| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Column Name: | DATE
| Z
| Ca
| Mg
| K
| Na
| NH4
| pH
| SO4
| NO3
| Cl
| PO4
| SiO2
| DO
| SpCond
Definition: | Sample date | Depth in meters. All values are negative or zero as they represent a z-index below the lake surface. | calcium concentration in mg/L | magnesium concentration in mg/L | potassium concentration in mg/L | sodium concentration in mg/L | ammonium concentration in mg/L | pH | sulfate concentration in mg/L | nitrate concentration in mg/L | chloride concentration in mg/L | phosphate concentration in mg/L (soluble-reactive phosphate) | silica concentration in mg/L (measured as silicate) | acid neutralizing capacity in microequivalents/L | dissolved inorganic carbon in umoles/L | dissolved oyxgen in mg/L | temperature in degrees C | specific conductance corrected to 25C |
Storage Type: | date
| float
| float
| float
| float
| float
| float
| float
| float
| float
| float
| float
| float
| float
| float
| float
| float
| float
Measurement Type: | dateTime | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio | ratio |
Measurement Values Domain: | | Unit | meter | Type | real | Min | -10 | Max | 10 |
| Unit | milligramPerLiter | Type | real | Min | 0.04 | Max | 4.96 |
| Unit | milligramPerLiter | Type | real | Min | 0.01 | Max | 0.82 |
| Unit | milligramPerLiter | Type | real | Min | 0.01 | Max | 0.75 |
| Unit | milligramPerLiter | Type | real | Min | 0.01 | Max | 5.07 |
| Unit | milligramPerLiter | Type | real | Min | 0.005 | Max | 0.77 |
| Unit | dimensionless | Type | real | Min | 3.8 | Max | 7.42 |
| Unit | milligramPerLiter | Type | real | Min | 0.05 | Max | 16.2 |
| Unit | milligramPerLiter | Type | real | Min | 0.01 | Max | 2.39 |
| Unit | milligramPerLiter | Type | real | Min | 0.33 | Max | 9.1 |
| Unit | milligramPerLiter | Type | real | Min | 5e-04 | Max | 5 |
| Unit | milligramPerLiter | Type | real | Min | 0.1 | Max | 7.5 |
| Unit | microequivalentPerLiter | Type | real | Min | -16.1 | Max | 524 |
| Unit | micromolePerLiter | Type | natural | Min | 29 | Max | 1139 |
| Unit | milligramPerLiter | Type | real | Min | 0 | Max | 17 |
| Unit | celsius | Type | real | Min | 0.1 | Max | 27.8 |
| Unit | microSiemenPerCentimeter | Type | real | Min | 2.4 | Max | 73 |
Missing Value Code: | | | Code | -3 | Expl | Data missing or not taken at this time |
| Code | -3 | Expl | Data missing or not taken at this time |
| Code | -3 | Expl | Data missing or not taken at this time |
| Code | -3 | Expl | Data missing or not taken at this time |
| Code | -3 | Expl | Data missing or not taken at this time |
| Code | -3 | Expl | Data missing or not taken at this time |
| Code | -3 | Expl | Data missing or not taken at this time |
| Code | -3 | Expl | Data missing or not taken at this time |
| Code | -3 | Expl | Data missing or not taken at this time |
| Code | -3 | Expl | Data missing or not taken at this time |
| Code | -3 | Expl | Data missing or not taken at this time |
| Code | -3 | Expl | Data missing or not taken at this time |
| Code | -3 | Expl | Data missing or not taken at this time |
| Code | -3 | Expl | Data missing or not taken at this time |
| Code | -3 | Expl | Data missing or not taken at this time |
| Code | -3 | Expl | Data missing or not taken at this time |
Accuracy Report: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Accuracy Assessment: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Coverage: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Methods: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |