Data were collected using a ground-based portable canopy lidar (PCL)
system (Parker et al. 2004). The PCL is based on an upward looking,
near infrared pulsed-laser operating at 2000 Hz (model LD90-
3100VHS-FLP; Riegl USA, Inc., Orlando, Florida, USA). Our system was
mounted on a portable frame worn by the operator and positioned at
1.05m above the ground surface. The high sampling rate relative to the
operator’s walking speed allows the system to record vegetative
surfaces distributed at all heights throughout the canopy with high
spatial resolution. Data were collected during the growing season in
August of each year (2015-2020) along 5 permanently marked 30 m
transects per plot spaced 5m apart. The first year of collection
(2015) represents pre-treatment conditions and all others were
collected following the treatment in winter 2016. In each plot,
Transect 1 originated from the Southeast corner of the plot and the
user traversed T1 in an E-W (plots 2, 6) or S-N (Plots 1, 3-5, 7-10)
direction depending on plot orientation. Transect travel direction
then alternated (i.e., T2 W-E or N-S, T3 E-W or S-N, etc.). Transects
1 and 5 border the edge of the entire 30 x 20 m ISE plot, while
Transects 2 and 4 border the interior 20 x 10 m “intensive” plot. For
analysis published in Fahey et al. (2020) raw PCL transect data were
processed using the forestr package in R (Atkins
et al. 2018). In the forestr algorithm, PCL
returns are binned into 1 m2 bins with
light saturation corrections made based on LiDAR return density. A
suite of canopy structure metrics are then calculated that describe a
variety of canopy structure metrics focused on the density,
distribution, and variance of LiDAR returns along the horizontal and
vertical axes of the 2D plane that transects the canopy ( Atkins et
al. 2018).
Each file in the .zip archive is a comma-separated 2-column file. The
columns are:
return_height meters above user height (1.05m) of return units=meters
return_intensity intensity of laser return units=unitless (0-256)