Data Table Table StructureObject Name: BLE_LTER_hydrography_CTD.csv Size: 13635345 byte Authentication: b7dfce204f6d6a6d16f353779d2b48f6
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Table Column Descriptions Station Date time recorded Instrument used Whether data was calibrated Conductivity Temperature Salinity Pressure Sea pressure Depth Speed of sound Specific conductivity Density anomaly Conductivity/salinity data flag Temperature data flag Station name Latitude Longitude Habitat type Column Name: station date_time instrument recalibrated_parameters conductivity_uS_cm temperature_C salinity pressure_dbar sea_pressure_dbar depth_m speed_of_sound_m_s specific_conductivity_uS_cm density_anomaly_g_cm3 flags_condsal flags_temperature station_name latitude longitude habitat_type Definition: BLE LTER Core Program station code Date and time recorded ISO8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss-hh. Times are in GMT-8. indicates which instrument recorded the data indicates if data parameter went through calibration routine post-retrieval Conductivity Temperature, measured from thermistor placed inside underwater instrument Salinity calculated from temperature and conductivity (derived) according to the Practical Salinity Scale Total pressure Sea pressure (derived) Depth (derived) Speed of Sound (derived) Conductivity at 25 degrees C (derived) Density anomaly (derived) data flag for conductivity and salinity data flag for temperature BLE LTER's Core Program station name Latitude in decimal degrees. Note that due to field conditions, sampling is not always carried out at these exact coordinates, but in close vicinity of the station. Longitude in decimal degrees. Note that due to field conditions, sampling is not always carried out at these exact coordinates, but in close vicinity of the station. Habitat type (river, lagoon, ocean) External Measurement Definition, Link: containsMeasurementsOfType water conductivity containsMeasurementsOfType Water Temperature containsMeasurementsOfType water salinity containsMeasurementsOfType water pressure containsMeasurementsOfType density anomaly Storage Type: string dateTime string string float float float float float float float float float string string string decimal decimal string Measurement Type: nominal dateTime nominal nominal ratio interval ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio nominal nominal nominal interval interval nominal Measurement Values Domain: Format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss-hh Precision 1
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code NONE Definition Not calibrated after data retrieval Source
Code Definition Code T Definition Temperature calibrated after data retrieval using linear adjustment between sampling points taken with YSI ProDSS datasonde Source
Code Definition Code CT Definition Conductivity, temperature, and salinity (derived) calibrated after data retrieval using linear adjustment between sampling points taken with YSI ProDSS datasonde Source
Unit microsiemensPerCentimeter Type real
Unit dimensionless Type real
Unit decibar Precision 0.01 Type real
Unit decibar Precision 0.01 Type real
Unit meterPerSecond Type real
Unit microsiemensPerCentimeter Type real
Unit gramsPerCubicCentimeter Type real
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code INV Definition Invalid data conductivity and salinity data value as determined by freezing line algorithm Source
Code Definition Code VALID Definition Acceptable temperature data value Source
Code Definition Code QM Definition Questionable conductivity and salinity data value as determined by trained personnel Source
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code VALID Definition Acceptable temperature data value Source
Code Definition Code QM Definition Questionable temperature data value as determined by trained personnel Source
Unit degree Type real Min -90 Max 90
Unit degree Type real Min -180 Max 180
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code lagoon Definition Lagoon Source
Code Definition Code river Definition Freshwater river Source
Code Definition Code ocean Definition Ocean Source
Missing Value Code: Code NA Expl not available, parameter not derived by StarOddi instruments
Code NA Expl not available, parameter not derived by StarOddi instruments
Code NA Expl not available, parameter not derived by StarOddi instruments
Code NA Expl not available, parameter not derived by StarOddi instruments
Code NA Expl not available, parameter not derived by StarOddi instruments
Accuracy Report: Accuracy Assessment: Coverage: Methods:
Data Table Table StructureObject Name: BLE_LTER_hydrography_TCM.csv Size: 9005153 byte Authentication: d9e55123bc959a8e2407ec6dbb019efc
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Table Column Descriptions Station Date time recorded Temperature Current speed Current heading Northward velocity Eastward velocity Speed/velocity data flag Station name Latitude Longitude Habitat type Column Name: station date_time temperature_C speed_cm_s heading_degree vel_N_cm_s vel_E_cm_s flags station_name latitude longitude habitat_type Definition: BLE LTER Core Program station code Date and time recorded ISO8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss-hh. Times are in GMT-8. Temperature, measured from thermistor placed inside underwater instrument current speed current heading (adjusted for declination) in degrees from North northward velocity eastward velocity data flags for speed and velocity BLE LTER's Core Program station name Latitude in decimal degrees. Note that due to field conditions, sampling is not always carried out at these exact coordinates, but in close vicinity of the station. Longitude in decimal degrees. Note that due to field conditions, sampling is not always carried out at these exact coordinates, but in close vicinity of the station. Habitat type (river, lagoon, ocean) External Measurement Definition, Link: containsMeasurementsOfType Water Temperature Storage Type: string dateTime float float float float float string string decimal decimal string Measurement Type: nominal dateTime ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio nominal nominal interval interval nominal Measurement Values Domain: Format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss-hh Precision 1
Unit celsius Precision 0.005 Type real
Unit centimeterPerSecond Precision 0.1 Type real
Unit degree Precision 0.01 Type real
Unit centimeterPerSecond Precision 0.1 Type real
Unit centimeterPerSecond Precision 0.1 Type real
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code BAD Definition Bad current and velocity data Source
Code Definition Code QM Definition Questionable current and velocity data value as determined by trained personnel Source
Code Definition Code VALID Definition Acceptable temperature data value Source
Unit degree Type real Min -90 Max 90
Unit degree Type real Min -180 Max 180
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code lagoon Definition Lagoon Source
Code Definition Code ocean Definition Ocean Source
Code Definition Code river Definition Freshwater river Source
Missing Value Code: Accuracy Report: Accuracy Assessment: Coverage: Methods:
Data Table Table StructureObject Name: BLE_LTER_hydrography_YSI.csv Size: 26279 byte Authentication: 6e2b47acb1154c5297fc66cb7192141f
Calculated By MD5 Text Format:
Number of Header Lines: 1
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Record Delimiter: \r\n
Orientation: column
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Field Delimiter: ,
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Table Column Descriptions Station node Station lagoon Station Sampling season Date time recorded Water column position Chlorophyll a Conductivity Depth Dissolved oxygen Dissolved oxygen saturation Phycoerythrin concentration pH Salinity Specific conductivity Temperature notes Station name Latitude Longitude Habitat type Station sampling priority Column Name: node lagoon station season date_time water_column_position chlorophyll_a_ug_l conductivity_uS_cm depth_m DO_concentration_mg_l DO_saturation_percent phycoerythrin_ug_l pH salinity specific_conductivity_uS_cm temperature_C notes station_name latitude longitude habitat_type station_sampling_priority Definition: One of three research nodes in BLE LTER's research program Lagoon where BLE LTER Core Program station is located BLE LTER Core Program station code BLE LTER Core Program sampling season Date and time recorded ISO8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss-hh. Note that some observations were made without recording time; in these instances, a generic time of noon or 12:00 is appended to the date for date time format consistency and a comment recorded in the "notes" column. Times are in GMT-8. Where sample was taken within water column Chlorophyll a concentration (μg/L) Conductivity (μS/cm) Depth of sample (m) Dissolved Oxygen concentration (mg/L, derived) Dissolved Oxygen saturation (%) Phycoerythrin concentration (μg/L) pH Salinity calculated from temperature and conductivity (derived) according to the Practical Salinity Scale Conductivity at 25 degrees C (derived) Water temperature, measured from thermistor placed outside underwater instrument Notes BLE LTER's Core Program station name Latitude in decimal degrees. Note that due to field conditions, sampling is not always carried out at these exact coordinates, but in close vicinity of the station. Longitude in decimal degrees. Note that due to field conditions, sampling is not always carried out at these exact coordinates, but in close vicinity of the station. Habitat type (river, lagoon, ocean) BLE LTER Core Program station sampling priority. For internal use. External Measurement Definition, Link: containsMeasurementsOfType chlorophyll-a containsMeasurementsOfType water conductivity containsMeasurementsOfType dissolved oxygen concentration containsMeasurementsOfType dissolved oxygen saturation containsMeasurementsOfType Water pH Storage Type: string string string string dateTime string float float float float float float float float float float string string decimal decimal string string Measurement Type: nominal nominal nominal nominal dateTime nominal ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio interval nominal nominal interval interval nominal nominal Measurement Values Domain: +/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code open water Definition Sapling occurred in summer season (e.g. late July/early August) when the lagoons have mostly open water. Source
Code Definition Code break up Definition Sampling occurred in spring season (e.g. June) when ice break-up happens. Source
Code Definition Code under ice Definition Sampling occurred in winter season (e.g. April) when the lagoons are mostly frozen. Source
Format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss-hh Precision 1
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code bottom Definition water collected from approximately 30 cm above the bottom Source
Code Definition Code surface Definition water collected from approximately 0-30 cm below the surface Source
Unit microgramPerLiter Type real Min 0 Max
Unit microsiemensPerCentimeter Type real Min 0 Max
Unit meter Type real Min 0 Max
Unit milligramPerLiter Type real Min 0 Max
Unit percent Type real Min 0 Max
Unit microgramPerLiter Type real Min 0 Max
Unit dimensionless Type real Min 0 Max 14
Unit dimensionless Type real Min 0 Max
Unit microsiemensPerCentimeter Type real Min 0 Max
Unit degree Type real Min -90 Max 90
Unit degree Type real Min -180 Max 180
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code lagoon Definition Lagoon Source
Code Definition Code ocean Definition Ocean Source
Code Definition Code river Definition Freshwater river Source
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code primary Definition Lagoon site is primarily sampled during field sampling. Source
Code Definition Code secondary Definition Lagoon site is secondarily sampled during field sampling. Source
Code Definition Code river Definition River site Source
Code Definition Code ocean Definition Nearshore ocean site Source
Missing Value Code: Code not applicable Expl Not applicable, station considered too shallow for stratification. Water collected from approximately 0-30 cm below the surface.
Code NA Expl not available, parameter not recorded by instrument used for measurement
Code -99999 Expl not recorded due to external conditions Code NA Expl not available, parameter not recorded by instrument used for measurement
Code -99999 Expl not recorded Code NA Expl not applicable for river sites
Code NA Expl not available, parameter not recorded by instrument used for measurement
Code NA Expl not available, parameter not recorded by instrument used for measurement
Accuracy Report: Accuracy Assessment: Coverage: Methods:
Data Table Table StructureObject Name: BLE_LTER_hydrography_CTD_RBR_raw.csv Size: 6434348 byte Authentication: d0aa24d1e132704fd57759b74e9de5d7
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Table Column Descriptions Station Date time recorded Conductivity Temperature Pressure Sea pressure Depth Salinity Speed of sound Specific conductivity Density anomaly Column Name: station date_time Conductivity Temperature Pressure Sea pressure Depth Salinity Speed of sound Specific conductivity Density anomaly Definition: BLE LTER Core Program station code Date and time recorded YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss. Times are in GMT-8. Conductivity Water temperature, measured from thermistor placed outside underwater instrument Total pressure Sea pressure (derived) Depth (derived) Salinity calculated from temperature and conductivity (derived) according to the Practical Salinity Scale Speed of Sound (derived) Conductivity at 25 degrees C (derived) Density anomaly (derived) External Measurement Definition, Link: containsMeasurementsOfType water conductivity containsMeasurementsOfType Water Temperature containsMeasurementsOfType water pressure containsMeasurementsOfType water salinity containsMeasurementsOfType density anomaly Storage Type: string dateTime float float float float float float float float float Measurement Type: nominal dateTime ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio Measurement Values Domain: Format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss Precision 1
Unit microsiemensPerCentimeter Precision 0.001 Type real
Unit celsius Precision 0.005 Type real
Unit decibar Precision 0.01 Type real
Unit decibar Precision 0.01 Type real
Unit dimensionless Type real
Unit meterPerSecond Type real
Unit microsiemensPerCentimeter Type real
Unit gramsPerCubicCentimeter Type real
Missing Value Code: Accuracy Report: Accuracy Assessment: Coverage: Methods:
Data Table Table StructureObject Name: BLE_LTER_hydrography_CTD_StarOddi_raw.csv Size: 3365404 byte Authentication: de7d418f8072fa693043de46257fe381
Calculated By MD5 Text Format:
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Table Column Descriptions Station Date time recorded Temperature Salinity Conductivity Speed of sound Column Name: station date_time temperature salinity conductivity sound_vel Definition: BLE LTER Core Program station code Date and time recorded MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm. Times are in GMT-8. Temperature, measured from thermistor placed inside underwater instrument Salinity calculated from temperature and conductivity (derived) according to the Practical Salinity Scale Conductivity Speed of Sound (derived) External Measurement Definition, Link: containsMeasurementsOfType Water Temperature containsMeasurementsOfType water salinity containsMeasurementsOfType water conductivity Storage Type: string dateTime float float float float Measurement Type: nominal dateTime ratio ratio ratio ratio Measurement Values Domain: Format MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm Precision 1
Unit celsius Precision 0.1 Type real
Unit dimensionless Type real
Unit microsiemensPerCentimeter Precision 0.02 Type real
Unit meterPerSecond Type real
Missing Value Code: Accuracy Report: Accuracy Assessment: Coverage: Methods:
Data Table Table StructureObject Name: BLE_LTER_hydrography_TCM_temp_raw.csv Size: 2512497 byte Authentication: 26c4985d569f4ee950a664d5007fc8ce
Calculated By MD5 Text Format:
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Table Column Descriptions Station Date time recorded Temperature Column Name: station date_time temperature Definition: BLE LTER Core Program station code Date and time recorded YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss. Times are in GMT-8. Temperature, measured from thermistor placed inside underwater instrument External Measurement Definition, Link: containsMeasurementsOfType Water Temperature Storage Type: string dateTime float Measurement Type: nominal dateTime interval Measurement Values Domain: Format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss Precision 1
Unit celsius Precision 0.005 Type real
Missing Value Code: Accuracy Report: Accuracy Assessment: Coverage: Methods:
Data Table Table StructureObject Name: BLE_LTER_hydrography_TCM_current_raw.csv Size: 3523970 byte Authentication: 14c6f06529aeac4b57a71718612b12f5
Calculated By MD5 Text Format:
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Table Column Descriptions Station Date time recorded Current speed Current heading Northward velocity Eastward velocity Column Name: station date_time speed_cm_s heading vel_N vel_E Definition: BLE LTER Core Program station code Date and time recorded YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss. Times are in GMT-8. current speed current heading (adjusted for declination) in degrees from North northward velocity eastward velocity Storage Type: string dateTime float float float float Measurement Type: nominal dateTime ratio ratio ratio ratio Measurement Values Domain: Format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss Precision 1
Unit centimeterPerSecond Precision 0.1 Type real
Unit degree Precision 0.01 Type real
Unit centimeterPerSecond Precision 0.1 Type real
Unit centimeterPerSecond Precision 0.1 Type real
Missing Value Code: Accuracy Report: Accuracy Assessment: Coverage: Methods:
Data Table Table StructureObject Name: BLE_LTER_hydrography_YSI_for_calibration.csv Size: 790 byte Authentication: ae1166d5562504d8e5c54a0610a1e4f4
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Table Column Descriptions Station Date time recorded Salinity Temperature Conductivity Column Name: station date_time salinity temperature_C conductivity_uS_cm Definition: BLE LTER Core Program station code Date and time recorded in ISO8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss-hh. Times are in GMT-8. Salinity calculated from temperature and conductivity (derived) according to the Practical Salinity Scale Water temperature, measured from thermistor placed outside underwater instrument Conductivity External Measurement Definition, Link: containsMeasurementsOfType water salinity containsMeasurementsOfType Water Temperature containsMeasurementsOfType water conductivity Storage Type: string dateTime float float float Measurement Type: nominal dateTime ratio interval ratio Measurement Values Domain: Format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss-hh Precision 1
Unit dimensionless Type real
Unit celsius Precision 0.1 Type real
Unit microsiemensPerCentimeter Precision 0.1 Type real
Missing Value Code: Accuracy Report: Accuracy Assessment: Coverage: Methods:
Data Table Table StructureObject Name: BLE_LTER_hydrography_personnel.csv Size: 702 byte Authentication: 8a92275699e3b326088362f9059de675
Calculated By MD5 Text Format:
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Table Column Descriptions Data package ID Given name Middle name Surname Role Begin year End year ORCID Column Name: datasetid givenname middlename surname role beginyear endyear orcid Definition: BLE LTER's data package ID Given name Middle name or middle initial Surname or last name Role in dataset Beginning year of role in dataset End year of role in dataset ORCID Storage Type: string string string string string dateTime dateTime string Measurement Type: nominal nominal nominal nominal nominal dateTime dateTime nominal Measurement Values Domain: Missing Value Code: Accuracy Report: Accuracy Assessment: Coverage: Methods:
Non-Categorized Data Resource Non-Categorized Data Resource Non-Categorized Data Resource Non-Categorized Data Resource