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Monthly graduated rain guage (GRG) precipitation at 15 NPP sites at the Jornada Experimental Range,1989-2019

General Information
Data Package:
Local Identifier:knb-lter-jrn.210002001.2
Title:Monthly graduated rain guage (GRG) precipitation at 15 NPP sites at the Jornada Experimental Range,1989-2019
Alternate Identifier:DOI PLACE HOLDER

A 4" diameter cylindric graduated rain gage (11" x 0.01" capacity) is mounted on a 4x4 inch diameter redwood post or on a wooden exclosure post next to gate at or near the 15 LTER-II NPP sites. Collection is made monthly on the day that monthly soil water content measurements are made to correlate precipitation input with belowground water content. Data is collected primarily from graduated rain gauges. However, when missing data would result otherwise, amounts from the closest rain gauge are used in order to maintain as complete a data set as possible for that site. The rain gauge used is identified with each rainfall record. Other types that may be used are the Standard Can Gauge (DSRG or dipstick rain gauge), Belfort Weigh Bucket Rain Gauge (WBRG), and Qualimetrics Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge (TBRG). Data is collected twice a month and merged to obtain a monthly estimate. Data collection is ongoing.

Publication Date:2019-05-17

Time Period

People and Organizations
Contact:Anderson, John  [  email ]
Contact:Maurer, Greg  [  email ]
Creator:Huenneke, Laura 
Associate:Jornada Basin LTER

Data Entities
Data Table Name:
Montly graduated rain gauge (GRG) precipitation data from 15 NPP sites at the Jornada Experimental Range, collected primarily using graduated rain gauges.
Montly graduated rain gauge (GRG) precipitation data from 15 NPP sites at the Jornada Experimental Range, collected primarily using graduated rain gauges.
Detailed Metadata

Data Entities

Data Table

Name:Montly graduated rain gauge (GRG) precipitation data from 15 NPP sites at the Jornada Experimental Range, collected primarily using graduated rain gauges.
Description:Montly graduated rain gauge (GRG) precipitation data from 15 NPP sites at the Jornada Experimental Range, collected primarily using graduated rain gauges.
Number of Records:7998
Number of Columns:12

Table Structure
Object Name:Jornada_002001_npp_precipitation_graduated_raingauge_monthly_data.csv
Size:796274 byte
Authentication:ed818ec12ca2fee0c7f0b3f1240c9bc2 Calculated By MD5
Text Format:
Number of Header Lines:1
Record Delimiter:\r\n
Simple Delimited:
Field Delimiter:,

Table Column Descriptions
Column Name:date  
Definition:Collection date for gauge type GRG and DSRG Event date for WBRG and TBRGvegetation zone coderesearch site codeprecipitation total (mm) since last datepreecipitation total (in) since last datedata quality flaglocation of gagegauge identificationgage typemeasurement unit of rain gaugeownercomment
Storage Type:date  
Measurement Type:dateTimenominalnominalratiorationominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominalnominal
Measurement Values Domain:
Allowed Values and Definitions
Enumerated Domain 
Code Definition
Definitioncreosotebush vegetation zone
Code Definition
Definitionplaya vegetation zone
Code Definition
Definitiongrassland vegetation zone
Code Definition
Definitionmesquite dune vegetation zone
Code Definition
Definitiontarbush vegetation zone
Allowed Values and Definitions
Enumerated Domain 
Code Definition
Definitiongravel, creosotebush site
Code Definition
Definitionsmall, playa site (=Vine-Mesquite Playa)
Code Definition
Definitionsand, creosotebush site
Code Definition
DefinitionIBP exclosure, grassland site
Code Definition
DefinitionNorth USDA natural vegetation exclosure, mesquite site
Code Definition
DefinitionRabbing rain gauge, mesquite site
Code Definition
DefinitionWest well, mesquite site
Code Definition
DefinitionEast, tarbush site
Code Definition
DefinitionTaylor well, tarbush site
Code Definition
DefinitionWest, tarbush site
Code Definition
DefinitionTobosa tank, playa site
Code Definition
Definitioncaliche, creosotebusy site
Code Definition
DefinitionMt. Summerford, grassland site
Code Definition
Definitionbasin slope, grassland site
Code Definition
Definitioncollege playa
Code Definition
Code Definition
Allowed Values and Definitions
Enumerated Domain 
Code Definition
Definitionsee comment in history file
Code Definition
Code Definition
Definitionestimated value
Code Definition
Definitionsee comment
Code Definition
Code Definition
Definitionquestionable value
Code Definition
Definitionno problem
Definitionlocation of gage
Definitiongauge identification
Allowed Values and Definitions
Enumerated Domain 
Code Definition
Definitiongraduated rain gauge
Code Definition
Definitiondipstick rainge gauge
Code Definition
Definitionweather measure/qualitymetrics tippinb bucket rain gauge
Code Definition
DefinitionBelfort weight bucket rain gauge
Allowed Values and Definitions
Enumerated Domain 
Code Definition
Code Definition
Allowed Values and Definitions
Enumerated Domain 
Code Definition
DefinitionNMSU Chihuhuan Desert Rangeland Research Center
Code Definition
DefinitionJornada Basin LTER
Code Definition
DefinitionUSDA Experimental Range
Missing Value Code:      
Explno measurement taken
Explno measurement taken
Accuracy Report:                        
Accuracy Assessment:                        

