All analyses performed in ArcGIS 10.3.1
Original aerial images taken by the Chesapeake Aircraft Co. over a
flying period Oct. 19 1926 to Feb. 24 1927
Original Aerial Image Scale: 400 ft. to 1 inch
Images scanned by the Baltimore City Archives at 400 dpi
Coordinate System: NAD 1983 UTM Zone 18N
Step 1: Georectification of 93 continuous images or "tiles".
Step 2: Image mosaic: See: J.J. Lagrosa IV, N. Sonti, and J.M. Grove.
2021. Georectified Mosaic of Aerial Images of Baltimore City in 1927
ver 1. Environmental Data Initiative.
(Accessed 2021-07-21).
Step 3: Heads-up digitization of mosaic with a Minimum Mapping Unit
(MPU) of 0.4 ha
Class Descriptions
Residential/Commercial: Residential dwellings and Small Business and
local Commercial entities.
Industrial: Large-scale business operations, train yards, ports,
warehouses, general raw material production. Includes construction
sites since final use upon completion could not be determined.
Built (Other): Other urban structures including hospitals,
non-vegetated recreation areas, religious buildings, public works,
monuments, schools, misc. facilities etc.; Includes any structure
whose use could not be identified.
Agriculture: Cropland - eg. commercial crops including vineyards and
orchards. Agricultural infrastructure (farmstead) - e.g. silos, barns,
Grass and Shrubland: Natural grass areas, shrub areas,
non-agricultural fields, other unforested green space
Forest: Clusters of trees pertaining to MPU
Barren: Sand, ecologically empty natural areas, exposed rock. Barren
industrial sites were included in the Industrial class.
Water: Any natural or man-made water pertaining to MPU: e.g.
reservoirs, wetlands, lakes, etc.
Shapefile attribute table:
FID ESRI assigned unique identifier
Shape ESRI assigned shape definition
Class Land-use/land cover class name
sq_mi Area of the land-use/land cover class in square miles
sq_km Area of the land-use/land cover class in square kilometers