Definition: | Name of site for measurement | Treatment (exclosure or control) of plot | Species of tree measured | Species and number of the tag on the individual | Number of spruce stems in the plot | Number of aspen stems in the plot | Number of birch stems in the plot | Number of willow stems in the plot | Height of measured individual in 2013 | Height of measured individual in 2014 | Height of measured individual in 2015 | Basal diameter of measured individual in 2013 | Basal diameter of measured individual in 2014 | Basal diameter of measured individual in 2015 | Diameter at breast height of measured individual in 2013 | Diameter at breast height of measured individual in 2014 | Diameter at breast height of measured individual in 2015 | Crown depth of measured individual in 2014 | Crown depth of measured individual in 2015 | Crown width of measured individual in 2014 | Crown width of measured individual in 2015 | Perpendicular crown width of measured individual in 2014 | Perpendicular crown width of measured individual in 2015 | Overall health assessment of individual in 2014 | Overall health assessment of individual in 2015 | Survival of individual in 2013 | Survival of individual in 2014 | Survival of individual in 2015 | Average leaf length of 10 leaves on the measured individual in 2014 | Average leaf length of 10 leaves on the measured individual in 2015 | Presence/absence of browse on each individual before the study began (2013 and earlier) | Presence/absence of browse on each individual in the winter of 2014 | Number of mammal bites recorded on the measured individual after the 2015 winter |
Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | Name of site for measurement |
| Definition | Treatment (exclosure or control) of plot |
| Definition | Species of tree measured |
| Definition | Species and number of the tag on the individual |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Definition | Overall health assessment of individual in 2014 |
| Definition | Overall health assessment of individual in 2015 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real |
| | | Unit | dimensionless | Type | real |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real |