| | | | | | | | | | | |
Column Name: | Site
| Project
| Year
| CollectionDate
| CollectionMonth
| Treatment
| Plot
| TreeID
| delta_18O
| delta_2H
| deuterium_excess
Definition: | Site of experiment (Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest – HBEF) | Climate Change Across Seasons Experiment (CCASE) | Year of sample collection (2018) | Date of sample collection | Month of sample collection | Treatment type representing ambient soil temperatures (reference), warmed in the growing season (warming) or warmed in the growing season with soil freeze/thaw cycles in winter (warm_FTC) | An integer representing plot number | An integer representing the tree number | Natural abundance branch xylem water 18O | Natural abundance branch xylem water 2H | Natural abundance branch xylem water deuterium- excess calculated from delta_18O and delta_2H values (deuterium-excess = H - 8 * O) |
Storage Type: | string
| string
| date
| date
| string
| string
| string
| string
| float
| float
| float
Measurement Type: | nominal | nominal | dateTime | dateTime | nominal | nominal | nominal | nominal | ratio | ratio | ratio |
Measurement Values Domain: | Definition | Site of experiment (Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest – HBEF) |
| Definition | Climate Change Across Seasons Experiment (CCASE) |
| | Format | YYYY-MM-DD | Precision | |
| Definition | Month of sample collection |
| Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain | | Code Definition | Code | warm_FTC | Definition | warmed in the growing season with soil freeze/thaw cycles in winter | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | reference | Definition | ambient soil temperatures | Source | |
| Code Definition | Code | warming | Definition | warmed in the growing season | Source | |
| Definition | An integer representing plot number |
| Definition | An integer representing the tree number |
| Unit | permil | Type | real | Min | -9.47 | Max | 2.01 |
| Unit | permil | Type | real | Min | -70.72 | Max | -22.18 |
| Unit | permil | Type | real | Min | -38.23 | Max | 16.88 |
Missing Value Code: | | | | | | | | | Code | NA | Expl | data not available |
| Code | NA | Expl | data not available |
| Code | NA | Expl | data not available |
Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | |
Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | |
Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | |
Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | |