Survey responses were collected between January 22, 2020 and May
31, 2021. Most of the surveys were administered in person at the
2020 Southwest Beef Symposium in Amarillo, TX. The survey was also
made available online and an additional few responses were
collected through the online survey. In total, 51 surveys were
returned, of which 43 were used in our analysis. During an initial
quality control review, two surveys were found to be somewhat
questionable (e.g., incongruent answers, more than one mutually
exclusive option selected) and it was determined they could not be
relied upon; thus they were excluded. Another 6 respondents
reported that they do not currently raise cattle (although at
least one indicated that they had in the past) and these were also
excluded from the main analysis. Their opinions about barriers to
novel strategy adoption, however, were retained and reported
separately to project researchers for consideration. All survey
responses were aggregated to preserve respondent anonymity.
Fill-in-the-blank answers were used to create additional
categories if needed (as in the case of other breeds raised), or
were generalized and reported in natural groupings (as in the case
of suggested barriers to adoption of precision ranching
See the file Baseline_Producer_Rancher_Survey_2020-01-10.pdf for a
copy of the survey administered in-person, and Producer_Rancher
Survey_online_version.pdf for the survey that was subsequently
administered online.