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Climactic data derived from remotely sensed, daily weather parameters (NASA DAYMET): Maricopa County, AZ (2000-2016)

General Information
Data Package:
Local Identifier:knb-lter-cap.662.1
Title:Climactic data derived from remotely sensed, daily weather parameters (NASA DAYMET): Maricopa County, AZ (2000-2016)
Alternate Identifier:DOI PLACE HOLDER

There is considerable interest in using climatic variables and bioclimatic predictors not only in ecological species distribution models but in interdisciplinary studies of urban environments. We compiled a downloadable geodatabase of monthly environmental variables on a 1km x 1km spatial resolution including raw climate variables such as precipitation, minimum and maximum air temperature, and water vapor pressure obtained from NASA Earth Science Data and Information System Daily Surface Weather and Climatological Summaries (DAYMET) for Maricopa County, Arizona. This geodatabase of environmental variables provides accessible vital data for the entire Central Arizona–Phoenix Long-Term Ecological Research (CAP LTER) study area that can be used in an array of interdisciplinary studies.

Annual bioclimatic predictors for Maricopa County (as defined by Nix, 1986 and Hijmans, 2004) generated from data in this data set are accessible from:

Hijmans, R.J., Cameron, S.E., Parra, J.L., Jones, P.G. and Jarvis, A., 2004. The WorldClim interpolated global terrestrial climate surfaces. Version 1.3.

Nix, Henry A., 1986, A biogeographic analysis of Australian elapid snakes, in Longmore, Richard, ed., Atlas of elapid snakes of Australia: Canberra, Australian Flora and Fauna Series 7, Australian Government Publishing Service, p. 4‒15.

Publication Date:2019-03-11

Time Period

People and Organizations
Contact:Data Manager (Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University) [  email ]
Creator:Boehme, Cameron (Arizona State University)
Creator:Stratton, Chelsea (Arizona State University)
Creator:de Albuquerque, Fabio (Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus)

Data Entities
Other Name:
Monthly average air temperature: central-Arizona, 2000-2016
Other Name:
Monthly maximum air temperature: central-Arizona, 2000-2016
Other Name:
Monthly minimum air temperature: central-Arizona, 2000-2016
Other Name:
The total accumulated precipitation over the monthly period of the daily total precipitation (precipitation is the sum of all forms of precipitation converted to water equivalent): central-Arizona, 2000-2016
Other Name:
Monthly water pressure vapor: central-Arizona, 2000-2016
Detailed Metadata

Data Entities

Non-Categorized Data Resource
Entity Type:zip
Description:Monthly average air temperature: central-Arizona, 2000-2016
Additional Info:

file identifier

files identified by measurement_four-digit-year_month.file-extension (e.g., average_air_temperature_2000_1.tif reflects a .tif file of average air temperature during January 2000).


unit of measure: Celsius

spatial reference properties:

Type: Projected

Geographic Coordinate Reference: WGS 1984

Projection: Lambert Conformal Conic

Projection Units: meters

Datum (Spheroid): WGS 84

spatial data properties:

Spatial Reference Type: Raster

Pixel Depth: 32 bit

Pixel Type: float

Bands: Single Band Rasters

Raster Format: GeoTIFF

Source Type: continuous

No data value: -9999

Scale Factor: none

Offset: none

data source

Daymet: Monthly Climate Summaries on a 1-km Grid for North America, Version 3. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.

data source: citations

Thornton, M.M., P.E. Thornton, Y. Wei, B.W. Mayer, R.B. Cook, and R.S. Vose. 2018. Daymet: Monthly Climate Summaries on a 1-km Grid for North America, Version 3. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.

Thornton, P.E., Running, S.W., White, M.A. 1997. Generating surfaces of daily meteorological variables over large regions of complex terrain. Journal of Hydrology 190: 214 - 251.


The average air temperature derived from adding monthly maximum and minimum air temperatures and dividing by 2.

Physical Structure Description:
Size:13444647 byte
Authentication:9fbf237a8818d24e95ee5c7d2fceff5d Calculated By MD5
Externally Defined Format:
Format Name:zip

Non-Categorized Data Resource
Entity Type:zip
Description:Monthly maximum air temperature: central-Arizona, 2000-2016
Additional Info:

file identifier

files identified by measurement_four-digit-year_month.file-extension (e.g., average_air_temperature_2000_1.tif reflects a .tif file of average air temperature during January 2000).


unit of measure: Celsius

spatial reference properties:

Type: Projected

Geographic Coordinate Reference: WGS 1984

Projection: Lambert Conformal Conic

Projection Units: meters

Datum (Spheroid): WGS 84

spatial data properties:

Spatial Reference Type: Raster

Pixel Depth: 32 bit

Pixel Type: float

Bands: Single Band Rasters

Raster Format: GeoTIFF

Source Type: continuous

No data value: -9999

Scale Factor: none

Offset: none

data source

Daymet: Monthly Climate Summaries on a 1-km Grid for North America, Version 3. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.

data source: citations

Thornton, M.M., P.E. Thornton, Y. Wei, B.W. Mayer, R.B. Cook, and R.S. Vose. 2018. Daymet: Monthly Climate Summaries on a 1-km Grid for North America, Version 3. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.

Thornton, P.E., Running, S.W., White, M.A. 1997. Generating surfaces of daily meteorological variables over large regions of complex terrain. Journal of Hydrology 190: 214 - 251.


The average over the monthly period of high temperature for a 24-hour period.

Physical Structure Description:
Size:11530855 byte
Authentication:b69cfbc13e6762414402d91d537ea1bc Calculated By MD5
Externally Defined Format:
Format Name:zip

Non-Categorized Data Resource
Entity Type:zip
Description:Monthly minimum air temperature: central-Arizona, 2000-2016
Additional Info:

file identifier

files identified by measurement_four-digit-year_month.file-extension (e.g., average_air_temperature_2000_1.tif reflects a .tif file of average air temperature during January 2000).


unit of measure: Celsius

spatial reference properties:

Type: Projected

Geographic Coordinate Reference: WGS 1984

Projection: Lambert Conformal Conic

Projection Units: meters

Datum (Spheroid): WGS 84

spatial data properties:

Spatial Reference Type: Raster

Pixel Depth: 32 bit

Pixel Type: float

Bands: Single Band Rasters

Raster Format: GeoTIFF

Source Type: continuous

No data value: -9999

Scale Factor: none

Offset: none

data source

Daymet: Monthly Climate Summaries on a 1-km Grid for North America, Version 3. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.

data source: citations

Thornton, M.M., P.E. Thornton, Y. Wei, B.W. Mayer, R.B. Cook, and R.S. Vose. 2018. Daymet: Monthly Climate Summaries on a 1-km Grid for North America, Version 3. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.

Thornton, P.E., Running, S.W., White, M.A. 1997. Generating surfaces of daily meteorological variables over large regions of complex terrain. Journal of Hydrology 190: 214 - 251.


The average over the monthly period of minimum temperature for a 24-hour period.

Physical Structure Description:
Size:11041922 byte
Authentication:2b341c9c27c1ed142483fa713b897c46 Calculated By MD5
Externally Defined Format:
Format Name:zip

Non-Categorized Data Resource
Entity Type:zip
Description:The total accumulated precipitation over the monthly period of the daily total precipitation (precipitation is the sum of all forms of precipitation converted to water equivalent): central-Arizona, 2000-2016
Additional Info:

file identifier

files identified by measurement_four-digit-year_month.file-extension (e.g., average_air_temperature_2000_1.tif reflects a .tif file of average air temperature during January 2000).


unit of measure: millimeter (mm)

spatial reference properties:

Type: Projected

Geographic Coordinate Reference: WGS 1984

Projection: Lambert Conformal Conic

Projection Units: meters

Datum (Spheroid): WGS 84

spatial data properties:

Spatial Reference Type: Raster

Pixel Depth: 32 bit

Pixel Type: float

Bands: Single Band Rasters

Raster Format: GeoTIFF

Source Type: continuous

No data value: -9999

Scale Factor: none

Offset: none

data source

Daymet: Monthly Climate Summaries on a 1-km Grid for North America, Version 3. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.

data source: citations

Thornton, M.M., P.E. Thornton, Y. Wei, B.W. Mayer, R.B. Cook, and R.S. Vose. 2018. Daymet: Monthly Climate Summaries on a 1-km Grid for North America, Version 3. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.

Thornton, P.E., Running, S.W., White, M.A. 1997. Generating surfaces of daily meteorological variables over large regions of complex terrain. Journal of Hydrology 190: 214 - 251.


The total accumulated precipitation over the monthly period of the daily total precipitation. Precipitation is the sum of all forms of precipitation converted to water equivalent.

Physical Structure Description:
Size:4892739 byte
Authentication:6ec9762335df69e39d72eb6ce51a5560 Calculated By MD5
Externally Defined Format:
Format Name:zip

Non-Categorized Data Resource
Entity Type:zip
Description:Monthly water pressure vapor: central-Arizona, 2000-2016
Additional Info:

file identifier

files identified by measurement_four-digit-year_month.file-extension (e.g., average_air_temperature_2000_1.tif reflects a .tif file of average air temperature during January 2000).


unit of measure: Pascals (Pa)

spatial reference properties:

Type: Projected

Geographic Coordinate Reference: WGS 1984

Projection: Lambert Conformal Conic

Projection Units: meters

Datum (Spheroid): WGS 84

spatial data properties:

Spatial Reference Type: Raster

Pixel Depth: 32 bit

Pixel Type: float

Bands: Single Band Rasters

Raster Format: GeoTIFF

Source Type: continuous

No data value: -9999

Scale Factor: none

Offset: none

data source

Daymet: Monthly Climate Summaries on a 1-km Grid for North America, Version 3. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.

data source: citations

Thornton, M.M., P.E. Thornton, Y. Wei, B.W. Mayer, R.B. Cook, and R.S. Vose. 2018. Daymet: Monthly Climate Summaries on a 1-km Grid for North America, Version 3. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.

