Code for analyses presented in: Fork, M.L., J. Fick, A.J. Reisinger,
and E.J. Rosi. "Dosing the coast: Leaking sewage infrastructure
delivers large annual loads and dynamic mixtures of pharmaceuticals to
urban rivers." In press at Environmental Science and Technology.
Two markdown files contains code to pre-process other data and to
analyze grab samples from BES streams collected weekly from 2 Nov 2017
through 15 Nov 2018 and analyzed for 92 target pharmaceuticals. Data
and methods are available via EDI at
Briefly, the analyses here: A) examine spatial and temporal
variability in pharmaceutical detections and concentrations among 7
BES watersheds, and B) combine measured concentrations at the
watershed outlet (GFCP) with USGS streamflow data to estimate annual
loads of pharmaceuticals by resampling or by interpolating
concentrations over the discharge record.