We collected branch xylem samples on three days that represented the
early (June 11), peak (July 9), and late (August 16) growing season in
2018. For the trees, branch xylem water from a 2-5 cm long excised
branch xylem sample from each of three mature red maple trees in each
plot (n = 18 trees on each sampling day) was sampled between hours
07:00 and 12:00. Samples were taken by shooting down sunlit branches
with a shotgun and taking subsamples with clippers. The samples were
immediately placed in airtight scintillation vials and stored in a
cooler to avoid evaporation. Once in the laboratory, all samples were
frozen until analysis.
Water from branch xylem was extracted using a cryogenic vacuum
distillation system at the Boston University Stable Isotope Lab
(Boston, MA, USA). The extraction time was approximately 60 minutes
for branch xylem samples. All branch xylem samples were analyzed for
stable isotopic composition using a Liquid Isotope Water Analyzer
(LIWA) cavity ringdown spectrometer (Model DLT-100; Los Gatos
Research, Mountain View, CA, USA) at Plymouth State University
(Plymouth, NH, USA). For each date, the stable isotope ratios of
hydrogen and oxygen in each water sample were determined and expressed
in standard delta notation (δ2H and
δ18O, respectively, permil). Deuterium
excess (deuterium-excess = δ2H
- 8 * δ18O;
Dansgaard, 1964) was calculated for all branch xylem water samples. We
corrected for narrow and broadband spectral interference due to the
presence of organic compounds using the LGR-SCI software (Version; Schultz et al., 2011).
Dansgaard, W., 1964. Stable isotopes in precipitation. Tellus 16,
436–468. https://doi.org/10.3402/tellusa.v16i4.8993
Schultz, N.M., Griffis, T.J., Lee, X., Baker, J.M., 2011.
Identification and correction of spectral contamination in 2H/ 1H and
18O/ 16O measured in leaf, stem, and soil water. Rapid Commun. Mass
Spectrom. 25, 3360–3368. https://doi.org/10.1002/rcm.5236