| Region | Site_ID | Replicate ID Number | Sample date | Percent Abundance Diatom Species | Percent Abundance Diatom Species | Percent Abundance Diatom Species | Percent Abundance Diatom Species | Percent Abundance Diatom Species | Percent Abundance Diatom Species | Percent Abundance Diatom Species | Percent Abundance Diatom Species | Percent Abundance Diatom Species | Percent Abundance Diatom Species | Percent Abundance Diatom Species | Percent Abundance Diatom Species | Percent Abundance Diatom Species | Percent Abundance Diatom Species | Percent Abundance Diatom Species | Percent Abundance Diatom Species | Percent Abundance Diatom Species | Percent Abundance Diatom Species | Percent Abundance Diatom Species | Percent Abundance Diatom Species | Percent Abundance Diatom Species | Percent Abundance Diatom Species | Percent Abundance Diatom Species | Percent Abundance Diatom Species | Percent Abundance Diatom Species | Percent Abundance Diatom Species | Percent Abundance Diatom Species 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Column Name: | Region
| Site_ID
| Replicate
| Date
| JLSP02
| JLSP05
| JLSP10
| JLSP11
| JLSP12
Definition: | Project Descriptor | Collection Site ID Number | 1 to 7 replicate samples were collected from each site | Sampling Collection Date | Achnanthes exigua ,Author=Grun. in Cleve & Grun.,Year Described=1880 | Achnanthes jmlsp01 cf minutissima | Achnanthidium minutissimum,Author=Kutz.,Year Described=1833 | Achnanthidium minutissimum var saprophila | Achnanthes petersenii,Author=Hustedt,Year Described=1937 | Amphora jmlsp01 | Amphora jmlsp03 | Amphora jmlsp06 | Amphora jmlsp07 | Amphora ovalis,Author=(Kutz.) Kutz.,Year Described=1844 | Amphora sulcata,Author=Breb.,Year Described=1854 | Anomoeoneis jmlsp01 cf sphaerophora | Anomoeoneis sphaerophora,Author=(Ehrenb.) Pfitz.,Year Described=1871 | Actinella pararobusta,Author=Metzeltin and Lange-Bertalot,Year Described=1998 | Aulacoseira jmlsp01 | Brachysira brebissonii,Author=R. Ross in Hartley,Year Described=1986 | Brachysira jmlsp 01 SKMARN 4 MAR 208 | Brachysira neoexilis | Caponea caribbea | Caloneis jmlsp01 | Cymbella jmlsp01 | Centric jmlsp01 | Cocconeis placentula,Author=Ehrenb.,Year Described=1838 | Craticula jmlsp01 cf cuspidata | Craticula jmlsp03 | Cyclotella jmlsp01 | Cyclotella meneghiniana,Author=Kutz.,Year Described=1844 | Diploneis jmlsp02 | Diploneis jmlsp03 | Diploneis jmlsp04 | Diploneis jmlsp06 | Diploneis jmlsp07 | Diploneis oblongella_2 | Diploneis oblongella,Author=(Naegeli ex Kutz.) R. Ross,Year Described=1947 | Diploneis parma,Author=Cleve,Year Described=1891 | Encyonopsis jmlsp01 | Encyonopsis microcephala | Encyonopsis subminuta | Encyonema evergladianum | Encyonema ftsp | Encyonema silaciacum,Author=(Bleisch in Rabenhorst) Mann,Year Described=1990 | Epithemia jmlsp02 | Eunotia camelus_1 | Eunotia flexuosa,Author=Kutz,Year Described=1849 | Eunotia jmlsp02 | Eunotia jmlsp05 | Eunotia jmlsp06 | Eunotia jmlsp09 | Eunotia karenae | Eunotia monodon_a,Author=Ehrenb.,Year Described=1843 | Eunotia pirla_b,Author=Carter et Flower,Year Described=1988 | Eunotia rabenhorstiana | Fragilaria nanana | Fragilaria syngrotesca | Fragilaria ulna | Fragilaria capucina var gracilis,Author=Desm.,Year Described=1825 | Fragilaria construens,Author=(Ehrenb.) Grun.,Year Described=1862 | Frustulia jmlsp01 | Fallacia pygmaea,Author=(Kutz.) Stickle & Mann,Year Described=1990 | Fragilaria fascicula,Author=(Agardh) Lange-Bertalot sensu lato,Year Described=1980 | Fragilaria jmlsp01 | Frustulia rhomboides var. crassinervia | Gomphonema affine,Author=Kutz.,Year Described=1844 | Gomphonema gracile,Author=Ehrenb.,Year Described=1838 | Gomphonema intricatum var. vibrio ,Author=(Ehrenb.) Cleve,Year Described=1894 | Gomphonema jmlsp02 | Gomphonema maclaughlinii | Gomphonema parvulum,Author=(Kutz.) Kutz.,Year Described=1849 | Gomphonema vibrioides | Hantzschia spectabilis,Author=(Ehrenb.) Hust.,Year Described=1959 | Unknown sp02 | Unknown sp05 | Unknown sp10 | Unknown sp11 | Unknown sp12 | Mastogloia braunii,Author=Grun.,Year Described=1863 | Mastogloia cf braunii_2 | Mastogloia elliptica var danseii,Author=(Thwaites) Cleve,Year Described=1896 | Mastogloia elliptica,Author=(Ag.) Cleve ex A. Schmidt,Year Described=1893 | Mastogloia