M., Kyllander, R. L., Verry, E. S., and Kolka, R. K. (2021a). Hydrological and meteorological data from research catchments at the Marcell Experimental Forest, Minnesota, USA. Hydrological Processes, 35, e14092.
Sebestyen, S.D., D.T. Roman, N.K. Lany, M.W. Jones, J.M. Burdick, and R.K. Kolka. 2021b. Marcell Experimental Forest 30-minute resolution meteorological data, 2006 - ongoing ver 1. Environmental Data Initiative.
Verry, E. S. (1969), Water storage and related physical characteristics of four mineral soils in north central Minnesota, Research note, 4 pp, USDA Forest Service, Saint Paul, MN.
Verry, E. S., Brooks, K. N., Nichols, D. S., Ferris, D. R., and Sebestyen, S. D. (2011). Watershed hydrology. In Kolka, R. K., Sebestyen, S. D., Verry, E. S., and Brooks, K. N. (Eds.), Peatland biogeochemistry and watershed hydrology at the Marcell Experimental Forest (pp. 193-212). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Verry, E. S., and Janssens, J. (2011). Geology, vegetation, and hydrology of the S2 bog at the MEF: 12,000 years in northern Minnesota. In Kolka, R. K., Sebestyen, S. D., Verry, E. S., and Brooks, K. N. (Eds.), Peatland biogeochemistry and watershed hydrology at the Marcell Experimental Forest (pp. 93-134). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.