In October 2010, we selected 20 independent plots (separated by
>300 m) 10 m diameter plots along an elevation gradient that
spanned 375 – 775 m asl. This gradient encompasses a range in mean
annual temperature of ~2.5 oC that is similar to the change projected
to occur with climate change over the next 50-100 years in
northeastern North America (Hayhoe et al., 2007). There was relatively
little variation in soil types with all plots being located on well to
moderately well-drained soils dominated by typic Haplorthods. The
vegetation in the plots was characteristic of northern hardwood
forests and was dominated by sugar maple (Acer saccharum) along the
gradient (Schwarz et al., 2003).
Samples were collected in November 2010, May 2011, Aug 2011, March
2012 and August 2012. Samples were collected with a split- PVC corer.
A split PVC corer consists of a piece of 2 inch (5 cm) PVC pipe, about
15-20 cm long, split lengthwise on both sides. The corer is actually
in two pieces. We put the corer together along the cuts, and duct-tape
one side -- the "hinge" side. Holding the corer firmly
together, we hammer it 10-15cm into the ground. The corer is removed
and then opened with the intact soil core inside. The soil is split
into three layers (Oi/Oe, Oa/A, and mineral horizons). Each horizon is
measured and placed into a sample bag. We typically collect 2-8 cores
per site, compositing all cores by horizon.
Oi and Oe horizons were composited into one sample, as were Oa and A
horizons. Mineral samples generally consist of the top 10 cm of
mineral soil beginning below the A horizon.
Samples were stored at 4oC between sampling
and analysis (from less than 1 week to up to three weeks). Soils were
manually homogenized: all large rocks, roots, and other non-decomposed
organic material were removed, and samples were thoroughly mixed. No
more than three minutes were spent homogenizing any sample. All
samples were held at field moisture before analysis. Soil water
content was determined gravimetrically.
Microbial biomass C and N content was measured using the chloroform
fumigation-incubation method (Jenkinson and Powlson 1976). Soils were
fumigated to kill and lyse microbial cells in the sample. The
fumigated sample was inoculated with fresh soil and sealed in a jar,
and microorganisms from the fresh soil grew vigorously using the
killed cells as substrate. The flushes of carbon dioxide
(CO2) and 2 M KCl extractable inorganic N
(NH4+ and NO3-) released
by the actively growing cells during a 10-day incubation at field
moisture content were assumed to be directly proportional to the
amount of C and N in the microbial biomass of the original sample. A
proportionality constant (0.41) was used to calculate biomass C from
the CO2 flush in the fumigated samples. Biomass
N is the total inorganic N flush in the fumigated samples.
Inorganic N and CO2 production were also
measured in "control" samples. Control samples were prepared
in the same fashion as those listed above, but were not fumigated.
These incubations provided estimates of microbial respiration and
potential net N mineralization and nitrification. Microbial
respiration was quantified from the amount of
CO2 evolved over the 10-day incubation.
Potential net N mineralization and nitrification were quantified from
the accumulation of NH4+ plus
NO3- and NO3- alone
during the 10-day incubation. We measured 2 M KCl extractable
inorganic N in the fresh soil samples to determine the initial soil
NO3- and NH4+
concentrations. Carbon dioxide was measured by thermal conductivity
gas chromatography. Inorganic N was measured colorometerically using
an autoanalyzer (Lachat Quikchem 8100).
Denitrification enzyme activity was measured using the short-term
anaerobic assay described by Smith and Tiedje (1979). Sieved soils
were amended with NO3- (100 mg N kg-1),
glucose (40 mg kg-1), chloramphenicol (10
mg kg-1) and acetylene (10 kPa) and were
incubated under anaerobic conditions for 90 minutes. Gas samples were
taken at 30 and 90 minutes, stored in evacuated glass tubes and
analyzed for N2O by electron capture gas
chromatography. For more information on any of the methods described
above, refer to Standard Soil Methods for Long-Term Ecological
Research (1999).
All results are expressed on a per gram of dry soil basis. Values can
be converted to a “per area” basis using data on the mass of different
soil horizons found elsewhere on the data page of this website.