jmlsp04 | Mastogloia lanceolata,Author=Thwaites ex W. Sm.,Year Described=1856 | Mastogloia smithii var lacustris,Author=Grun.,Year Described=1878 | Mastogloia smithii,Author=Thwaites ex W. Sm.,Year Described=1856 | Navicula brasiliana | Navicula constans,Author=Hust. in Lange-Bertalot,Year Described=1980 | Navicula cryptotenella | Navicula densilineolata | Navicula heimansioides | Navicula jmlsp01 | Navicula jmlsp05 | Navicula jmlsp06 | Navicula jmlsp07 | Navicula jmlsp08 | Navicula palistinae | Navicula pseudocressirotros | Navicella pusilla | Navicula radiosa,Author=Kutz.,Year Described=1844 | Navicula subtilissima | Neidium cf densestriatum | Neidium cf impliatum | Neidium jmlsp01 cf juba | Nitzschia amphibia f amphibia,Author=Grunow,Year Described=1862 | Nitzschia denticula,Author=Grunow,Year Described=1880 | Nitzschia jmlsp02 | Nitzschia jmlsp04 | Nitzschia jmlsp05 | Nitzschia jmlsp06 thermaloides | Nitzschia jmlsp07 | Nitzschia lacunarum,Author=Hust. in Lange-Bertalot,Year Described=1922 | Nitzschia cf microcephala | Nitzschia nana | Nitzschia palea,Author=(Kutz.) W. Sm.,Year Described=1856 | Nitzschia scalaris,Author=(Ehrenb.) W. Sm.,Year Described=1853 | Nitzschia semirobusta | Nitzschia serpentiraphe | Nitzschia tubicola | Nitzschia vivacior | Parlibellus jmlsp01 | Plagiotropis jmlsp01 | Pinnularia acrosphaeria 02,Author=(Breb.) Rabenh.,Year Described=1853 | Pinnularia jmlsp04 | Pinnularia jmlsp07 | Pinnularia jmlsp08 | Pinnularia jmlsp09 | Pinnularia cf microstauron jmlsp01,Author=(Ehrenb.) Cleve,Year Described=1891 | Pinnularia cf microstauron jmlsp02,Author=(Ehrenb.) Cleve,Year Described=1891 | Pinnularia cf microstauron jmlsp03,Author=(Ehrenb.) Cleve,Year Described=1891 | Pinnularia cf microstauron jmlsp04,Author=(Ehrenb.) Cleve,Year Described=1891 | Pinnularia cf microstauron jmlsp05,Author=(Ehrenb.) Cleve,Year Described=1891 | Pinnularia cf neomajor | Pinnularia stoermeri_2 | Pinnularia streptoraphe morph 01,Author=Cleve,Year Described=1891 | Pleurosigma jmlsp01 | Proschkina jmlsp01 | Rhopalodia gibba,Author=(Ehrenb.) O. Mull.,Year Described=1895 | Rossithidium lineare | Stenopterobia curvula | Seminavis eulensteinii | Sellophora laevissima | Sellophora pupula var aquaeductae | Sellophora pupila,Author=(Kutz.) Mereschkowsky,Year Described=1902 | Surrirella elegans,Author=Ehrenb.,Year Described=1843 | Staurosirella pinnata var pinnata,Author=(Ehrenb.) Williams & Round,Year Described=1987 | Stauroneis phoenicentron var jmlsp01,Author=(Nitzsch) Ehrenb.,Year Described=1943 | Stauroneis smithii var incisa,Author=Grun.,Year Described=1860 | Synedra acus var angustissima,Author=Kutz.,Year Described=1844 |
Storage Type: | text
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Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | ordinal | dateTime | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio |
Measurement Values Domain: | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | B | Definition | BELIZE | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | Y | Definition | YUCATAN,MEXICO | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | J | Definition | JAMAICA | Source | |
| | | Format | YYYY-MM-DD | Precision | 1 |
| Unit | percent | Precision | 0.01 | Type | real |
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| Unit | percent | Precision | 0.01 | Type | real |
| Unit | percent | Precision | 0.01 | Type | real |
| Unit | percent | Precision | 0.01 | Type | real |
Missing Value Code: | | | | | Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
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| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
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| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
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| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
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| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
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| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
| Code | -9999.00 | Expl | Value will never be recorded |
Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Methods: | | Method Info | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |