Definition: | Reference to the publication in which the sediment accumulation rate data were originally reported | Classification of soil/sediment subject to the analysis | Lump sum data are a single value representing the entire core interval analyzed using either Pb or Cs radioisotopic geochronologies | Core Section Interval data are derived from sectioned core intervals (typically 1 – 2 cm thick) | SETMH data are derived from a measurement of the thickness of sediment above a marker horizon (typically clay) the accumulated over a known interval of time. | Geographic region where the data were collected | Latitude of sample collection | Longitude of sample collection | Source of coordinates | Abbreviation (first author's last name initial followed by year of publication) for to the publication in which the sediment accumulation rate data were originally reported (e.g., M17) followed by sample name/number as assigned in the publication (e.g., LJB) | Median value of maximum and minimum age of core section interval | Reported rate of sediment accumulation |
Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | Reference to the publication in which the sediment accumulation rate data were originally reported |
| Definition | Classification of soil/sediment subject to the analysis |
| Definition | Lump sum data are a single value representing the entire core interval analyzed using either Pb or Cs radioisotopic geochronologies |
| Definition | Core Section Interval data are derived from sectioned core intervals (typically 1 – 2 cm thick) |
| Definition | SETMH data are derived from a measurement of the thickness of sediment above a marker horizon (typically clay) the accumulated over a known interval of time. |
| Definition | Geographic region where the data were collected |
| | | Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | A | Definition | A = authors included specific coordinates in publication | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | E | Definition | E = authors includes sample location in a figure. Specific coordinates estimated by R. Parkinson | Source | |
| Definition | Abbreviation (first author's last name initial followed by year of publication) for to the publication in which the sediment accumulation rate data were originally reported (e.g., M17) followed by sample name/number as assigned in the publication (e.g., LJB) |
| Definition | Median value of maximum and minimum age of core section interval |
| Unit | millimeterPerYear | Type | real |