Data Package Usage Rights

This data package is released to the “public domain” under Creative Commons CC0 1.0 “No Rights Reserved” (see: It is considered professional etiquette to provide attribution of the original work if this data package is shared in whole or by individual components. A generic citation is provided for this data package on the website (herein “website”) in the summary metadata page. Communication (and collaboration) with the creators of this data package is recommended to prevent duplicate research or publication. This data package (and its components) is made available “as is” and with no warranty of accuracy or fitness for use. The creators of this data package and the website shall not be liable for any damages resulting from misinterpretation or misuse of the data package or its components. Periodic updates of this data package may be available from the website. Thank you.


By Thesaurus:
Research NetworksLTAR, LTER
LTER Core AreasDisturbance
Jornada Data CategoryClimate
Jornada Dataset Keywordsgraduated rain gauge, GRG, NPP site, precipitation, rainfall
Dataset Statusongoing
Research AreaClimate, Soils, and Atmosphere
LTER Controlled Vocabularyprecipitation

Methods and Protocols

These methods, instrumentation and/or protocols apply to all data in this dataset:

Methods and protocols used in the collection of this data package

GRG value recorded on TBRG recorder chart and data sheets at hydrology plots. Beginning July 1990, on probe field data sheet. Monthly collections recorded on field data sheets. TBRG Long Term Event Recorder - continuous strip charts. Data transferred to data sheets. WBRG weighing bucket rain gage - weekly drum charts DSRG dip stick rain gage (standard can gage) - field data sheets Type of rain gage identified in dataset is described below: C-CALI G=LTER Graduated Rain Gage located at C-CALI LTER-II NPP site about 30 meters upslope of C-CALI NPP site. Precip total is accumulation since last recorded date. Installed 07/03/1989. C-GRAV D=Dipstick rain gage belonging to NMSU College Ranch. Data obtained from Rob McNeely, 505-646-1640 of NMSU Animal & Range Science Dept. Alternate contact: Dr. Reldon Beck. Gage I.D. is East Mountain South. Precip total is accumulation since last recorded date. G=LTER Graduated Rain Gage located at C-GRAV LTER-II NPP site about 10 meters upslope of southwest corner of NPP site. Precip total is accumulation since last recorded date. Installed 01/20/1990. C-SAND G=LTER Graduated Rain Gage located at LTER C-UPTR (Upper Trailer) site about 500 meters southwest of C-SAND NPP site. Precip total is accumulation since last recorded date. Data begins 01/04/1989. GRG installed 04/03/1998 on north side of NPP site. G-BASN G=LTER Graduated Rain Gage located at LTER-II G-BASN site on fence post by gate 200 meters downslope of G-BASN NPP site. Precip total is accumulation since last recorded date. Installed 01/15/1990. G-IBPE G=LTER Graduated Rain Gage located at G-IBPE LTER-II Hydrology Runoff plots (installed 07/03/1989) about 30 meters upslope of southwest corner of IBP exclosure in USDA Pasture 9. Precip total is accumulation since last recorded date. Moved to south side of NPP plot 04/27/1998. T=Tipping Bucket Rain Gage located in LTER-II Hydrology Runoff plot exclosure about 30 meters upslope of southwest corner of IBP exclosure in USDA Pasture 9. W=USDA-IBP rain gage #18. USDA weighing bucket rain gage located at southeast corner of IBP exlosure in Pasture 9. Precip total is accumulation since last recorded date. G-SUMM G=LTER Graduated Rain Gage located from 1) 1989-1995 at G-SUMM LTER-II Hydrology Runoff plots about 280 meters southwest of G-SUMM NPP site about 20 meters upslope from powerline road. Installed 07/03/1989. 2) 1996-present about 10 meters northwest of G-SUMM NPP site. Moved here December 1996. Precip total is accumulation since last recorded date. M-NORT D=USDA Rabbit Rain Gage (standard can gage) located about 1.5 miles southwest of M-NORT NPP site along road between USDA Headquarters and West Well. G=LTER Graduated Rain Gage located on fence post of Natural Revegetation Exclosure about 100 meters east of LTER M-NORT NPP site. Installed 01/16/1990. Precip total is accumulation since last recorded date. M-RABB D=USDA Rabbit Rain Gage (standard can gage) located about 500 meters southwest of M-RABB NPP site along road between USDA Headquarters and West Well. G=LTER Graduated Rain Gage located on post just inside of Natural Revegetation Exclosure about 20 meters southwest of LTER M-RABB NPP site. Precip total is accumulation since last recorded date. Installed 01/07/1991. W=USDA rain gage #18. USDA weighing bucket rain gage located at Rabbit Rain Gauge station along road between USDA HEadquarters and West Well. Precip total is accumulation since last recorded date. M-WELL W=USDA West Well rain gage. USDA weighing bucket rain gage located at West Well 6.4 miles west of USDA Headquarters. Precip total is accumulation since last recorded date. G=LTER Graduated Rain Gage located on post of M-WELL NPP site exclosure about 150 meters west of USDA West Well. Precip total is accumulation since last recorded date. Installed 01/16/1990. P-COLL G-BASN GRG used for P-COLL from 01/15/1990 until GRG was installed 03/11/1998 at P-COLL. P-COLL GRG is located about 25 meters east of LTER-I Treatment transect in the mesquite fringe of the College Playa. Precip total is accumulation since last recorded date. P-SMAL D=Dipstick rain gage (standard can gage) belonging to NMSU College Ranch. Data obtained from Rob McNeely, 505-646-1640 of NMSU Animal & Range Science Dept. Alternate contact: Dr. Reldon Beck. Gage I.D. is Vine Mesquite Playa. Precip total is accumulation since last recorded date. G=LTER Graduated Rain Gage located at P-SMAL LTER-II NPP site in the southeast corner of the P-SMAL NPP site exclosure. Precip total is accumulation since last recorded date. Installed 01/16/1990. P-TOBO D=USDA standard can rain gage at Northeast Exclosure. Precip total is accumulation since last recorded date. G=LTER Graduated Rain Gage located on gate post of LTER P-TOBO NPP site. Installed 01/17/1990. Precip total is accumulation since last recorded date. W=USDA rain gage #30. USDA weighing bucket rain gage located at USDA Northeast Exlosure. Precip total is accumulation since last recorded date. T-TAYL WW=USDA weighing bucket rain gage at USDA-REP-2, West Exclosure, Gage #51, 1.1 mi west of T-TAYL NPP site. Precip total is accumulation since last recorded date. EW=USDA weighing bucket rain gage at USDA-REP-2, East Exclosure, Gage #50, 0.35mi west of T-TAYL NPP site. Precip total is accumulation since last recorded date. G=LTER Graduated Rain Gage located on gate post of LTER T-TAYL NPP site. Installed 01/05/1990. Precip total is accumulation since last recorded date. T-WEST SW=USDA weighing bucket rain gage at USDA-REP-1, South Exclosure, Gage #53, 0.3 mi north of T-WEST NPP site and about 250 meters NW of T-EAST. Precip total is accumulation since last recorded date. NW=USDA weighing bucket rain gage at USDA-REP-1, North Exclosure, Gage #52, 1.0 mi north of T-WEST and about 0.8 mi NW of T-EAST. Precip total is accumulation since last recorded date. G=LTER Graduated Rain Gage located on gate post of LTER T-WEST NPP site. Installed 01/05/1990. Precip total is accumulation since last recorded date. T-EAST See T-WEST. The same gages are used. Graduated rain gage at T-EAST installed 04/03/1998.

Volumes are measured monthly from 4" diameter cylindrical graduated rain gages (GRG) in conjuction with the monthly measurement of soil water content made at the 15 NPP sites. Mineral oil is added as necessary to prevent evaporation. Mineral oil is only used in GRG type of rain gauge. Aluminum window screening is placed in top of GRG's to prevent insects and debri from becoming trapped in mineral oil & water which would otherwise distort the amount collected. See SITE INFORMATION above for location of GRG's. The GRG's at C-UPTR, C-CALI, G-IBPE, and G-SUMM were originally associated with hydrology natural runoff plots. The volumes in these 4 gages were measured whenever the hydrology plots were collected. The hydrology plot study terminated in November 1994. The GRG gage at C-UPTR was read weekly for many years before changing to monthly collection. For periods of missing data, data from various rain gages (used nearest gage to NPP site) operated by LTER, NMSU Animal & Range Science (formerly named College Ranch, now Chihuahuan Desert Research Center (CDRRC)), or the USDA Jornada Experimental Range (JER) may have been used. The gage used is indicated within the data set and its description given. Typically, for missing data, the amount is obtained from nearest Standard Can Gage maintained by either JER or CDRRC. These Standard Can Gages (sometimes referred to as "dipstick rain gages) do not use anything to prevent evaporation. CDRRC gages are usually read after a precipitation event. JER gages are read once a week. GRG used for totals if possible. If not, the next closest rain gage is used. Precip is total since last date. GRGs are at all NPP sites now. Initially, G-BASN rainfall was used for P-COLL and T-WEST was used for T-EAST (which are within a few hundred meters of the other site). Time of collection is monthly for each site in association with the soil water content measurements made at the 15 NPP sites, though there may be more frequent collections for those 4 sites mentioned above that are associated with hydrology natural run-off plots; they are collected whenever a run-off event occurs. Also, frequency may vary when obtaining data for missing GRG periods. Interpretation of gages used: TBRG at C-UPTR, C-CALI, G-SUMM, G-IBPE: tipping bucket rain gage is linked to Belfort long term event recorder, which continually records precipitation events. Chart reflects amount, duration/intensity, and day/time of event. GRG are at all NPP sites. Time of collection is monthly for each site in association with the soil water content measurements made at the 15 NPP sites, though may be more frequent collections for those 4 sites mentioned above that are associated with hydrology plots; they are collected whenever a run-off event occurs. 03/11/1998 Initial installation of GRG at P-COLL. Used G-BASN GRG before. 04/03/1998 Initial installation of GRG at C-SAND. Used C-UPTR GRG before. 04/03/1998 Initial installation of GRG at T-EAST. Used T-WEST GRG before. USDA WBRG and/or DSRG volumes from Rabbit Rain Gage may have been used for M-RABB during certain periods. Animal & Range Science (College Ranch) DSRG (DSRG=east mountain south gage) may have been used for C-GRAV during certain periods. Animal & Range Science (College Ranch) DSRG (DSRG=vine mesquite gage) may have been used for P-SMAL during certain periods. A macro within the Quattro Pro file, NPP_GRG.WB1, is used to enter and maintain the data in spreadsheet format. This data is then output to the ascii file, NPP_GRG.RAW. Data processing: 1. Macro autoloads into data entry screen when NPP_GRG.WB1 in Quattro Pro for Windows (version 5) is opened. 2. Enter data from Probe Field Data sheet. 3. Execute macro after data entry to output data to text file called NPP_GRG.RAW which includes all data columns. 4. Edit NPP_GRG.RAW. Keep data, time, amount, gauge columns and save as NPP_GRG.DAT. 5. Update NPP_GRG.DBF. Use TEMP_GRG.DBF, then replace NPP_GRG.DBF. NOTE: ALT-M to bring up macro menu with options. CTL-BREAK to exit macro at any time. Beginning 10/7/2011: KeysPunch Data Entry software program is used to enter and verify the data through double entry. Additional validation checks are made during data entry. These fields are autogenerated cased on the site: loc_gage, id_gage, type, gu, ownr.

Quality Control:

Recorded in inches. Converted to millimeters within spreadsheet, database, or KeyesPunch data entry program.

People and Organizations

Individual: Laura Huenneke
Individual: John Anderson
Email Address:
Individual: Greg Maurer
Email Address:
Associated Parties:
Individual: Jornada Basin LTER
Email Address:

Temporal, Geographic and Taxonomic Coverage

Temporal, Geographic and/or Taxonomic information that applies to all data in this dataset:

Time Period
Geographic Region:
Description:North America and Europe
Bounding Coordinates:
Northern:  69.0Southern:  28.38
Western:  -119.95Eastern:  28.53
Geographic Region:
Description:Bounding box around NPP sites
Bounding Coordinates:
Northern:  32.669Southern:  32.488
Western:  -106.865Eastern:  -106.713




Additional Info

Additional Information:

Our study site is located in the northern Chihuahuan Desert, approximately 25 km northeast of Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA (+32.6 N, -106.7 W, elevation 1315 m). Annual precipitation is 24 cm and maximum temperatures average 13 C in January and 36 C in June. Our study site includes the 78,000 ha Jornada Experimental Range operated by the USDA Agricultural Research Service (, and the 22,000 ha Chihuahuan Desert Rangeland Research Center (CDRRC, operated by New Mexico State University ( "),

Gages are located at C-CALI, C-GRAV, C-SAND, C-UPTR (Upper Trailer), G-BASN, G-IBPE, G-SUMM, M-RABB, M-NORT, M-WELL, P-COLL, P-SMAL, P-TOBO, T-EAST, T-TAYL, and T-WEST sites. Where dominate Vegetation Zone is C = creosotebush zone, G = grassland zone, M = mesquite dune zone, P = playa zone, and T = tarbush zone Where SITE within Zone is Zone Site C CALI = caliche site C GRAV = gravel site C SAND = sand site, UPTR = Upper Trailer site (not an NPP site) G BASN = basin slope site G IBPE = IBP exclosure site G SUMM = Mt. Summerford site M NORT = north nat'l veg excl site M RABB = rabbit rain gage site M WELL = West Well site P COLL = College Ranch playa site P SMAL = small playa site P TOBO = Tobosa Tank playa site T EAST = east site T TAYL = Taylor Well site T WEST = west site Also see "Methods of recording" above. Coordinates: NPP Graduated Raingage locations in UTM, NAD27 Zone,Site,X,Y,Z C CALI 331251.44,3598410.31,1376.12 C GRAV 332696.56,3595875.42,1377.44 C SAND 331317.95,3598504.41 P COLL 331907.99,3600758.48 P SMAL 325260.38,3601693.42,1323.57 P TOBO 333937.59,3615657.48,1315.14 M NORT 332468.56,3610284.50,1325.99 M RABB 331478.60,3609354.55,1324.69 M WELL 326358.06,3608904.00,1323.43 C UTRL 331855.21,3598375.30,1366.59 T EAST 336501.78,3598722.60 T TAYL 339384.80,3602530.75,1319.50 T WEST 336253.17,3598375.12,1313.39 G BASN 332379.52,3600503.58,1317.06 G IBPE 326814.79,3606718.51,1324.73 G SUMM 330851.73,3598639.32,1387.21 Coordinates are for a point within 25 meters of gauge except that P COLL is for a point within 10 meters.

Data are collected montly or semi-monthly and combined for a monthly estimate. When available, missing data may be replaced by rain data from another type of rain gauge located near the original which may be measured at different intervals. Date of collection or measurement is always given and gauge identified.

Other Metadata

EDI is a collaboration between the University of New Mexico and the University of Wisconsin – Madison, Center for Limnology:

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