Thornton, P.E., Running, S.W., White, M.A. 1997. Generating surfaces of daily meteorological variables over large regions of complex terrain. Journal of Hydrology 190: 214 - 251.


The average over the monthly period of the daily average partial pressure of water vapor.

Physical Structure Description:
Size:11519360 byte
Authentication:fa976efa1a9be0aad6585773558e4493 Calculated By MD5
Externally Defined Format:
Format Name:zip

Data Package Usage Rights

Copyright Board of Regents, Arizona State University. This information is released to the public and may be used for academic, educational, or commercial purposes subject to the following restrictions. While the CAP LTER will make every effort possible to control and document the quality of the data it publishes, the data are made available 'as is'. The CAP LTER cannot assume responsibility for damages resulting from mis-use or mis-interpretation of datasets, or from errors or omissions that may exist in the data. It is considered a matter of professional ethics to acknowledge the work of other scientists that has resulted in data used in subsequent research. The CAP LTER expects that any use of data from this server will be accompanied with the appropriate citations and acknowledgments. The CAP LTER encourages users to contact the original investigator responsible for the data that they are accessing. Where appropriate, researchers whose projects are integrally dependent on CAP LTER data are encouraged to consider collaboration and/or co-authorship with original investigators. The CAP LTER requests that users submit to the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability at Arizona State University reference to any publication(s) resulting from the use of data obtained from this site.


By Thesaurus:
LTER controlled vocabularyprecipitation, temperature, urban, climate, climate change, geographic information systems
LTER core areasadapting to city life, population studies, climate and heat
Creator Defined Keyword Setdaymet, nasa
CAPLTER Keyword Set Listcap lter, cap, caplter, central arizona phoenix long term ecological research, arizona, az, arid land

Methods and Protocols

These methods, instrumentation and/or protocols apply to all data in this dataset:

Methods and protocols used in the collection of this data package

Raw Climatic Data

DAYMET data were produced from models and algorithms imposed onto daily outputs of ground weather stations throughout North America in order to produce a continuous surface dataset (Thornton et al. 2018; Thornton et al. 1997). Monthly values for minimum and maximum air temperatures and water vapor pressure were generated by averaging the daily DAYMET output values. Monthly precipitation totals were summed from daily DAYMET output values. The spatial resolution for all NASA DAYMET data is 1km x 1km.

Data was downloaded in GeoTIFF format for North America directly from The Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center (ORNL DAAC) which serves as a data center for the NASA Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS). Downloaded rasters were multispectral GeoTIFF rasters comprised of 12 bands (one for each month). Each individual band contained monthly data for one of the environmental parameters: Average air temperature, Precipitation, Maximum air temperature, Minimum air temperature, Water vapor pressure. We conducted a batch download for a total of 68 multispectral GeoTIFF rasters containing more than 3.5 GB of environmental data.

Multispectral GeoTIFF rasters were then separated into single band rasters for each parameter and month; new monthly single band rasters were then generated including only data for Maricopa County, Arizona, utilizing ESRI ArcMAP version


Thornton, M.M., P.E. Thornton, Y. Wei, B.W. Mayer, R.B. Cook, and R.S. Vose. 2018. Daymet: Monthly Climate Summaries on a 1-km Grid for North America, Version 3. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.

Thornton, P.E., Running, S.W., White, M.A. 1997. Generating surfaces of daily meteorological variables over large regions of complex terrain. Journal of Hydrology 190: 214 - 251.

People and Organizations

Organization:Arizona State University, Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability
PO Box 875402,
Tempe, AZ 85287 USA
Individual: Cameron Boehme
Organization:Arizona State University
Email Address:
Individual: Chelsea Stratton
Organization:Arizona State University
Email Address:
Individual: Fabio de Albuquerque
Organization:Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus
Email Address:
Organization:Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University
Position:Data Manager
PO Box 875402,
Tempe, AZ 85287 USA
Email Address:
Metadata Providers:
Individual: Cameron Boehme
Organization:Arizona State University
Email Address:

Temporal, Geographic and Taxonomic Coverage

Temporal, Geographic and/or Taxonomic information that applies to all data in this dataset:

Time Period
Geographic Region:
Description:Maricopa County, AZ; CAP LTER study area
Bounding Coordinates:
Northern:  34.27Southern:  32.36
Western:  -113.62Eastern:  -110.9


Other Metadata

EDI is a collaboration between the University of New Mexico and the University of Wisconsin – Madison, Center for Limnology:

UNM logo UW-M logo