Definition: Name of site for measurement. Names previously used by researchers to describe this particular site. Name of the fire scar Year of the last fire. Determined through fire scar age, or average of dominant tee species (based on tree ring counts) for stands older than fire scar record. Year in which sampling took place. Based on year sampled minus fire scar age, or average age of dominant tree species (based on ring counts) for stands older than fire scar record. Successional stages used in Jean et al. (in prep) Forest type allowing for codominance of two dominant tree species. Codes with two species separated by _ indicate a mixed stand. Forest type calculated from the tree species with the highest biomass. GPS coordinate in WGS84. GPS coordinate in WGS84. Orientation of the slope Slope Elevation of the site asl. Heatload index calculated using slope, orientation, and latitude of each site following McCune and Keon (2002) Soil gravimetric moisture content (organic layer) Soil volumetric moisture content (organic layer) Moisture class were determined following the classification defined by Johnstone et al. (2008) in sites younger than 20 years old. They were estimated using site information and GSM/VSM for all the other ones. Depth of the organic layer (excludes the green moss). Mineral soil pH Total Vascular plant cover calculated from the point fram data (n=5 per site) Bare ground cover calculated from the point frame data (n=5 per site) Coarse woody debris cover (below DBH) calculated from the point frame data (n=5 per site) Leaf litter cover calculated from the point frame data (n=5 per site) Total ground lichen cover (not counting tree or rock lichens) calculated from the point frame data (n=5 per site) Depth of the leaf litter layer on the ground (average from 10 measurement points per site) Deciduous importance value determined by calculating relative density + relative basal area + relative frequency (how many of the 5 subsections contained a deciduous tree or large shrub) of deciduous trees and large shrubs for each stand. Total basal area (includes Alaska birch, balsam poplar, black spruce, aspen, larch if present, and large shrubs such as Salix, Alnus and Betula) Alaska paper birch basal area Balsam poplar basal area Black spruce basal area Trembling aspen basal area Large shrubs basal area (Salix, Alnus, Betula) Total biomass of tree/shrub per m-2 averaged for the site (n=5) based on adding together all biomass components Alaska paper birch biomass m-2. Estimates from allometric equations presented in Alexander et al. 2012 (Ecosphere) and Berner et al. 2015 (Forest Ecology and Management). Balsam poplar biomass m-2. Estimates from allometric equations presented in Alexander et al. 2012 (Ecosphere) and Berner et al. 2015 (Forest Ecology and Management). Black spruce biomass m-2. Estimates from allometric equations presented in Alexander et al. 2012 (Ecosphere) and Berner et al. 2015 (Forest Ecology and Management). Aspen biomass m-2. Estimates from allometric equations presented in Alexander et al. 2012 (Ecosphere) and Berner et al. 2015 (Forest Ecology and Management). Shrub biomass m-2. Estimates from allometric equations presented in Alexander et al. 2012 (Ecosphere) and Berner et al. 2015 (Forest Ecology and Management). Trees m-2 Alaska birch m-2 Balsam poplar m-2 Black spruce m-2 Alspen m-2 Large shrubs m-2 General research location where the site is located. General desription of site type Measurement Values Domain: Definition Name of site for measurement.
Definition Names previously used by researchers to describe this particular site.
Definition Name of the fire scar
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code 1 Definition early succession (8-19 years since fire Source
Code Definition Code 2 Definition mid-succession (20-63 years since fire) Source
Code Definition Code 3 Definition late succession (> 63 years since fire) Source
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code BN Definition Betula neoalaskana Source
Code Definition Code PM Definition Picea mariana Source
Code Definition Code PT Definition Populus tremuloides codes with two species separated by _ indicate a mixed stand Source
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code BN Definition Betula neoalaskana Source
Code Definition Code PM Definition Picea mariana Source
Code Definition Code PT Definition Populus tremuloides Source
Unit dimensionless Type real
Unit (gwater/gdrysoil Type real
Unit dimensionless Type real
Unit dimensionless Type real
Unit dimensionless Type real
Unit dimensionless Type real
Unit dimensionless Type real
Unit dimensionless Type real
Unit dimensionless Type real
Unit dimensionless Type real
Unit gdryweight*m-2 Type real
Unit gdryweight*m-2 Type real
Unit gdryweight*m-2 Type real
Unit gdryweight*m-2 Type real
Unit gdryweight*m-2 Type real
Unit gdryweight*m-2 Type real
Definition General research location where the site is located.
Definition General desription of site type