date year month day focal zone habitat type season count count count count count length length area depth quantity time time duration (minutes) duration duration Lat/Long coordinate Lat/Long coordinate Lat/Long coordinate Lat/Long coordinate weather conditions Notes on Beaufort weather conditions visibility % cloud cover notes on % cloud cover direction and intensity tide time depth time depth Column Name: date year month day FZ_st HAB_st Season Dolphin Dugong Seasnake Cormorant Turtle TRlng_m TRlng_km Trarea Trdepth Obs Time_S Time_E min_out Raw_Time Total_min Start_GPS_S Start_GPS_E End_GPS_S End_GPS_E Beaufort Beaufort_Notes VIS Cloud_cov Cloud_cov_notes Glare Tide Low Lo_Level High Hi_Level Definition: date transect was run year transect was run month transect was run day of month transect was run standardized focal zone standardized habitat type season (warm or cool) Number of indo-pacific bottlenose dolphins sighted on transect number of dugongs sighted on transect number of seasnakes of any species sighted on transect number of pied cormorants sighted on transect number of sea turtles sighted on transect length of transect in meters length of transect in kilometers area of transect (total area of sighting band) average depth of water over transect length number of human observers on vessel time of transect start time of transect end number of minutes wherein transect was interrupted raw total time, including minutes out of transect total number of minutes on transect, excluding minutes during which transect was interrupted Latitude coordinate of transect start in decimal degrees Longitude coordinate of transect start in decimal degrees Latitude coordinate of transect end in decimal degrees Longitude coordinate of transect end in decimal degrees Beaufort weather scale conditions at deploy Notes on Beaufort weather conditions surface visibility % cover of clouds notes on % cloud cover direction and intensity of glare tidal flow during transect run time of the day's low tide height of low tide based on lowest astronomical tide (LAT) time of the day's high tide height of high tide based on Lowest Astronomical Tide (LAT) Storage Type: datetime ordinal ordinal ordinal nominal text text data data data data data data data data data data datetime datetime datetime datetime datetime coordinate coordinate coordinate coordinate ordinal text text data text text text datetime data datetime data Measurement Type: dateTime ordinal ordinal ordinal nominal nominal nominal ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio dateTime dateTime dateTime dateTime dateTime ordinal ordinal ordinal ordinal ordinal nominal nominal ratio nominal nominal nominal dateTime ratio dateTime ratio Measurement Values Domain: Format YYYY-MM-DD Precision
Definition year transect was run
Definition month transect was run
Definition day of month transect was run
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code 1 Definition shallow bank 1 Source
Code Definition Code 2 Definition deep channel 2 Source
Code Definition Code 3 Definition shallow bank 3 Source
Code Definition Code 4 Definition deep channel 4 Source
Code Definition Code 5 Definition deep channel 5 Source
Code Definition Code 6 Definition shallow bank 6 Source
Code Definition Code 8 Definition deep sand plain 8 Source
Code Definition Code 10 Definition shallow bank 10 Source
Code Definition Code 11 Definition deep channel 11 Source
Code Definition Code 12 Definition shallow bank 12 Source
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code shallow Definition average depth <2.5m Source
Code Definition Code deep Definition average depth ~10m Source
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code cool Definition june 1 to August 15 Source
Code Definition Code warm Definition August 16 to May 31 Source
Unit number Precision 1 Type integer
Unit number Precision 1 Type real
Unit number Precision 1 Type real
Unit number Precision 1 Type real
Unit number Precision 1 Type real
Unit meter Precision 0.001 Type real
Unit kilometer Precision 0.001 Type real
Unit squareKilometers Precision 0.001 Type real
Unit meter Precision 0.001 Type real
Unit number Precision 1 Type integer
Definition Latitude coordinate of transect start in decimal degrees
Definition Longitude coordinate of transect start in decimal degrees
Definition Latitude coordinate of transect end in decimal degrees
Definition Longitude coordinate of transect end in decimal degrees
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code 1 Definition light air, 1.5 Source
Definition Notes on Beaufort weather conditions
Definition surface visibility
Unit percent Precision 0.01 Type real
Definition notes on % cloud cover
Definition direction and intensity of glare
Definition tidal flow during transect run
Unit meter Precision 0.01 Type real
Unit meter Precision 0.01 Type real
Missing Value Code: Code -9999 Expl Value will never be recorded
Code -9999 Expl Value will never be recorded
Code -9999 Expl Value will never be recorded
Code -9999 Expl Value will never be recorded
Code -9999 Expl Value will never be recorded
Code -9999.000 Expl Value will never be recorded
Code -9999.000 Expl Value will never be recorded
Code -9999.000 Expl Value will never be recorded
Code -9999.000 Expl Value will never be recorded
Code -9999 Expl Value will never be recorded
Code -9999 Expl Value will never be recorded
Code -9999 Expl Value will never be recorded
Code -9999 Expl Value will never be recorded
Code -9999.00000 Expl Value will never be recorded
Code -9999.00000 Expl Value will never be recorded
Code -9999.00000 Expl Value will never be recorded
Code -9999.00000 Expl Value will never be recorded
Code -9999.0 Expl Value will never be recorded
Code NA Expl Value will never be recorded
Code NA Expl Value will never be recorded
Code -9999 Expl Value will never be recorded
Code NA Expl No usable data recorded
Code NA Expl No usable data recorded
Code NA Expl Data not collected/recorded
Code -9999.00 Expl Value will never be recorded
Code NA Expl Data not collected/recorded
Code -9999.00 Expl Value will never be recorded
Accuracy Report: Accuracy Assessment: Coverage: Methods: