Between 1956 and 2014, precipitation was measured at Hubbard Brook by a network of 7 Belfort Universal Precipitation model 5-780 weighing recording rain gauges and 24 Standard U.S. Weather Bureau 8-inch rain gauges (Bailey et al. 2003, Campbell et al. 2007). Beginning in 2011, electronic NOAH IV Total Precipitation Gauges (ETI Instrument Systems, Inc.) were phased into operations, and the electronic gauges were the only instruments used from 2015 onwards. See provenance dataset hbr.13 for collection details.
From 1956 to 2014, the analog charts on the recording rain gauges were changed approximately weekly, at which time the accumulation in the standard rain gauges was measured. The daily recording rain gauge data and weekly standard rain gauge data were entered into the computer. Missing data were filled by estimation from other nearby gauges. A computer program used the recording gauge data to prorate the standard gauge data into daily amounts, and calculated daily precipitation on each gaged watershed by the Thiessen Mean weighting method (Linsley et al., 1958). A table of weighting values is included in the file thiessen_weights.csv.
Beginning in 2015, the daily weighted precipitation for each watershed was estimated with the electronic gauges deployed at only 10 sites. The weighted contribution of each gauge to each watershed was estimated with an Inverse Distance Weighting approach (Green et al. 2018), and the weights for the south- and north-facing watersheds are included in the files idw_weights_new_sfw.csv and idw_weights_nfw.csv.
Bailey, Amey S, J. W Hornbeck, John L Campbell, and C. Eagar. 2003. Hydrometeorological Database For Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest: 1955-2000. USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station.
Campbell, J.L., Driscoll, C.T., Eagar, C., Likens, G.E., Siccama, T.G., Johnson, C.E., Fahey, T.J., Hamburg, S.P., Holmes, R.T., Bailey, A.S., and Buso, D.C. 2007. Long-term trends from ecosystem research at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest. Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-17. 41 pp.Newtown Square, PA., U.S., USDA Forest Service Northeastern Research Station.
Linsley, Jr., R.K., Kohler, M.A., and Paulhus, J.L.H. 1958. Hydrology for Engineers. McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc.
Green, M.B., Campbell, J.L., Yanai, R.D., Bailey, S.W., Bailey, A.S., Grant, N., Halm, I., Kelsey, E.P. and Rustad, L.E., 2018. Downsizing a long-term precipitation network: Using a quantitative approach to inform difficult decisions. PLoS one, 13(5), p.e0195966.