Definition: | Name of grid (ET=East Toklat, WC=Wigand Creek, HC= Healey Control) | plot number | Grid and plot number within grid combined. | Year of fire or unburned for control sites | GPS. Datum: WSG84 Position format: hddd.ddddd | GPS. Datum: WSG84 Position format: hddd.ddddd | Slope in degrees. | Slope aspect in compass degrees (0 to 360) - has been corrected for declination | GPS. Meters above sea level | a metric of solar insolation and landscape position corresponding to the position on a sphere that parallels the original slope conditions | Ranking of plot moisture potential using the moisture key presented in the successional trajectories workbook (Johnstone). Values range from 1 to 6, where 1=xeric, 2=subxeric, 3=subxeric to mesic, 4=mesic, 5=submesic, 6=subhygric | Bulk density of surface soil | Residual organic soil layer depth | Depth of active layer recorded in July | Height of adventious roots (AR) above residual organic soil surface | Height of adventitous roots (AR) adjusted for depth of AR in control sites | Height of tussocks | Height of tussocks above residual organic soil adjusted for height of tussocks in unburned control | depth of burn estimated from tussocks or AR | pre-fire density of all trees | pre-fire density of betula neoalaskana | pre-fire density of betula paperifyera | pre-fire density of larix larcinia | pre-fire density picea glauca | pre-fire density of picea mariana | pre-fire density of populus tremuloides | pre-fire density of salix spp. | pre-fire density of other unknown trees (stems greater than 1.3 m in height) | pre-fire density fo all spruce trees | pre-fire basal area of betula neoalaskana | pre-fire basal area of betula paperifyera | pre-fire basal area of larix larcinia | pre-fire basal area picea glauca | pre-fire basal area of picea mariana | pre-fire basal area of populus tremuloides | pre-fire basal area of salix spp. | pre-fire basal area of other unknown trees (stems greater than 1.3 m in height) | count of black spruce seedlings | count of white spruce seedlings | count of total spruce seedlings | count of alaska birch seedlings | density of black spruce seedlings | density of white spruce seedlings | density of total spruce seedlings | density of alaska paper birch seedlings | pre-fire biomass of all tree species | pre-fire carbon of all tree species | tree biomass combusted in fire | tree carbon combusted in fire | Organic soil carbon combusted | Prefire organic soil carbon pool | Total carbon combusted. Sum of tree and soil C combusted. | Total pre-fire carbon pool. Sum of tree and soil pre-fire C pools | Proportion of the total pre-fire C pool combusted (tot.comb/tot.pre) | Proportion of the total C combusted attributed to the soil (SOL.c.cons/tot.C.cons) | Turnover index of all understory vegetation based on measurements taken pre-fire in 2002 or 2004 and post-fire in 2016 |
Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | Name of grid (ET=East Toklat, WC=Wigand Creek, HC= Healey Control) |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real |
| Definition | Grid and plot number within grid combined. |
| Definition | Year of fire or unburned for control sites |
| Unit | GPS.Datum:WSG84Positionformat:hddd.ddddd | Type | real |
| Unit | GPS.Datum:WSG84Positionformat:hddd.ddddd | Type | real |
| | | | | Definition | Ranking of plot moisture potential using the moisture key presented in the successional trajectories workbook (Johnstone). Values range from 1 to 6, where 1=xeric, 2=subxeric, 3=subxeric to mesic, 4=mesic, 5=submesic, 6=subhygric |
| Unit | gramsPerCubicCentimeter | Type | real |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Unit | gramsPerSquareMeter | Type | real |
| | Unit | gramsPerSquareMeter | Type | real |
| | | | | | | | |