This study was conducted on lands managed by the Chihuahuan Desert
Rangeland Research Center (CDRRC) and the Jornada Experimental Range
(JER). Runoff plots were located in 3 areas of creosotebush and two
areas of black grama (Bouteloua eriopoda) grassland. The creosotebush
site is located on the Jornada LTER exclosure at Mt. Summerford and is
dominated by Larrea tridentata. This site contains termite treated
plots (C-TERM, “T” 1-5), non-treated control plots (C-TERM, “C” 1-4),
and caliche layer plots (C-CALI “K”, 1-4). C-TERM “T” plots were
treated with chlordane to remove termites. Grassland site, G-SUMM
(”S”) contained 4 plots and is located on the alluvial piedmont of
Mount Summerford, where runoff drains eastward. The second grassland
site (G-IBPE, “I” plots 1-4) were located to the north of Mt.
Summerford at the IBP (International Biosphere Project) grassland
Each plot was 2 × 2 square meters and surrounded on 3 sides by a metal
frame that prevented overland flow from crossing the area of study.
Overland flow generated by precipitation falling on the plot itself
was collected along the downslope edge using a 10-cm diameter PVC pipe
split lengthwise to channel the discharge into collection buckets.
Runoff from small events was collected in a 19-liter bucket; runoff
from larger events that overflowed this bucket were collected into a
subtending 120-liter tub. After each rainfall, a sample of the
supernate solution is taken from the carboy, preserved with
phenylmercuric acetate (PMA) and shipped to Duke University for
analysis. The volume of the remaining runoff solution is measured, and
the mass of sediment and suspended solids is estimated and recorded in
other data sets (Bolton and Ward). At Duke University each sample is
filtered through a 0.45 millipore filter and analyzed for F, Cl, NO3,
SO4 by ion chromatography, NH4 by auto analyzer, Ca, Mg, Na, K by
atomic absorption spectrophotometry, and total N and P by autoanalyzer
following persulvated digestion (D'Elia et al. 1977, Limnology and
Oceanography 22:760-764). Beginning in 1990, samples were centrifuged
at New Mexico State University before shipment to Duke.
The data set includes the date of collection, plot IDs, total volume,
and the amount of F, Cl, NO3, SO4, NH4, Ca, Mg, Na, K, total N, and
total P (mg/L). This study began in June 1988 and was completed in
September 1990.
The attached “Hydrology_prog.txt” text file provides more details on
equipment, procedures, and history of the experiment.