Soil respiration was measured with an infrared gas analyzer system
(LI-8100A survey system; Li-Cor Biosciences, Lincoln, NE, USA).
Measurements were made approximately fortnightly between the hours of
10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. during the snow-free season. Two permanent
PVC soil collars (20 cm (8 inch) diameter) were positioned randomly in
four subplots within each plot (eight collars per plot). The rate of
soil C efflux was calculated based on the increase in chamber CO2
concentration over 2 min. Soil temperature was measured at 5 cm soil
depth using a soil probe for each reading. Additionally, measurements
of air temperature and relative humidity were made within the chamber.
The collar offset was measured to determine the headspace within the
For more information about the ice application and experimental design
see Campbell et al. (2020) and Rustad et al. (2020).
Campbell, J.L., Rustad, L.E., Driscoll, C.T., Halm, I., Fahey, T.J.,
Fakhraei, H., Groffman, P.M., Hawley, G.J., Leuenberger, W., Schaberg,
P.G. 2020. Simulating ice storm impacts on forest ecosystems.
Journal of Visualized Experiments (160), e61492,
doi:10.3791/61492 (2020).
Rustad, L., Campbell, J., Driscoll, C., Fahey, T., Groffman, P.,
Schaberg, P., Hawley, G., Halm, I., Bowles, F., Winant, G., Schwaner,
G., Leuenberger, W. 2020. A new experimental approach to evaluate
impacts of ice storms on northern forest ecosystems. PLoS
ONE 15: e0239619. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0239619.